Withdrawal of, 183.1011
Service of process on foreign company, 183.1010
Interstate authority, 183.1305
Members and managers; rights, duties and attributes:
Agency power, 183.0301
Duties, 183.0402
Indemnification, limited liability, 183.0403
Liability to 3rd parties, 183.0304
Management rights, 183.0401
Notice or knowledge of member or manager, effect on company, 183.0303
Parties to actions against companies, 183.0305
Representations and admissions of, 183.0302
Voting, 183.0404
Generally, 183.1201
Approval, 183.1202
Articles, 183.1204
Effects, 183.1205
Objection by member, 183.1206
Plan, 183.1203
Names, 183.0103
Registration and reservation, 183.0104
Articles, 183.0202
Amendment, 183.0203
Filing or delivery, effect, 183.0204
Organizers, commencement of company, 183.0201
Ownership interests, membership:
Admission to membership, 183.0801
Assignment, 183.0704
Assignee's membership rights, 183.0706
Creditor's rights, 183.0705
Legal representative's powers, 183.0707
Nature of, 183.0703
Powers of company, 183.0106
Profit and loss allocation, 183.0503
Property of company:
Ownership, 183.0701
Transfer of, 183.0702
Records required, 183.0405
Registered offices and agents, 183.0105
Securities law, applicability, 183.1303
Series of members, managers, or limited liability company interests, 183.0504
limited partnerships LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS
limited liability partnerships LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIPS
liquefied petroleum gas LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS
Regulations, 101.16
liquor LIQUOR
lis pendens LIS PENDENS
littering LITTERING
Brule river, 30.73 (3)
Citation procedure, 345.11 (1u)
Forfeiture actions, 345.20 (2) (g)
Prohibited, 287.81
livestock LIVESTOCK
living will LIVING WILL
Generally, Ch. 154
For detailed analysis, see Declarations to Physicians
loans LOANS
For other state loans and loan programs, refer to the heading for the specific agency
lobbying LOBBYING
Auditing, 13.74
Authorizations to represent principals, 13.65
Definitions, 13.62
Enforcement of law, 13.69
Ethics board duties, 13.685
Exemptions from law, 13.621
Fees for licensing and filing, 13.75
Floor of chamber restricted, 13.71
Forfeitures, deposited with state treasurer, 778.136
Identification of legislative proposals, rules and topics lobbying for, 13.67
Influencing legislation, 946.17
Insurers, 630.10
Fee, revocation, 13.63
Suspension for failure to file, 13.68 (6)
Penalties, 13.69
Principal's expense statement, 13.68
Prohibited practices, 13.625
Purpose of act, 13.61
Records retention, 13.68 (5)