Repair cost; lien, 292.81
Review of violation, 292.95
Violation and enforcement, 292.98
Fish, see Fish and Game
Flood control projects:
See also Flood Control
Final findings, 87.07 (3)
Hearing, findings, 87.05
Municipal flood control and riparian restoration program, 281.665
Powers of department, 87.02
Special procedure for projects, 87.075
Floodplain and shoreland mapping assistance program, administration, sunset, 87.31
Floodplain zoning ordinances, 87.30
Historic property, variances, dept. to develop rules, 87.304
Forest croplands:
Accounts of department, 77.11
Appraisal, 77.06 (2)
Appropriation, 77.14
Designation of land, 77.02
False reports, penalty, 77.09
Hunting and fishing privileges, 77.03
Order of withdrawal, 77.10
Supplemental severance tax, 77.08
Tax returned to towns, 77.05
Termination of program, 77.13
Timber removal regulated, 77.06
Withdrawal procedure, 77.10
Forest energy resources, dept. to report on, 26.36
Forest fires:
County cooperation, 26.12 (4)
Department powers, jurisdiction, 26.11
Emergency fire wardens, 26.12 (3)
Fire fighting system, 23.09 (2)
Fire protection devices, 26.20, 26.205
Protection areas, establishment, 26.12
Sale of damaged timber, 26.22
Town fire warden, cooperation, 26.13
Forest rangers:
Injury on duty, salary continued, 230.36
Powers, duties, 26.14, 26.97
Wardens, employment, 26.12 (2)
Chief state forester, 23.113
Council on, 15.347 (19), 26.02
Division, 15.343
Field foresters, educational requirements, 28.045
Forests, generally:
Assistance to privately owned forest lands, 26.35
Insects and diseases, control, 26.30
Lease of state lands, 26.08
Planning, aerial photo for, 23.325
Reports required, 26.10
Seizure and sale of forest products severed from public lands, 26.06, 26.07
Slash disposal, 26.12 (6), (7)
State forest lands, generally, Ch. 28
Violations, penalties, 26.985
Game animals, see Fish and Game
Genetically engineered organisms, regulation, 146.60
Ginseng, wild; protection provisions, 29.611
Great Lakes:
See also Lakes
Conservation and management, duties, 281.35
Trout and salmon stamp, 29.191 (5)
Withdrawal violations, 281.94, 281.95
Groundwater coordinating council, see Groundwater Coordinating Council
Groundwater protection, see Groundwater Protection
Groundwater survey and analysis, 16.968
Database of properties exceeding groundwater standards, fees to maintain, 292.57
Hazardous substances:
Brownfield efforts, dept. to report on, 292.255
Exemptions from liability, dept. to report on impact, 292.25
Information and emergency planning, duties, 166.20 (4)
Petroleum tank discharges, remedial action, 101.143, 101.144
Reports on use, fee, 299.15
Fees in enforcement actions, 292.94
Immunity from liability, 895.55
Powers, 292.11
Ice age trail, 23.17
Grants to nonprofit corporations, 23.295
Land dedication, 23.293
Invasive species, 23.22
Aquatic plants, 23.24
Report on, 30.1255
Council; creation, membership, 15.347 (18)
Nuisance weeds, 23.235