Minority financial advisers and minority investment firms: percentage of funds expended by the Investment Board increased for services of -  SB462
MPCP cap on eligible number of pupils eliminated for 2005-06 school year; 2006-07 school year limit may not exceed 2005-06 number -  AB3
MPCP: enrollment cap eliminated; income requirement modified re continuing student or sibling of pupil; eligibility requirement re previous enrollment changed; LAB provision  - AB941
MPCP revisions re enrollment caps, income requirement for continuing student or sibling of pupil, and eligibility requirement re previous enrollment; private schools participating in MPCP required to achieve certain accreditation, and administer certain tests; LAB report required; SAGE per pupil payment increased -  AB1057
Real property in City of Milwaukee used for school purposes: proceeds from sale may be deposited in school operations fund re payment of principal on bonds - AB1175
Real property in City of Milwaukee used for school purposes: proceeds from sale may be deposited in school operations fund re payment of principal on bonds - SB685
Residential variable rate loans: ``approved index" definition modified -  AB1162
Right of Wisconsin residents to preventive and primary health care: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR92
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow -  AB796
Social workers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  AB575
State and metropolitan sewerage commission procurement: percentage re minority-owned businesses increased; percentages re woman-owned and service-disabled veteran-owned businesses created -  AB908
Super employment and economic development zone grant program created for businesses that relocate to ``extremely depressed areas" -  AB979
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Rep. Fields:
Assembly Bills: 31, 40, 77, 83, 108, 118, 170, 255, 256, 280, 283, 299, 301, 307, 332, 351, 352, 359, 366, 395, 406, 419, 424, 444, 463, 480, 482, 491, 514, 530, 532, 535, 542, 543, 546, 551, 565, 576, 583, 595, 599, 604, 605, 617, 621, 634, 636, 647, 648, 672, 690, 691, 699, 712, 716, 742, 743, 745, 746, 771, 773, 774, 783, 787, 789, 791, 793, 805, 807, 815, 826, 827, 829, 832, 834, 845, 848, 863, 865, 866, 876, 892, 894, 896, 930, 932, 939, 947, 959, 961, 999, 1004, 1009, 1010, 1017, 1028, 1030, 1032, 1034, 1073, 1087, 1099, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1117, 1131, 1148, 1168
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 16, 23, 27, 30, 32, 35, 47, 49, 53, 54, 55, 58, 60, 62, 65, 66, 69, 70, 74, 78, 82, 94, 100, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109
Assembly Resolutions: 5, 39, 44, 46
Assembly Petitions:
Senate Bills: 6, 25, 35, 40, 69, 148, 172, 195, 221, 235, 249, 252, 260, 269, 274, 279, 288, 292, 307, 310, 315, 325, 333, 339, 340, 343, 344, 348, 370, 371, 375, 379, 388, 398, 401, 415, 416, 423, 435, 439, 455, 466, 468, 472, 483, 513, 521, 544, 546, 563, 572, 582, 584, 598, 600, 609, 613, 618, 622, 630, 645, 649, 658, 664, 673, 674, 689, 694, 695
Senate Joint Resolutions: 3, 6, 13, 17, 26, 34, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 48, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83, 85
A39 Fitzgerald, Rep. Jeff (39th A.Dist.; Rep.)
Beer wholesaler regulations, distribution, retailer, and out-of-state shipper revisions re 3-tier system  - AB787
Beer wholesaler regulations, distribution, retailer, and out-of-state shipper revisions re 3-tier system  - SB415
Capital gains income tax exclusion revised -  SB65
Cigarettes sold to consumers in this state: direct marketing regulations created; definition and DOR provisions  - AB411
Consumer reports: individuals may prohibit a consumer reporting agency from releasing; ``security freeze" notice defined; Division of Banking duties specified  - AB912
Fire hose (unprotected): penalty for driving a vehicle over expanded -  AB133
Fire hose (unprotected): penalty for driving a vehicle over expanded -  SB85
Medical malpractice: limit on noneconomic damages created; report from board of governors of the Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund required - AB1073
Pope John Paul II: life commended and condolences on his death -  AJR27
Saint Patrick's Day celebrated March 17, 2005 -  AJR19
Sex offender registered with Corr.Dept: intentionally photographing, filming, or videotaping person under age 17 without written consent of parent, guardian, or custodian prohibited; felony provision -  AB251
Smoking prohibition in restaurants and bowling centers expanded, exceptions and smoking area provisions; ordinance or resolution regulating smoking must conform to state law - AB414
Smoking prohibition in restaurants and bowling centers expanded, exceptions and smoking area provisions; ordinance or resolution regulating smoking must conform to state law - SB202
State building projects: laws governing revised re threshold for approval by Building Commission, threshold re bids on contracts that must be publicly solicited, threshold for which the Governor may authorize repairs or construction in emergency situations and the definition of emergency, and Governor may delegate certain approval authority to DOA Secretary; allocation of assets and liabilities and disposing of property upon dissolution of a village changed -  AB921
State building projects: laws governing revised re threshold for approval by Building Commission, threshold re bids on contracts that must be publicly solicited, threshold for which the Governor may authorize repairs or construction in emergency situations and the definition of emergency, and Governor may delegate certain approval authority to DOA Secretary; allocation of assets and liabilities and disposing of property upon dissolution of a village changed -  SB478
Unauthorized access to personal information: entity that possesses the information required to notify affected individuals; definitions and civil claims provisions  - AB836
Unauthorized acquisition of personal identifying information: requiring the entity that possesses the information to notify the individual; definitions, civil claims, and law enforcement provisions -  SB164
Wendling, (SPC) Michael J.: life and military service commended -  SJR62
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Rep. Fitzgerald:
Assembly Bills: 4, 6, 17, 31, 56, 58, 63, 78, 81, 88, 126, 142, 173, 175, 206, 207, 209, 225, 241, 277, 278, 284, 285, 297, 317, 318, 319, 321, 338, 343, 377, 378, 400, 405, 413, 437, 447, 454, 460, 461, 499, 522, 531, 534, 587, 589, 763, 766, 782, 783, 784, 788, 802, 840, 844, 850, 941, 944, 952, 956, 964, 968, 972, 981, 986, 991, 1009, 1014, 1029, 1031, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1038, 1074, 1077, 1089, 1132, 1154, 1156, 1182, 1188, 1189
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 23, 30, 35, 47, 52, 53, 55, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 77, 82, 100, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109
Assembly Resolutions: 5, 44, 46
Assembly Petitions:
Senate Bills: 5, 7, 16, 28, 35, 37, 42, 57, 71, 72, 97, 99, 114, 129, 138, 151, 152, 155, 161, 182, 203, 234, 243, 244, 247, 266, 268, 293, 347, 401, 403, 408, 448, 451, 453, 518, 521, 525, 528, 532, 535, 552, 571, 584, 595, 613, 625, 636, 659, 681, 697
Senate Joint Resolutions: 3, 4, 7, 13, 17, 27, 33, 34, 39, 40, 45, 46, 48, 49, 53, 56, 58, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 78, 81, 82, 85
A51 Freese, Rep. Stephen J. (51st A.Dist.; Rep.)
Absentee ballots by military electors: procedures created; certain deadlines modified; definition and certain election officials duties provisions -  AB377
Anderson, (LCpl) Nicholas Robert: life and military service commended -  SJR78
Automatic defibrillator: civil liability immunity for users, owners, and providers of semiautomatic defibrillators expanded to include -  AB306
Campaign finance law revision re donation from campaign treasury to charitable organization or common school fund at any time, for any reason -  AB998
Campaign finance law revisions and penalties modified; income tax, lobbying regulation, and Elections Board provisions; 2001 WisAct 109 changes; nonseverability condition  - AB226
Campaign finance law revisions and penalties modified; income tax, lobbying regulation, and Elections Board provisions; 2001 WisAct 109 changes; nonseverability condition  - SB46
Chiropractic coverage revisions re independent evaluation by a chiropractor if insurer restricts or terminates coverage, prohibiting insurers from establishing higher copayment or coinsurance than for a physician or osteopath, and requires insurers to pay chiropractors directly; liability policy settlement check specifics provision -  AB1039
Contaminated property: residual contamination after cleanup under administration of agency with authority over the site, DNR and notification provisions; ERTID revisions; local governmental exemption from solid waste management standards under certain conditions; voluntary party liability exemption modified -  AB999
County jailers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  AB225
County jailers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  SB114
County supervisory districts: contiguous provision revised -  AB154
DMA employees re security functions at weapons facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS  - AB232
Election official residency requirement revised re special voter registration deputy -  AB61
Electronic mail solicitation regulations created re fraudulent information and misrepresented identity; DATCP, affirmative defense, and civil and criminal penalty provisions  - AB685
Electronic voting system standards re generation of paper ballots and software coding -  AB627
Ethanol in automotive gasoline: minimum specifications set and exemptions provided -  AB15
Ethanol in automotive gasoline: minimum specifications set and exemptions provided -  SB15
Executive branch agency secretary, deputy, executive assistant, division administrator, or commissioner prohibited from soliciting a political contribution and hosting, endorsing, or sponsoring a fund-raising event on behalf of a candidate; penalty provisions -  AB996
Gasoline consisting of at least 85 percent ethanol: motor vehicle fuel tax formula established; charging an excessive price prohibited, DATCP provision; discrimination against retailer by refiner or wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel prohibited; penalty provisions -  SB723
Goods in consumer credit transactions and certain consumer leases: revisions re voluntary surrender of and actions to recover collateral; nonjudicial repossession provision  - AB594
Historic barn preservation and rehabilitation: individual income tax credit created; SHSW duty specified  - AB1046
Historic building regulations revised re razing, State Historic Building Code administrative procedure, and multifamily dwelling requirements re handrails and accessibility; local governmental units directed to interpret regulations to facilitate preservation and restoration; JLC to study methods to promote rural historic preservation; Comm.Dept and SHSW provisions - AB1045
Historic property: state and federal historic rehabilitation tax credits revised; SHSW duties specified  - AB1047
Hunting minimum age lowered; DNR camping fee waived for certain groups; fishing license exemption; qualified landowner preference for special deer hunting permits revised  - SB26
Identifying information about birth parents: age at which adoptee may obtain lowered -  AB688
Indoor environmental quality in schools: provisions created; task force in Comm.Dept established  - SB325
Lobbying by former legislators prohibited for 12 months following their last day in office; penalty provisions  - AB524
Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact created -  AB1049
Monroe, City of, authorized to transfer tax increments from an existing TID to a specific TID - AB1008
Motor vehicle consumer lease or consumer credit sale of a motor vehicle: material false statement in credit application added to definition of ``default" -  AB496
Motor vehicle manufacturer, importer, or distributor: duties concerning motor vehicle dealers clarified; DHA provision  - AB823
Motor vehicles that can use gasoline and certain mixture of gasoline and ethanol: income and franchise tax credits created re sales and use taxes paid on purchase of; sunset provision - AB809
Motor vehicles that can use gasoline and certain mixture of gasoline and ethanol: sales and use tax exemption created  - AB600
Motorboat operation: person 16 years of age or older and born after certain date must complete a boating safety course - AB248
Newborn child relinquished by parents and, after involuntary TPR is filed, is in DHFS custody: DHFS prohibited from petitioning juvenile or tribal court to transfer custody to county department or to tribe after certain amount of time  - AB660
Nonresident registrants under the campaign finance law: report requirements revised -  AB65
Nursing home MA reimbursement: DHFS to treat Columbia, Dane, Iowa, and Sauk counties as one labor region  - SB547
Personal flotation device worn by persons 12 years old and under required in recreational boats - AB260
Personal flotation device worn by persons 12 years old and under required in recreational boats - SB135
Petition for recall of a city, village, town, or school district officer modified re required percentage of electors who must sign and latest date it may be circulated - AB1150
Political contributions accepted by certain elective state officials and committees prohibited during specified period re biennial budget; exceptions and penalty provisions  - AB66
Political contributions accepted by certain elective state officials and committees prohibited during specified period re biennial budget; exceptions and penalty provisions  - SB44
Political contributions by person contracting with the state or any local governmental unit prohibited; exception and penalty provisions; similar prohibition re soliciting contributions - AB872