Assembly Bill 550
Relating to: income limits under the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority's Housing Rehabilitation Program.
Representatives Wieckert, Davis, Musser, Nischke, Townsend, Gronemus, Mursau, Hines, Ott, Loeffelholz and M. Williams.
To committee on Housing.
Assembly Bill 551
Relating to: limitations under the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority's Small Business Development Loan Guarantee Program.
Representatives Wieckert, Nischke, Vos, Turner, Hines, Sheridan, Albers, M. Williams, Van Roy, Fields, Townsend and Ballweg; cosponsored by Senator Roessler
To committee on Housing.
Assembly Bill 552
Relating to: limitations under the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority's Farm Assets Reinvestment Management Loan Guarantee Program.
Representatives Wieckert, Pettis, Musser, Ainsworth, McCormick, Hahn, Gunderson, Towns, Davis, Lothian, Nass, Mursau, Ott, Albers, Hines, Owens, M. Williams and Ballweg; cosponsored by Senator Leibham
To committee on Housing.
Assembly Bill 553
Relating to: social and financial impact reports.
Representatives Wieckert, Musser, Vos, Bies, Shilling, Pridemore, Gunderson, Davis, Lothian, Nass, Albers, Hines and McCormick; cosponsored by Senator Olsen
To committee on Insurance.
Assembly Bill 554
Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for electricity used in research or development.
Representatives Wieckert, Kleefisch, Musser, Townsend, Gunderson, Hines and Ott; cosponsored by Senator Roessler
To joint committee on Finance.
To joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions
Assembly Bill 555
Relating to: creating an individual and corporate income tax exemption for interest on bonds or notes issued by the Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority for purposes related to an educational facility and authorizing the Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority to issue bonds to finance a project undertaken by the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities related to an educational facility.
Representatives Wieckert, Jensen, Nischke, McCormick, Musser, Vos, Van Roy, Townsend, Ballweg, Nass, Lothian, Jeskewitz, Hines, Ott and Vrakas; cosponsored by Senator A. Lasee
To committee on Colleges and Universities
To joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions
Assembly Bill 556
Relating to: trailers or semitrailers used to transport livestock.
Representatives Hahn, Nerison, Freese, Towns, Ballweg, Owens, Ott, Kestell, Gronemus, Musser, Pridemore, Albers, Mursau, Loeffelholz, Petrowski and Vruwink; cosponsored by Senators Grothman, Reynolds, A. Lasee and Olsen.
To committee on Highway Safety.
The committee on Natural Resources reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 248
Relating to: operation of motorboats by persons who are at least 16 years of age and born after a certain date.
Assembly Amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 14 - Representatives Gunderson, Moulton, Ott, Pettis, Bies, M. Williams, Petrowski, Mursau, Black, Gronemus, Steinbrink, Van Akkeren, Molepske and Hebl.
Noes: 0.
Passage as amended:
Ayes: 14 - Representatives Gunderson, Moulton, Ott, Pettis, Bies, M. Williams, Petrowski, Mursau, Black, Gronemus, Steinbrink, Van Akkeren, Molepske and Hebl.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 260
Relating to: requiring that personal flotation devices be worn by certain underage persons in certain boats.
Ayes: 14 - Representatives Gunderson, Moulton, Ott, Pettis, Bies, M. Williams, Petrowski, Mursau, Black, Gronemus, Steinbrink, Van Akkeren, Molepske and Hebl.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 345
Relating to: acreage requirements for areas in which farm-raised deer that may be hunted are kept and transfers of registration certificates for keeping farm-raised deer.
Assembly Amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 14 - Representatives Gunderson, Moulton, Ott, Pettis, Bies, M. Williams, Petrowski, Mursau, Black, Gronemus, Steinbrink, Van Akkeren, Molepske and Hebl.
Noes: 0.
Passage as amended:
Ayes: 14 - Representatives Gunderson, Moulton, Ott, Pettis, Bies, M. Williams, Petrowski, Mursau, Black, Gronemus, Steinbrink, Van Akkeren, Molepske and Hebl.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 410
Relating to: resident hunting approval and fishing license fees paid by a minor child of a Wisconsin resident.
Ayes: 14 - Representatives Gunderson, Moulton, Ott, Pettis, Bies, M. Williams, Petrowski, Mursau, Black, Gronemus, Steinbrink, Van Akkeren, Molepske and Hebl.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Scott Gunderson
Committee on Natural Resources
The committee on State Affairs reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 134
Relating to: creation of the Wisconsin Tribal-State Council and making an appropriation.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives J. Fitzgerald, Kleefisch, Musser, Gundrum, Krawczyk, Petrowski, Toles, Young and Benedict.
Noes: 0.
To joint committee on Finance.
Assembly Bill 135
Relating to: preparation of tribal impact statements for bills that would have an impact on tribal governments or American Indians.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives J. Fitzgerald, Kleefisch, Musser, Gundrum, Krawczyk, Petrowski, Toles, Young and Benedict.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 138
Relating to: tribal administration of rehabilitation reviews for persons who otherwise may not operate, be employed at, contract with, or reside at an entity that provides care for children or adults and granting rule-making authority.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives J. Fitzgerald, Kleefisch, Musser, Gundrum, Krawczyk, Petrowski, Toles, Young and Benedict.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Joint Resolution 17
Relating to: state recognition of the sovereign status of federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands.