motor vehicle _ driver_s licenseMotor vehicle — Driver's license
CDL exemptions [Admin.Code Trans 102.20, 102.22, 102.23] -  CR06-064
CDL occupational licenses [Admin.Code Trans 117.02, 117.025, 117.03, 117.05, 117.08, 117.09]  - CR05-034
Driver license from previous state of residence: time period for use re person moving to Wisconsin [Admin.Code Trans 102.14, 102.15] -  CR05-109
Driver licenses and ID cards: issuance of [Admin.Code Trans 102.14] -  CR04-099
ID card or license proof of identity [Admin.Code Trans 102.14, 102.15] -  CR06-128
Medical standards for driver licensing and general standards for school bus endorsements [Admin.Code Trans 112.01, 112.02, 112.06, 112.07, 112.12, 112.15, 112.155, 112.16, 112.18, 112.20] -  CR04-117
Medical standards for driver licensing and general standards for school bus endorsements [Admin.Code Trans 112.02, 112.03, 112.04, 112.045, 112.05, 112.06, 112.07, 112.08, 112.10, 112.12, 112.13, 112.15, 112.16, 112.17, 112.18]  - CR06-099
Military vehicle operator CDL exemption [Admin.Code Trans 102.22, 102.23] -  CR04-141
Operator's licenses and ID cards and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code Trans 102.11, 102.15, 102.16, 102.18]  - CR06-082
Proof of identification [Admin.Code Trans 102.02, 102.025, 102.03, 102.15] -  CR04-100
Safety responsibility and damage judgment suspension of operating privileges and vehicle registration [Admin.Code Trans 100.01, 100.02, 100.025, 100.03, 100.04, 100.05, 100.06, 100.07, 100.08, 100.09, 100.10, 100.11, 100.12, 100.13, 100.15, 100.16, 100.17, 100.18, 100.19, 100.20, 117.03]  - CR01-156
motor vehicle _ equipmentMotor vehicle — Equipment
Motor vehicle emission limitations and tampering with pollution control equipment [Admin.Code NR 485.04, 485.06]  - CR05-072
School bus oxidation catalyst grant program in certain counties [Admin.Code Trans 135] -  CR04-090
motor vehicle _ regulationMotor vehicle — Regulation
Habitual traffic offenders [Admin.Code Trans 103.02, 103.03, 103.10] -  CR06-041
Motor vehicle emission limitations and tampering with pollution control equipment [Admin.Code NR 485.04, 485.06]  - CR05-072
School bus oxidation catalyst grant program in certain counties [Admin.Code Trans 135] -  CR04-090
motor vehicle _ taxation or registrationMotor vehicle — Taxation or registration
ATV registration exemption [Admin.Code NR 64.03] -  CR05-053
Electronic issuance of vehicle registrations and titles required, unless exempted by DOT [Admin.Code Trans 156 (title), 156.01, 156.03, 156.04, 156.05] - CR06-101
Safety responsibility and damage judgment suspension of operating privileges and vehicle registration [Admin.Code Trans 100.01, 100.02, 100.025, 100.03, 100.04, 100.05, 100.06, 100.07, 100.08, 100.09, 100.10, 100.11, 100.12, 100.13, 100.15, 100.16, 100.17, 100.18, 100.19, 100.20, 117.03]  - CR01-156
Telephone vehicle registration renewal: convenience fee for [Admin.Code Trans 196.04] -  CR05-024
Motorcycle licensing and courses [Admin.Code Trans 129.09] -  CR04-132
motorcycle _ taxation or registrationMotorcycle — Taxation or registration
Motorcycle licensing and courses [Admin.Code Trans 129.09] -  CR04-132
mpcp _milwaukee parental choice program_MPCP (Milwaukee Parental Choice Program), see Milwaukee — School
municipal employment relations act _mera_Municipal Employment Relations Act (MERA), see Public employee
municipality _ planningMunicipality — Planning
Community development block grant program [Admin.Code Comm 108.01, 108.02, 108.03, 108.04, 108.05, 108.06, Table 108.06-1, 108.07, 108.08, 108.09, 108.11, 108.12, 108.13, 108.19, 108.20, 180.24] -  CR01-136
n - N -
natural disasterNatural disaster
Major catastrophes: application process and criteria for determining eligibility for payments to local governments for damages and costs incurred [Admin.Code WEM 7]  - CR06-088
Mutual aid box alarm system (MABAS) for deployment of emergency personnel in a multi-agency or multi-jurisdictional response [Admin.Code WEM 8] -  CR06-091
natural gasNatural gas, see Fuel
natural resourceNatural resource
Endangered resources: implementation and administration of grants [Admin.Code NR 58.02, 58.04, 58.05, 58.06, 58.08, 58.09, 58.11] -  CR05-071
Livestock harmed by endangered and threatened wildlife species and gray wolves: damage payment program revision [Admin.Code NR 12] -  CR05-005
Pets and hunting dogs harmed by endangered and threatened wildlife species and gray wolves: damage payment program revision [Admin.Code NR 12] -  CR05-004
natural resources, department of _ administrationNatural Resources, Department of — Administration, see also Natural Resources Board
Asbestos permit exemption and inspection fees; program for recovering the exact costs of laboratory fees for sample analysis for the asbestos program [Admin.Code NR 406.04, 410.05]  - CR04-102
Demonstrations on certain types of DNR properties [Admin.Code NR 45.03, 45.045] -  CR01-010
Department properties: use of [Admin.Code NR 1.29, 1.30, 10.01, 45.03, 45.04, 45.05, 45.06, 45.09, 45.10, 45.11, 45.12, 45.13, 51.73] -  CR04-092
Laboratory certification and registration [Admin.Code NR 149] - CR06-005
Livestock harmed by endangered and threatened wildlife species and gray wolves: damage payment program revision [Admin.Code NR 12] -  CR05-005
Pets and hunting dogs harmed by endangered and threatened wildlife species and gray wolves: damage payment program revision [Admin.Code NR 12] -  CR05-004
natural resources, department of _ environmental protectionNatural Resources, Department of — Environmental protection
Air permit programs as required by 2003 WisAct 118 [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 406.04, 406.16, 406.17, 407.02, 407.03, 407.10, 407.105, 410.03] - CR04-107
Air permitting program: changes to [Admin.Code NR 405.01, 405.02, 405.16, 405.18 to 405.22, 408.02, 408.06, 408.10, 408.11 to 408.15, 484.04] -  CR03-118
Air permitting program: interface with federal changes [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 406, 406.03, 406.04, 406.07, 406.075, 406.12, 407, 410, 410.03]  - CR04-106
Air permitting program: linkage with federal changes and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 406, 406.035, 406.04, 406.11, 410, 410.03] -  CR06-019
Air pollution permit exemptions and permit exemption fees and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 406.02, 406.04, 407.03, 410.03] -  CR06-047
Ambient air quality standards [Admin.Code NR 404.02, 404.04, 404.06] -  CR03-066
Animal feeding operations [Admin.Code NR 243] -  CR05-075
Aquatic invasive species: grants for control of [Admin.Code NR 198] -  CR04-060
Artificial water body: regulation of construction, dredging, and enlargement of [Admin.Code NR 340.02, 343]  - CR04-086
Asbestos permit exemption and inspection fees; program for recovering the exact costs of laboratory fees for sample analysis for the asbestos program [Admin.Code NR 406.04, 410.05]  - CR04-102
Bank erosion control on rivers and streams [Admin.Code NR 328] -  CR06-126
Boats used exclusively to make advertisements: registration of; definitions created [Admin.Code NR 5.001, 5.01]  - CR06-133
Boilers (industrial, commercial, and institutional) and process heaters: national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants [Admin.Code NR 439.08, 439.085, 460.02, 460.03, 462, 484.04, 484.06, 484.10, 484.11] - CR05-116
Bridges and culverts in or over navigable waterways: regulation of [Admin.Code NR 320.01, 320.02, 320.03, 320.04, 320.05, 320.06, 320.07, 320.08, 320.09] - CR04-084
Bridges and culverts in or over navigable waterways: regulation of [Admin.Code NR 320.03, 320.04, 320.06]  - CR06-038
Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) promulgated by U.S. EPA: establishment of provisions for major electric generating units in Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 432] - CR06-104
Construction permit waivers re air contaminants and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 406.03, 410.03]  - CR06-079
County shoreland zoning ordinances: minimum standards for [Admin.Code NR 115 (title), 115.01, 115.02, 115.03, 115.05, 115.06, 115.07, 115.09, 115.11, 115.15, 115.17, 115.19, 115.21, 115.23, 115.25] -  CR05-058
Dredging in navigable waterways [Admin.Code NR 345] -  CR04-087
Dry cleaner environmental response program [Admin.Code NR 169] -  CR04-128
Endangered resources: implementation and administration of grants [Admin.Code NR 58.02, 58.04, 58.05, 58.06, 58.08, 58.09, 58.11] -  CR05-071
Equipment containing refrigerants that damage the atmosphere: regulations revised re activities during salvage and transport of [Admin.Code NR 488.01, 488.02, 488.03, 488.04, 488.05, 488.06, 488.07, 488.08, 488.09, 488.10, 488.11, 488.12]  - CR05-018
Erosion control of inland lakes and impoundments: department standards for [Admin.Code NR 328] - CR02-099
Firewood entering DNR lands: regulation and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code NR 45.04] - CR06-065
Forest crop and managed forest laws: administration of [Admin.Code NR 46.30] -  CR05-030
Forest crop law managed forest law: administration of [Admin.Code NR 46.18, 46.30] -  CR06-027
Forestry research and development grant program [Admin.Code NR 47.93] -  CR06-022
Generally accepted forestry management practices: definition of [Admin.Code NR 1.25] -  CR06-097
Grading on bank of navigable waterway: regulation of [Admin.Code NR 340.02, 341] -  CR04-085
Groundwater quality standards [Admin.Code NR 140.10, Table I and Appendix I] -  CR02-095
Gypsy moth suppression program [Admin.Code NR 47.910, 47.912, 47.913, 47.914, 47.915, 47.917]  - CR04-137
Hazardous air pollutants: incorporation of federal amendments in national emission standards for [Admin.Code NR 460.01, 460.02, 460.03, 460.04, 460.05, 460.06, 460.07, 460.08, 460.09, 460.11, 463.01, 463.02, 463.04, 463.05, 463.06, 463.07, 463.09, 463.11, 463.12] - CR05-039
Hazardous air pollutants re facilities engaged in the secondary production of aluminum: national emission standards for [Admin.Code NR 406.04, 407.02, 407.04, 421.04, 421.06, 460 Appendix N, 460 Appendix RRR, 463 Subchapter II, 463.01, 463.02, 463.03, 463.04, 463.05, 463.06, 463.07, 463.08, 463.09, 463.10, 463.11, 463.12, 484.05, 484.11]  - CR04-023
Hazardous air pollutants re surface coating of plastic parts and products of miscellaneous metal parts and products: national emission standards for [Admin.Code NR 460 Appendices MMMM, NNNN, and PPPP; 465 Table 3 and Table 4; 465.26, 484.03, 484.04, 484.10, 484.11] - CR05-040
Hazardous waste management [for rule numbers, see entry under ``Environmental protection"]  - CR05-032
Hazardous waste management [Admin.Code NR 661.07, 662.02, 662.020, 662.032, 662.033, 662.054, 662.060, 662.10, 663.20, 664.0070 to 664.0072, 664.0076, 665.0072, 665.0076, 666.21] -  CR06-102