Nuclear power plant construction: approval requirements changed -  SB594
Out-of-state pharmacy licensure requirements created; toll-free telephone number provision - AB722
Outdoor advertising sign erected in business area: restriction exception created re stadium, racetrack, or other sporting event arena -  SB418
Petition for recall of a city, village, town, or school district officer modified re statement of cause - AB393
Premier resort area: villages of Sister Bay and Ephraim allowed to become -  AB856
Private campground: civil liability immunity to owner, operator, employees, and agents -  AB55
Prostate Cancer Awareness Day proclaimed June 7 -  SJR26
Prostate cancer research: individual income tax checkoff created; Prostate Cancer Research Board created in DHFS re distribution of grants, report required  - AB1087
Prostate cancer research: individual income tax checkoff created; Prostate Cancer Research Board created in DHFS re distribution of grants, report required  - SB658
Proxmire, William: life and public service of the former Wisconsin Representative and U.S. Senator commended  - AJR70
Public buildings and places of employment: city, village, or town may not enact an ordinance establishing minimum standards for construction, repair, or maintenance unless it conforms to Comm.Dept rules -  AB956
Railroad employees present in cab of lead locomotive while in motion: number set; exceptions provided  - AB287
Raw forest product cutting or removing: failure to pay re contract prohibited; civil action provision  - AB165
Real property lister duties modified -  SB444
Reckelberg, Harold J.: life and public service to the Luxemberg community commended -  AJR64
Reckelberg, Harold J.: life and public service to the Luxemberg community commended -  SJR51
Recreational vehicles and camping trailers registered on biennial basis; biennial option for vehicles registered annually, fee provision -  AB608
Referenda to exceed school district revenue limit or approve school district borrowing: scheduling requirements revised - SB171
Renewable Energy Awareness Week (the week of the summer solstice) and Renewable Energy Awareness Day (June 21) to be designated each year -  SJR28
Rental vehicle damage: provisions revised re definition of ``accident", storage fees, repair estimates, and use of credit - SB623
Restaurant kitchen machinery and equipment: property tax exemption created -  SB163
Restaurants with a ``Class B" or ``Class C" license may sell wine by the open bottle and reinsert the cork to take the bottle off the premises; conditions specified; exception provided  - AB619
Retaliatory action by a state or local government officer or employee against a person seeking a permit or governmental action or service prohibited; administration procedures and codes of ethics required to address; DNR offices and political subdivisions required to post signs  - SB588
Revenue limit for school district that receives no equalization aid may be increased under certain conditions  - AB244
Rhodes, Terry A.: public service commended upon his retirement from the LFB -  AJR53
School buses allowed to tow a trailer or semitrailer -  AB448
School district completely surrounded by water: additional categorical aid provided -  SB514
School levy property tax credit and lottery and gaming property tax credit distribution revised - SB431
Secretary of State office deleted from the constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR9
Senate rules revised; new rules created [Senate rules 1m (title), (3), 2 (3), 4 (1) (intro.), (2), 5 (title), (3), (4), (4)(b), 6 (title), (3), 7 (4), 8 (4), (5), 11 (title), (7), 17 (5), 18 (1), (2), (3), 20 (7), 22 (1), 24, 25 (1), (1)(b) and (d), 26 (1), (2), 27 (1), (2)(intro.), (2)(a) and (b), (3), (4)(b), 32 (1), (2), 36 (1), (2)(a) and (b), 37 (1), (4), 38 (3), 40, 41 (1)(b) and (e), 46 (1)(a) and (b), (2)(am) and (b) and (c) and (d), 46 (6), 47 (2), (3), 50 (6)(a) and (b) and (b) 1., 2., 3., and 4., 52, 66, 70, 70 (2), (3), 73m, 77 (title), (1), (3), 78, 79, 80, 88 (2), 89, 93 (title), (intro.), (1), (1d), (1p), (2), 94 (1), (2), 98 (3), 99 (27m), 99 (58)]  - SR2
Sexual contact by member of clergy resulting in injury: time limit to bring action for damages - SB287
Sexual contact or intercourse with a 16- or 17-year-old prohibited re occupation or volunteer position that works directly with children other than through a school  - SB349
Special tool builder's lien created re metal fabrication tools; manufacturer's lien, right to destroy special tools, and definition provisions -  SB375
Spending limits for cities, villages, towns, counties, and technical college districts established, referendum required to exceed the limit; school district revenue modified; QEO exception eliminated from binding arbitration process; MERA revisions re limiting certain expenditures and factors arbitrators must consider; school district professional employees provisions - AB462
State minimum wage law required to be construed as an enactment of statewide concern; living wage ordinance permitted but must conform to state minimum wage law  - SB147
State Treasurer, Office of, deleted from the constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR19
Taiwan's observer status in the World Health Organization supported -  SR15
Tangible personal property used exclusively in the business of farming or husbandry activities: sales and use tax exemptions created -  AB346
Tangible personal property used in farming: income and franchise tax credits created re sales and use taxes paid on purchases - AB646
Tax revisions: appealing determination of the board of assessors, DOR authority to reduce taxes and certain costs, a spouse's tax liability, bona fide angel investment credit, employer re single-owner entity, qualified retirement fund, refund of sales or use tax received erroneously, estate tax interest, mailing tax-related documents, earned income tax credit, and audit of emissions inspectors contracted with DOT - SB218
Technical college district board members: appointment system replaced with nonpartisan election; term changed to four years - AB603
Technical college district board members: appointment system replaced with nonpartisan election; term changed to four years - SB576
Technical college district prohibited from increasing its levy limit; referendum provision -  SB531
TID creation by Village of Kimberly: DOR to proceed dispite failure to publish certain public notices  - AB1158
TID creation by Village of Kimberly: DOR to proceed dispite failure to publish certain public notices  - SB677
Towns authorized to withdraw from county zoning; certain towns required to become subject to town or county zoning and a comprehensive plan -  AB326
Transportation aid payments may not be adjusted or reduced; sales and use taxes on motor vehicle parts deposited into the transportation fund -  AB950
Transportation of unencased firearm in a motor vehicle prohibition: exception created for unloaded firearm under certain conditions -  SB464
Transporting a building on a highway: requirements created; exceptions, DOT and local highway officials authority, and penalty provisions -  AB898
Transporting a building on a highway: requirements created; exceptions, DOT and local highway officials authority, and penalty provisions -  SB480
Underage military service member surcharge created; veterans trust fund provision -  AB651
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception modified re attendance at a banquet, reception, dance, or similar event; exception created re unaccompanied person and brewery premises and tour -  AB460
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception modified re attendance at a banquet, reception, dance, or similar event; exception created re unaccompanied person and brewery premises and tour -  SB266
U.W. Board of Regents prohibited from increasing certain senior executive and administrator position salaries and reducing nonresident tuition levels beyond certain point until certain date - AB1068
Vehicles or combination of vehicles carrying agricultural crops during specific dates may exceed weight limits without a permit under certain conditions; exceptions, DATCP agricultural emergency declarations, and DOT provisions  - SB240
Well contaminated by certain bacteria: DNR authorized to declare a special eligibility area for compensation purposes - SB646
WHEFA bonds: individual and corporate income tax exemptions created; educational institution definition expanded to include Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities -  AB555
WHEFA bonds: nonrefundable individual and corporate income and franchise tax credits created re interest income; educational institution and facilities definitions revised re Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities  - AB641
Wildlife damage abatement: person receiving assistance but not claim payment is not required to open property to hunting - AB166
Wind farm with certain megawatt capacity is a qualified wholesale electric company for utility aid payment and license fee purposes -  AB245
Wind farm with certain megawatt capacity is a qualified wholesale electric company for utility aid payment and license fee purposes -  SB115
Wisconsin Maritime Museum designated the ``State of Wisconsin's Maritime Museum" -  SJR44
WRS retirement annuity: minimum age raised -  AB361
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Lasee:
Senate Bills: 3, 5, 7, 9, 16, 18, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 53, 56, 57, 65, 72, 78, 79, 88, 97, 100, 101, 103, 108, 109, 120, 122, 126, 127, 131, 138, 139, 140, 141, 146, 149, 164, 165, 178, 179, 182, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 193, 196, 202, 203, 205, 206, 213, 221, 243, 247, 248, 275, 279, 281, 283, 284, 288, 289, 292, 293, 295, 296, 305, 310, 313, 321, 336, 341, 345, 351, 354, 370, 372, 393, 401, 402, 403, 405, 408, 409, 410, 414, 419, 425, 436, 442, 446, 450, 472, 485, 515, 525, 529, 535, 545, 573, 585, 586, 595, 606, 613, 636, 653
Senate Joint Resolutions: 2, 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 17, 23, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 45, 46, 48, 53, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82, 85
Senate Resolutions: 12, 14
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 4, 6, 7, 16, 18, 20, 21, 26, 31, 37, 38, 41, 42, 47, 49, 56, 57, 58, 66, 67, 68, 70, 74, 85, 97, 104, 105, 108, 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 126, 132, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 151, 159, 162, 169, 173, 175, 178, 183, 184, 197, 198, 199, 209, 211, 222, 226, 229, 230, 236, 239, 243, 251, 257, 259, 261, 266, 269, 270, 277, 284, 291, 293, 295, 300, 307, 317, 318, 319, 321, 329, 335, 339, 341, 342, 345, 364, 384, 390, 394, 402, 405, 410, 413, 414, 433, 454, 463, 482, 489, 496, 499, 510, 511, 522, 534, 535, 556, 557, 583, 591, 595, 596, 610, 612, 617, 618, 622, 627, 636, 647, 666, 670, 683, 684, 686, 698, 701, 702, 707, 708, 712, 713, 717, 728, 731, 746, 762, 763, 766, 771, 772, 774, 775, 776, 778, 783, 784, 789, 802, 816, 818, 823, 827, 835, 836, 839, 840, 861, 864, 888, 897, 903, 944, 945, 947, 951, 952, 958, 970, 981, 995, 1003, 1006, 1014, 1018, 1020, 1021, 1024, 1029, 1034, 1035, 1040, 1042, 1053, 1073, 1074, 1109, 1110, 1131
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 23, 27, 40, 43, 47, 51, 52, 54, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 74, 77, 81, 82, 91, 100, 101, 102, 104, 107, 108, 109
S24 Lassa, Sen. Julie M. (24th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Automatic defibrillator: civil liability immunity for users, owners, and providers of semiautomatic defibrillators expanded to include -  SB186
Award to dependents when crime victim or person aiding police is killed re certain crimes: payment prohibition re victim listed on child support lien docket eliminated  - AB949
Biennial budget bill prepared according to GAAP required; legislation to reduce state budget deficit provision  - SB672
Campaign advertising disclosure requirements revised; penalty provisions -  AB435
Cellular telephone use while operating a motor vehicle prohibited re persons holding probationary licenses or motor vehicle or motorcycle instruction permits; emergency and forfeiture provisions -  SB84
Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA): U.S. Congress urged not to enter into at this time  - SR8
Child abuse or harassment injunction: time for service of certain court documents increased -  AB592
Child unattended in child care vehicle: prohibition created; fine provision -  SB423
Children's products: sale by commercial suppliers regulated; recall, DATCP, and day care center provisions  - SB454
Cigarette or tobacco product purchase or possession by a minor: fine created -  AB653
Contracts for contractual services: biennial report by state agencies to JLAC required -  SB671
Conveying real property for real estate transfer fee purposes revised for certain corporations; penalty provision  - AB423
Early retirement under WRS: calculation of creditable service revised -  SB438
Educational support personnel employee: WRS benefits modified -  SB254
``Elastic yo-yo": sale or distribution of prohibited -  AB692
``Elastic yo-yo": sale or distribution of prohibited -  SB335
Electronic equipment disposal laws revised re producer responsibility, fee, prohibition on hazardous substances in equipment, landfill ban, and state purchasing  - SB367
Employment agent, temporary help service, employer-paid employment agent, or third-party employer: charging for transportation limited -  SB106