Supplemental MA payments made from community aids: sunset removed [Sec. 1133, 2498-2510, 9121 (4)]  -  Act 25
Supplemental MA payments to county and municipal nursing homes: any additional federal moneys must be distributed to the nursing homes -  Act 107
Transportation fund: one-time transfer to MA trust fund [Sec. 456g, r, 533g, r, 537d, e, 9448 (4m)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Unborn child prenatal care: coverage provided re ineligibility for Badger Care or MA [Sec. 311, 316, 321, 1174-1184, 1185, 1186, 1193, 9421 (1)] -  Act 25
medical college of wisconsin, incMedical College of Wisconsin, Inc.
Joint academic programs: study of [Sec. 9152 (8q)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Prostate cancer research programs: individual income tax checkoff created; DPI and U.W. System to administer the appropriation; Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc. and U.W. Comprehensive Cancer Center to receive moneys; annual reports required -  Act 460
Graduate medical education program may elect to be subject to the statutory health care liaiblity insurance requirements, definition created -  Act 51
Joint academic programs: study of [Sec. 9152 (8q)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Wisconsin health education assistance loan repayment transfer [Sec. 167g, k, 725m, 9222 (1f)] -  Act 25
medical examinerMedical examiner, see Coroner
medical examining boardMedical Examining Board
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded to include sterilization, abortion, experiments re in vitro human embryos, procedures re fetal tissue, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings; health care providers and health facilities employees revisions; definitions, disciplinary actions, liability, damages, and patient health care records provisions [vetoed] -  AB-207
Optometrist regulation revised including certain pharmaceutical agents, license examination, and continuing education  -  Act 297
medical malpracticeMedical malpractice
Actions against health care provider by person under age 18: time limit clarified; disability provision [vetoed]  -  AB-1071
Attorney fee limits in medical malpractice cases revised [vetoed] -  AB-1074
Graduate medical education program may elect to be subject to the statutory health care liaiblity insurance requirements, definition created -  Act 51
Health care liability requirements extended to include any organization or enterprise organized to provide medical services of physicians and nurse anesthetists -  Act 36
Medical malpractice case: introduction of collateral source payments and evidence of the injured person's obligations of subrogation or reimbursement resulting from collateral source payments allowed; damage award provision [vetoed]  -  AB-1072
Medical malpractice case: introduction of collateral source payments and evidence of the injured person's obligations of subrogation or reimbursement resulting from collateral source payments allowed; damage award provision [vetoed]  -  AB-764
Medical malpractice: limit on noneconomic damages created; report from board of governors of the Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund required -  Act 183
Medical malpractice: limit on noneconomic damages created; report from board of governors of the Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund required [vetoed]  -  AB-766
medical practice, groupMedical practice, Group
Cancer clinical trial: health care plan prohibited from denying coverage under certain conditions; ``routine patient care" defined -  Act 194
Defined network plan, point-of-service plan, and PP plan revisions; OCI provisions [vetoed] -  SB-617
Health care liability requirements extended to include any organization or enterprise organized to provide medical services of physicians and nurse anesthetists -  Act 36
HMO services: reimbursement to be made under capitation rates that are actuarially sound [Sec. 1124g] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Physician information and health care information database: data procedures, DHFS study, reports, and memorandum of understanding with DRL [Sec. 313m, 2067g, 9101 (6), (7q)] [9101 (6) — partial veto; 2067g, 9101 (7q) — vetoed] -  Act 25
medical recordMedical record, see Privacy
medical residentMedical resident, see Medical education
medical savings accountMedical savings account, see Insurance — Health
medical serviceMedical service, see also Medical assistance; specific medical occupation
Adult correctional health care services: Corr.Dept to submit plan to JCF re management and cost of delivery of services [Sec. 9109 (2r)] -  Act 25
Attorney fees for protective services officers re certain criminal proceedings: municipality, county, school district, or technical college district required to reimburse under certain conditions; definition provision -  Act 73
Automated external defibrillator: terms ``automatic defibrillator" and ``semiautomatic defibrillator" changed to; civil liability immunity for acts in good faith without gross negligence and to owner and provider if regular maintenance and testing are performed -  Act 486
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded to include sterilization, abortion, experiments re in vitro human embryos, procedures re fetal tissue, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings; health care providers and health facilities employees revisions; definitions, disciplinary actions, liability, damages, and patient health care records provisions [vetoed] -  AB-207
EMT-basic training and examination: DHFS to provide funding to ambulance service providers; EMS Board to recommend disbursement formula; report by providers required [Sec. 220, 324, 710, 2026r-2030] -  Act 25
Gastric bypass or stapling surgery coverage under MA and Badger Care prohibited unless covered under federal MA law [Sec. 1146j, 1157j, 9321 (9q)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Health care provider statement of apology or condolence is inadmissible in a civil action or administrative hearing [vetoed] -  AB-1021
Health care review records: confidentiality and privilege provisions revised; ``quality improvement activity" defined; liability and evidence provisions [vetoed] -  SB-578
Home care placement agency notification requirements re home care worker and consumer; complaint, liability, damages, definition, and telephone numbers for reporting abuse provisions -  Act 197
Medical examiner or coroner also serving in certain emergency services positions: provisions revised re conflicts in compatibility of offices -  Act 127
Mental illness and developmental disabilities re certain minors: revisions re inpatient treatment facilities, discharge upon request, transfer from secured juvenile facility to inpatient treatment facility, outpatient treatment, and access to treatment records; juvenile court provisions  -  Act 444
Midwives who are not registered nurses: DRL licensure requirements established; temporary permit and penalty provisions -  Act 292
Newborn umbilical cord blood donation: health care provider to offer information on options; civil liability provision  -  Act 56
Sexual reassignment surgery or hormonal therapy re appearance of opposite gender: Corr.Dept prohibited from using state or federal funds to provide or facilitate  -  Act 105
Specialized medical vehicle: MA-certified provider requirements revised re wheelchair accommodations  -  Act 340
State agent of DHFS status granted to behavioral health providers, health care providers, pupil services providers, or substance abuse prevention providers who volunteer their services to a health care facility during a state of emergency re public health; restrictions specified; WC provision  -  Act 96
Statewide trauma care system: confidentiality of all information and documents regarding, exception for health care services review; civil liability immunity -  Act 315
Traffic control signal emergency preemption device: operating a motor vehicle equipped with a transmitter, other than authorized emergency vehicles, prohibited; use of transmitter in authorized emergency vehicles limited; selling of transmitter prohibited except for authorized purposes; forfeiture and definition provisions -  Act 193
U.W. and technical college fee remission extended to child or surviving spouse of an ambulance driver, correctional officer, EMT, fire fighter, or law enforcement officer who qualified for duty disability benefits and later died from the disability -  Act 320
Volunteer Fire Fighter and Emergency Medical Technician Service Award Program: program revised and renamed Service Award Program; UI provision -  Act 142
Volunteer Health Care Provider Program expanded to certain public elementary schools, charter schools, and MPCP participating schools; conditions set; definition expanded to include nurse practitioner; DOA approval required  -  Act 188
medical technicianMedical technician, see Medical service
medicineMedicine, see Drugs
memorial certificateMemorial certificate, see Legislature — Member; name of specific individual
memorial highwayMemorial highway, see Road — Marking
memorials and monumentsMemorials and monuments, see Fire department
meningococcal disease _meningitis_Meningococcal disease (meningitis), see Disease
mental healthMental health
Actions against health care provider by person under age 18: time limit clarified; disability provision [vetoed]  -  AB-1071
Community-based psychosocial services under MA [Sec. 330g] -  Act 25
Concealed weapon licensing system created; active duty or retired law enforcement officer permitted to carry a concealed firearm, ID card provision; DOJ to consider mental health status re background checks for handgun purchases; grants for shooting ranges; reports required; DOT duties specified [vetoed] -  SB-403
Harassment definition modified; harassment and child abuse restraining order or injunction deadlines increased; payment of filing fee for child abuse or vulnerable adult injunction revised -  Act 272
Homeless individuals with CMI: program transferred from DHFS to Comm.Dept [Sec. 323, 331, 905-908, 9121 (5), 9421 (6)] -  Act 25
Mental health systems charge grants: requirements revised [Sec. 895] -  Act 25
Mental illness and developmental disabilities re certain minors: revisions re inpatient treatment facilities, discharge upon request, transfer from secured juvenile facility to inpatient treatment facility, outpatient treatment, and access to treatment records; juvenile court provisions  -  Act 444
Mental responsibility of a defendant in a criminal action: deadline for examining physician or psychologist to report to opposing counsel or examiner specified -  Act 244
Protective service system laws revised; provisions re admissions, transfers, definitions, nursing homes, attorney fees, hearings, procedural rights, guardian ad litem, evaluations, power of attorney, emergency protective placement, psychotropic medication, modification and termination of protective placements, SPD, and annual reviews and reports; court, county, and DHFS duties specified -  Act 264
Psychotropic medications under MA, Badger Care, and prescription drug assistance for elderly persons: reimbursement limits prohibited; DHFS report on physician prescribing practices under MA, report to JCF [Sec. 9121 (14k), (14p)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
``Treatment records" and ``registration records" re mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, and drug dependence: definitions changed; confidentiality exception re release to physician in a medical emergency modified; good faith exception to liability for release of records eliminated -  Act 449
mental health _ hospitals and institutesMental health — Hospitals and institutes, see also Prison
Community Opportunities and Recovery Program waiver re MA recipients with serious mental illness [Sec. 845, 856-862, 872, 877, 917, 1153, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1840]  -  Act 25
Family Care resource centers and care management organizations: DHFS authority to contract with certain entities to provide, JCF approval; pilot project requirements integrated into contract requirements; provisions re DHFS use of capitation payments re long-term care services, self-directed services option, evaluations, and increased funding for reimbursement for certain care provided by nursing homes; annual report re certain relocations or diversions required  -  Act 386
GPS tracking of persons on parole, probation, extended supervision, supervised release, or conditional release for committing a serious child sex offense; residency requirements and sex offender registry Web site provisions; Corr.Dept, DHFS, and court duties specified; report required  -  Act 431
Inmate mental health services pilot program created; Corr.Dept and DHFS duties [Sec. 9121 (14x)] -  Act 25
Mental health institute deficit reduction and reporting requirements eliminated [Sec. 1224, 1225]  -  Act 25
Mental illness and developmental disabilities re certain minors: revisions re inpatient treatment facilities, discharge upon request, transfer from secured juvenile facility to inpatient treatment facility, outpatient treatment, and access to treatment records; juvenile court provisions  -  Act 444
Protective service system laws revised; provisions re admissions, transfers, definitions, nursing homes, attorney fees, hearings, procedural rights, guardian ad litem, evaluations, power of attorney, emergency protective placement, psychotropic medication, modification and termination of protective placements, SPD, and annual reviews and reports; court, county, and DHFS duties specified -  Act 264
Sexual reassignment surgery or hormonal therapy re appearance of opposite gender: Corr.Dept prohibited from using state or federal funds to provide or facilitate  -  Act 105
Sexually violent person commitment procedures revised; definitions modified -  Act 434
Treatment record confidentiality: release without written consent exception modified -  Act 485
mental retardationMental retardation
Actions against health care provider by person under age 18: time limit clarified; disability provision [vetoed]  -  AB-1071
Harassment definition modified; harassment and child abuse restraining order or injunction deadlines increased; payment of filing fee for child abuse or vulnerable adult injunction revised -  Act 272
Intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded: contract for plan payment for certain county [Sec. 872g]  -  Act 25