39.41(1m)(dm) (dm) If the high school weights different courses differently to determine a pupil's grade point average, the faculty of the high school shall select for each scholar designated under par. (d) a senior with the same grade point average as an alternate for the scholar, or, if there is not another pupil with the same grade point average, a senior with the next highest grade point average as an alternate for the scholar.
39.41(1m)(e) (e) Except as provided under par. (em), if 2 or more seniors from the same high school of less than 80 pupils have the same grade point average and, except for the limitation of one nominated senior, are otherwise eligible for nomination under par. (b), the faculty of the high school shall select the senior who may be nominated by the school board of the school district operating the public high school or the governing body of the private high school for designation under par. (b) as a scholar by the executive secretary. If that senior is designated as a scholar by the executive secretary and does not qualify for a higher education scholarship under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a), faculty of the high school shall select one or more of the remaining seniors with the same grade point average for certification as a scholar and the school board of the school district operating the high school or the governing body of the private high school shall certify to the board one or more of these seniors as eligible for a higher education scholarship as a scholar under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a) until the scholarship may be awarded by the board.
39.41(1m)(em) (em) If the high school weights different courses differently to determine a pupil's grade point average, and the senior designated as a scholar by the executive secretary under par. (e) does not qualify for a higher education scholarship under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a), the faculty of the high school shall select one senior with the same grade point average for certification as a scholar, or, if there is no senior with the same grade point average, one senior with the next highest grade point average for certification as a scholar, and the school board of the school district operating the high school or the governing body of the private high school shall certify to the board the selected senior as eligible for a higher education scholarship as a scholar under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a) until the scholarship may be awarded by the board.
39.41(1m)(f) (f) If 2 or more seniors from the school operated by the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired have the same grade point average and, except for the limitation of one designated senior, are otherwise eligible for designation under par. (c) 1., the executive secretary shall make the designation under par. (c) 1. of the senior who may be eligible for a higher education scholarship as a scholar and, if that senior does not qualify for a higher education scholarship under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a), shall designate one or more of the remaining seniors with the same grade point average as eligible for a higher education scholarship as a scholar under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a) until the scholarship may be awarded by the board.
39.41(1m)(fm) (fm) If 2 or more seniors from the school operated by the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing have the same grade point average and, except for the limitation of one designated senior, are otherwise eligible for designation under par. (c) 2., the executive secretary shall make the designation under par. (c) 2. of the senior who may be eligible for a higher education scholarship as a scholar and, if that senior does not qualify for a higher education scholarship under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a), shall designate one or more of the remaining seniors with the same grade point average as eligible for a higher education scholarship as a scholar under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a) until the scholarship may be awarded by the board.
39.41(1m)(g) (g) Notwithstanding par. (a), if a high school of at least 80 pupils closes or merges in the 1991-92 school year or in any school year thereafter, the school board of the school district operating the high school or the governing body of the private high school shall, subject to par. (d), for each of the 2 school years following the closure or merger, designate the same number of scholars from among the pupils enrolled in the high school at the time of closure or merger as the number of scholars designated for that high school in the school year the high school closed or merged. Any seniors designated under this paragraph shall be eligible for an original scholarship under this section.
39.41(1m)(h) (h) Notwithstanding par. (a), if a public high school of at least 80 pupils closed following the 1989-90 school year and a pupil from the closed high school was designated a scholar under this section for either of the 2 school years following the closure by the school board of a school district operating a high school that enrolled pupils from the closed high school, such school board shall designate the senior with the next highest grade point average for that school year as a scholar. Any scholar designated under this paragraph shall be eligible for a higher education scholarship under sub. (2) (b) or (3) (b) as determined under par. (a), notwithstanding that the scholar did not receive a higher education scholarship for the academic year immediately following the school year in which the pupil from the closed high school was designated a scholar under this section.
39.41(1m)(i) (i) Notwithstanding par. (d), if the school board of a school district operating a high school or the governing body of a private high school has complied with s. 39.41 (1m) (d), 1991 stats., for the 1993-94 school year and a senior from that high school designated as a scholar under s. 39.41 (1m) (a), 1991 stats., and s. 39.41 (1m) (d), 1991 stats., does not qualify for a higher education scholarship under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a), the faculty of the high school shall select one or more of the remaining seniors with the same grade point average for certification as a scholar. The school board of the school district operating the high school or the governing body of the private high school shall certify to the board one or more of these seniors as eligible for a higher education scholarship as a scholar under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a) until the scholarship may be awarded by the board.
39.41(1m)(j) (j) In the event that 2 or more seniors from the same high school of at least 80 pupils have the same grade point average and are otherwise eligible for designation under par. (a), the school board of the school district operating the high school or the governing body of the private high school shall make the designation of the faculty of the high school for purposes of par. (d) or (i).
39.41(1m)(m) (m) Notwithstanding pars. (a), (b) and (d), if a high school ranks its seniors on the basis of grades in academic subjects, the school board of the school district operating the high school or the governing body of the private high school or, for purposes of par. (d), the faculty of the high school may request a waiver from the executive secretary in order to fulfill its requirements under par. (a), (b) or (d) on the basis of grade point averages in academic subjects.
39.41(2) (2)
39.41(2)(a)(a) If a designated scholar under sub. (1m) is admitted to and enrolls, on a full-time basis, by September 30 of the academic year immediately following the school year in which the senior was designated a scholar, in an institution within the University of Wisconsin System or in a technical college district school that is participating in the program under this section, the scholar shall receive a higher education scholarship that exempts the scholar from all tuition and fees, including segregated fees, at the institution or district school for one year, except that the maximum scholarship for a scholar who receives an original scholarship for the 1996-97 academic year or for any academic year thereafter may not exceed $2,250 per academic year.
39.41(2)(b) (b) For each year that a scholar who receives a scholarship under par. (a) is enrolled full time, maintains at least a 3.000 grade point average, or the equivalent as determined by the institution or district school, and makes satisfactory progress toward an associate or a bachelor's degree, the student shall be exempt from all tuition and fees, including segregated fees, in the subsequent year, except that the maximum scholarship for a scholar who receives an original scholarship for the 1996-97 academic year or for any academic year thereafter may not exceed $2,250 per academic year. No scholar is eligible for an exemption for more than 4 years in the University of Wisconsin System or more than 3 years at a district school.
39.41(2)(c) (c) Subject to sub. (4), for each year the student is exempt from tuition and fees under par. (a) or (b), the board shall pay the institution or district school, on behalf of the student, an amount equal to 50% of the student's tuition and fees, except that the maximum payment for a student who receives an original scholarship for the 1996-97 academic year or for any academic year thereafter may not exceed $1,125 per academic year.
39.41(3) (3)
39.41(3)(a)(a) If a designated scholar under sub. (1m) is admitted to and enrolls, on a full-time basis, by September 30 of the academic year immediately following the school year in which the senior was designated a scholar, in a private institution of higher education that is located in this state and participating in the program under this section, the board shall pay the institution, on behalf of the pupil, an amount equal to 50% of the tuition and fees charged a resident undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the same academic year, except that the maximum payment for a pupil who receives an original scholarship for the 1996-97 academic year or for any academic year thereafter may not exceed $1,125 per academic year.
39.41(3)(b) (b) For each year that a scholar who receives a scholarship under par. (a) is enrolled full time, maintains at least a 3.000 grade point average, or the equivalent as determined by the private institution, and makes satisfactory progress toward a bachelor's degree, the student is eligible for a higher education scholarship as determined under par. (a). No scholar is eligible for a higher education scholarship for more than 4 years at a private institution of higher education.
39.41(4) (4)
39.41(4)(a)(a) The board shall make the payments under subs. (2) (c) and (3) only if the institution, district school or private institution matches the amount of the payment from institutional funds, gifts or grants. Beginning in the 1992-93 school year, the matching requirement under this paragraph for the institutions within the University of Wisconsin System shall be satisfied by payments of an amount equal to the total payments from the institutions made under this paragraph in the 1991-92 school year and, if such payments are insufficient to satisfy the matching requirement, by the waiver of academic fees established under s. 36.27.
39.41(4)(b) (b) The board shall make the payments under subs. (2) (c) and (3) from the appropriation under s. 20.235 (1) (fy).
39.41(5) (5)
39.41(5)(a)1.1. Each institution within the University of Wisconsin System, technical college district school and private institution of higher education that wishes to participate in the scholarship program under this section in academic year 1999-2000 and thereafter shall notify the board by October 1, 1998, that the institution wishes to participate.
39.41(5)(a)2. 2. If an institution of higher education that has notified the board under subd. 1. subsequently wishes to no longer participate in the scholarship program under this section, the institution of higher education shall notify the board of this fact in writing by October 1 prior to the academic year in which the institution will no longer participate.
39.41(5)(b) (b) Each designated scholar who is eligible for a higher education scholarship under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (a) shall notify the board as soon as practicable of the institution of higher education he or she will be attending in the next academic year.
39.41(5)(c) (c) Annually, the board shall notify each scholar who will be attending a participating institution of higher education in the next academic year of the amount of his or her higher education scholarship.
39.41(6) (6) A scholarship under this section shall not be used to replace any other grant for which a student is eligible.
39.41(7) (7) By August 1, 1997, and annually thereafter, the board shall submit a report to the joint committee on finance evaluating the success of the program under this section. The report shall specify the number and amount of the scholarships awarded in the current fiscal year and the institutions of higher education chosen by the scholarship recipients.
39.41(8) (8) The executive secretary shall promulgate rules establishing criteria for the designation of scholars under sub. (1m) (c) 3.
39.41 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also chs. HEA 9, Wis. adm. code.
39.42 39.42 Interstate agreements. The board, with the approval of the joint committee on finance, or the governing boards of any publicly supported institution of post-high school education, with the approval of the board and the joint committee on finance, may enter into agreements or understandings which include remission of nonresident tuition for designated categories of students at state institutions of higher education with appropriate state agencies and institutions of higher education in other states to facilitate use of public higher education institutions of this state and other states. Such agreements and understandings shall have as their purpose the mutual improvement of educational advantages for residents of this state and such other states or institutions of other states with which agreements are made.
39.435 39.435 Wisconsin higher education grants and talent incentive grants.
39.435(1)(1) There is established, to be administered by the board, a higher education grant program for postsecondary resident students enrolled at least half-time and registered as freshmen, sophomores, juniors or seniors in accredited institutions of higher education or in tribally controlled colleges in this state. Except as authorized under sub. (5), such grants shall be made only to students enrolled in nonprofit public institutions or tribally controlled colleges in this state.
39.435(2) (2) The board shall award talent incentive grants to uniquely needy students enrolled at least half-time as first-time freshmen at public and private nonprofit institutions located in this state and to sophomores, juniors and seniors who received such grants as freshmen. No grant under this subsection may exceed $1,800 for any academic year. The board may not award a grant to the same student for more than 10 consecutive semesters or their equivalent. The board shall promulgate rules establishing eligibility criteria for grants under this subsection.
39.435(3) (3) Grants under sub. (1) shall not be less than $250 during any one academic year, unless the joint committee on finance approves an adjustment in the amount of the minimum grant. Grants under sub. (1) shall not exceed $2,500 during any one academic year. The board shall, by rule, establish a reporting system to periodically provide student economic data and shall promulgate other rules the board deems necessary to assure uniform administration of the program.
39.435(4) (4)
39.435(4)(a)(a) The board shall award grants under this section based on a formula that accounts for expected parental and student contributions and is consistent with generally accepted definitions and nationally approved needs analysis methodology.
39.435(4)(d) (d) The awarding of grants under this section is subject to any formula approved or modified by the board under s. 39.285 (1).
39.435(5) (5) The board shall ensure that grants under this section are made available to students attending private or public institutions in this state who are deaf or hard of hearing or visually handicapped and who demonstrate need. Grants may also be made available to such handicapped students attending private or public institutions in other states under criteria established by the board. In determining the financial need of these students special consideration shall be given to their unique and unusual costs.
39.435(6) (6) The board may not make a grant under this section to a person whose name appears on the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b), unless the person provides to the board a payment agreement that has been approved by the county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and that is consistent with rules promulgated under s. 49.858 (2) (a).
39.435(7) (7)
39.435(7)(a)(a) In this subsection:
39.435(7)(a)1. 1. For purposes of determining the appropriation under s. 20.235 (1) (fe) for fiscal year 2005-06, "base amount" means the amount shown in the schedule under s. 20.005 for that appropriation for fiscal year 2004-05.
39.435(7)(a)2. 2. For purposes of determining the appropriation under s. 20.235 (1) (fe) for each fiscal year after fiscal year 2005-06, "base amount" means the maximum appropriation amount determined under par. (b) for the previous fiscal year.
39.435(7)(b) (b) Annually, beginning on February 1, 2005, the board shall determine the appropriation under s. 20.235 (1) (fe) for the next fiscal year as follows:
39.435(7)(b)1. 1. The board shall determine the percentage by which the undergraduate academic fees charged for the current academic year at each institution within the University of Wisconsin System has increased or decreased from the undergraduate academic fees charged for the previous academic year.
39.435(7)(b)2. 2. The appropriation for the next fiscal year shall be the result obtained by increasing, to the nearest $100, the base amount by the highest percentage increase determined under subd. 1., except that, if the undergraduate academic fees for the current academic year decreased or did not change from the undergraduate academic fees charged for the previous academic year at each institution specified in subd. 1., the appropriation shall be the base amount.
39.435(8) (8) The board shall award grants under this section to University of Wisconsin System students from the appropriations under s. 20.235 (1) (fe) and (ke).
39.435 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. HEA 5, Wis. adm. code.
39.44 39.44 Minority undergraduate grants.
39.44(1) (1)
39.44(1)(a)(a) In this section "minority undergraduate" means an undergraduate student who:
39.44(1)(a)1. 1. Is a Black American.
39.44(1)(a)2. 2. Is an American Indian.
39.44(1)(a)3. 3. Is a Hispanic, as defined in s. 560.036 (1) (d).
39.44(1)(a)4. 4. Is a person who is admitted to the United States after December 31, 1975, and who either is a former citizen of Laos, Vietnam or Cambodia or whose ancestor was or is a citizen of Laos, Vietnam or Cambodia.
39.44(1)(b) (b) There is established, to be administered by the board, the minority undergraduate retention grant program for minority undergraduates enrolled in private, nonprofit higher educational institutions in this state or in technical colleges in this state.
39.44(2) (2) Funds for the grants under this section shall be distributed from the appropriation under s. 20.235 (1) (fg), with 50% distributed to the eligible private institutions and 50% distributed to the eligible technical colleges. The board shall audit the enrollment statistics annually.
39.44(3) (3) An institution or school receiving funds under sub. (2) shall:
39.44(3)(a) (a) Award grants to eligible students on the basis of financial need.
39.44(3)(b) (b) Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board that such funds do not replace institutional grants to the recipients.
39.44(3)(c) (c) Annually report to the board the number of awards made, the amount of each award, the minority status of each recipient, other financial aid awards made to each recipient and the total amount of financial aid made available to the eligible students.
39.44(4) (4) The board shall notify an institution or school receiving funds under sub. (2) if a student's name appears on the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b). An institution or school may not award a grant under this section to a student if it receives a notification under this subsection concerning that student, unless the student provides to the institution or school a payment agreement that has been approved by the county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and that is consistent with rules promulgated under s. 49.858 (2) (a).
39.44(5) (5) By November 1, 2001, and annually thereafter, the board shall report to the department of administration on the effectiveness of the program under this section.
39.44 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. HEA 12, Wis. adm. code.
39.45 39.45 Independent student grants.
39.45(1) (1) In this section:
39.45(1)(a) (a) "Institution of higher education" means a public or private nonprofit educational institution meeting the requirements of s. 39.30 or 39.435 for the purpose of awarding grants under those sections.
39.45(1)(b) (b) "Resident student" has the meaning specified in s. 39.30 (1) (e).
39.45(2) (2) There is established, to be determined by the board, a grant program for resident students who are current recipients of aid to families with dependent children under s. 49.19.
39.45(3) (3) Grants under this section shall be awarded on the basis of financial need, as determined by the board, to resident students enrolled for at least 6 academic credits in the 2nd or 3rd year in programs leading to an associate degree or the 3rd, 4th or 5th year in programs leading to a bachelor's degree. Except as provided in sub. (5), no grant may exceed $4,000 per academic year. Students may apply for grants, upon a form prepared and furnished by the board, on or after February 1 of any year for the fall semester or session of the upcoming academic year. No student is eligible to receive a grant under this section for more than 3 academic years.
39.45(4) (4) The board shall give preference, as much as practicable, in awarding grants under this section to students enrolled in courses likely to increase the immediate employment opportunities of such students. The board shall publish a list of such courses and shall include courses that have an occupational or vocational objective in areas with existing labor needs.
39.45(5) (5) The board may award supplemental grants of between $500 and $1,000 per child per semester or session to students for the cost of child care for preschool children of the students. The student shall demonstrate, as determined by the board, financial need for the supplemental grant. In awarding grants under this subsection, the board may not exceed 20% of the appropriation for a given fiscal year for the grant program.
39.45(6) (6) From the appropriation under s. 20.235 (1) (fc), the board shall use available funds to make grant awards under this section, but no award may be made before March 1 for the fall semester or session of the upcoming academic year.
39.45(7) (7) The board shall promulgate rules to administer this section, including criteria and procedures for repayment of grants awarded under this section, including interest, by certain grant recipients who no longer reside in this state or do not successfully complete requirements for a degree. The board shall deposit in the general fund as general purpose revenue-earned all repayments of grants awarded under this section and the interest on the grants.
39.45(8) (8) No student is eligible for an original grant under this section after the 1996-97 academic year.
39.45 History History: 1989 a. 336; 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 27.
39.45 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. HEA 10, Wis. adm. code.
39.46 39.46 Contract for dental education.
39.46(1) (1) On or before July 1 of each year, the board shall initiate, investigate and formulate for procurement, a contract for dental education services in accordance with this section. Thereafter, the board shall conduct a biennial analysis of the program and include a report on its findings and recommendations in its reports under s. 15.04 (1) (d). The legislative audit bureau shall biennially postaudit expenditures under this section. Section 16.75 (1) to (5) are waived with respect to such contract.
39.46(2) (2) The contract under this section shall be between this state and a private nonprofit institution of higher education in this state which operates a dental school that is accredited, as defined in s. 447.01 (1), and shall relate, in all provisions, exclusively to the providing of dental education in the dental school of such institution. The contract shall require:
39.46(2)(a) (a) That no courses of instruction in subject matters of a religious nature be included in any instructional program or curriculum administered in or by the dental school, and that no such courses be required for admission to or graduation from the dental school.
39.46(2)(b) (b) That applicants for admission to the dental school who are residents of this state be accorded preference over other applicants having substantially equal academic qualifications and credentials.
39.46(2)(c) (c) That for purposes of this section the nondiscrimination provisions of s. 16.765, expanded to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, be limited to apply only to the operation of the dental school and that no such prohibited discrimination be practiced with respect to admissions to the dental school.
39.46(2)(d) (d) That the dental school administer and operate its courses and programs in dentistry in conformity with academic and professional standards, rules and requirements and seek progressively to enrich and improve its courses of dental education, research and public service by full and efficient use of budgetary and other resources available to it. In monitoring compliance with this paragraph the board may rely on 3rd-party evaluations conducted by appropriate and recognized accrediting bodies.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2003. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?