WC law revisions re payment of benefits, maximum compensation amounts, work injury supplemental benefit fund, hearings and procedures, program administration, and general coverage; penalty and report provisions -  Act 172
lakesLakes, see also Shoreland zoning
Aquatic invasive species management grants [Sec. 495] -  Act 25
Cladaphora algae in Lake Michigan at Hika Bay: grant to Manitowoc County for study [Sec. 245m, 9135 (2e)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Commercial fishing regulations revised; DNR and penalty provisions -  Act 288
Lake research donations: amount of voluntary contribution increased re boat registration or renewal of certificate of number [Sec. 669] -  Act 25
Lake Winnebago comprehensive restoration project expanded [Sec. 657t, v] -  Act 25
Nonpoint source, priority watershed, and lakes: bonding increased [Sec. 463, 463c, 465] -  Act 25
Soo Locks connecting Lake Superior with other Great Lakes: appropriation for federal improvement project [Sec. 275] -  Act 25
landLand, see also Public land; Wetland
BCPL may invest moneys in the purchase of land in this state under certain conditions; DNR required to set aside moneys under the stewardship program to acquire certain land from BCPL -  Act 352
Managed forest land: contiguous acres may be in more than one municipality -  Act 299
Submerged land under the waters of Green Bay conveyed to Brown County re restoration of Cat Island Chain; DNR provisions and appendix report -  Act 390
land _ taxationLand — Taxation, see Property tax
land information boardLand Information Board
Land recording fee revision; most LIB functions transferred to DOA; Wisconsin Land Council eliminated, duties transferred to DOA; land information aids funding lapse [Sec. 40m, 91-93, 389, 390, 391, 496-498 695, 696, 1231-1234, 1236-1238, 1742, 2032, 2493-2495, 9201 (1q), 9455 (2)] [92, 389 — partial veto; 390, 391, 9201 (1q) — vetoed]  -  Act 25
Soil surveys and mapping functions and appropriations deleted [Sec. 392, 396] -  Act 25
Amoritization ordinance may not be used by county or municipality to remove nonconforming building premises, structure, or fixture that may be lawfully used  -  Act 81
Building code or zoning ordinance violations: remedies in certain actions [vetoed] -  AB-597
Comprehensive plan requirements and planning grants repealed [Sec. 1c, 90t, u, 388h, n, 389m, 400m, 695g, 1235z, 1238m, n, 1242q, 1250e-m, 1254m, 2118r] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
County forest land use plan period modified; eligibility for forest administrator and sustainable forestry grants provision  -  Act 48
Forestry operations: nuisance declaration and certain zoning ordinances prohibited if generally accepted forestry management practices are followed -  Act 79
Impact fee laws revised re imposition by and payment of; publication of municipal budget summary and requirements on plat approval conditions provisions -  Act 477
Impact fees: time period in which it must be used and refund process modified -  Act 203
Military base or installation representative required re planning or zoning entities of political subdivisions and consideration required re comprehensive planning; council on military and state relations created in the Governor's office  -  Act 26
Town that has entered into a cooperative boundary agreement with a village or city authorized to use TIF; cooperative plan required with application -  Act 13
Zoning actions and comprehensive plans that change the allowable use of property: requirements re notice to persons affected -  Act 208
Zoning adjustment board or board of appeals: appointment of alternate members required; majority vote needed to take action if quorum is present -  Act 34
Zoning entity may not condition or withhold approval of a permit re property owner entering, modifying, or ending a contract with a 3rd party lawfully using the property  -  Act 171
landlord and tenantLandlord and tenant
Rental unit tenancy termination re drug or criminal gang activity nuisance: notice by law enforcement agencies expanded; DA authority added -  Act 281
Self-service storage facilities: late fees permitted -  Act 461
lang, robertLang, Robert
Commitment to Big Brother Big Sisters honored [AJR-66] -  JR-27
law enforcement officersLaw enforcement officers, see Police; Sheriff
lawyerLawyer, see Attorney
lead poisoningLead poisoning, see Public health
Condemnation of property that is not blighted prohibited if condemnor intends to convey or lease the acquired property to a private entity -  Act 233
Fox River Navigational System Authority funding and budget process revisions; Commission repealed; sale of surplus lands [Sec. 40, 54, 272, 273, 273g, r, 678-680, 2119, 9101 (10t), 9105 (14q), 9118 (1q)] -  Act 25
Motor vehicle consumer lease or consumer credit sale of a motor vehicle: material false statement in credit application added to definition of ``default" -  Act 110
Motor vehicle consumer lease: revisions re voluntary surrender and actions to recover collateral; nonjudicial repossession, customer and law enforcement notices, and penalty provisions -  Act 255
Rental-purchase agreement regulations created; exceptions and penalty provisions [vetoed] -  SB-268
Rental vehicle fee increased; limousine provision added; regulations created re rental company advertising of rental rates [Sec. 1694, 1826L, 9341 (11), 9441 (5)] -  Act 25
legislative audit bureauLegislative Audit Bureau
Area cooperation compacts: certification and reporting requirements repealed -  Act 164
Building project costs at U.W. System: LAB to study [Sec. 9152 (8m)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Elections Board information technology development projects: JLAC to request performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9130 (2q)] -  Act 25
HIRSP changes; HIRSP Authority and Health Care Tax Credit Program created; reports and LAB provisions  -  Act 74
MPCP revisions re enrollment caps, income requirement for continuing student or sibling of pupil, and eligibility requirement re previous enrollment; private schools participating in MPCP required to achieve certain accreditation, and administer certain tests; LAB report required; SAGE per pupil payment increased -  Act 125
Vegetation obstructing view of outdoor advertising signs: DOT permit system created for maintenance and removal of vegetation by sign owners; LAB report required  -  Act 465
legislative fiscal bureauLegislative Fiscal Bureau
Fund conditional statements: DOA and LFB to develop own methodology [Sec. 32, 65] -  Act 25
Mason, Wilton ``Tony" E., III: public service commended and congratulations on his retirement from the LFB [AJR-103] -  JR-66
Rhodes, Terry A.: public service commended upon his retirement from the LFB [AJR-53] -  JR-69
legislative reference bureauLegislative Reference Bureau
Theobald, Dr. H. Rupert: life and public service as Chief of the LRB honored [AJR-69] -  JR-28
Legislative expenditure reduction for 2005-07 fiscal biennium; decrease in FTE positions [Sec. 3-9, 16, 20-31, 33, 441-445, 685, 693, 694 9130 (1)] -  Act 25
legislature _ administrative rules, joint committee for review ofLegislature — Administrative Rules, Joint Committee for Review of
Floorperiods for 2005-06 session created; limited-business floorperiod provision re JCRAR bills [Joint rules 81r, 83 (4), 83 (4)(b)] [SJR-1] -  JR-1
Floorperiods for 2005-06 session: December 2006 floorperiod moved to July 12, 2006; JCRAR and JCOER provisions [Joint rules 81r and 83 (4)(b)] [SJR-86] -  JR-61
legislature _ audit committee, joint legislativeLegislature — Audit Committee, Joint Legislative
Elections Board information technology development projects: JLAC to request performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9130 (2q)] -  Act 25
Investment Board operating budget and external management authority revisions; report requirements re JLAC [Sec. 525t-528w, 9326 (1c)] -  Act 25
Physician information and health care information database: data procedures, DHFS study, reports, and memorandum of understanding with DRL [Sec. 313m, 2067g, 9101 (6), (7q)] [9101 (6) — partial veto; 2067g, 9101 (7q) — vetoed] -  Act 25
legislature _ billsLegislature — Bills, see Bills, Legislative
Marsh restoration: DNR to identify, assess, and set goals; submit results to JCF and appropriate standing committees [Sec. 9135 (5c)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
legislature _ employeeLegislature — Employee
Legislative expenditure reduction for 2005-07 fiscal biennium; decrease in FTE positions [Sec. 3-9, 16, 20-31, 33, 441-445, 685, 693, 694 9130 (1)] -  Act 25
legislature _ employment relations, joint committee onLegislature — Employment Relations, Joint Committee on
Floorperiods for 2005-06 session: December 2006 floorperiod moved to July 12, 2006; JCRAR and JCOER provisions [Joint rules 81r and 83 (4)(b)] [SJR-86] -  JR-61
legislature _ finance, joint committee onLegislature — Finance, Joint Committee on
Adult correctional health care services: Corr.Dept to submit plan to JCF re management and cost of delivery of services [Sec. 9109 (2r)] -  Act 25
Air management fee revisions; DNR air permit report to JCF [Sec. 230v-233, 237v, 270g, 273e, 2192-2196j, 9135 (4k), 9235 (4k), 9435 (5)] [2196i — partial veto]  -  Act 25
``Budget stabilization fund" name changed to ``Taxpayer protection fund"; limit on expenditures of general fund revenues [Sec. 10m, 15m, 17m, 65m, 66m, 68a-j, 81p, 126e, m, 137m, 482m-r, 520m] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Child welfare caseworkers in Milwaukee County: DHFS report on retention activities [Sec. 9121 (12d)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
CIP II enhanced funding for person relocating from nursing home to the community; DHFS report to JCF re CIP relocations from nursing homes [Sec. 868, 869, 9121 (12r)] [869 — partial veto; 9121 (12r) — vetoed] -  Act 25
Data center and business management system projects and reports [Sec. 9101 (11k), (12k)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
DPI expenditure of federal funds: JCF procedure [Sec. 1856f, 9437 (3v)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Engineer positions re highway delivery functions: DOT may request reallocation [Sec. 9148 (7f)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100