218.0144(3) (3) An exact copy of the prelease agreement shall be furnished by the prospective lessor to the prospective lessee at the time that the prospective lessee signs the prelease agreement. The prospective lessee's copy of the prelease agreement shall contain the signature of the prospective lessor identical with the signature on the original prelease agreement. No prelease agreement shall be signed in blank except that a detailed description of the motor vehicle, including the serial or identification number, that is not available at the time of execution of the prelease agreement may be omitted.
218.0144(4) (4) A prospective lessor may cancel a prelease agreement that, with regard to the lease terms disclosed in the prelease agreement, is contingent upon approval of the prospective lessee's credit by a sales finance company to whom the prospective lessor intends to assign the consumer lease, if the prelease agreement contains a provision requiring the prospective lessor to give the prospective lessee written notice of the cancellation within 10 business days of execution of the prelease agreement and the notice is given to the prospective lessee.
218.0144(5) (5) No prelease agreement may contain a clause which, upon nonacceptance of the motor vehicle by the prospective lessee, would subject the prospective lessee to a penalty greater than 5% of the gross capitalized cost of the vehicle.
218.0144 History History: 1999 a. 31 s. 269.
218.0145 218.0145 Prohibited acts.
218.0145(1)(1) No manufacturer, wholesaler, or distributor, and no officer, agent, or representative of a manufacturer, wholesaler, or distributor, shall induce or coerce, or attempt to induce or coerce, any retail motor vehicle dealer or prospective retail motor vehicle dealer in this state to sell, assign, or transfer any retail installment sales contract, obtained by the dealer in connection with the sale by the dealer in this state of motor vehicles manufactured or sold by the manufacturer, wholesaler, or distributor, to a specified sales finance company or class of sales finance companies, or to any other specified person, by any of the following acts or means:
218.0145(1)(a) (a) By any express or implied statement, suggestion, promise or threat, made directly or indirectly, that the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor will in any manner benefit or injure the dealer.
218.0145(1)(b) (b) By any act that will benefit or injure the dealer.
218.0145(1)(c) (c) By any contract, or any express or implied offer of contract, made directly or indirectly to the dealer, for handling motor vehicles manufactured or sold by the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor, on the condition that the dealer sell, assign or transfer the dealer's retail installment contracts on motor vehicles manufactured or sold by the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor, in this state, to a specified sales finance company or class of sales finance companies, or to any other specified person.
218.0145(1)(d) (d) By any express or implied statement or representation, made directly or indirectly, that the dealer is under any obligation to sell, assign or transfer any of the dealer's retail sales contracts, in this state, on motor vehicles manufactured or sold by the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor to a sales finance company, or class of sales finance companies, or other specified person, because of any relationship or affiliation between the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor and the sales finance company or companies or the specified person or persons.
218.0145(2) (2) Any statements, threats, promises, acts, contracts or offers of contracts, set forth in sub. (1) are declared unfair trade practices and unfair competition and against the policy of this state, are unlawful and are prohibited.
218.0145(3) (3) No sales finance company, and no officer, agent or representative of a sales finance company, shall induce or coerce or attempt to induce or coerce any retail motor vehicle dealer to transfer to the sales finance company any of the dealer's retail installment sales contracts in this state on any motor vehicle by any of the following acts or means:
218.0145(3)(a) (a) By any statement or representation, express or implied, made directly or indirectly, that the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor of the motor vehicles will grant the dealer a franchise to handle the manufacturer's, wholesaler's or distributor's motor vehicles if the dealer will sell, assign or transfer all or part of such retail sales contracts to such sales finance company.
218.0145(3)(b) (b) By any statement or representation, express or implied, made directly or indirectly, that the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor will in any manner benefit or injure the dealer if the dealer does or does not sell, assign or transfer all or part of the dealer's retail sales contracts to the sales finance company.
218.0145(3)(c) (c) By an express or implied statement or representation made directly or indirectly, that there is an express or implied obligation on the part of the dealer to so sell, assign or transfer all or part of the dealer's retail sales contracts on the manufacturer's, wholesaler's or distributor's motor vehicles to the sales finance company because of any relationship or affiliation between the sales finance company and the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor.
218.0145(4) (4) Any statements or representations set forth in sub. (3) are declared to be unfair trade practices, unfair competition and against the policy of this state, and are unlawful and are prohibited.
218.0145(5) (5) Any retail motor vehicle dealer who, pursuant to any inducement, statement, promise or threat declared unlawful under this section, shall sell, assign or transfer any or all of the dealer's retail installment contracts shall not be guilty of any unlawful act and may be compelled to testify to each such unlawful act.
218.0145(6) (6) No manufacturer shall directly or indirectly pay or give, or contract to pay or give, anything of service or value to any sales finance company licensee in this state, and no sales finance company licensee in this state shall accept or receive or contract or agree to accept or receive directly or indirectly any payment or thing of service or value from any manufacturer, if the effect of the payment or the giving of the thing of service or value by the manufacturer, or the acceptance or receipt of the payment or thing of service or value by the sales finance company licensee, may be to lessen or eliminate competition or tend to grant an unfair trade advantage or create a monopoly in the sales finance company licensee.
218.0145 History History: 1999 a. 31 s. 270; 2001 a. 38.
218.0145 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. Trans 139, Wis. adm. code.
218.0146 218.0146 Motor vehicles.
218.0146(1)(1) A motor vehicle may not be offered for sale by any motor vehicle dealer or motor vehicle salesperson unless the mileage on the motor vehicle is disclosed in writing by the transferor on the certificate of title or on a form or in an automated format authorized by the department of transportation to reassign the title to the dealer and the disclosure is subsequently shown to the retail purchaser by the dealer or salesperson prior to sale. The department of transportation may promulgate rules to exempt types of motor vehicles from this mileage disclosure requirement and shall promulgate rules for making the disclosure requirement on a form or in an automated format other than the certificate of title.
218.0146(2) (2) It shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle dealer or motor vehicle salesperson to fail to provide, upon request of a prospective purchaser, the name and address of the most recent titled owner and of all subsequent nontitled owners, unless exempted from this requirement by rule of the department of transportation, of any motor vehicle offered for sale. If the most recent titled owner of the motor vehicle is the motor vehicle dealer, the dealer or salesperson shall also provide the name and address of the previous titled owner.
218.0146(3) (3) Except for motor vehicles obtained by involuntary transfer under s. 342.17, a person required to be licensed under this chapter may not sell, offer for sale or have possession of a motor vehicle if any of the following applies:
218.0146(3)(a) (a) The certificate of title has been altered.
218.0146(3)(b) (b) The mileage disclosure statement has been altered.
218.0146(3)(c) (c) The mileage disclosure statement of the previous owner is not complete.
218.0146(3)(d) (d) The assignment or reassignment of ownership by the previous owner is not complete.
218.0146 History History: 1999 a. 31 s. 271.
218.0146 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also chs. Trans 138, 139, and 154, Wis. adm. code.
218.0147 218.0147 Purchase or lease of motor vehicle by minor.
218.0147(1)(1) No minor may purchase or lease any motor vehicle unless the minor, at the time of purchase or lease, submits to the seller or lessor a statement verified before a person authorized to administer oaths and made and signed by either parent of the purchaser or lessee, if the signing parent has custody of the minor or, if neither parent has custody, then by the person having custody, setting forth that the purchaser or lessee has consent to purchase or lease the vehicle. The signature on the statement shall not impute any liability for the purchase price of the motor vehicle or for any payments under the consumer lease to the consenting person. The statement shall not adversely affect any other arrangement for the assumption of liability for the purchase price or any lease payments which the consenting person may make.
218.0147(2) (2) If a motor vehicle is purchased by a minor, the signed statement described in sub. (1) shall accompany the application for a certificate of title and shall be filed by the department of transportation with the application. Failure to obtain the consent or to forward it, together with the application for a certificate of title in the event of the purchase of a motor vehicle, shall not void the contract of sale or consumer lease of a motor vehicle in the hands of an innocent holder, without notice, for value and in the ordinary course of business.
218.0147(3) (3) Any person who sells or leases a motor vehicle to a minor with knowledge of that fact without procuring the statement described in sub. (1) may be fined not more than $200 or imprisoned for not more than 6 months or both.
218.0147 History History: 1999 a. 31 ss. 272, 273.
218.0151 218.0151 Advisory committee. The licensor may appoint annually one or more local advisory committees and one general advisory committee, each consisting of not more than 9 members. The committees upon request of the licensor may advise and assist the licensor in the administration of ss. 218.0101 to 218.0163. The members of the committees shall receive no compensation for their services or expenses.
218.0151 History History: 1999 a. 31 s. 247.
218.0152 218.0152 Rules and regulations.
218.0152(1) (1) The licensor shall promote the interests of retail buyers and lessees of motor vehicles relating to default, delinquency, repossession or collection charges and the refund of the finance charge and insurance premium on prepayment of the installment contract or consumer lease. It may define unfair practices in the motor vehicle industry and trade between licensees or between any licensees and retail buyers, lessees or prospective lessees of motor vehicles, but may not limit the price at which licensees may sell, assign or transfer receivables, contracts or other evidence of any obligation arising out of an installment sale or consumer lease made under ss. 218.0101 to 218.0163.
218.0152(2)(a)(a) The division of banking, department of transportation and division of hearings and appeals shall have the power in hearings arising under this chapter to do all of the following:
218.0152(2)(a)1. 1. Determine the place, in this state, where the hearings shall be held.
218.0152(2)(a)2. 2. Subpoena witnesses and documents.
218.0152(2)(a)3. 3. Take and permit the taking of depositions of witnesses residing in or outside of this state and to otherwise permit the discovery and preservation of evidence before hearing, in the manner provided for in civil actions in courts of record.
218.0152(2)(a)4. 4. Pay the witnesses described in subd. 2 the fees and mileage for their attendance that are provided for witnesses in civil actions in courts of record.
218.0152(2)(a)5. 5. Administer oaths.
218.0152(2)(b) (b) If the licensor has reason to believe that a violation of ss. 218.0101 to 218.0163 has occurred, the licensor may issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of persons to be examined or the production of materials regarding the violation. Subpoenas shall be issued and served in accordance with ch. 885.
218.0152(2)(c) (c) A person providing information under this subsection may request that the information be designated as a trade secret, as defined in s. 134.90 (1) (c), or as confidential business information. The division of hearings and appeals or licensor shall approve the designation if the person providing the information demonstrates that the release of the information would adversely affect the person's competitive position. At least 15 days before any information designated as a trade secret or as confidential business information is disclosed to any other person, the division of hearings and appeals or licensor shall notify the person providing the information. The person providing the information may seek a court order limiting or prohibiting the disclosure, in which case the court shall weigh the need for confidentiality of the information against the public interest in disclosure. Confidentiality is waived if the person providing the information consents in writing to disclosure.
218.0152(3) (3) The licensor may promulgate such rules as it considers necessary or proper for the effective administration and enforcement of ss. 218.0101 to 218.0163, but no licensee shall be subject to examination or audit by the licensor except as provided in s. 218.0116 (5).
218.0152 History History: 1999 a. 31 ss. 248 to 253.
218.0152 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also chs. Trans 137, 138, 139, 140, and 144, Wis. adm. code.
218.0152 Annotation An initial determination by the division is required under s. 218.01 (5) (a) [now sub. (1)], but no such requirement is imposed on claims under s. 218.01 (3) (a) 11. [(now s. 218.0116 (1) (f)]. Mossner Porsche Audi, Inc. v. Volkswagenwerk, A. G. 397 F. Supp. 71 (1975).
218.0161 218.0161 Penalties. Except for s. 218.0116 (1) (a), (b), (cm), (d), (f), (fm), (g), (jm), (m), (o) and (om), and except for violations for s. 218.0114 (1), 218.0119, or 218.0147, any person violating ss. 218.0101 to 218.0163 may be required to forfeit not less than $25 nor more than $500 for each violation.
218.0161 History History: 1999 a. 31 s. 281; 1999 a. 138; 2001 a. 38.
218.0162 218.0162 Commencement of action. Upon the request of the licensor, the department of justice or the district attorney may commence an action in the name of the state to recover a forfeiture under s. 218.0161. An action under s. 218.0161 shall be commenced within 3 years after the occurrence of the unlawful act or practice which is the subject of the action.
218.0162 History History: 1999 a. 31 s. 282.
218.0163 218.0163 Civil damages.
218.0163(1)(1) Without exhausting any administrative remedy available under an agreement or ss. 218.0101 to 218.0163, except as provided in ss. 218.0116 (7) and (8) and 218.0134, a licensee may recover damages in a court of competent jurisdiction for pecuniary loss, together with actual costs including reasonable attorney fees, if the pecuniary loss is caused by any of the following:
218.0163(1)(a) (a) A violation by any other licensee of s. 218.0116 (1) (bm), (f), (h), (hm), (i), (km), (L), (Lm), (mm), (pm), (q), (qm), (r), (rm), (s), (sm), (t), (u), (v), or (w).
218.0163(1)(b) (b) Any unfair practice found by a licensor or the division of hearings and appeals under s. 218.0152 (1).
218.0163(1)(c) (c) An affected grantor's disapproval of a proposed action under s. 218.0134 (2) (b), if the division of hearings and appeals has determined that there is good cause for permitting the proposed action to be undertaken following a hearing under s. 218.0134 (2) (c). A dealer may recover under this paragraph even if the affected grantor complies with the order of the division of hearing and appeals under s. 218.0134 (3) (b). If a dealer recovers damages for pecuniary loss, actual costs under this paragraph also include actual costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred by the dealer in obtaining the division of hearings and appeals' determination of good cause.
218.0163(1m) (1m) If a court finds that a violation or practice described in sub. (1) (a) or (b) is willful, a licensee shall recover damages in an amount equal to 3 times the pecuniary loss, together with actual costs including reasonable attorney fees.
218.0163(2) (2) Any retail buyer, lessee or prospective lessee suffering pecuniary loss because of a violation by a licensee of s. 218.0116 (1) (bm), (c), (cm), (dm), (e), (em), (f), (im), (m) or (p) may recover damages for the loss in any court of competent jurisdiction together with costs, including reasonable attorney fees.
218.0163 History History: 1999 a. 31 s. 283; 2001 a. 31; 2003 a. 77.
218.0163 Annotation Only a licensee may recover under this section; a claim must be related to the scope of the license. Ford Motor Co. v. Lyons, 137 Wis. 2d 397, 405 N.W.2d 354 (Ct. App. 1987).
218.0163 Annotation A dealer's refusal to sell the manufacturer's products after filing a complaint under s. 218.01 (2) (bd) 2. [now 218.0114 (7) (d)] is a violation of that provision, and consequently of s. 218.01 (3) (a) 4. [now 218.0116 (1) (bm)], entitling the manufacturer to treble damages under sub. (9) (am). American Suzuki Motor Corp. v. Bill Kummer, Inc. 65 F.3d 1381 (1995).
218.0171 218.0171 Repair, replacement and refund under new motor vehicle warranties.
218.0171(1) (1) In this section:
218.0171(1)(a) (a) "Collateral costs" means expenses incurred by a consumer in connection with the repair of a nonconformity, including the costs of obtaining alternative transportation.
218.0171(1)(b) (b) "Consumer" means any of the following:
218.0171(1)(b)1. 1. The purchaser of a new motor vehicle, if the motor vehicle was purchased from a motor vehicle dealer for purposes other than resale.
218.0171(1)(b)2. 2. A person to whom the motor vehicle is transferred for purposes other than resale, if the transfer occurs before the expiration of an express warranty applicable to the motor vehicle.
218.0171(1)(b)3. 3. A person who may enforce the warranty.
218.0171(1)(b)4. 4. A person who leases a motor vehicle from a motor vehicle lessor under a written lease.
218.0171(1)(bd) (bd) "Demonstrator" means used primarily for the purpose of demonstration to the public.
218.0171(1)(bg) (bg) "Early termination cost" means any expense or obligation a motor vehicle lessor incurs as a result of both the termination of a written lease before the termination date set forth in that lease and the return of a motor vehicle to a manufacturer under sub. (2) (b) 3. "Early termination cost" includes a penalty for prepayment under a finance arrangement.
218.0171(1)(bj) (bj) "Early termination savings" means any expense or obligation a motor vehicle lessor avoids as a result of both the termination of a written lease before the termination date set forth in that lease and the return of a motor vehicle to a manufacturer under sub. (2) (b) 3. "Early termination savings" includes an interest charge the motor vehicle lessor would have paid to finance the motor vehicle or, if the motor vehicle lessor does not finance the motor vehicle, the difference between the total amount for which the lease obligates the consumer during the period of the lease term remaining after the early termination and the present value of that amount at the date of the early termination.
218.0171(1)(bp) (bp) "Executive" means used primarily by an executive of a licensed manufacturer, distributor or dealer, and not used for demonstration to the public.
218.0171(1)(c) (c) "Manufacturer" means a manufacturer as defined in s. 218.0101 (20) and agents of the manufacturer, including an importer, a distributor, factory branch, distributor branch and any warrantors of the manufacturer's motor vehicles, but not including a motor vehicle dealer.
218.0171(1)(d) (d) "Motor vehicle" means any motor driven vehicle required to be registered under ch. 341 or exempt from registration under s. 341.05 (2), including a demonstrator or executive vehicle not titled or titled by a manufacturer or a motor vehicle dealer, which a consumer purchases or accepts transfer of in this state. "Motor vehicle" does not mean a moped, semitrailer or trailer designed for use in combination with a truck or truck tractor.
218.0171(1)(e) (e) "Motor vehicle dealer" has the meaning given under s. 218.0101 (23) (a).
218.0171(1)(em) (em) "Motor vehicle lessor" means a person who holds title to a motor vehicle leased to a lessee, or who holds the lessor's rights, under a written lease.
218.0171(1)(f) (f) "Nonconformity" means a condition or defect which substantially impairs the use, value or safety of a motor vehicle, and is covered by an express warranty applicable to the motor vehicle or to a component of the motor vehicle, but does not include a condition or defect which is the result of abuse, neglect or unauthorized modification or alteration of the motor vehicle by a consumer.
218.0171(1)(h) (h) "Reasonable attempt to repair" means any of the following occurring within the term of an express warranty applicable to a new motor vehicle or within one year after first delivery of the motor vehicle to a consumer, whichever is sooner:
218.0171(1)(h)1. 1. The same nonconformity with the warranty is subject to repair by the manufacturer, motor vehicle lessor or any of the manufacturer's authorized motor vehicle dealers at least 4 times and the nonconformity continues.
218.0171(1)(h)2. 2. The motor vehicle is out of service for an aggregate of at least 30 days because of warranty nonconformities.
218.0171(2)(a)(a) If a new motor vehicle does not conform to an applicable express warranty and the consumer reports the nonconformity to the manufacturer, the motor vehicle lessor or any of the manufacturer's authorized motor vehicle dealers and makes the motor vehicle available for repair before the expiration of the warranty or one year after first delivery of the motor vehicle to a consumer, whichever is sooner, the nonconformity shall be repaired.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2003. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?