Certification of questions of law to another state, 821.08
Civil service classification, 230.08
Costs of operation, state assumption, 752.61
Decisions, form, precedential value, 752.41, 809.23 (3)
Determinations, enforcement, 752.37
Discretionary reversal, 752.35
Disposition of cases, 752.31
Districts, VII, 5; 752.11 to 752.19
Employees, 751.02
Interpreters, 885.38
Docketing in circuit court, 806.16
Enforcement, 752.37
Judicial notice, 902.01 to 902.03
Jurisdiction, VII, 5; 752.01
Administrative headquarters, 752.05
Procedure, see Appellate Procedure
Publication of opinions, 809.23
Precedential value, 752.41 (2), 809.23 (3)
Referral of issues of fact, 752.39
Sheriff or deputies to attend court, 59.27 (3)
Supervisory authority, 752.02
Three judge panel, 809.41
Supervisory writs, petition and memorandum, 809.51
Venue, 752.21
Writ of error:
May be sought, 808.02
Review, 879.27
Age limit, VII, 24
Assignment by chief justice, 751.03
Attorney, judge not to act as, 757.22
Bond, filing, 19.01 (4) (a)
Campaign financing, limitation on disbursements, 11.31 (1) (dm)
Chief judge, 752.07
May order appeal to be decided by 3-judge panel, 809.41 (3)
Disciplinary proceedings, VII, 11
Election, VII, 5, 9; 752.04
Eligibility for office, VII, 24
Ineligible to other office, VII, 10
Judicial council, member of, 758.13 (1)
Law practice restricted, 757.22
Number, 752.03
Number of judges to hear case, 752.31
Oath filing, 19.01 (4) (a)
Form, 757.02
Qualifications, VII, 10
Removal, VII, 1, 11, 13; XIII, 12
Reserve judges:
Compensation, qualifications, 753.075
Serving on request of chief justice, VII, 24
Resignation, 17.01
Term, VII, 5
Three judge or one judge panel, 752.31 (1)
Vacancies in office, filling, VII, 9; 8.50 (4) (f), 17.19 (2)
court of impeachment COURT OF IMPEACHMENT
Generally, VII, 1; Ch. 750
courts COURTS
courts_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Adjournment to another place, 757.12
Calendar, printing, 757.39
Certification of questions of law, generally, Ch. 821
For detailed analysis, see Appellate Procedure—3. Supreme Court
Circuit courts, see Circuit Courts
Civil procedure, generally, Chs. 801 to 806
For detailed analysis, see Civil Procedure
Contempt, generally, Ch. 785
For detailed analysis, see Contempt
County courthouse, 59.54 (14)
Court commissioners, see Circuit Courts—3. Court Commissioners
Court of appeals, see Court of Appeals
Criminal procedure, generally, Chs. 967 to 979
For detailed analysis see Criminal Procedure
Director of state courts, see Judicial Agencies—1. Director of State Courts
Holidays, holding court on, 757.15
Judges, see Judges
For provisions relating to judges of a specific court, refer to the Head for that court, e.g. Circuit Courts—5. Judges
Judgeship, vacancy in, not to affect suits, 757.08