Residency requirements for certain employees: local governments prohibited from imposing; police, firefighter, and collective bargaining provisions -  AB189
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re AB-340 -  AR38
TIF program: technical and substantive changes; ``mixed-use development" defined; technical modification to the environmental remediation TIF program - AB654
TIF program: technical and substantive changes; ``mixed-use development" defined; technical modification to the environmental remediation TIF program [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  SB305
Town consolidating with a contiguous municipality: additional method created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, consolidation limited to city or village] - AB130
Town official map provisions revised; county development plan and city or village master plan provisions  - AB340
Town official map provisions revised; county development plan and city or village master plan provisions  - SB110
town _ boardTown — Board
Charter towns: certain towns authorized to become; referendum, TIF, zoning, annexation, and water system provisions  - AB136
County development plan affecting a town: town board approval required [A.Amdt.1: time limit; S.Amdt.1: shoreland and floodplain zoning ordinances exception]  - AB551
Extraterritorial plat approval revision -  SB88
Incorporation of town surrounded by navigable waters into a village: method created -  AB85
Surveys, landmarks, and monuments: laws governing modified -  SB464
TID creation by counties in which no cities or villages are located authorized; approval of all town boards required - AB888
TID creation by counties in which no cities or villages are located authorized; approval of all town boards required - SB461
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions - AB118
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions - SB101
Zoning district plan or regulation or ordinance: requirements re public hearing and notice to persons whose property is affected - AB271
town _ boundaryTown — Boundary, see Village
town _ electionsTown — Elections
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions - AB118
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions - SB101
town _ financeTown — Finance
Annexed town territory: city or village required to make certain payments to the town -  SB341
Fees imposed by political subdivisions [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1532p] -  SB44
Fees imposed by political subdivisions: relationship to service for which it is imposed required [original bill only]  - AB655
Fees imposed by political subdivisions: relationship to service for which it is imposed required [deleted by A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1] -  AB728
Fees imposed by political subdivisions: relationship to service for which it is imposed required - SB313
Fees imposed by political subdivisions: relationship to service for which it is imposed required [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  SB375
Fire calls on certain highways re vehicle fire: reimbursement procedure for town and certain cities and villages modified - AB471
Incarceration costs: city, village, or town may seek reimbursement from prisoner -  AB53
Incarceration costs: city, village, or town may seek reimbursement from prisoner -  SB23
Municipal courts may contract with collection agencies to collect forfeitures, assessments, and surcharges; cost sharing provision with local governments -  AB365
Public construction contracts: minimum bid amount raised re lowest responsible bidder requirement  - AB973
Towns authorized to use TIF for limited purposes [A.Amdt.1: annexation provisions; A.Amdt.2: extra territorial zoning jurisdiction and ``residential development" definition; A.Amdt.3: tourism projects revised; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, manufacturing added, restrictions specified, Comm.Dept report required] -  AB437
Unfunded state mandates: political subdivision may enact an ordinance to suspend compliance - AB433
town _ highwayTown — Highway, see Road
town _ lawsTown — Laws
Amoritization ordinance may not be used by county or municipality to remove nonconforming building premises, structure, or fixture that may be lawfully used  - AB858
ATV operation on highway for access to residence, lodging establishment, campground, or trail permitted; age and ordinance provisions -  AB159
County shoreland zoning ordinance: requirement that annexing city, village, or town enforce the ordinance eliminated  - AB527
``Covered loan" re consumer mortgage lenders regulated; ordinance provision and DFI duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ordinance provision removed, exclusive state regulation authority, parity for federally insured depository institutions] -  AB792
Drug paraphernalia possession, manufacture, or delivery by persons 17 years of age or older: county and municipal ordinances prohibiting permitted -  AB850
Forestry operations: nuisance declaration and certain zoning ordinances prohibited if generally accepted forestry management practices are followed -  AB726
Livestock facility siting and expansion: standards, zoning ordinance, conditional use permits, and political subdivision procedure provisions; Livestock Facility Siting Review Board created; DATCP and DOJ duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  AB868
Maximum speed limit on portion of STH within village or town limits: ordinance to reduce speed limit permitted; DOT must post signs -  AB300
Private sewage system: ordinances re monitoring and maintenance permitted; certain fees imposed as special charges allowed; lien provision -  AB885
State minimum wage law required to be construed as an enactment of statewide concern; living wage ordinance permitted but must conform to state minimum wage law  - AB633
Unfunded state mandates: political subdivision may enact an ordinance to suspend compliance - AB433
town _ officersTown — Officers
Bonding requirements of certain city, village, town, and county officers eliminated -  AB263
Compatible offices and positions: list of occupations expanded -  AB256
County zoning ordinance changes: notification to town clerks revised -  AB702
Petition for recall of a city, village, town, or school district officer modified re statement of cause - AB320
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions - AB118
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions - SB101
town _ taxationTown — Taxation
County tax levy for library services: exemption for city, town, village, or school district modified [A.Amdt.1: county board approval required] -  AB431
Levy limits for political subdivisions and technical college districts for 2004 and 2005 established; per pupil adjustment re school district revenue limits set  - SB477
Local levy limit exceptions re city or village that annexed territory under certain conditions, levy by 1st class city for school purposes, and adoption of resolution by certain towns; reconciliation provision re SB-44 -  AB414
Local levy limit exceptions re city or village that annexed territory under certain conditions, levy by 1st class city for school purposes, and adoption of resolution by certain towns; reconciliation provision re SB-44 -  SB206
Local levy limits created for cities, villages, towns, counties, and technical college districts, exceptions provided; per pupil adjustment for school district revenue limits set  - AB466
Local levy limits created; referendum provision; sunset provided [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 943m, 1532m]  - SB44
town mutualTown mutual, see Insurance
toxic substanceToxic substance, see Public health
trade practiceTrade practice, see also Product liability; Sales
Beer wholesaler: compensation for termination of distribution rights; Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law provision  - AB904
Beer wholesaler: compensation for termination of distribution rights; Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law provision  - SB489
Call centers re customer-based services: disclosure of geographical location during each telephone call required; annual report provision -  SB538
Consumer billing practices: prohibitions created; lawn care service contracts regulated; DATCP duties specified  - AB308
Consumer billing practices: prohibitions created; lawn care service contracts regulated; DATCP duties specified  - SB124
Consumer protection and trade practice law administration transferred from DATCP to DOJ; composition of ATCP board revised; DATCP name changed to Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Rural Resources [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -  SB44
Electronic mail solicitation requirements created re toll-free telephone number or return electronic mail address; employer and Internet service provider provisions  - AB597
Fuel price gouging: crime created -  AB580
Gift certificate, card, or other gift obligation: sale of regulated; DATCP duties specified; civil action and forfeiture provisions - SB459
Magazine subscription contract or agreement: cancellation and prorated refund of price provisions must be included  - SB179
Price discrimination prohibitions modified re prescription drugs; FDA and DATCP provisions - AB509
Price discrimination prohibitions modified re prescription drugs; FDA and DATCP provisions - AB995
trades and occupationsTrades and occupations, see also specific occupation
Caterers: temporary Class ``B" and ``Class B" licenses authorized; provisions for premises where catered events are held - AB371
Health care providers: state agency status granted in certain cases re public health emergency declared by the Governor - AB919
Hearing instrument specialists, audiologists, and speech-language pathologists: regulation and licensing revisions  - AB841
Massage therapist or bodyworker: EAB duties re certification transferred to DORL -  AB779