U.W. Madison and Extension program, project, and teaching assistants bargaining unit: 2001-03 contract ratification - AB215
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project, and teaching assistants bargaining unit: 2001-03 contract ratification - SB147
U.W. Madison's men's basketball team: 2002-2003 Big Ten Conference Championship and season accomplishments commended -  SJR22
U.W. revisions re membership of State Laboratory of Hygiene Board, transfer program at U.W. Medical School, and nonresident tuition exemptions for nonresident veterans (remedial legislation) -  AB686
Veterinary diagnostic laboratory: appropriation created for receipt of federal funds [Sec. 388]  - SB44
Veterinary diagnostic laboratory at U.W. Madison funding and bonding authority -  AB173
Walnut Street steam and chilled-water plant funding; report to DOA [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 386r, w, 932m]  - SB44
university of wisconsin _ milwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin — Milwaukee
Charter schools: City of Milwaukee, U.W. Milwaukee, and Milwaukee Area Technical College prohibited from establishing new schools -  AB986
Charter schools: City of Milwaukee, U.W. Milwaukee, and Milwaukee Area Technical College prohibited from establishing new schools -  SB542
U.W. Milwaukee men's basketball team: 2002-03 season accomplishments and NCAA Division I Tournament spot commended -  SJR27
U.W. Milwaukee program, project, and teaching assistants bargaining unit: 2001-03 contract ratification  - AB227
U.W. Milwaukee program, project, and teaching assistants bargaining unit: 2001-03 contract ratification  - SB150
U.W. Milwaukee program, project, and teaching assistants bargaining unit: 2003-05 contract ratification  - AB717
U.W. Milwaukee program, project, and teaching assistants bargaining unit: 2003-05 contract ratification  - SB360
university of wisconsin _ oshkoshUniversity of Wisconsin — Oshkosh
2003-05 authorized building program: addition of four U.W. System projects [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, waiver of statutory bidding procedures prohibited]  - SB474
university of wisconsin _ parksideUniversity of Wisconsin — Parkside
Charter school established by U.W. Parkside: maximum enrollment revised -  AB503
Charter school established by U.W. Parkside: maximum enrollment revised -  AB986
Charter school established by U.W. Parkside: maximum enrollment revised -  SB242
Charter school established by U.W. Parkside: maximum enrollment revised -  SB542
Charter school established by U.W. Parkside: provisions modified [S.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 2020m, 2021f]  - SB44
Special orders of business for October 1, 2003 established re AB-259, AB-260, AB-261, AB-472, AB-503  - AR25
university of wisconsin _ plattevilleUniversity of Wisconsin — Platteville
Engineering instruction by U.W. Platteville at U.W. Rock County campus: appropriation for - AB830
Engineering instruction by U.W. Platteville at U.W. Rock County campus: appropriation for - SB437
university of wisconsin _ presidentUniversity of Wisconsin — President
Ethics Board approval required before U.W. President, chancellor, or dean accepts compensation for serving on a corporation's board of directors -  SB342
Lyall, Katharine A.: public service commended upon her retirement as U.W. System president -  SJR67
U.W. revisions re membership of State Laboratory of Hygiene Board, transfer program at U.W. Medical School, and nonresident tuition exemptions for nonresident veterans (remedial legislation) -  AB686
U.W. System president, chancellors, and certain administrators prohibited from serving on board of directors of a corporation U.W. is doing business with -  AB813
U.W. System senior executive positions: Board of Regents to propose salary ranges and adjustments and JCF to approve - AB532
university of wisconsin _ regentsUniversity of Wisconsin — Regents
Appropriation revisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  JR3 SB1
Charter schools: U.W. 4-year institutions and 2-year college campuses allowed to establish with Board of Regents approval [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 2-year campuses removed, number limited, charter school plan required]  - SB253
Code of ethics for unclassified personnel of the U.W. System: requirements revised; Internet and Ethics Board provisions - AB540
Cogeneration facility for U.W. Madison -  AB57
Credit transfers within the U.W. System, the technical college districts, and between the two - AB366
Fiscal and Economic Research Center established at U.W. Whitewater -  SB543
HEAB eliminated, duties transferred to U.W. Board of regents [Sec. 23, 70, 71, 78, 134, 306-313, 315-328, 330-346, 386, 607, 610, 724, 932, 938, 941, 949, 951, 953-983, 985-988, 990-993, 2366, 2399, 9101 (5), 9125 (1), 9157 (2), 9225 (1), 9425 (1); original bill only] -  SB44
Lawton and Wisconsin higher education grant program revisions [Sec. 329, 385, 389, 390, 933, 939, 984, 989; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, U.W. auxiliary enterprises funding for grant programs, 318x, 329d, 386d, 388m-390d, 933g, 939g, 984d-990g, 9157 (1x), 9425 (2x), 9457 (2x), deletes 329, 389, 390, 984] -  SB44
Marijuana-related prosecutions and property seizure actions: medical necessity defense created; DHFS to establish registry for medical users of marijuana; authorizing certain nonprofit marijuana distribution organizations; U.W. Board of Regents study required -  AB892
Medical College Admission Test: persons admitted to U.W. College of Medicine required to take - AB66
Meningococcal disease: dormitory or residence hall occupation requirements created re proof of vaccination from undergraduate students and information on risks and vaccinations provided by college or university [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, information distributed to all enrolled students, hepatitis B added] -  AB344
State government positions report by DOA to include positions of Regents funded by gifts, grants, or federal revenue and UWHCA's positions [Sec. 175; original bill only]  - SB44
``Taps" sounded at military honors funeral by student: tuition voucher provided -  AB74
Tickets to entertainment or sporting event: restricting a local ordinance or resolution regulating resale of [A.Amdt.1: rule by U.W. Board of Regents added] -  AB556
Tuition gift certificates program re U.W. established -  AB950
U.W. Board of Regents membership revised re TCS board and nontraditional student representation  - AB208
U.W. Board of Regents membership revised re TCS board and nontraditional student representation  - SB85
U.W. Board of Regents required to vote on all matters by roll call  - AB558
U.W. Regents to guarantee certain rights to students and regulate academic conduct of instructors - AB956
U.W. System police: authority to make arrests off campus -  AB766
U.W. System senior executive positions: Board of Regents to propose salary ranges and adjustments and JCF to approve - AB532
U.W. System undergraduate tuition increases limited [Sec. 9157 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: tuition limits do not apply to certain differential tuition initiatives, 9157 (1q)]  - SB44
university of wisconsin _ river fallsUniversity of Wisconsin — River Falls
2003-05 authorized building program: addition of four U.W. System projects [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, waiver of statutory bidding procedures prohibited]  - SB474
university of wisconsin _ stevens pointUniversity of Wisconsin — Stevens Point
Browne, Bryant: professor at U.W. Stevens Point commended for receipt of a patent for a device to test gases in groundwater and surface water -  SJR60
U.W. Stevens Point men's basketball team: congratulations on a remarkable season -  AJR87
university of wisconsin _ student lifeUniversity of Wisconsin — Student life
Sexual assault and sexual harassment information in new student orientation program at U.W. System schools: electronic format permitted -  AB497
Sexual assault and sexual harassment information in new student orientation program at U.W. System schools: electronic format permitted -  SB247
U.W. Regents to guarantee certain rights to students and regulate academic conduct of instructors - AB956
university of wisconsin _ tuitionUniversity of Wisconsin — Tuition
College tuition and expenses program administrative expenses: GPR funding eliminated [Sec. 72, 650-652; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 652b, deletes 652]  - SB44
Pupils not participating in Youth Options Program but are enrolled in the school district and taking certain courses through U.W. System: requirement that school board pay tuition revised - AB725
Resident tuition eligibility for certain aliens re U.W. System - AB95
Resident tuition eligibility for certain aliens re U.W. System [Sec. 937, 9357 (1); original bill only]  - SB44
``Taps" sounded at military honors funeral by student: tuition voucher provided -  AB74
Tuition gift certificates program re U.W. established -  AB950
U.W. nonresident tuition exemption to a dependent of an active member of the armed forces re eligibility for Wisconsin veterans benefits -  AB799
U.W. nonresident tuition exemption to certain persons who served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces and are Wisconsin residents for veterans benefits purposes [A.Amdt.1: reimbursement provision added; A.Amdt.2: ``home of record at the time of entry or reentry" condition deleted]  - AB869
U.W. nonresident tuition exemption to certain persons who served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces and are Wisconsin residents for veterans benefits purposes  - SB513
U.W. revisions re membership of State Laboratory of Hygiene Board, transfer program at U.W. Medical School, and nonresident tuition exemptions for nonresident veterans (remedial legislation) -  AB686
U.W. System undergraduate tuition increases limited [Sec. 9157 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: tuition limits do not apply to certain differential tuition initiatives, 9157 (1q)]  - SB44
university of wisconsin _ two year campusUniversity of Wisconsin — Two year campus
Engineering instruction by U.W. Platteville at U.W. Rock County campus: appropriation for - AB830
Engineering instruction by U.W. Platteville at U.W. Rock County campus: appropriation for - SB437
Special orders of business for February 25, 2004 established re AB-688 and AB-830 -  AR33
university of wisconsin _ university extensionUniversity of Wisconsin — University extension
Credit transfers within the U.W. System, the technical college districts, and between the two - AB366
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project, and teaching assistants bargaining unit: 2001-03 contract ratification - AB215
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project, and teaching assistants bargaining unit: 2001-03 contract ratification - SB147
university of wisconsin _ whitewaterUniversity of Wisconsin — Whitewater
Fiscal and Economic Research Center established at U.W. Whitewater -  SB543
university of wisconsin hospitals and clinics authorityUniversity of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority