440.08 (2) (a) 70. Veterinarian: January 1 December 15 of each even-numbered year; $105.

SECTION 47. 440.08 (2) (a) 71. of the statutes is amended to read:

440.08 (2) (a) 71. Veterinary technician: January 1 December 15 of each even-numbered year; $58.

SECTION 9140. Nonstatutory provisions; regulation and licensing.

(1) CREDENTIAL RENEWAL FEES; RENEWAL DATE CHANGES. When preparing its recommendations under section 440.03 (9) (b) of the statutes for changes to fees under section 440.08 (2) (a) of the statutes for credential renewals in the 2007-09 biennium, the department of regulation and licensing shall consider whether to reduce or increase the fees based on the changes to the renewal deadlines made by this act.
2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Blaine, BB0191 - Nursing Home Bed Assessment
For 2005-07 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2005 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
health and human services
Medical Assistance
Under current law, nursing homes and intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded (ICFMRs) must pay an assessment on each bed for which they are licensed. A portion of the bed assessment revenues is deposited in the general fund ($13,800,000 in fiscal year 2004-05, and 45 percent of the revenues starting in fiscal year 2005-06) and the remainder is deposited in the Medical Assistance trust fund. Money in the Medical Assistance trust fund is appropriated for payment of Medical Assistance program benefits.
This bill provides that in each fiscal year $13,800,000 of the revenues generated from the nursing home and ICFMR bed assessment shall be deposited in the general fund and the remainder shall be deposited in the Medical Assistance trust fund.
Under current law, DHFS levies, enforces, and collects assessments on all licensed beds of nursing homes and intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded. The assessments are $75 per calendar month per licensed bed of a nursing home and $435 in fiscal year 2003-04 and $445 in fiscal year 2004-05 per calendar month per licensed bed of an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded (ICFMR).
This bill increases the amount of the assessment per licensed bed of a nursing home to up to $125 per calendar month and the amount of the assessment per licensed bed of an ICFMR to up to $523 per calendar month in fiscal year 2005-06 and up to $587 per calendar month in fiscal year 2006-07.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 25.77 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

25.77 (3) All In each fiscal year, all except $13,800,000 of the moneys received under s. 50.14 (2) from assessments on licensed beds of facilities except $14,300,000 in fiscal year 2003-04 and $13,800,000 in fiscal year 2004-05 and, beginning July 1, 2005, 45% in each fiscal year.

SECTION 2. 50.14 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

50.14 (2) (intro.) For the privilege of doing business in this state, there is imposed on all licensed beds of a facility an assessment that per calendar month per licensed bed of an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded may not exceed $435 $523 in fiscal year 2003-04 2005-06 and may not exceed $445 $587 in fiscal year 2004-05 2006-07 and an assessment that may not exceed $75 $125 per calendar month per licensed bed of a nursing home. The In each fiscal year, $13,800,000 of the assessment moneys collected shall be deposited in the general fund, except that in fiscal year 2003-04, amounts in excess of $14,300,000, in fiscal year 2004-05, amounts in excess of $13,800,000, and, beginning July 1, 2005, in each fiscal year, amounts in excess of 45% of the money received from the assessment and the remainder shall be deposited in the Medical Assistance trust fund. In determining the number of licensed beds, all of the following apply:

****NOTE: This is reconciled s. 50.14 (2) (intro.). This SECTION has been affected by drafts with the following LRB numbers: 0560/1 and 0750/1.

SECTION 3. 50.14 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

50.14 (4) Sections 77.59 (1) to (5), (6) (intro.), (a) and (c) and (7) to (10), 77.60 (1) to (7), (9) and (10), 77.61 (9) and (12) to (14) and 77.62, as they apply to the taxes under subch. III of ch. 77, apply to the assessment under this section, except that the amount of any assessment amount greater than $13,800,000 collected under s. 77.59 (7) in excess of $14,300,000 in fiscal year 2003-04, in excess of $13,800,000 in fiscal year 2004-05, and, beginning July 1, 2005, in excess of 45% in each fiscal year in a fiscal year shall be deposited in the Medical Assistance trust fund.
2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Hoadley - Agreements and ancillary arrangements relating to public debt
For 2005-07 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2005 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: agreements and ancillary arrangements relating to public debt and other obligations and making appropriations.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Currently, the Building Commission (commission) may enter into agreements and ancillary arrangements relating to public debt. This bill provides that, at the time of entering into the agreements or ancillary arrangements, or in anticipation thereof, the commission must determine, if applicable, whether the payment will be deposited into, and whether the payment will be made from, t

he bond security and redemption fund or the capital improvement fund. In addition, the bill specifies that moneys in the bond security and redemption fund may be used for the payment of any premium or payment due under any agreement or ancillary arrangement relating to public debt.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 18.01 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

18.01 (4) (intro.) "Public debt" or "debt" means every voluntary, unconditional undertaking by the state, other than an operating note or an interest exchange agreement, to repay a sum certain:

SECTION 2. 18.06 (8) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 18.06 (8) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:

18.06 (8) (a) (intro.) The Subject to par. (am), at the time of, or in anticipation of, contracting public debt and at any time thereafter while the public debt is outstanding, the commission may enter into agreements and ancillary arrangements for relating to the public debt, including liquidity facilities, remarketing or dealer agreements, letter of credit agreements, insurance policies, guaranty agreements, reimbursement agreements, indexing agreements, or interest exchange agreements. At the time of contracting for any such agreement or ancillary arrangement, the commission shall determine all of the following, if applicable:

SECTION 3. 18.06 (8) (a) 1. of the statutes is created to read:

18.06 (8) (a) 1. For any payment to be received with respect to the agreement or ancillary arrangement, whether the payment will be deposited into the bond security and redemption fund or the capital improvement fund.

SECTION 4. 18.06 (8) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:

18.06 (8) (a) 2. For any payment to be made with respect to the agreement or ancillary arrangement, whether the payment will be made from the bond security and redemption fund or the capital improvement fund and the timing of any transfer of funds.

SECTION 5. 18.08 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 18.08 (1) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:

18.08 (1) (a) (intro.) All moneys resulting from the contracting of public debt or any payment to be received with respect to any agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a) with respect to any such public debt shall be credited to a separate and distinct fund, established in the state treasury, designated as the capital improvement fund, except that such:

1. Such moneys which represent premium and accrued interest on bonds or notes issued, or are for purposes of funding or refunding bonds pursuant to s. 18.06 (5), shall be credited to one or more of the sinking funds of the bond security and redemption fund or to the state building trust fund.; and

SECTION 6. 18.08 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:

18.08 (1) (a) 2. Any such moneys that represent premium or any payments received pursuant to any agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a) with respect to any such public debt may be credited to one or more of the sinking funds of the bond security and redemption fund or to the capital improvement fund, as determined by the commission.

SECTION 7. 18.08 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

18.08 (2) The capital improvement fund may be expended, pursuant to appropriations, only for the purposes and in the amounts for which the public debts have been contracted, for the payment of principal and interest on loans or on notes, for the payment due, if any, under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a) with respect to any such public debt, for the purposes identified under s. 20.867 (2) (v) and (4) (q), and for expenses incurred in contracting public debt.

SECTION 8. 18.08 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

18.08 (4) If at any time it appears that there will not be on hand in the capital improvement fund sufficient moneys for the payment of principal and interest on loans or on notes or for the payment due, if any, under an agreement or ancillary arrangement that has been entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a) with respect to any public debt and that has been determined to be payable from the capital improvement fund under s. 18.06 (8) (a) 2., the department of administration shall transfer to such fund, out of the appropriation made pursuant to s. 20.866, a sum sufficient which, together with any available money on hand in such fund, is sufficient to make such payment.

SECTION 9. 18.09 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

18.09 (2) Each sinking fund shall be expended, and all moneys from time to time on hand therein are irrevocably appropriated, in sums sufficient, only for the payment of principal and interest on the bonds giving rise to it and, premium, if any, due upon refunding redemption of any such bonds, and payment due, if any, under an agreement or ancillary arrangement that has been entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a) with respect to any such bonds and that has been determined to be payable from the bond security and redemption fund under s. 18.06 (8) (a) 2.

SECTION 10. 18.70 of the statutes is amended to read:

18.70 Provisions applicable. The following sections apply to this subchapter, except that all references to "public debt," "debt," or "revenue obligation" are deemed to refer to "operating notes," all references to "evidence of indebtedness" are deemed to refer to "evidence of operating note," and all references to "evidences of indebtedness" are deemed to refer to "evidences of operating notes": ss. 18.03, 18.06 (8), 18.07, 18.10 (1), (2), (4) to (9), and (11), 18.17, 18.52 (1m), 18.61 (1), 18.62, and 18.63.

SECTION 11. 18.73 (5) of the statutes is created to read:

18.73 (5) AGREEMENTS AND ARRANGEMENTS; DELEGATION; USE OF OPERATING NOTES. (a) At the time of, or in anticipation of, contracting operating notes and at any time thereafter while the operating notes are outstanding, the commission may enter into agreements and ancillary arrangements relating to the operating notes, including liquidity facilities, remarketing or dealer agreements, letter of credit agreements, insurance policies, guaranty agreements, reimbursement agreements, indexing agreements, or interest exchange agreements. Any payment received pursuant to any such agreements or ancillary arrangements shall be deposited in, and any payments made pursuant to any such agreements or ancillary arrangements will be made from, the general fund or the operating note redemption fund, as determined by the commission.

(b) The commission may delegate to other persons the authority and responsibility to take actions necessary and appropriate to implement agreements and ancillary arrangements under par. (a).

(c) Any operating notes may include operating notes contracted to fund interest, accrued or to accrue, on the operating notes.

SECTION 12. 18.74 of the statutes is amended to read:

18.74 Application of operating note proceeds. All moneys resulting from the contracting of operating notes or any payment to be received under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.73 (5) with respect to any such operating notes shall be credited to the general fund, except that moneys which represent premium and accrued interest on operating notes, or moneys for purposes of funding or refunding operating notes pursuant to s. 18.72 (1) shall be credited to the operating note redemption fund.

SECTION 13. 18.75 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

18.75 (2) The operating note redemption fund shall be expended and all moneys from time to time on hand therein are irrevocably appropriated, in sums sufficient, only for the payment of principal and interest on operating notes giving rise to it and premium, if any, due upon refunding or early redemption of such operating notes, and for the payment due, if any, under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.73 (5) with respect to such operating notes.

SECTION 14. 18.75 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

18.75 (4) There shall be transferred, under s. 20.855 (1) (a), a sum sufficient for the payment of the principal, interest and premium due, if any, on the and for the payment due, if any, under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into pursuant to s. 18.73 (5) with respect to operating notes giving rise to it as the same falls due. Such transfers shall be so timed that there is at all times on hand in the fund an amount not less than the amount to be paid out of it during the ensuing 30 days or such other period if so provided for in the authorizing resolution. The commission may pledge the deposit of additional amounts at periodic intervals and the secretary of the department may impound moneys of the general fund, including moneys temporarily reallocated from other funds under s. 20.002 (11), in accordance with the pledge of revenues in the authorizing resolution, and all such impoundments are deemed to be payments for purposes of s. 16.53 (10), but no such impoundment may be made until the amounts to be paid into the bond security and redemption fund under s. 18.09 during the ensuing 30 days have been deposited in the bond security and redemption fund.

SECTION 15. 20.115 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.115 (2) (d) Principal repayment and interest. A sum sufficient to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (u) for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing the acquisition, construction, development, enlargement or improvement of department facilities and, to make the payments determined by the building commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m) that are attributable to the proceeds of obligations incurred in financing this acquisition, construction, development, enlargement, or improvement, and to make payments under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a).

SECTION 16. 20.115 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.115 (7) (b) Principal repayment and interest, conservation reserve enhancement. A sum sufficient to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (u) for the principal and interest costs incurred in financing the conservation reserve enhancement program under s. 20.866 (2) (wf) and, to make the payments determined by the building commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m) that are attributable to the proceeds of obligations incurred in financing those projects, and to make payments under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a).

SECTION 17. 20.190 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.190 (1) (c) Housing facilities principal repayment, interest and rebates. A sum sufficient to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (u) for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing housing facilities at the state fair park in West Allis and, to make the payments determined by the building commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m) that are attributable to the proceeds of obligations incurred in financing these facilities, and to make payments under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a).

SECTION 18. 20.190 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.190 (1) (d) Principal repayment and interest. A sum sufficient to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (u) for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing the acquisition, construction, development, enlargement, or improvement of park facilities and, to make the payments determined by the building commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m) that are attributable to the proceeds of obligations incurred in financing this acquisition, construction, development, enlargement, or improvement, and to make payments under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a).

SECTION 19. 20.190 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.190 (1) (i) State fair capital expenses. The surplus of receipts transferred from par. (h), to be used for the acquisition of land, the payment of construction costs, including architectural and engineering services, furnishings, and equipment, maintenance of state-owned housing and temporary financing necessary to provide facilities for exposition purposes. The state fair park board may use moneys in this appropriation to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (u) for payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing state fair park facilities and to make payments under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a).

SECTION 20. 20.190 (1) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.190 (1) (j) State fair principal repayment, interest and rebates. A sum sufficient from revenues earned under par. (h) to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (u) for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing state fair park facilities and, to make the payments determined by the building commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m) that are attributable to the proceeds of obligations incurred in financing state fair park facilities, and to make payments under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a).

SECTION 21. 20.225 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.225 (1) (c) Principal repayment and interest. A sum sufficient to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (u) for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing the acquisition, construction, development, enlargement or improvement of facilities approved by the building commission for operation by the educational communications board and to make payments under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a).

SECTION 22. 20.225 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.225 (1) (i) Program revenue facilities; principal repayment, interest, and rebates. A sum sufficient from gifts and grants to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (u) for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing the acquisition, construction, development, enlargement, or improvement of facilities approved by the building commission for operation by the educational communications board and, to make payments determined by the building commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m) that are attributable to the proceeds of obligations incurred in financing the facilities, and to make payments under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a).

SECTION 23. 20.245 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.245 (1) (e) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates. A sum sufficient to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (u) for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing the acquisition, construction, development, enlargement, or improvement of facilities of the historical society; and for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing the acquisition and installation of systems and equipment necessary to prepare historic records for transfer to new storage facilities; and, to make the payments determined by the building commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m) that are attributable to the proceeds of obligations incurred in financing this acquisition and installation, and to make payments under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a).

SECTION 24. 20.245 (1) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.245 (1) (j) Self-amortizing facilities; principal repayment, interest, and rebates. A sum sufficient from the revenues received under pars. (h) and (r) to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (u) for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing the acquisition, construction, development, enlargement, or improvement of facilities of the historical society and, to make the payments determined by the building commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m) that are attributable to the proceeds of obligations incurred in financing such facilities, and to make payments under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a).

SECTION 25. 20.250 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
