Peddlers contract, debt for goods, warning required, 241.27
Real estate agency contracts, 240.10
Wage assignments, 241.09
free press and speech FREE PRESS AND SPEECH
Guaranteed, I, 3
freeways FREEWAYS
See Highways
frivolous matters FRIVOLOUS MATTERS
fruit FRUIT
fuel FUEL
fugitives FUGITIVES
funeral directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Generally, Ch. 445
Apprentices, registration, regulation, 445.095, 445.10
Burial agreements and trusts, prearranged, 445.125
Funeral insurance policies, 632.415
Cemeteries, prohibited relationships, 157.067, 445.12 (6)
Corpses, restrictions on sending to, 445.14
Cremation regulations, 979.10
Deaths, registration, 69.18
Disclosures and representations for certain sales, 440.947
Examinations, 445.04
Examining board:
Creation, membership, 15.405 (16)
Disputes with dept. secretary, arbitration, 440.045
General provisions, 15.08, 440.035
Powers, 445.03
Exceptions under the law, 445.16
Funeral establishments, permits, 445.105
Investigations and hearings by examining board, 445.13
Licenses, 445.04
Display, 445.09
Eligibility requirements, 445.045
Fees, renewals, 440.05, 440.08
Interstate reciprocity, 445.08
Renewal, 445.06
Suspension or revocation, 445.13, 445.15 (2)
Life insurers and funeral directors, relationships between prohibited, 630.15
Penalties, 445.15
Private funerals, permit not required, 445.105 (1)
Prohibited practices, 445.12
Prohibitions, if acting as coroner, 59.39
Public health emergency, disposal of human remains, 157.055
Register kept by examining board, 445.11
funeral processions FUNERAL PROCESSIONS
Traffic regulations, 346.20, 346.205
Penalties, 346.22
Vehicles in lead, warning lamps, 347.25 (3)
fur dealers FUR DEALERS
Fur garment to be labeled, 100.35
License, 29.501
Fees, 29.563 (6)
fur farms FUR FARMS
Generally, 29.627
Wild fur farms:
Licensing, 169.18, 169.32 (4)
Record-keeping, 169.36 (2)
future interests FUTURE INTERESTS
future service plans FUTURE SERVICE PLANS
Generally, Ch. 136
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection department, powers, 136.04
Application of law, 136.001
Bond, contractor to maintain, 136.10
Contract disclosures, 136.06
Contract performance, 136.07
Contracts, 136.02
Definitions, 136.01
Delivery of goods, 136.05
Interlocking ownership, 136.08
Justice department, duties, 136.03
Records, 136.07
Remedies, 136.03 (2)
Representations, 136.06
Videotape rental contracts, 136.02, 136.05, 136.06, 136.07
gambling GAMBLING
For treatment of legal gambling, see Gaming
For treatment of illegal gambling, see Criminal Code—4. Gambling
game GAME
game wardens GAME WARDENS
gaming GAMING