Under current law, a person who is ordered by a court to pay child or family
support may have the amount of support revised if there has been a substantial
change in circumstances. A substantial change in circumstances includes such
events as a change in the payer's earning capacity or a change in the needs of the
child. Certain events, such as the expiration of 33 months since the support order
was entered or last revised, constitute rebuttable presumptions that there has been
a substantial change in circumstances. Even if the court finds that there has been
a substantial change in circumstances, the court is not required to revise the support
amount. If the court does revise support, however, it must use the percentage
standard for setting the amount or, if the court determines that using the percentage
standard would be unfair to the child or either of the parties, the court may modify
the amount that would result from using the percentage standard on the basis of
factors set out in the statutes. (The percentage standard is a percentage of the
payer's gross income. The percentage varies with the number of children for which
the support is paid.)
This substitute amendment requires a court to revise the amount of child or
family support that a payer is obligated to pay if the payer is a member of the national

guard or of a reserve unit of the U.S. armed forces, is called into active duty in the
U.S. armed forces, and files a motion for the revision. The revised amount of support
must bear the same proportion to the amount the payer is currently obligated to pay
as the payer's military pay bears to the payer's income while not on active duty.
Either before or during active service, the payer must file a motion for revision, along
with an affidavit stating all amounts and sources of income while not on active duty
and all amounts and sources of income while on active duty that are not military pay.
The payer must also file with the motion if available, or as soon as practicable if not
available when the motion is filed, a copy of defense financing and accounting form
702 showing his or her military pay.
The court must hold a hearing as soon as possible after the motion is filed. If
the payer cannot be present, he or she may participate by telephone or interactive
video and audio transmission. If, due to the nature of his or her active service, it is
impossible for the payer to participate by telephone or interactive video and audio
transmission, the court must grant a stay of the hearing until the payer is able to
participate. Only after the payer has filed all of the necessary information and a
hearing has been held may the court issue an order revising child or family support.
The revision shall be effective from the date on which the payee received notice of the
motion or the date on which the payer began active service, whichever is later, and
remains in effect until the support amount is revised again on the basis of a motion,
petition, or order to show cause. The order must also require the payer to notify the
department of workforce development (DWD) and the county child support agency
of the date on which he or she is discharged from active service.
The substitute amendment also prohibits DWD and any county child support
agency from conducting any child or family support enforcement activities with
respect to a payer who has been called to active service and whose child or family
support has been revised by a court for that reason for a period of six months after
the revision order has been issued. A payer may receive extensions of the six-month
period, however, if he or she provides satisfactory evidence to the county child
support agency that he or she is still on active duty or has been discharged from
active duty for less than 90 days.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB182-SSA2, s. 1 1Section 1. 767.263 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB182-SSA2,3,92 767.263 (1) Each order for child support, family support, or maintenance
3payments shall include an order that the payer and payee notify the county child
4support agency under s. 59.53 (5) of any change of address within 10 business days
5of such change. Each order for child support, family support, or maintenance

1payments shall also include an order that the payer notify the county child support
2agency under s. 59.53 (5) and the payee, within 10 business days, of any change of
3employer and of any substantial change in the amount of his or her income, including
4receipt of bonus compensation, such that his or her ability to pay child support,
5family support, or maintenance is affected. The order shall also include a statement
6that clarifies that notification of any substantial change in the amount of the payer's
7income will not result in a change of the order unless a revision of the order under
8s. 767.32 or 767.321 or an annual adjustment of the child or family support amount
9under s. 767.33 is sought.
SB182-SSA2, s. 2 10Section 2. 767.265 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB182-SSA2,4,211 767.265 (1) Each order for child support under this chapter, for maintenance
12payments under s. 767.23 or 767.26, for family support under this chapter, for costs
13ordered under s. 767.51 (3) or 767.62 (4), for support by a spouse under s. 767.02 (1)
14(f), or for maintenance payments under s. 767.02 (1) (g), each order for or obligation
15to pay the annual receiving and disbursing fee under s. 767.29 (1) (d), each order for
16a revision in a judgment or order with respect to child support, maintenance, or
17family support payments under s. 767.32 or 767.321, each stipulation approved by
18the court or a circuit court commissioner for child support under this chapter, and
19each order for child or spousal support entered under s. 948.22 (7) constitutes an
20assignment of all commissions, earnings, salaries, wages, pension benefits, benefits
21under ch. 102 or 108, lottery prizes that are payable in installments, and other money
22due or to be due in the future to the department or its designee. The assignment shall
23be for an amount sufficient to ensure payment under the order, obligation, or
24stipulation and to pay any arrearages due at a periodic rate not to exceed 50% of the
25amount of support due under the order, obligation, or stipulation so long as the

1addition of the amount toward arrearages does not leave the party at an income
2below the poverty line established under 42 USC 9902 (2).
SB182-SSA2, s. 3 3Section 3. 767.303 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB182-SSA2,4,154 767.303 (1) If a person fails to pay a payment ordered for support under s.
5767.077, support under s. 767.08, child support or family support under s. 767.23,
6child support under s. 767.25, family support under s. 767.261, revised child or
7family support under s. 767.32 or 767.321, child support under s. 767.458 (3), child
8support under s. 767.477, child support under s. 767.51, child support under s. 767.62
9(4), child support under ch. 769, or child support under s. 948.22 (7), the payment is
1090 or more days past due, and the court finds that the person has the ability to pay
11the amount ordered, the court may suspend the person's operating privilege, as
12defined in s. 340.01 (40), until the person pays all arrearages in full or makes
13payment arrangements that are satisfactory to the court, except that the suspension
14period may not exceed 2 years. If otherwise eligible, the person is eligible for an
15occupational license under s. 343.10 at any time.
SB182-SSA2, s. 4 16Section 4. 767.321 of the statutes is created to read:
SB182-SSA2,5,2 17767.321 Revision of child or family support for a payer called to active
18military duty.
(1) Requirement; amount of revision. Notwithstanding s. 767.32,
19if a member of the national guard or of a reserve unit of the U.S. armed forces is
20obligated to pay child or family support and is called into active duty in the U.S.
21armed forces, upon a motion and supporting income information filed as provided in
22this section and after a hearing, the court or circuit court commissioner shall revise
23the child or family support to an amount that bears the same proportion to the child
24or family support amount that the payer is obligated to pay when the payer is called

1into active duty as the payer's income while on active duty bears to the payer's
2income while not on active duty.
SB182-SSA2,5,6 3(2) Procedure. (a) Filing of motion and income information. At any time after
4being ordered to active service in the U.S. armed forces but before being discharged
5from active duty, the payer may file, and if so shall serve copies on the payee and the
6county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5), all of the following:
SB182-SSA2,5,87 1. A motion to revise the amount of child or family support that the payer is
8obligated to pay.
SB182-SSA2,5,119 2. An affidavit signed by the payer stating all amounts and sources of the
10payer's income while not on active duty and all amounts and sources of the payer's
11income, other than military pay, while the payer is on active duty.
SB182-SSA2,5,1312 3. If available, a copy of the payer's defense finance and accounting service form
13702, showing the payer's military pay.
SB182-SSA2,5,1914 (b) Separate filing of military pay form. If a copy of the form specified in par.
15(a) 3. is not available when the motion is filed under par. (a), as soon as practicable
16after filing the motion the payer shall file, and send to the payee and the county child
17support agency under s. 59.53 (5), a copy of his or her defense finance and accounting
18service form 702, showing his or her military pay. The copy of form 702 may be sent
19to the court for filing by facsimile transmission or electronic mail.
SB182-SSA2,6,220 (c) Hearing. The court or circuit court commissioner shall schedule a hearing
21to be held as soon as possible after the motion under par. (a) is filed. The court shall
22allow the payer to participate in the hearing by telephone, interactive video and
23audio transmission, or other live interactive communication if the payer's
24attendance is impossible because he or she has begun to serve on active duty. If, due
25to the nature of the payer's active service, it is impossible for him or her to participate

1in the hearing as scheduled, the court shall grant a stay of the hearing until the payer
2is able to participate.
SB182-SSA2,6,93 (d) Issuance of order. 1. After all of the income information required under pars.
4(a) and (b) has been received and filed, and after a hearing has been held, the court
5or circuit court commissioner shall issue an order revising the child or family support
6that the payer is obligated to pay to the amount specified in sub. (1). The order also
7shall require the payer to notify the department and the county child support agency
8under s. 59.53 (5) in the county in which the order is issued of the date on which the
9payer is discharged from active duty.
SB182-SSA2,6,1410 2. The revision shall be effective as of the date on which the payee received
11notice of the motion or as of the date on which the payer begins to serve on active duty,
12whichever is later. Only if a payer is unable to participate in the hearing before he
13or she is discharged from active duty may the court issue an order under this
14paragraph after the payer is discharged.
SB182-SSA2,6,18 15(3) Motion after discharge. After the payer is discharged from active duty,
16any party may file a petition, motion, or order to show cause under s. 767.32 to revise
17the amount of child or family support that the payer is obligated to pay while not on
18active duty.
SB182-SSA2,6,23 19(4) Prohibition on support enforcement. (a) Definition. In this subsection,
20"child or family support enforcement activities" does not include income withholding
21under s. 767.265, except that "child support enforcement activities" includes
22income-withholding for any arrearages that may accrue under an order under sub.
23(2) (d).
SB182-SSA2,7,524 (b) Six-month suspension. Except as provided in par. (c), if the court or court
25commissioner issues an order under sub. (2) (d) revising the amount of child or family

1support that a payer is obligated to pay, the department and a county child support
2agency under s. 59.53 (5) are prohibited from conducting any child or family support
3enforcement activities with respect to the payer for a period beginning on the date
4on which the order is issued under sub. (2) (d) and ending on a date that is 6 months
5after the date on which the order was issued.
SB182-SSA2,7,146 (c) Extension of suspension. If a payer for whom an order was issued under sub.
7(2) (d) provides to the county child support agency in the county in which the order
8was issued satisfactory evidence that, on the date on which support enforcement
9activities may be commenced under par. (b), the payer is on active duty or has been
10discharged from active duty for less than 90 days, the county child support agency
11shall extend the time during which the department and a county child support
12agency under s. 59.53 (5) are prohibited from conducting support enforcement
13activities with respect to the payer. The time under par. (b) may be extended for a
14payer any number of times, as appropriate, and for up to 6 months each time.
SB182-SSA2,7,1915 (d) Limit on suspension. Notwithstanding pars. (b) and (c), in no event may the
16department or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) be prohibited from
17conducting support enforcement activities with respect to a payer for whom an order
18was issued under sub. (2) (d) for more than 90 days after the payer is discharged from
19active duty in the U.S. armed forces.
SB182-SSA2, s. 5 20Section 5. 767.33 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB182-SSA2,7,2421 767.33 (5) (a) Nothing in this section affects a party's right to file at any time
22a motion, petition, or order to show cause under s. 767.32 or a motion under s. 767.321
23for revision of a judgment or order with respect to an amount of child or family
SB182-SSA2, s. 6 25Section 6. 767.51 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
1767.51 (6) Sections 767.24, 767.245, 767.263, 767.265, 767.267, 767.29,
2767.293, 767.30, 767.305, 767.31, 767.32, 767.321, and 767.325, where applicable,
3shall apply to a judgment or order under this section.
SB182-SSA2, s. 7 4Section 7. 808.075 (4) (d) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB182-SSA2,8,65 808.075 (4) (d) 4. Revision of judgment or order for child support, maintenance
6payments, or family support payments under s. 767.32 , 767.321, or 767.51.
SB182-SSA2, s. 8 7Section 8. Initial applicability.
SB182-SSA2,8,108 (1) The treatment of section 767.263 (1) of the statutes first applies to orders
9for child support, family support, or maintenance that are entered on the effective
10date of this subsection.