Hotels, defrauding:
Civil action, 943.212
Criminal, 943.21
Housing authorities, against, 66.0127
Claims, 943.395
Contracts, 631.11
Reporting fraud, immunity, 895.486
Unfair practices, 628.34 (1)
Investment securities, alterations, 408.206
Letters of credit, 405.114
Marks, fraudulent filing, 132.032
Medical assistance offenses, 49.49
Mining lessee, 107.04
Gold and silver articles, 134.245 to 134.32
Platinum articles, 134.33
Disposal of dead animals, 95.72 (9)
To mechanic as to interest in personalty, 779.42
Noncontrolled substances represented as controlled, 961.41 (4)
Nursery stock, misrepresentation, 94.10 (7)
Obtaining mechanic's services by, 779.42
Public assistance, obtaining by, penalty, 49.95
Public assistance cases, burden of proof, 49.95 (8)
Race horse, false record, 93.23 (6)
Real estate, representations to induce panic sales, 106.50 (2m)
Restaurants, defrauding:
Civil action, 943.212
Criminal, 943.21
Sale of land, by guardian, 786.58
Sales, 402.721
Buyer's misrepresentation of solvency, 402.702 (2)
Seller's creditors' remedies against sold goods, 402.402
Sales tax, fraudulent withholding, 77.60 (11)
Securities law, 551.41 to 551.44
Misleading filings, 551.54
Simulating legal process, 946.68
Tapping of electric wires, gas or water, penalty, 941.36
Taxicab driver, defrauding:
Civil action, 943.212
Criminal action, 943.21
Telecommunication, obtaining, 943.45
Theft by means of, 943.20
Fraudulent filing, 132.032
Marks, labels, 132.20
Unemployment insurance claims, 108.04 (11)
Veterans' corporations, 188.26
Victims of crimes, fraudulent claims, 949.17
Vital records, 69.21
Warehouse receipts:
Failure to keep record, 134.205
Fraudulent, 134.20
Welfare fraud investigation, 49.197
Writings, fraudulent, 943.39
frauds, statute of FRAUDS, STATUTE OF
fraudulent contracts and conveyances FRAUDULENT CONTRACTS AND CONVEYANCES
Generally, Chs. 240 to 243
Agent may sign instruments, 243.05
Death of principal, effect on agency, 243.06
Durable power of attorney, uniform act, 243.07
Power of attorney, Wisconsin basic form, 243.10
Board of trade contracts, requirements, 241.24
Conveyance defined, 243.04
Encumbered property, 943.25
Exempt property, 815.18 (10)
Heirs of creditors and purchasers, void as to, 243.02
After rehabilitation or liquidation petition, 645.53
Prior to rehabilitation or liquidation petition, 645.52
Lands, interest in, defined, 243.03
Power to revoke, conveyances with:
Conveyance valid on vesting of, 240.05
In grantor, void, 240.03
In third person, valid, 240.04
Fraud if possession not changed, 241.05 to 241.07
Gift if goods unsolicited, 241.28
Property rights of surviving spouse, 861.17
Recovery of property fraudulently sold by decedent, 859.41
Statute of limitations, 242.09, 893.425
Trusts in lands, grant or assignment void if not written, 243.01
Uniform fraudulent transfer act:
Generally, 242.01 to 242.11
Application and construction, uniformity of, 242.11
Creditors' remedies, 242.07
Defenses of transferee, 242.08