Billing and insurance claim forms, standardization, 632.725
Certificate to be displayed in office, 449.06
Construction of law, 449.12
Controlled substances limitations, 961.39
Cooperative vision care plan, 185.981 to 185.985
Disclosure of information affecting driving, 146.82 (3) (b), 449.20
Discrimination prohibited, 449.015
Dispensing optician:
Definition, 449.01
License not required, 449.02
Examinations, 449.04
Examining board:
Creation, membership, 15.405 (8)
Public members, 15.08 (1m) (b)
Disputes with dept. secretary, arbitration, 440.045
General provisions, 15.08, 440.035
Review of board's action, 449.09
Rulemaking, enforcement, 449.03
Health care plans, coverage, 609.60
Law enforcement, 449.03
Exemptions, 449.02
Fees, renewals, 440.05, 440.08
Revocation, suspension or denial, 449.07
Limitations on optometrists, 961.39
Patient health care records and confidentiality, see Medical Records
Penalty for violation of law, 449.11
Pharmaceuticals, diagnostic:
Removal of foreign objects, 449.18
Use, generally, 449.17
Practice defined, 449.01
Prohibited advertising, 449.10
Qualification for examination, 449.05
Referral to other medical specialists, 449.19
Registration, 449.06
Rules, 449.03 (1)
Unprofessional conduct, 449.08
Volunteer health care provider program, 146.89
Whistleblower protection, 146.997
Wisconsin vision services, inc.:
Optometric care, may establish service insurance corporation for, 449.15
Powers, 449.13
orchards ORCHARDS
See Nurseries
orders of court ORDERS OF COURT
For court orders relating to a specific subject, refer to the subject heading for that subject, e.g. Probate and Transfers at Death.
ordinances ORDINANCES
ores ORES
See Mining
organ donations ORGAN DONATIONS
orphans ORPHANS
See Children
osteopaths OSTEOPATHS
Hospital staff privileges, 50.36 (3)
Violations, civil liability, 50.39 (6)
License to practice medicine and surgery, 448.05 (2)
Medical licensing, generally, see Medical Examining Board
Malpractice, 448.12
Practice rights previous to 1975 law, 448.10 (1)
Use of title, 448.03 (3)
packaging standards PACKAGING STANDARDS
Generally, 100.43
New packaging, recycling, 100.29
Toxics reduction, 100.285
paints PAINTS
Labels, compounds, 100.186
Lead-bearing, use or sale, 254.12
pardons PARDONS
Generally, Ch. 304
Application, 304.08
Notice of, 304.09
Papers to accompany, 304.10 (1)
Victim's statement, 304.10
Conditional, 304.11
Discharge of prisoner by governor, 973.013 (2)
Governor, may grant, V, 6
Legislature, when may grant, V, 6
Nonapplicability of chapter, 304.15
Parolee, honorably discharged from army, 304.071
Warrants, return and filing, 304.12
parent and child PARENT AND CHILD
See Children
pari_mutuel wagering PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING