SECTION 51. 49.45 (6v) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

49.45 (6v) (b) The department shall, each year, submit to the joint committee on finance a report for the previous fiscal year, except for the 1997-98 fiscal year, that provides information on the utilization of beds by recipients of medical assistance in facilities and a discussion and detailed projection of the likely balances, expenditures, encumbrances and carry over of currently appropriated amounts in the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), and (r), and (rg).

SECTION 52. 49.45 (6x) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

49.45 (6x) (a) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), and (w) (rm), the department shall distribute not more than $4,748,000 $6,248,000 in each fiscal year, to provide funds to an essential access city hospital, except that the department may not allocate funds to an essential access city hospital to the extent that the allocation would exceed any limitation under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3).

SECTION 53. 49.45 (6y) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

49.45 (6y) (a) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), (r), (rg), and (w), the department shall distribute funding in each fiscal year to provide supplemental payment to hospitals that enter into a contract under s. 49.02 (2) to provide health care services funded by a relief block grant, as determined by the department, for hospital services that are not in excess of the hospitals' customary charges for the services, as limited under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3). If no relief block grant is awarded under this chapter or if the allocation of funds to such hospitals would exceed any limitation under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3), the department may distribute funds to hospitals that have not entered into a contract under s. 49.02 (2).

SECTION 54. 49.45 (6y) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

49.45 (6y) (a) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), (r), (rg), and (w), the department shall distribute funding in each fiscal year to provide supplemental payment to hospitals that enter into a contract under s. 49.02 (2) to provide health care services funded by a relief block grant, as determined by the department, for hospital services that are not in excess of the hospitals' customary charges for the services, as limited under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3). If no relief block grant is awarded under this chapter or if the allocation of funds to such hospitals would exceed any limitation under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3), the department may distribute funds to hospitals that have not entered into a contract under s. 49.02 (2).

SECTION 55. 49.45 (6y) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:

49.45 (6y) (am) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (h), (gp), (o), (r), (rg), and (w), the department shall distribute funding in each fiscal year to provide supplemental payments to hospitals that enter into contracts under s. 49.02 (2) with a county having a population of 500,000 or more to provide health care services funded by a relief block grant, as determined by the department, for hospital services that are not in excess of the hospitals' customary charges for the services, as limited under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3).

SECTION 56. 49.45 (6y) (am) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

49.45 (6y) (am) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (h), (gp), (o), (r), (rg), and (w), the department shall distribute funding in each fiscal year to provide supplemental payments to hospitals that enter into contracts under s. 49.02 (2) with a county having a population of 500,000 or more to provide health care services funded by a relief block grant, as determined by the department, for hospital services that are not in excess of the hospitals' customary charges for the services, as limited under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3).

SECTION 57. 49.45 (6z) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

49.45 (6z) (a) (intro.) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), (r), (rg), and (w), the department shall distribute funding in each fiscal year to supplement payment for services to hospitals that enter into a contract under s. 49.02 (2) to provide health care services funded by a relief block grant under this chapter, if the department determines that the hospitals serve a disproportionate number of low-income patients with special needs. If no medical relief block grant under this chapter is awarded or if the allocation of funds to such hospitals would exceed any limitation under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3), the department may distribute funds to hospitals that have not entered into a contract under s. 49.02 (2). The department may not distribute funds under this subsection to the extent that the distribution would do any of the following:

SECTION 58. 49.45 (6z) (a) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

49.45 (6z) (a) (intro.) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), (r), (rg), and (w), the department shall distribute funding in each fiscal year to supplement payment for services to hospitals that enter into a contract under s. 49.02 (2) to provide health care services funded by a relief block grant under this chapter, if the department determines that the hospitals serve a disproportionate number of low-income patients with special needs. If no medical relief block grant under this chapter is awarded or if the allocation of funds to such hospitals would exceed any limitation under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3), the department may distribute funds to hospitals that have not entered into a contract under s. 49.02 (2). The department may not distribute funds under this subsection to the extent that the distribution would do any of the following:

SECTION 59. 49.45 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

49.45 (8) (b) Reimbursement under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), (r), (rg), and (w) for home health services provided by a certified home health agency or independent nurse shall be made at the home health agency's or nurse's usual and customary fee per patient care visit, subject to a maximum allowable fee per patient care visit that is established under par. (c).

SECTION 60. 49.45 (8) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

49.45 (8) (b) Reimbursement under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), (r), (rg), and (w) for home health services provided by a certified home health agency or independent nurse shall be made at the home health agency's or nurse's usual and customary fee per patient care visit, subject to a maximum allowable fee per patient care visit that is established under par. (c).

SECTION 61. 49.45 (24m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

49.45 (24m) HOME HEALTH CARE AND PERSONAL CARE PILOT PROGRAM. (intro.) From the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), (r), (rg), and (w), in order to test the feasibility of instituting a system of reimbursement for providers of home health care and personal care services for medical assistance recipients that is based on competitive bidding, the department shall:

SECTION 62. 49.45 (24m) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

49.45 (24m) HOME HEALTH CARE AND PERSONAL CARE PILOT PROGRAM. (intro.) From the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), (r), (rg), and (w), in order to test the feasibility of instituting a system of reimbursement for providers of home health care and personal care services for medical assistance recipients that is based on competitive bidding, the department shall:

SECTION 63. 49.472 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

49.472 (6) (a) Notwithstanding sub. (4) (a) 3., from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (r), (rg), or (w), the department shall, on the part of an individual who is eligible for medical assistance under sub. (3), pay premiums for or purchase individual coverage offered by the individual's employer if the department determines that paying the premiums for or purchasing the coverage will not be more costly than providing medical assistance.

SECTION 64. 49.472 (6) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

49.472 (6) (a) Notwithstanding sub. (4) (a) 3., from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (r), (rg), or (w), the department shall, on the part of an individual who is eligible for medical assistance under sub. (3), pay premiums for or purchase individual coverage offered by the individual's employer if the department determines that paying the premiums for or purchasing the coverage will not be more costly than providing medical assistance.

SECTION 65. 49.472 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

49.472 (6) (b) If federal financial participation is available, from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (r), (rg), or (w), the department may pay medicare Medicare Part A and Part B premiums for individuals who are eligible for medicare Medicare and for medical assistance under sub. (3).

SECTION 66. 49.472 (6) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

49.472 (6) (b) If federal financial participation is available, from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (r), (rg), or (w), the department may pay Medicare Part A and Part B premiums for individuals who are eligible for Medicare and for medical assistance under sub. (3).

SECTION 67. 49.473 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:

49.473 (5) The department shall audit and pay, from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), and (o), (r), and (rg) allowable charges to a provider who is certified under s. 49.45 (2) (a) 11. for medical assistance Medical Assistance on behalf of a woman who meets the requirements under sub. (2) for all benefits and services specified under s. 49.46 (2).

SECTION 68. 49.473 (5) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

49.473 (5) The department shall audit and pay, from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gp), (o), and (r), and (rg) allowable charges to a provider who is certified under s. 49.45 (2) (a) 11. for medical assistance on behalf of a woman who meets the requirements under sub. (2) for all benefits and services specified under s. 49.46 (2).

SECTION 69. 139.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

139.02 (1) TAX IMPOSED; RATE; LIMITATION. An occupational excise tax is imposed upon the removal for consumption or sale or selling of fermented malt beverages at the rate of $2 per barrel of 31 gallons and at a proportionate rate for any other quantity or fractional parts thereof. Not more than one occupational excise tax shall be required to be paid on any one container of fermented malt beverages.

SECTION 70. 139.03 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

139.03 Liquor tax. (intro.) An occupational excise tax is imposed upon the selling of intoxicating liquor as follows:

SECTION 71. 139.03 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

139.03 (3) Not more than one occupational excise tax shall be required to be paid on any one container of intoxicating liquor.

SECTION 72. 139.05 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

139.05 (2) Each brewer and bottler in this state and each wholesaler of malt beverages within this state to whom malt beverages are shipped from outside this state shall on or before the fifteenth day of each month file with the secretary on forms prescribed by the secretary a verified return containing such information as may be required to compute and show the amount of occupational excise tax payable by the brewer, bottler or wholesaler or by the shipper for the next preceding calendar month on malt beverages.

SECTION 73. 139.05 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

139.05 (3) The amount of the occupational excise tax disclosed by the return shall accompany the return and shall be paid to the department.

SECTION 74. 139.09 of the statutes is amended to read:

139.09 Registration. Every brewer, bottler, manufacturer, rectifier, wholesaler or retailer liable for payment of the occupational excise tax imposed in ss. 139.01 to 139.25 shall hold a valid certificate under s. 73.03 (50). The secretary shall assign the person a registration number.

SECTION 75. 153.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

153.01 (2) "Board" means the health care quality and patient safety board on health care information.

SECTION 76. 153.07 (5) of the statutes is created to read:

153.07 (5) By January 1, 2006, and at least annually thereafter, the board shall report to the governor on the plans, activities, accomplishments, and recommendations of the board.

SECTION 77. 153.07 (6) of the statutes is created to read:

153.07 (6) The board shall annually assess the extent to which automated information and decision support systems are used by health care providers in this state.

SECTION 78. 153.07 (7) of the statutes is created to read:

153.07 (7) The board shall annually assess options and develop a plan and specific strategies to achieve automation of all health care systems in the state by 2010 or as soon as practicable.

SECTION 79. 153.07 (8) of the statutes is created to read:

153.07 (8) The board shall administer the health care quality improvement fund.

SECTION 80. 153.07 (9) of the statutes is created to read:

153.07 (9) The board may accept gifts, grants, bequests, and devises to be used in the execution of its functions.

SECTION 81. 153.076 of the statutes is created to read:

153.076 Grants and loans. (1) In this section:

(a) "Clinic" means a place, other than a residence, that is used primarily for the provision of nursing, medical, podiatric, dental, chiropractic, or optometric care and treatment.

(b) "Health maintenance organization" has the meaning given in s. 609.01 (2).

(c) "Hospital" has the meaning given in s. 50.33 (2).

(d) "Physician" has the meaning given in s. 448.01 (5).

(2) (a) From the appropriation under s. 20.505 (4) (qb), the board may make grants or loans, under procedures and criteria determined by the board, to clinics, health maintenance organizations, or other health care systems, hospitals, or physicians for any of the following projects:

1. Installation of computer-assisted physician order entry, electronic medical records, or other information system infrastructure, including clinical decision support systems, to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of patient care.

2. Development of health information exchanges, integrated health care data repositories, and interoperable systems to facilitate the reporting of quality, safety, and efficiency information for purposes of health care system improvement or related purposes by informing consumers and health care purchasers.

3. Demonstration, through pilot projects, of rapid cycle improvement in quality, safety, and efficiency of care.

4. Facilitation of group purchases of medical technology systems by assisting health care providers in forming collaborative agreements for technology.

(b) Repayment of any loans made under par. (a) shall be deposited into the health care quality improvement fund.

SECTION 82. 153.75 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:

153.75 (title) Rule making and enforcement.

SECTION 83. 153.75 (3) of the statutes is created to read:

153.75 (3) Notwithstanding sub. (1) (a), (b), (f), (m), (n), (o), (s), (t), and (u) and ss. 153.05 (1), (5), and (8) and 153.45, after June 30, 2007, the department may not enforce rules promulgated under this chapter before July 1, 2007, relating to claims data to be submitted by physicians, to procedures for verification, review, and comment on the claims data, to adjustment of the data, and to waiver of the data submission requirement.

SECTION 84. 153.75 (4) of the statutes is created to read:

153.75 (4) Notwithstanding sub. (1) (a), (b), (f), (m), (n), (o), (q), (t), and (u), and ss. 153.05 (1), (5) and (8), 153.21, and 153.45, after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], the department may not enforce rules promulgated under this chapter before the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], relating to any of the following:

(a) The collection, from physicians, of health care plan affiliations and updating information, hospital privileges updating information, and workforce and practice information.

(b) The collection, from dentists, chiropractors, and podiatrists, of workforce and practice information.

(c) Procedures for verification, review, and comment on the information specified under pars. (a) and (b), to adjustment of the information, and to waiver of the information collection requirement.

SECTION 85. 153.75 (5) of the statutes is created to read:

153.75 (5) After the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], notwithstanding ss. 227.10 (1) and 227.11 (2) (a) and (d), the department may promulgate under this chapter only rules that are first approved by the health care quality and patient safety board.

SECTION 86. 153.76 of the statutes is amended to read:

153.76 Rule-making by the independent review board. Notwithstanding s. 15.01 (1r), the independent review board may promulgate only those rules that are first reviewed and approved by the health care quality and patient safety board on health care information.

SECTION 87. 231.03 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

231.03 Powers. (intro.) The authority has all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this chapter. In addition to all other powers granted by this chapter, subject to s. 231.035 the authority may:

SECTION 88. 231.035 of the statutes is created to read:

231.035 Health care quality and patient safety board approval. Beginning on the effective date of this section .... [revisor inserts date], the authority may not provide any financial assistance to a health facility, hospital, or participating health institution unless the health facility, hospital, or participating health institution demonstrates to the health care quality and patient safety board that it is making progress to improve medical information systems technology.
