457.02 (5m) Authorize any individual who is certified or licensed under this chapter to treat alcohol or substance dependency or abuse as a specialty unless the individual is a certified substance abuse counselor, clinical supervisor, or prevention specialist under s. 440.75 440.88, or unless the individual satisfies educational and supervised training requirements established in rules promulgated by the examining board. In promulgating rules under this subsection, the examining board shall consider the requirements for qualifying as a certified substance abuse counselor, clinical supervisor, or prevention specialist under s. 440.75 440.88.
Note: Section 440.75, as created by 2005 Wis. Act 25, is renumbered s. 440.88 by this bill.
254,41 Section 41. 460.05 (1) (e) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Acts 22 and 25, is amended to read:
460.05 (1) (e) 1. Graduated from a school of massage therapy or bodywork approved by the educational approval board under s. 39.90 38.50 or completed a training program approved by the department under the rules promulgated under s. 460.04 (2) (b).
Note: The stricken "39.90" was inserted by 2005 Wis. Act 22, and "38.50" was inserted by 2005 Wis. Act 25. Act 25 renumbered s. 39.90 to s. 38.50.
254,42 Section 42. 560.61 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
560.61 (1) Make a grant or loan to an eligible recipient for a project that meets the criteria for funding under s. 560.605 (1) and (2) and under s. 560.62, 560.63, 560.65 or 560.66, whichever is appropriate, from the appropriations under s. 20.143 (1) (c), (cb) and (ie).
Note: Section 20.143 (1) (cb) was repealed by 2005 Wis. Act 25.
254,43 Section 43. 944.21 (8) (b) 3. a. of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Acts 22 and 25, is amended to read:
944.21 (8) (b) 3. a. Is a technical college, is a school approved by the educational approval board under s. 39.90 38.50, or is a school described in s. 39.90 38.50 (1) (e) 6., 7. or 8.; and
Note: The stricken "39.90" was inserted by 2005 Wis. Act 22, and "38.50" was inserted by 2005 Wis. Act 25. Act 25 renumbered s. 39.90 to s. 38.50.
254,44 Section 44. 948.11 (4) (b) 3. a. of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Acts 22 and 25, is amended to read:
948.11 (4) (b) 3. a. Is a technical college, is a school approved by the educational approval board under s. 39.90 38.50, or is a school described in s. 39.90 38.50 (1) (e) 6., 7. or 8.; and
Note: The stricken "39.90" was inserted by 2005 Wis. Act 22, and "38.50" was inserted by 2005 Wis. Act 25. Act 25 renumbered s. 39.90 to s. 38.50.
254,45 Section 45. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 221r is amended by replacing "20.292 (2) (gm) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 387, is amended to read:" with "20.292 (2) (gm) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 387m, is amended to read:".
Note: 2005 Wis. Act 25, section 387m, renumbered and amended s. 20.485 (5) (gm) to s. 20.292 (2) (gm). Act 25 does not contain a section 387.
254,46 Section 46. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 855 is amended by replacing "or for placement of a child in a group home licensed under s. 48.625" with ", or for placement of a child in a group home licensed under s. 48.625".
Note: A comma was deleted without being stricken. The change was intended.
254,47 Section 47. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 1157 is amended by replacing "46.277 or, 46.278, or 46.2785" with "46.277 or, 46.278, or 46.2785".
Note: A comma was inserted without being underscored. The change was intended.
254,48 Section 48. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 1298 is amended by replacing "s. 71.04 (7) (b) 1. and 2. and, (d), (df), and (dh)" with "s. 71.04 (7) (b) 1. and 2. and, (d), (df), and (dh)".
Note: The underscored "2." was previously existing and should have been shown in plain text.
254,49 Section 49. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 1361 is amended by replacing ""net income" means the federal regulated investment company taxable income, federal real estate mortgage investment conduit taxable income, federal real estate investment trust or financial asset securitization investment trust taxable income of the corporation, conduit, or trust as determined under the Internal Revenue Code as amended to December 31, 2002, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 106-519, sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 106-573, section 431 of P.L. 107-16, and section 101 of P.L. 107-147," with ""net income" means the federal regulated investment company taxable income, federal real estate mortgage investment conduit taxable income, federal real estate investment trust or financial asset securitization investment trust taxable income of the corporation, conduit, or trust as determined under the Internal Revenue Code as amended to December 31, 2002, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 106-519, sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 106-573, section 431 of P.L. 107-16, and section 101 of P.L. 107-147,".
Note: The above underscored text was previously existing and should have been shown in plain text.
254,50 Section 50. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 1371 is amended by replacing "in a development zone otherwise due under this chapter" with "in a development zone otherwise due under this subchapter chapter".
Note: The underscored "under this" was previously existing and should have been shown in plain text. "Subchapter" was deleted without being shown as stricken.
254,51 Section 51. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 1414 is amended by replacing "in a development zone otherwise due under this chapter" with "in a development zone otherwise due under this subchapter chapter".
Note: The underscored "under this" was previously existing and should have been shown in plain text. "Subchapter" was deleted without being shown as stricken.
254,52 Section 52. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 1599 is amended by replacing "s. 50.01 (1g), or" with "s. 50.01 (1g), or".
Note: A comma was inserted without being underscored. The change was intended.
254,53 Section 53. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 1684t is amended by replacing "77.82 (3) (c) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act 228" with "77.82 (3) (c) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act 228".
Note: Section 77.82 (3) (c) (intro.) was amended by 2003 Wis. Act 228, eff. 11-1-2005. At the time of the adoption of 2005 Wis. Act 25, there was no 2005 Wis. Act 228.
254,54 Section 54. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 2018 is amended by replacing "4-year license" with " 4-year license".
Note: The underscored "license" was previously existing and should have been shown in plain text.
254,55 Section 55. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 2125 is amended by replacing "and who has presented" with "and who has presented".
Note: 2005 Wis. Act 25 inserted "who" without showing it as underscored. The change was intended.
254,56 Section 56. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 2243 is amended by replacing "341.09 (2m) (a) 1., 2. and 3. and (d) of the statutes are amended to read:" with "341.09 (2m) (a) 1. (intro.), 2. and 3. and (d) of the statutes are amended to read:".
Note: 2005 Wis. Act 25, section 2243, treats s. 341.09 (2m) (a) 1. (intro.) and not the subsequent subdivision paragraphs.
254,57 Section 57. 2005 Wisconsin Act 42, section 29 is amended by replacing "admit videotape an audiovisual recording of a statement" with "admit an audiovisual recording of a videotape statement".
Note: New text was inserted in the wrong order.
254,58 Section 58. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication, except as follows:
(1) The treatment of sections 440.75 and 457.02 (5m) of the statutes takes effect on the day after publication or on the date on which the treatment of subchapter VII of chapter 440 takes effect under Section 9421 (10q) of 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, whichever is later.