municipal employment relations act _mera_Municipal Employment Relations Act (MERA), see Public employee
municipality _ planningMunicipality — Planning
Community development block grant program [Admin.Code Comm 108.01, 108.02, 108.03, 108.04, 108.05, 108.06, Table 108.06-1, 108.07, 108.08, 108.09, 108.11, 108.12, 108.13, 108.19, 108.20, 180.24] -  CR01-136
n - N -
natural disasterNatural disaster
Major catastrophes: application process and criteria for determining eligibility for payments to local governments for damages and costs incurred [Admin.Code WEM 7]  - CR06-088
Mutual aid box alarm system (MABAS) for deployment of emergency personnel in a multi-agency or multi-jurisdictional response [Admin.Code WEM 8] -  CR06-091
natural gasNatural gas, see Fuel
natural resourceNatural resource
Endangered resources: implementation and administration of grants [Admin.Code NR 58.02, 58.04, 58.05, 58.06, 58.08, 58.09, 58.11] -  CR05-071
Livestock harmed by endangered and threatened wildlife species and gray wolves: damage payment program revision [Admin.Code NR 12] -  CR05-005
Pets and hunting dogs harmed by endangered and threatened wildlife species and gray wolves: damage payment program revision [Admin.Code NR 12] -  CR05-004
natural resources, department of _ administrationNatural Resources, Department of — Administration, see also Natural Resources Board
Asbestos permit exemption and inspection fees; program for recovering the exact costs of laboratory fees for sample analysis for the asbestos program [Admin.Code NR 406.04, 410.05]  - CR04-102
Demonstrations on certain types of DNR properties [Admin.Code NR 45.03, 45.045] -  CR01-010
Department properties: use of [Admin.Code NR 1.29, 1.30, 10.01, 45.03, 45.04, 45.05, 45.06, 45.09, 45.10, 45.11, 45.12, 45.13, 51.73] -  CR04-092
Laboratory certification and registration [Admin.Code NR 149] - CR06-005
Livestock harmed by endangered and threatened wildlife species and gray wolves: damage payment program revision [Admin.Code NR 12] -  CR05-005
Pets and hunting dogs harmed by endangered and threatened wildlife species and gray wolves: damage payment program revision [Admin.Code NR 12] -  CR05-004
natural resources, department of _ environmental protectionNatural Resources, Department of — Environmental protection
Air permit programs as required by 2003 WisAct 118 [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 406.04, 406.16, 406.17, 407.02, 407.03, 407.10, 407.105, 410.03] - CR04-107
Air permitting program: changes to [Admin.Code NR 405.01, 405.02, 405.16, 405.18 to 405.22, 408.02, 408.06, 408.10, 408.11 to 408.15, 484.04] -  CR03-118
Air permitting program: interface with federal changes [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 406, 406.03, 406.04, 406.07, 406.075, 406.12, 407, 410, 410.03]  - CR04-106
Air permitting program: linkage with federal changes and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 406, 406.035, 406.04, 406.11, 410, 410.03] -  CR06-019
Air pollution permit exemptions and permit exemption fees and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 406.02, 406.04, 407.03, 410.03] -  CR06-047
Ambient air quality standards [Admin.Code NR 404.02, 404.04, 404.06] -  CR03-066
Animal feeding operations [Admin.Code NR 243] -  CR05-075
Aquatic invasive species: grants for control of [Admin.Code NR 198] -  CR04-060
Artificial water body: regulation of construction, dredging, and enlargement of [Admin.Code NR 340.02, 343]  - CR04-086
Asbestos permit exemption and inspection fees; program for recovering the exact costs of laboratory fees for sample analysis for the asbestos program [Admin.Code NR 406.04, 410.05]  - CR04-102
Bank erosion control on rivers and streams [Admin.Code NR 328] -  CR06-126
Boats used exclusively to make advertisements: registration of; definitions created [Admin.Code NR 5.001, 5.01]  - CR06-133
Boilers (industrial, commercial, and institutional) and process heaters: national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants [Admin.Code NR 439.08, 439.085, 460.02, 460.03, 462, 484.04, 484.06, 484.10, 484.11] - CR05-116
Bridges and culverts in or over navigable waterways: regulation of [Admin.Code NR 320.01, 320.02, 320.03, 320.04, 320.05, 320.06, 320.07, 320.08, 320.09] - CR04-084
Bridges and culverts in or over navigable waterways: regulation of [Admin.Code NR 320.03, 320.04, 320.06]  - CR06-038
Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) promulgated by U.S. EPA: establishment of provisions for major electric generating units in Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 432] - CR06-104
Construction permit waivers re air contaminants and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 406.03, 410.03]  - CR06-079
County shoreland zoning ordinances: minimum standards for [Admin.Code NR 115 (title), 115.01, 115.02, 115.03, 115.05, 115.06, 115.07, 115.09, 115.11, 115.15, 115.17, 115.19, 115.21, 115.23, 115.25] -  CR05-058
Dredging in navigable waterways [Admin.Code NR 345] -  CR04-087
Dry cleaner environmental response program [Admin.Code NR 169] -  CR04-128
Endangered resources: implementation and administration of grants [Admin.Code NR 58.02, 58.04, 58.05, 58.06, 58.08, 58.09, 58.11] -  CR05-071
Equipment containing refrigerants that damage the atmosphere: regulations revised re activities during salvage and transport of [Admin.Code NR 488.01, 488.02, 488.03, 488.04, 488.05, 488.06, 488.07, 488.08, 488.09, 488.10, 488.11, 488.12]  - CR05-018
Erosion control of inland lakes and impoundments: department standards for [Admin.Code NR 328] - CR02-099
Firewood entering DNR lands: regulation and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code NR 45.04] - CR06-065
Forest crop and managed forest laws: administration of [Admin.Code NR 46.30] -  CR05-030
Forest crop law managed forest law: administration of [Admin.Code NR 46.18, 46.30] -  CR06-027
Forestry research and development grant program [Admin.Code NR 47.93] -  CR06-022
Generally accepted forestry management practices: definition of [Admin.Code NR 1.25] -  CR06-097
Grading on bank of navigable waterway: regulation of [Admin.Code NR 340.02, 341] -  CR04-085
Groundwater quality standards [Admin.Code NR 140.10, Table I and Appendix I] -  CR02-095
Gypsy moth suppression program [Admin.Code NR 47.910, 47.912, 47.913, 47.914, 47.915, 47.917]  - CR04-137
Hazardous air pollutants: incorporation of federal amendments in national emission standards for [Admin.Code NR 460.01, 460.02, 460.03, 460.04, 460.05, 460.06, 460.07, 460.08, 460.09, 460.11, 463.01, 463.02, 463.04, 463.05, 463.06, 463.07, 463.09, 463.11, 463.12] - CR05-039
Hazardous air pollutants re facilities engaged in the secondary production of aluminum: national emission standards for [Admin.Code NR 406.04, 407.02, 407.04, 421.04, 421.06, 460 Appendix N, 460 Appendix RRR, 463 Subchapter II, 463.01, 463.02, 463.03, 463.04, 463.05, 463.06, 463.07, 463.08, 463.09, 463.10, 463.11, 463.12, 484.05, 484.11]  - CR04-023
Hazardous air pollutants re surface coating of plastic parts and products of miscellaneous metal parts and products: national emission standards for [Admin.Code NR 460 Appendices MMMM, NNNN, and PPPP; 465 Table 3 and Table 4; 465.26, 484.03, 484.04, 484.10, 484.11] - CR05-040
Hazardous waste management [for rule numbers, see entry under ``Environmental protection"]  - CR05-032
Hazardous waste management [Admin.Code NR 661.07, 662.02, 662.020, 662.032, 662.033, 662.054, 662.060, 662.10, 663.20, 664.0070 to 664.0072, 664.0076, 665.0072, 665.0076, 666.21] -  CR06-102
High capacity wells: annual report of groundwater pumping information; designation of groundwater management areas; environmental review re impacts on protection areas and springs; evaluation re greater than 95 percent water loss [Admin.Code NR 820] -  CR06-121
Iron and steel foundry hazardous air pollutants: national emission standards for [Admin.Code NR 460 Appendix EEEEE, 463, 484.06] -  CR06-110
Lake monitoring contracts and the citizen lake monitoring network [Admin.Code NR 192] -  CR05-100
Landfilling of solid waste [Admin.Code NR 500.03, 504.06, 504.07, 504.095, 506.07, 506.135, 507.215, 512.09, 514.06, 514.07, 514.10, 516.07, 516.08, 520.04]  - CR04-077
Landfilling of solid waste [Admin.Code NR 504.06, 504.095, 506.135, 512.09, 514.07, 514.10, 516.07, 516.08, 520.10] - CR06-026
Landfilling of solid waste [for rule numbers, see entry under ``Solid waste management"] -  CR05-020
LWSR river town management zone designations [Admin.Code NR 118.04] -  CR05-084
Managed Forest Law: administration of [Admin.Code NR 46.15, 46.16, 46.165, 46.18, 46.19, 46.23, 46.26]  - CR04-136
Managed Forest Law and the Wisconsin Forest Landowner Grant Program: administration of [Admin.Code NR 46.15, 46.165, 46.18, 46.84, 46.85, 46.86, 46.87]  - CR05-087
Master logging certification scholarships [Admin.Code NR 47.92] -  CR05-106
Motor vehicle emission limitations and tampering with pollution control equipment [Admin.Code NR 485.04, 485.06]  - CR05-072
Navigable waterways: miscellaneous structures and dredging in [Admin.Code NR 329.01, 329.02, 329.03, 329.04, 345, 345.03, 345.04] -  CR05-037
New Source Performance Standards: incorporation of revisions and additions to federal standards [for rule numbers, see entry under ``Air pollution"] -  CR06-109
Nitrate, nitrite, or combined nitrate and nitrite standards: reporting of analytical data and the procedure for returning to compliance following an MCL violation of [Admin.Code NR 809.80] -  CR04-061
Nonmetallic mining sites: reclamation of [Admin.Code NR 135.02, 135.03, 135.06, 135.09, 135.10, 135.16, 135.17, 135.18, 135.19, 135.20, 135.21, 135.32, 135.36, 135.37, 135.39, 135.47, 135.52, 340.055, 350.055]  - CR06-024
NRB policies on protection and management of public waters [Admin.Code NR 1.016, 1.05, 1.06, 1.07]  - CR04-066
Petroleum environmental cleanup fund awards and associated credentials [Admin.Code Comm 5, 5.003, 5.01, 5.10, 5.80, 5.805, 5.81, 47.015, 47.02, 47.025, 47.0258, 47.10, 47.12, 47.115, 47.30, 47.305, 47.31, 47.32, 47.325, 47.33, 47.335, 47.336, 47.337, 47.339, 47.34, 47.35, 47.355, 47.36, 47.37, 47.40, 47.405, 47.41, 47.415, 47.42, 47.54; Tables 5.02, 5.06] - CR04-058
Recycling revisions [Admin.Code NR 502.05, 502.06, 502.07, 502.08, 544.01 to 544.15, 544.16, 545]  - CR04-113
Safe drinking water loan program [Admin.Code NR 127, 128, 160, 166] -  CR06-023
Stream classifications [Admin.Code NR 102.01 to 102.04, 102.05 to 102.10] -  CR02-004
Volatile organic compound definition and emission limits for yeast manufacturing [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 424.05, 438.03] - CR05-055
Waste management program revenue account: balances in [Admin.Code NR 520.04] -  CR06-025
Water quality classifications in Lake Superior basin and related anti-gradation procedures for WPDES permits [Admin.Code NR 102.10, 102.12, 207.03] -  CR05-089
Water quality classifications in Lake Superior basin and related anti-gradation procedures for WPDES permits [Admin.Code NR 102.10, 102.12, 207.03] -  CR05-094
Whole effluent toxicity (WET) test methods [Admin.Code NR 106.09, 149.22, 219.04; Table A] - CR04-101
natural resources, department of _ hunting and fishingNatural Resources, Department of — Hunting and fishing
Bass fishing tournament pilot program re 2003 WisAct 249: live well standards for participants [Admin.Code NR 20.40]  - CR04-112
Commercial clamming: open seasons for certain boundary waters [Admin.Code NR 24.06] -  CR05-074
Commercial fishing open seasons in Lake Michigan for chubs [Admin.Code NR 25.05] -  CR06-111
Commercial fishing with trap nets in Lake Michigan [Admin. Code NR 25.09] -  CR04-127
CWD and bovine tuberculosis control and management re regulation of baiting and feeding [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.07, 10.11, 19.001, 19.60] -  CR04-078
CWD control and management re regulation of baiting and feeding deer [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.07, 19.001, 19.60]  - CR03-017
Deer and turkey hunting, hunting and trapping techniques, permit and license issuance, dog training, and learn to hunt programs [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.06, 10.102, 10.13, 10.25, 10.28, 10.33, 10.34] -  CR06-012