166.0915 (1) Private viaducts in cities, villages and towns. The privilege of
2erecting a viaduct above a public street, road, or alley, for the purpose of connecting
3buildings on each side, may be granted by the city council, village board, or town
4board upon the written petition of the owners of all the frontage of the lots and lands
5abutting the portion sought to be connected, and the owners of more than one-half
6of the frontage of the lots and lands abutting upon that portion of the remainder that
7lies within 2,650 feet from the ends of the portion proposed to be connected. If a lot
8or land is owned by the state, or by a county, city, village, or town, or by a minor or
9individual adjudicated incompetent person, or the title to the lot or land is held in
10trust, the petition may be signed by the governor, the chairperson of the county
11board, the mayor of the city, the president of the board of trustees of the village, the
12chairperson of the town board, the guardian of the minor or individual adjudicated
13incompetent person, or the trustee, respectively, and the signature of a private
14corporation may be made by its president, secretary, or other principal officer or
15managing agent. Written notice stating when and where the petition will be acted
16upon, and describing the location of the proposed viaduct, shall be given by the city
17council, village board, or town board by publication of a class 3 notice, under ch. 985.
SB391-SSA1, s. 127 18Section 127. 66.0915 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,129,1019 66.0915 (2) Removal of private viaducts. A viaduct in a city, village, or town
20may be discontinued by the city council, village board, or town board, upon written
21petition of the owners of more than one-half of the frontage of the lots and lands
22abutting on the street or road approaching on each end of the viaduct, which lies
23within 2,650 feet from the ends of the viaduct. If a lot or land is owned by the state,
24or by a county, city, village, or town, or by a minor or individual adjudicated
25incompetent person, or the title to the lot or land is held in trust, the petition may

1be signed by the governor, the chairperson of the county board, the mayor of the city,
2the president of the board of trustees of the village, the chairperson of the town board,
3the guardian of the minor or individual adjudicated incompetent person, or the
4trustee, respectively, and the signature of a private corporation may be made by its
5president, secretary, or other principal officer or managing agent. Written notice
6stating when and where the petition will be acted upon, and stating what viaduct is
7proposed to be discontinued, shall be given by the city council, village board, or town
8board by publication of a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, not less than one year before
9the day fixed for the hearing and a class 3 notice, under ch. 985, within the 30 days
10before the date of the hearing.
SB391-SSA1, s. 128 11Section 128. 71.07 (3m) (a) 1. e. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,129,1412 71.07 (3m) (a) 1. e. For purposes of filing a claim under this subsection, when
13a guardian has been appointed under ch. 880 in this state for a ward who owns the
14farmland, the claimant shall be the guardian on behalf of the ward.
SB391-SSA1, s. 129 15Section 129. 71.28 (2m) (a) 1. e. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,129,1816 71.28 (2m) (a) 1. e. For purposes of filing a claim under this subsection, when
17a guardian has been appointed under ch. 880 in this state for a ward who owns the
18farmland, the claimant shall be the guardian on behalf of the ward.
SB391-SSA1, s. 130 19Section 130. 71.47 (2m) (a) 1. e. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,129,2220 71.47 (2m) (a) 1. e. For purposes of filing a claim under this subsection, when
21a guardian has been appointed under ch. 880 in this state for a ward who owns the
22farmland, the claimant shall be the guardian on behalf of the ward.
SB391-SSA1, s. 131 23Section 131. 71.58 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
171.58 (1) (f) For purposes of filing a claim under this subchapter, when a
2guardian has been appointed under ch. 880 in this state for a ward who owns the
3farmland, the claimant shall be the guardian on behalf of the ward.
SB391-SSA1, s. 132 4Section 132. 75.03 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,130,6 575.03 (title) Redeeming lands of minors , incompetents or individuals
6adjudicated incompetent
SB391-SSA1, s. 133 7Section 133. 75.521 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,131,48 75.521 (8) Duty of the court to enter judgment in default cases. In the event
9of the failure to redeem or answer by any person having the right to redeem or answer
10as hereinabove provided, such person and all persons claiming under and through
11that person, from and after the date of the filing of the list of tax liens in the office
12of the clerk of the circuit court of the county, shall be forever barred and foreclosed
13of all right, title and interest and equity of redemption in and to the parcel described
14in such list of the tax liens, and upon filing of an affidavit of such default or failure
15of redemption by the county treasurer of such county, the court in which such list of
16tax liens is filed, shall render final judgment ordering and adjudging that the county
17is vested with an estate in fee simple absolute in such lands, subject, however, to all
18unpaid taxes and charges which are subsequent to the latest dated valid tax lien
19appearing on the list specified in sub. (3) (b) and to recorded restrictions as provided
20by s. 75.14 (4) and all persons, both natural and artificial, including the state of
21Wisconsin, infants, incompetents individuals adjudicated incompetent, absentees,
22and nonresidents who may have had any right, title, interest, claim, lien or equity
23of redemption in such lands, are forever barred and foreclosed of such right, title,
24interest, claim, lien or equity of redemption. Such judgment shall be deemed to be
25based on the latest dated valid tax lien appearing on the list of tax liens. No personal

1judgment shall be entered against any person having or claiming to have any right,
2title or interest in or lien upon said lands. Such judgment shall have the effect of the
3issuance of a tax deed or deeds and of judgment to bar former owners and quiet title
SB391-SSA1, s. 134 5Section 134. 75.521 (12) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,131,146 75.521 (12) (b) This section shall apply to and be valid and effective with
7respect to all defendants even though one or more be infants, incompetents
8individuals adjudicated incompetent, absentees or nonresidents of the state of
9Wisconsin, provided that a guardian ad litem shall be appointed to serve for all
10persons known or unknown who have or may have an interest in the lands described
11in any list and who are or may be minors or incompetents individuals adjudicated
at the date of filing such list. Such guardian ad litem may be appointed
13by the court without notice, and the fee for the services of the guardian ad litem as
14fixed by the court shall be paid by the county.
SB391-SSA1, s. 135 15Section 135. 75.521 (13) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,132,316 75.521 (13) (b) In the event that the court shall determine that the issue raised
17by the answer of the defendant is without merit, a final judgment to such effect shall
18be entered ordering and adjudging that the county is vested with an estate in fee
19simple absolute in such lands subject, however, to all unpaid taxes and charges which
20are subsequent to the latest dated tax lien appearing on the list specified in sub. (3)
21(b) and to recorded restrictions as provided by s. 75.14, and all persons, both natural
22and artificial, including the state of Wisconsin, infants, incompetents individuals
23adjudicated incompetent
, absentees and nonresidents who may have had any right,
24title, interest, claim, lien or equity of redemption in such lands, are forever barred
25and foreclosed of such right, title, interest, claim, lien or equity of redemption. Such

1judgment shall be deemed to be based on the latest dated tax lien appearing on the
2list of tax liens. Such judgment shall have the effect of the issuance of a tax deed or
3deeds and of judgment to bar former owners and quiet title thereon.
SB391-SSA1, s. 136 4Section 136. 88.04 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,132,95 88.04 (2) If any minor or individual adjudicated incompetent person owns land
6in a drainage district or proposed drainage district or proposed annex to a drainage
7district, the general guardian or next of kin of such the minor or incompetent
8individual may sign petitions under this chapter for and on behalf of the minor or
SB391-SSA1, s. 137 10Section 137. 88.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,132,17 1188.10 Guardian ad litem; failure to appoint. Failure to appoint a guardian
12ad litem in a proceeding under this chapter is not jurisdictional, but when the failure
13is discovered a guardian ad litem shall be appointed and an order served upon the
14guardian ad litem to show cause why the minor or incompetent individual
15adjudicated incompetent
should not be bound by all prior proceedings pertaining to
16the drainage district. On such a hearing the court shall enter such order or judgment
17as the facts warrant.
SB391-SSA1, s. 138 18Section 138. 92.03 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,133,219 92.03 (4) (intro.) "Landowner" means any person over 18 years of age and any
20partnership, limited liability company, firm, or corporation that holds title to land
21lying within a county, whether or not this land is subject to easement, mortgage, lien,
22lease, or restrictive covenant, except that this term does not include any person who
23is under guardianship, a person who is adjudicated incompetent, or a person who is
24mentally ill. A person, partnership, limited liability company, firm , or corporation

1is deemed to hold title to land if the person, partnership, limited liability company,
2firm, or corporation has any of the following:
SB391-SSA1, s. 139 3Section 139. 93.11 (6) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,133,44 93.11 (6) (a) 1. That the licensee is adjudicated incompetent.
SB391-SSA1, s. 140 5Section 140. 114.135 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,134,206 114.135 (2) Notice; claim for damages. In case of any airport landing field or
7landing and take-off strip owned by any city, village, town, or county or any union
8of them, the commission or other body in charge of the operation and control of the
9airport, landing field, or landing and take-off strip may prepare and record without
10charge with the register of deeds plans and specifications showing the protection
11privileges sought as described in sub. (1). The commission or other body in charge
12shall send by registered mail with return receipt to each owner at his or her
13last-known address a notice stating that the plans and specifications have been
14recorded with the register of deeds' office, stating the county, time of recording, the
15record number, and a brief description of the parcel of land or interest therein
16affected. If the address of the owner cannot be ascertained or the registered letter
17is returned unclaimed, notice shall be sent by registered mail to the person in
18possession of the premises. If no person is in possession, then the notice shall be
19posted in a conspicuous place on the land involved and published as a class 3 notice,
20under ch. 985, in the area affected. The right of the owner to claim for damages for
21the protection regulations imposed in the plans and specifications, or the removal of
22obstructions shall be forever barred, unless the owner files a claim for damages with
23the commission or other body in charge within 6 months from the receipt of the notice
24from the commission, or other body in charge, or the posting and last publication.
25The claim shall be verified and shall state the amount of damages claimed. The

1commission or other body in charge may pay the damages, if it has available funds,
2and the payment shall operate as a conveyance. If no claims for payment are filed
3or if payment is made, the commission or other body in charge shall file an affidavit
4for each parcel involved setting forth the rights acquired which shall be recorded by
5the register of deeds without charge and when so recorded has the same effect as any
6recorded instrument. If any owner is a minor or is adjudicated incompetent, the
7notice may be sent by registered mail to the owner's guardian, if he or she has one,
8and if there is none the circuit court of the county in which the land, or a larger part,
9is located shall upon application of the commission or other body in charge appoint
10a guardian to receive the notice, and to protect the rights of the owner. Any funds
11payable to the owner shall be cared for in the manner provided in ch. 880 54. If the
12commission or other body in charge determines that the damages claimed are
13excessive, it shall so report to the governing body that established the airport,
14landing field or landing and take-off strip in question and with its consent may
15acquire in the name of the governmental body the protection privilege desired in the
16manner set forth in sub. (1) or it may deposit with the county clerk an award and
17notify the owner of the land involved in the method specified in this subsection. The
18landowner may accept the award without prejudice to his or her right to claim and
19contest for a greater sum. The landowner may, within a period of 6 months after
20notice of the award, proceed as provided in ch. 32 to have the damages appraised.
SB391-SSA1, s. 141 21Section 141. 115.76 (12) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,134,2522 115.76 (12) (b) 2. The state, a county, or a child welfare agency, if a child was
23made a ward of the state, county, or child welfare agency under ch. 54 or ch. 880, 2003
or if a child has been placed in the legal custody or guardianship of the state,
25county, or child welfare agency under ch. 48 or ch. 767.
SB391-SSA1, s. 142
1Section 142. 115.797 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,135,42 115.797 (1) (c) "Party" means a competent adult pupil or the parent of a child
3or incompetent adult pupil adjudicated incompetent who is the subject of a dispute,
4and the local educational agency.
SB391-SSA1, s. 143 5Section 143. 115.807 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,135,9 6115.807 Transfer of parental rights at age of majority. (intro.) When a
7child with a disability, other than a child with a disability who has been determined
8to be
adjudicated incompetent under ch. 880 in this state, reaches the age of 18, all
9of the following apply:
SB391-SSA1, s. 144 10Section 144. 146.34 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,135,1211 146.34 (1) (d) "Guardian" means the person named by the court under ch. 48
12or 54 or ch. 880, 2003 stats., having the duty and authority of guardianship.
SB391-SSA1, s. 145 13Section 145. 146.81 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,136,214 146.81 (5) "Person authorized by the patient" means the parent, guardian, or
15legal custodian of a minor patient, as defined in s. 48.02 (8) and (11), the person
16vested with supervision of the child under s. 938.183 or 938.34 (4d), (4h), (4m), or
17(4n), the guardian of a patient adjudged adjudicated incompetent, as defined in s.
18880.01 (3) and (4)
in this state, the personal representative or spouse of a deceased
19patient, any person authorized in writing by the patient or a health care agent
20designated by the patient as a principal under ch. 155 if the patient has been found
21to be incapacitated under s. 155.05 (2), except as limited by the power of attorney for
22health care instrument. If no spouse survives a deceased patient, "person authorized
23by the patient" also means an adult member of the deceased patient's immediate
24family, as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (d). A court may appoint a temporary guardian
25for a patient believed incompetent to consent to the release of records under this

1section as the person authorized by the patient to decide upon the release of records,
2if no guardian has been appointed for the patient.
SB391-SSA1, s. 146 3Section 146. 146.82 (2) (a) 9. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,136,84 146.82 (2) (a) 9. a. In this subdivision, "abuse" has the meaning given in s. 51.62
5(1) (ag); "neglect" has the meaning given in s. 51.62 (1) (br); and "parent" has the
6meaning given in s. 48.02 (13), except that "parent" does not include the parent of a
7minor whose custody is transferred to a legal custodian, as defined in s. 48.02 (11),
8or for whom a guardian is appointed under s. 54.10 or s. 880.33, 2003 stats.
SB391-SSA1, s. 147 9Section 147. 146.82 (2) (a) 9. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,136,2510 146.82 (2) (a) 9. c. If the patient, regardless of age, has a guardian appointed
11under s. 54.10 or s. 880.33, 2003 stats., or if the patient is a minor with developmental
12disability, as defined in s. 51.01 (5) (a), who has a parent or has a guardian appointed
13under s. 48.831 and does not have a guardian appointed under s. 54.10 or s. 880.33,
142003 stats.
, information concerning the patient that is obtainable by staff members
15of the agency or nonprofit corporation with which the agency has contracted is
16limited, except as provided in subd. 9. e., to the nature of an alleged rights violation,
17if any; the name, birth date and county of residence of the patient; information
18regarding whether the patient was voluntarily admitted, involuntarily committed
19or protectively placed and the date and place of admission, placement or
20commitment; and the name, address and telephone number of the guardian of the
21patient and the date and place of the guardian's appointment or, if the patient is a
22minor with developmental disability who has a parent or has a guardian appointed
23under s. 48.831 and does not have a guardian appointed under s. 54.10 or s. 880.33,
242003 stats.
, the name, address and telephone number of the parent or guardian
25appointed under s. 48.831 of the patient.
SB391-SSA1, s. 148
1Section 148. 146.83 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,137,62 146.83 (4) (b) Conceal or withhold a patient health care record with intent to
3prevent or obstruct an investigation or prosecution or with intent to prevent its
4release to the patient, to his or her guardian appointed under ch. 880, to his or her
5health care provider with a statement of informed consent, or under the conditions
6specified in s. 146.82 (2), or to a person with a statement of informed consent.
SB391-SSA1, s. 149 7Section 149. 154.07 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,137,168 154.07 (2) Effect of declaration. The desires of a qualified patient who is
9competent supersede the effect of the declaration at all times. If a qualified patient
10is adjudicated incompetent at the time of the decision to withhold or withdraw
11life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes, a declaration executed under this
12subchapter is presumed to be valid. The declaration of a qualified patient who is
13diagnosed as pregnant by the attending physician has no effect during the course of
14the qualified patient's pregnancy. For the purposes of this subchapter, a physician
15or inpatient health care facility may presume in the absence of actual notice to the
16contrary that a person who executed a declaration was of sound mind at the time.
SB391-SSA1, s. 150 17Section 150. 154.13 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,137,2218 154.13 (2) (c) The court and all parties involved in proceedings in this state for
19guardianship of adjudication of incompetency and appointment of a guardian for the
20declarant under ch. 880, for emergency detention under s. 51.15, for involuntary
21commitment under s. 51.20, or for protective placement or protective services under
22ch. 55.
SB391-SSA1, s. 151 23Section 151. 155.05 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,138,324 155.05 (1) An individual who is of sound mind and has attained age 18 may
25voluntarily execute a power of attorney for health care. An individual for whom an

1adjudication of incompetence and appointment of a guardian of the person is in effect
2under ch. 880 in this state is presumed not to be of sound mind for purposes of this
3subsection executing a power of attorney for health care.
SB391-SSA1, s. 152 4Section 152. 155.40 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB391-SSA1,138,105 155.40 (2m) If a principal, after executing a power of attorney for health care,
6is adjudicated incompetent in this state, the power of attorney for health care
7remains in effect, except that a court may under s. 54.46 (2) (b), for good cause shown,
8revoke the power of attorney for health care and invalidate the power of attorney for
9health care instrument, or limit the authority of the agent under the terms of the
10power of attorney for health care instrument.
SB391-SSA1, s. 153 11Section 153. 155.60 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,138,1412 155.60 (1) Nothing in this chapter prohibits an individual from petitioning a
13court under ch. 880 in this state for a determination of incompetency and for
14appointment of a guardian for an individual who is a principal under this chapter.
SB391-SSA1, s. 154 15Section 154. 155.60 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,139,316 155.60 (2) If a court under s. 880.33 determines that an individual who is a
17principal is adjudicated incompetent or makes a finding of limited incompetency
18under s. 880.33 (3) and appoints a guardian for the individual
in this state and a
19guardian is appointed for him or her
, the power of attorney for health care executed
20under this chapter by the principal is revoked and the power of attorney for health
21care instrument is invalid, unless
remains in effect, except that the court finds that
22may under s. 54.46 (2) (b), for good cause shown, revoke the power of attorney for
23health care and invalidate the power of attorney for health care instrument should
24remain in effect. If
, or limit the authority of the agent under the terms of the power
25of the power of attorney for health care instrument. Unless
the court makes this

1finding revocation or limitation, the guardian for the individual may not make health
2care decisions for the ward that may be made by the health care agent, unless the
3guardian is the health care agent.
SB391-SSA1, s. 155 4Section 155. 155.65 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,139,95 155.65 (2) (c) The court and all parties involved in proceedings in this state for
6guardianship of adjudication of incompetency and appointment of a guardian for the
7principal under ch. 880, for emergency detention under s. 51.15, for involuntary
8commitment under s. 51.20, or for protective placement or protective services under
9ch. 55.
SB391-SSA1, s. 156 10Section 156. 179.65 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,139,19 11179.65 Power of estate of deceased or incompetent partner
12adjudicated incompetent. If a partner who is an individual dies or is adjudged
13adjudicated incompetent to manage his or her person or property, the partner's
14personal representative, guardian, conservator, or other legal representative may
15exercise all of the partner's rights for the purpose of settling his or her estate or
16administering his or her property, including any power the partner had to give an
17assignee the right to become a limited partner. If a partner is a corporation, limited
18liability company, trust, or other entity and is dissolved or terminated, the powers
19of that partner may be exercised by its legal representative or successor.
SB391-SSA1, s. 157 20Section 157. 180.0103 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,139,2221 180.0103 (11) "Individual" includes the estate of an individual adjudicated
22incompetent or a deceased natural person.
SB391-SSA1, s. 158 23Section 158. 181.0103 (14) of the statutes is amended to read:
1181.0103 (14) "Individual" means a natural person. Except in ss. 181.0802 and
2181.0840, "individual" includes the estate of an individual adjudicated incompetent
3or a deceased natural person.
SB391-SSA1, s. 159 4Section 159. 186.10 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,140,95 186.10 (2) Shares in trust. Shares may be issued in trust, subject to any
6conditions prescribed in the bylaws. Share accounts and deposit accounts may be
7held by a member in trust for a beneficiary, held by a nonmember in trust for a
8beneficiary who is a member or held by a nonmember custodian for a member
9pursuant to ss. 880.61 to 880.72 under ss. 54.854 to 54.898.
SB391-SSA1, s. 160 10Section 160. 214.37 (4) (k) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,140,1611 214.37 (4) (k) 1. An affidavit stating that the person has standing under s.
12867.01 (3) (ac) or 867.02 (2) (ac) to petition for summary settlement or assignment
13of a decedent's estate or that the person is an heir of the decedent, or was guardian,
14as defined in s. 54.01 (10) or s. 880.01 (3), 2003 stats., of the decedent at the time of
15the decedent's death, and may obtain transfer of property of a decedent under s.
SB391-SSA1, s. 161 17Section 161. 215.14 (9) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,140,1818 215.14 (9) (title) Savings accounts of deceased or incompetent persons.
SB391-SSA1, s. 162 19Section 162. 215.26 (8) (e) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,140,2520 215.26 (8) (e) 1. Submits an affidavit stating that the person has standing
21under s. 867.01 (3) (ac) or 867.02 (2) (ac) to petition for summary settlement or
22assignment of a decedent's estate or that the person is an heir of the decedent, or was
23guardian, as defined in s. 54.01 (10) or s. 880.01 (3), 2003 stats., of the decedent at
24the time of the decedent's death, and may obtain transfer of property of a decedent
25under s. 867.03; and
SB391-SSA1, s. 163
1Section 163. 223.03 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,141,62 223.03 (6) (intro.) To act as trustee, personal representative, registrar of stocks
3and bonds, custodian, agent, guardian of estates, guardian of any person the estate
4or guardian of the person of any individual
subject to guardianship, assignee,
5receiver, and in any other fiduciary capacity authorized by the division, subject to all
6of the following conditions:
SB391-SSA1, s. 164 7Section 164. 223.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,141,16 8223.10 Organizations as fiduciaries. Except as provided in s. 880.35 54.15
, no court or probate registrar in this state may appoint or issue letters to any
10corporation, limited liability company, association, partnership or business trust as
11trustee, personal representative, guardian, conservator, assignee, receiver, or in any
12other fiduciary capacity unless such corporation, limited liability company,
13association, partnership or business trust is subject to regulation and examination
14under s. 223.105, or is a national bank, state or federal savings and loan association,
15state or federal savings bank or federal credit union with authority to exercise such
16powers, or is a foreign corporation operating under s. 223.12.
SB391-SSA1, s. 165 17Section 165. 243.07 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,142,1118 243.07 (3) (a) If, following execution of a durable power of attorney, a court of
19the principal's domicile appoints a conservator, guardian of the estate, or other
20individual who is the principal is adjudicated incompetent and a guardian is
21appointed for him or her, a conservator is appointed for him or her under s. 54.76, or
fiduciary is charged by a court with the management of all or some of the
23principal's property or all of his or her property except specified exclusions, the agent
24is accountable to the fiduciary as well as to the principal. Unless the court finds that
25the durable power of attorney should remain in effect, the fiduciary has the same

1power to revoke or amend the power of attorney that the principal would have had
2if the principal were not disabled or incapacitated
, the durable power of attorney
3executed under this chapter by the principal remains in effect, except that the court
4may under s. 54.46 (2) (c) or s. 54.76 (3g) or, for a fiduciary, after a hearing upon a
5petition, as applicable, for good cause shown, revoke the durable power of attorney
6and invalidate the basic power of attorney for finances and property or limit the
7authority of the agent under the terms of the basic power of attorney for finances and
8property. Unless the court makes this revocation or limitation, the guardian,
9conservator, or other fiduciary, as applicable, may not make decisions for the
10principal that may be made by the agent, unless the guardian, conservator, or
11fiduciary is the agent
SB391-SSA1, s. 166 12Section 166. 243.07 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,142,1913 243.07 (3) (b) A principal may nominate, by a durable power of attorney, the
14conservator, guardian of his or her estate, or guardian of his or her person for
15consideration by the court if protective guardianship or conservatorship proceedings
16for the principal's person or estate are thereafter commenced after execution of the
17durable power of attorney
. The court shall make its appointment in accordance with
18the principal's most recent nomination in a durable power of attorney except for good
19cause or disqualification.
SB391-SSA1, s. 167 20Section 167. 243.10 (7) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB391-SSA1,143,221 243.10 (7) (c) If a principal, after executing a durable power of attorney, is
22adjudicated incompetent in this state, has a conservator appointed for him or her, or
23a court charges another fiduciary with the management of all or some of his or her
24property, a court may under s. 54.46 (2) (c) or 54.76 (3g) or, for a fiduciary, after a
25hearing upon a petition, as applicable, for good cause shown, revoke the durable

1power of attorney or limit the authority of the agent under the terms of the durable
2power of attorney.
SB391-SSA1, s. 168 3Section 168. 252.15 (2) (a) 4. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,143,64 252.15 (2) (a) 4. a. The individual has been adjudicated incompetent under ch.
in this state, is under 14 years of age or is unable to give consent because he or
6she is unable to communicate due to a medical condition.
SB391-SSA1, s. 169 7Section 169. 252.15 (2) (a) 4. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,143,138 252.15 (2) (a) 4. b. The health care provider obtains consent for the testing from
9the individual's guardian, if the individual is adjudicated incompetent under ch. 880
10in this state; from the individual's parent or guardian, if the individual is under 14
11years of age; or from the individual's closest living relative or another with whom the
12individual has a meaningful social and emotional relationship if the individual is not
13a minor nor adjudicated incompetent.
SB391-SSA1, s. 170 14Section 170. 252.15 (2) (bm) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB391-SSA1,143,1915 252.15 (2) (bm) (intro.) The health care provider that subjects a person to a test
16for the presence of HIV, antigen or nonantigenic products of HIV, or an antibody to
17HIV under par. (a) 3. shall provide the test subject and the test subject's guardian,
18if the test subject is an individual found incompetent under ch. 880 in this state, with
19all of the following information: