subpoenaSubpoena, see also Summons
Attorneys representing criminal defendants: power to issue subpoenas -  AB142
substitution of judgeSubstitution of judge, see Judge
suicideSuicide, see Death
summonsSummons, see also Subpoena
Summons by certain nonresidents permitted -  AB568
sunsetSunset, see also specific subject
Alternate method of complying with recycling requirements: pilot program sunset extended -  AB295
CWD eradication zone: sunset on shooting wild animals from certain vehicles repealed -  AB994
Environmental Improvement Program and Environmental Results Program created; provisions re audits, incentives, immunity from civil liability, and access to certain information; penalty and sunset provided -  AB228
Farmland preservation claims sunset [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec.1583p, 1731ec-n] -  SB44
Halfway houses for nonviolent offenders: program created, sunset provided [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 439g, r, 1189g, r, 2485g, r, 9410 (1q); S.Amdt.121: purchase of services, 439t, w, deletes 439g, r] -  SB44
Land Information Board and Wisconsin Land Council continued, sunset date extended; report provisions retained [Sec. 147, 148, 2809, 2811-2813; S.Sub.Amdt.1: technical changes, lapse of land recording fee revenue, comprehensive planning grant elements, 98e, 230b, c, 1533d, 9201 (1q)]  - SB44
Local levy limits created; referendum provision; sunset provided [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 943m, 1532m]  - SB44
Oversize or overweight vehicle permit fee increases: sunset date delayed [Sec. 2594-2603] -  SB44
School aid appropriation funded from the transportation fund [Sec. 8, 173, 179, 353, 852, 2007, 2033, 2034, 2036-2039; S.Sub.Amdt.1: transportation aid funding on one-time basis only for 2003-05 biennium, 8m, 173m, 179m, 353m, 852m, 2007m, 2033m, 2034m, 2036m, 2037m, 2038m, 2039m, 9441 (1f)] -  SB44
State Fair Park Board: sunset on legislative membership eliminated -  AB39
State Fair Park Board: sunset on legislative membership eliminated -  SB30
TID expenditure deadline extended for certain city; DOR and boundary provisions [S.Amdt.1: sunset provision]  - SB188
Trauma Advisory Council termination eliminated -  AB281
Trauma Advisory Council termination eliminated -  SB115
Vehicle environmental impact fee increased; sunset removed [Sec. 2519; S.Sub.Amdt.1: fee increase removed, sunset date extended] -  SB44
Wireless 911 service: surcharge on customers and grants to wireless providers; PSC duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, DEG duties specified; A.Amdt.2 to A.Sub.Amdt.2: wireless telephone handset donations to women's shelters; S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, women's shelter provision removed, Land Information Board provision]  - AB61
supervised releaseSupervised release, see Sex crimes
supplemental security income _ssi_Supplemental security income (SSI), see Public assistance
support of dependentsSupport of dependents, see Family — Support
Appropriations for circuit courts, courts of appeals, and supreme court: chief justice lapse of funds [Sec. 9248 (1)]  - SB44
Court fee increases [Sec. 2690, 2708-2710, 9308 (2), 9348 (1)]  - SB44
Court interpreter training and certification: appropriation created [Sec. 653, 2722] -  SB44
Rules of appellate procedure revised re review of orders denying certain motions, petitions for review, integrated appeal procedures for certain appeals, and postdisposition relief in cases involving commitment of sexually violent persons  - SB364
Supreme court authorized to temporarily assign a judge of the court of appeals re the judicial business of the supreme court; constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR44
Supreme court justices appointed by Governor: Senate confirmation required and restriction on holding another office of public trust. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR16
WRS participation of supreme court justices, court of appeals judges, circuit judges, and state elected officials limited - SB91
surveying and surveyorsSurveying and surveyors
Counties allowed to elect or appoint certain county officers; appointment to vacancies revised. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR15
Surveys, landmarks, and monuments: laws governing modified -  SB464
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR10
symbolSymbol, see specific subject
symbols, nationalSymbols, National
Flag of the U.S.: penalty created for damage to with intent to cause violence or breach of peace - AB157
Flag of the U.S.: preventing display by condominium owner by adoption of bylaw or rule or inclusion in declaration prohibited - AB354
STH 35 designated and marked ``Way of the American Eagle Highway"; any group using an American Eagle logo encouraged to participate in adopt-a-highway program [deleted by A.Amdt.1] -  SB46
U.S., state, MIA/POW, and military services flags and certain accessories: sales and use tax exemptions created  - SB208
symbols, stateSymbols, State
Cranberry designated as the state fruit; Blue Book provision  - AB679
State automotive museum: Wisconsin Automotive Museum in City of Hartford designated as - SB468
State Flagship: S/V Denis Sullivan, a three-masted schooner, designated as; Blue Book provision  - AB770
U.S., state, MIA/POW, and military services flags and certain accessories: sales and use tax exemptions created  - SB208
Wisconsin state grass designated; Blue Book provision  - AB160
t - T -
tanf _temporary assistance for needy families_TANF (Temporary assistance for needy families), see Public assistance
tanning boothTanning booth, see Cosmetology
tax appeals commissionTax appeals commission
Decision making by commissioners specified; nonstatutory moratorium on appointment to fill vacancy [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1614b, d, 9145 (1f)] -  SB44
Delinquent taxpayer accounts: DOR required to prepare and maintain list and post certain names on the Internet; exceptions and Tax Appeals Commission provisions  - AB473
Tax appeals commission eliminated and replaced with the Office of the commissioner of tax appeals [Sec. 76, 88, 89, 278, 726, 1528, 1538, 1540, 1542, 1545-1557, 1565, 1572, 1573, 1590-1598, 1600, 1601, 1608-1619, 1622-1625, 1639, 1641, 1645, 1648, 1650, 1700, 2040, 2041, 2381, 2517, 9145 (1); original bill only] -  SB44
tax incremental district _tid_Tax incremental district (TID), see Property tax
tax incremental financing _tif_Tax incremental financing (TIF), see Property tax
taxationTaxation, see also specific tax
Commission on Municipal Employer Health Care Coverage Costs (MEHCC) and Commission on State and Local Tax Structure created; reports required; DOA to provide support services -  SB278
Delinquent taxpayer accounts: DOR required to prepare and maintain list and post certain names on the Internet; exceptions and Tax Appeals Commission provisions  - AB473
Development Zone Program and Enterprise Development Zone Program revisions re tax credits - AB722
Elector approval for certain taxing, spending, and bonding decisions; establishment of emergency fund and budget stabilization fund required; refund re excess revenue provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR55
Elector approval for certain taxing, spending, and bonding decisions; establishment of emergency fund and budget stabilization fund required; refund re excess revenue provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR56
Internet access: legislation to permanently prohibit any state from imposing a tax on (memorial to Congress)  - SR18
Local exposition district taxes: DOR to report on amount collected from retailers -  AB488
President Bush's 2002 economic growth and tax relief plan: Wisconsin representatives and senators requested to support and vote to enact -  SJR16
Real property acquired by county re tax deed: county required to send former owner appropriate share of the proceeds  - AB544
Special order of business for March 9, 2004 established re AB-473 -  AR37
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re AB-473 -  AR38
State or local spending limits established and elector approval required to exceed; state general fund and budget stabilization fund established. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR76
Tax-me-more fund established re reducing revenue shortfalls - SB184
Tax revisions re certain property tax credits, school property tax income tax credit, related entities, property tax on computers, and sales tax on luxury boxes -  AB756
Tax revisions re DOR authority to reduce taxes, liability of spouses filing a joint income tax return, extension to file annual reconciliation report, qualified retirement fund, sales or use tax refunded to or erroneously collected by seller, interest on estate taxes, mailing tax-related document or payment, filing fee for redetermination of earned income tax credit  - AB927
Tax warrant re lien on property: duration specified -  AB195
taxation _ delinquentTaxation — Delinquent, see specific tax
taxation _ sharedTaxation — Shared, see Shared revenue