SECTION 9342. Initial applicability; secretary of state.

SECTION 9343. Initial applicability; state employment relations, office of.

SECTION 9344. Initial applicability; state fair park board.

SECTION 9345. Initial applicability; supreme court.

SECTION 9346. Initial applicability; technical college system.

SECTION 9347. Initial applicability; tourism.

SECTION 9348. Initial applicability; transportation.

SECTION 9349. Initial applicability; treasurer.

SECTION 9350. Initial applicability; University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.

SECTION 9351. Initial applicability; University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board.

SECTION 9352. Initial applicability; University of Wisconsin System.

SECTION 9353. Initial applicability; veterans affairs.

SECTION 9354. Initial applicability; workforce development.

SECTION 9355. Initial applicability; other.

SECTION 9400. Effective dates; general. Except as otherwise provided in SECTIONS 9401 to 9455 of this act, this act takes effect on July 1, 2005, or on the day after publication, whichever is later.

SECTION 9401. Effective dates; administration.

SECTION 9402. Effective dates; aging and long-term care board.

SECTION 9403. Effective dates; agriculture, trade and consumer protection.

SECTION 9404. Effective dates; arts board.

SECTION 9405. Effective dates; building commission.

SECTION 9406. Effective dates; child abuse and neglect prevention board.

SECTION 9407. Effective dates; circuit courts.

SECTION 9408. Effective dates; commerce.

SECTION 9409. Effective dates; corrections.

SECTION 9410. Effective dates; court of appeals.

SECTION 9411. Effective dates; district attorneys.

SECTION 9412. Effective dates; educational communications board.

SECTION 9413. Effective dates; elections board.

SECTION 9414. Effective dates; employee trust funds.

SECTION 9415. Effective dates; employment relations commission.

SECTION 9416. Effective dates; ethics board.

SECTION 9417. Effective dates; financial institutions.

SECTION 9418. Effective dates; Fox River Navigational System Authority.

SECTION 9419. Effective dates; governor.

SECTION 9420. Effective dates; Health and Educational Facilities Authority.

SECTION 9421. Effective dates; health and family services.

SECTION 9422. Effective dates; higher educational aids board.

SECTION 9423. Effective dates; historical society.

SECTION 9424. Effective dates; Housing and Economic Development Authority.

SECTION 9425. Effective dates; insurance.

SECTION 9426. Effective dates; investment board.

SECTION 9427. Effective dates; joint committee on finance.

SECTION 9428. Effective dates; judicial commission.

SECTION 9429. Effective dates; justice.

SECTION 9430. Effective dates; legislature.

SECTION 9431. Effective dates; lieutenant governor.

SECTION 9432. Effective dates; lower Wisconsin state riverway board.

SECTION 9433. Effective dates; Medical College of Wisconsin.

SECTION 9434. Effective dates; military affairs.

SECTION 9435. Effective dates; natural resources.

SECTION 9436. Effective dates; public defender board.

SECTION 9437. Effective dates; public instruction.

SECTION 9438. Effective dates; public lands, board of commissioners of.

SECTION 9439. Effective dates; public service commission.

SECTION 9440. Effective dates; regulation and licensing.

SECTION 9441. Effective dates; revenue.

SECTION 9442. Effective dates; secretary of state.

SECTION 9443. Effective dates; state employment relations, office of.

SECTION 9444. Effective dates; state fair park board.

SECTION 9445. Effective dates; supreme court.

SECTION 9446. Effective dates; technical college system.

SECTION 9447. Effective dates; tourism.

SECTION 9448. Effective dates; transportation.

SECTION 9449. Effective dates; treasurer.

SECTION 9450. Effective dates; University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.

SECTION 9451. Effective dates; University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board.

SECTION 9452. Effective dates; University of Wisconsin System.

SECTION 9453. Effective dates; veterans affairs.

SECTION 9454. Effective dates; workforce development.

SECTION 9455. Effective dates; other.
2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Statz, BB0121 - Managed forest land board and grants
For 2005-07 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2005 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
natural resources
Other natural resources
Under the managed forest land (MFL) program, the owner of land that meets certain requirements as to size and the amount of timber on the land may apply to have DNR designate the land as MFL. The owner of such land then makes an annual payment that is lower than, and in lieu of, the property taxes that normally would be payable on the land. In exchange, the owner must comply with certain forestry practices and may keep a specific area closed to public access; the remainder of the land must be kept open for recreational activities such as hunting, fishing, and cross-country skiing. For land that the owner keeps closed to public access, the owner must pay a supplemental amount that is in addition to the annual payment described above (closed-land payment).
This bill creates a five-member managed forest land board in DNR. Members of the board include: the chief state forester or his or her designee, one member representing the Wisconsin Counties Association, one member representing the Wisconsin Towns Association, one member representing an association that represents counties that have county forests, and one member appointed from a list of nominees submitted to the governor by the Council on Forestry. This board awards grants to cities, towns, counties, DNR, and nonprofit conservation organizations to acquire land for certain outdoor recreation activities such as fishing, hiking, sight-seeing, and cross-country skiing. The closed-land payments made by MFL owners fund the grants.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 15.07 (2) (m) of the statutes is created to read:

15.07 (2) (m) The member appointed under s. 15.345 (6) (a) shall serve as chairperson of the managed forest land board.

SECTION 2. 15.345 (6) of the statutes is created to read:

15.345 (6) MANAGED FOREST LAND BOARD. There is created in the department of natural resources a managed forest land board consisting of the chief state forester or his or her designee and the following members appointed for 3-year terms:

(a) One member appointed from a list of 5 nominees submitted by the Wisconsin Counties Association.

(b) One member appointed from a list of 5 nominees submitted by the Wisconsin Towns Association.
