Nursing homes and affecting small business [Admin.Code HFS 132.11, 132.13, 132.14, 132.16, 132.31, 132.32, 132.41, 132.42, 132.43, 132.44, 132.45, 132.52, 132.53, 132.60, 132.61, 132.62, 132.63, 132.64, 132.65, 132.66, 132.67, 132.68, 132.69, 132.695, 132.70, 132.71, 132.72, 132.82, 132.83, 132.84] -  CR06-053
Nutrient management on farms and affecting small business [Admin.Code ATCP 50 (Appendices A, B to D, G), 50.04, 50.48, 50.50, 50.62, 50.78] -  CR05-013
Operator's licenses and ID cards and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Trans 102.11, 102.15, 102.16, 102.18]  - CR06-082
Optometry: conduct, examinations, continuing education, and affecting small business [Admin.Code Opt 5.02, 5.08, 5.10, 5.16, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04, 6.05] -  CR05-036
Outpatient mental health clinic certification and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code HFS 35, 61.91 to 61.98, 105.22, 107.13] -  CR06-080
Patients compensation and mediation funds annual fees beginning July 1, 2006; may affect small businesses [Admin.Code Ins 17.01, 17.28] -  CR06-002
Pools and water attractions and relating to small business [Admin.Code HFS 172] -  CR06-086
PP plan applicability dates and affecting small business [Admin.Code Ins 9.25, 9.27] -  CR06-118
Prevailing wage rates: adjustment of threshholds for application of; payment and performance assurance requirements and affecting small business [Admin.Code DWD 93.02, 290.155] - CR06-004
Prevailing wage rates on public works projects and affecting small business [Admin.Code DWD 290.01, 290.015]  - CR04-081
Private duty nursing and respiratory care service benefits covered by MA and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code HFS 107.12, 107.113] -  CR05-052
Public assistance overpayment collection and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code DWD 12.23, 56.04]  - CR04-123
Public buildings and places of employment: construction, use, and maintenance of; affecting small businesses [for rule numbers, see entry under ``Public building"]  - CR06-120
Real estate trust accounts: statement re interest on; affecting small business [Admin.Code Comm 155.06]  - CR05-110
Restaurants and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code HFS 196.03, 196.04, 196.05, 196.07] - CR04-093
Small business enforcement discretion and technical changes to various rules [Admin.Code ATCP 1, 13.01, 17.01, 17.03, 29.26, 29.52, 40.06, 42.16, 42.32, 42.40, 42.44, 42.54, 50 (Appendix E), 55.14, 69.02, 70.03, 70.22, 80 (Appendix A), 80.02, 80.44, 80.50, 80.54, 81.02, 82.06, 85.10, 88.02, 88.06, 92.02, 92.06, 92.08, 92.22, 97.04, 105.07, 111.06, 113.01, 113.02, 113.07, 134.02, 134.09, 155.01, 158] -  CR06-028
Small business rules and guidelenes: discretion that DOR will follow in enforcement of [Admin.Code Tax 1.15]  - CR06-087
Technology commercialization programs and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 129] - CR04-108
UI and temporary help employers and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code DWD 133] -  CR06-032
Variance from rules procedures: stop work, stop use, and petition and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 3 (title), 3.001, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.06] - CR05-049
Vehicle marking and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Trans 302] -  CR04-114
W-2, emergency assistance, child care, and affecting small business [Admin.Code DWD 12.17, 16.04, 16.08, 17.01, 17.02, 17.03, 17.04, 17.06, 17.07, 55.03, 56.08]  - CR06-044
WIC special supplemental food program: selection and monitoring of vendors and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code HFS 149.02, 149.03] -  CR05-080
Wisconsin lottery and retailer performance program: improvements to and affecting small business [Admin.Code Tax 61.02, 61.04, 61.05, 61.08, 61.085] -  CR04-083
c - C -
cancerCancer, see Disease
State veterans cemeteries: determination of interment fees and assessments [Admin.Code VA 14.02] - CR04-126
charitable corporationCharitable corporation
Payroll deductions for charitable purposes [Admin.Code Adm 30.05 (11)] -  CR01-024
Payroll deductions for charitable purposes [Admin.Code Adm 3.05 (11)] -  CR02-108
child careChild care, see Day care
childrenChildren, see also Youth
Group foster homes for children [Admin.Code HFS 57; Appendices A, B, C, and D] -  CR04-067
children _ abuse and neglectChildren — Abuse and neglect
Children and families in child abuse and neglect cases: standards for training required for staff and suprevisors [Admin.Code HFS 43] -  CR06-081
children _ special educationChildren — Special education
Special education: grants for high cost of [Admin.Code PI 30]  - CR06-098
Chiropractic continuing education credit and approval of programs [Admin.Code Chir 5.01, 5.02]  - CR06-007
Chiropractic new therapies and treatment modalities: adequate education prior to application of [Admin.Code Chir 6.02] - CR06-006
Chiropractic philosophy: continuing education courses to include [Admin.Code Chir 5.02, 5.03]  - CR02-020
Chiropractic practice and paraphysiological space [Admin. Code Chir 4.02, 4.03] -  CR01-118
Chiropractor nutritional counseling certification [Admin.Code Chir 4.05, 5.01, 6.02, 12] -  CR06-051
chronic wasting disease _cwd_Chronic wasting disease (CWD), see Animal — Disease
cigarette _ taxationCigarette — Taxation
Cigarette and tobacco products tax: bad debt deductions [Admin.Code Tax 9.70] -  CR06-107
civil rightCivil right
Civil rights complaints and affecting small business [Admin.Code DWD 218.01, 218.03, 218.08, 218.19, 218.25, 220.02, 220.04, 220.11, 220.22, 220.25, 221.03, 221.20, 221.23, 223, 224.09, 224.20, 224.24, 225.06, 225.12, 225.23, 225.27] -  CR06-062
collection agencyCollection agency, see Debt and debtors
collective bargainingCollective bargaining
Procedures for administration of Employment peace act, Public utilities, Municipal employment relations act, and State employment labor relations act [Admin.Code ERC 1 to 4, 5 to 8, 9 to 18, 19, 20 to 25, 26 to 28, 30 to 33, 50]  - CR02-037
QEO calculation with professional school district employees [Admin.Code ERC 33, Appendices A, B, and C]  - CR01-017
commerce, department ofCommerce, Department of
Automatic fire suppression systems for student housing facilities serving colleges and universities [Admin.Code Comm 62.0903] -  CR06-040
Boilers and pressure vessels and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 2.11, 2.16, 5.06, 5.60, 41.04, 41.10, 41.15, 41.16, 41.18, 41.23, 41.24, 41.31, 41.41, 41.42, 41.48, 41.56, 41.60, 41.61, 41.62] -  CR05-025
Cleaning methods for historic buildings [Admin.Code Comm 72] -  CR05-064
Comm.Dept licenses, certifications, and registrations and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 5.003, 5.02, 5.06, 5.32, 5.323, 5.51, 5.52, 5.54, 5.62, 5.625, 5.70, 5.72, 5.91, 5.92, 5.93, 5.94, 5.97] -  CR06-031
Comm.Dept miscellaneous fee schedule changes and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 2.02, 2.09, 2.10, 2.12, 2.13, 2.15, 2.31, 2.33, 2.41, 2.42, 2.43, 2.44, 2.51, 2.52, 2.61, 2.68] -  CR05-038
Comm.Dept plan review processing times and affecting small business [Admin.Code Comm 2.07, 3.03, 3.04, 5.54, 18.1013, 20.14, 26.08, 33.10, 34.05, 40.10, 43.10, 61.31, 82.20, 83.22, 90.04] -  CR06-119
Community development block grant program [Admin.Code Comm 108.01, 108.02, 108.03, 108.04, 108.05, 108.06, Table 108.06-1, 108.07, 108.08, 108.09, 108.11, 108.12, 108.13, 108.19, 108.20, 180.24] -  CR01-136
Diesel truck idling reduction grants and affecting small business [Admin.Code Comm 131] -  CR06-034
Electrical construction and affecting small businesses [Admin. Code Comm 16.12, 16.155, 16.185, 16.22, 16.23, 16.31, 16.327, 16.37, 16.38, 16.392, 16.42, 16.45, 16.48]  - CR05-010
Erosion and sediment control and storm water management for one- and 2-family dwellings and commercial buildings; affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 2.36, 20.02, 20.07, 20.08, 20.09, 20.10, 21.125, 60, 61.01, 61.04, 61.115]  - CR05-113
Flammable, combustible, and hazardous liquids: credentials for storage; cleanup of properties contaminated by petroleum-produced discharges; affecting small business [Admin.Code Comm 5.003, Table 5.02, Table 5.06, 5.07, 5.08, 5.10, 5.68, 5.82, 5.83, 5.84, 5.85, 5.86, 5.87, 5.88, 5.89]  - CR06-127
Licenses, certifications, and registrations and affecting small business [Admin.Code Comm 5.34, 5.35, 5.40, 5.92]  - CR05-011
Manufactured home dealer and salesperson licenses and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 5.003, 5.02, 5.06, 5.323, 5.325, 96, 97, 98] -  CR04-134
Manufactured home installation and inspection and affecting small business [Admin.Code Comm 5.003, 5.02, 5.06, 5.32, 5.323, 5.325, 5.327, 5.353, 5.63, 20.01, 20.04, 20.05, 20.07, 20.10, 20.22, 20.24, 21.02, 22.06, 27]  - CR06-071
Manufactured home parks and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 2.33, 26, 95; PSC 186]  - CR04-135
Petroleum products [Admin.Code Comm 48.01 to 48.03, 48.035, 48.04, 48.05 to 48.07, 48.09, 48.10, 48.11, 48.100, 48.200, 48.300, 48.500, 48.580, 48.590, 48.600, 48.650]  - CR05-081
Private sewage system replacement or rehabilitation grant program [Admin.Code Comm 87.01, 87.02, 87.03, 87.04, 87.05, 87.10, 87.20, 87.21, 87.30, 87.31, 87.32, 87.40, 87.60, 87.70, 87.72, 87.80, 87.81, 87.90, 87.91]  - CR04-068
Public buildings and places of employment: construction, use, and maintenance of; affecting small businesses [for rule numbers, see entry under ``Public building"]  - CR06-120
Real estate trust accounts: statement re interest on; affecting small business [Admin.Code Comm 155.06]  - CR05-110
Swimming pool design and construction; fee provision [Admin.Code Comm 2.68, 90.02, 90.03, 90.04, 90.045, 90.07, 90.08, 90.09, 90.11, 90.13, 90.14, 90.16, 90.18, 90.19, 90.20, 90.205, 90.206, 90.21, 90.30] -  CR04-052
Technology commercialization programs and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 129] - CR04-108
Toilets at facilities where public congregates: equal speed of access to [Admin.Code Comm 62.2902, 91.01, 91.02, 91.03, 91.14] -  CR04-072
Variance from rules procedures: stop work, stop use, and petition and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Comm 3 (title), 3.001, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.06] - CR05-049
Volume cap allocation council [Admin.Code Comm 113.02, 113.05, 113.06, 113.07] -  CR04-130
Women-owned business certification program: implementation of, and affecting small business [Admin.Code Comm 104]  - CR06-113
commercial codeCommercial code
Uniform commercial code search requests [Admin.Code DFI-CCS 5.04] -  CR06-122
common carrierCommon carrier, see Bus and truck