He said, "It feels fine when it helps you get a good seat for a football game. But it never helped me to make a good film or a good shot in a polo game, or command the obedience of my daughter. It doesn't even seem to keep fleas off our dogs, and if being a celebrity won't give one an advantage over a couple of fleas, then I guess there can't be much in being a celebrity after all."
S3 At our best, we should be reflective of the people we represent. A dairy farmer from River Falls, a newspaper publisher and Army Officer from Juneau, a United States Marine and former longshoreman from Eau Claire, a registered nurse from Beloit, a Firefighter from Eau Claire, and a baseball owner from La Crosse. Well, ok, we can't all be baseball owners. I can tease him a little because the new Senator from the 32nd and I spent a lot of time together this past summer on the campaign trail, but the list goes on.
In fact, it's 33 members long and includes people from all walks of life, all with wonderfully unique life experiences to share and bring to the table.
We need each of you involved. Involvement was the point driven home in a speech made by Miller Brewing Executive Thomas Koehler. In a recent speech, he used this story:
In ancient times there was a philosopher who had many disciples. One day a cynical young man decided to humiliate him by asking him a question he couldn't possibly answer correctly.
The cynic put a recently hatched chick in the palm of his hand and asked the philosopher, in front of a large audience, whether what he had in his hand was dead or alive. His intention, if the philosopher said `alive,' was to crush the chick to death and show the master to be wrong. If the philosopher said `dead,' then he planned to let the chick live, to prove the great man wrong.
In response to the question, the philosopher looked the cynic in the eye, smiled, and calmly replied: "The answer, my son, lies in your hands."
Well, like that young man, the future of our state lies in our hands. Our actions over the next two years will determine whether our state, as we know it today, will continue to be a shining example, or only a memory.
Like all of you, I'm hopeful for the session ahead. The tasks before us are great, but the promises of reform and results are far greater.
Now, allow me to close with a traditional toast, which seems only too appropriate. It says, "Drink not to my past, which is weak and indefensible. Nor to my present which is not above reproach. But let us drink to our futures which, thank God, are immaculate."
Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless Wisconsin.
Remarks of Minority Leader Robson
Good Afternoon, President Lasee, Majority Leader Schultz, distinguished guests, families and friends, staff and Senate colleagues.
I am a public servant. We are all public servants.
I am a nurse. I am a caregiver.
And most of all... I am very proud to say I am a Wisconsinite.
Today at this ceremony we represent the spirit of Wisconsin.
We are the spirit of Wisconsin.
We are all public servants who come from different places and jobs.
We are teachers, farmers, bricklayers and lawyers.
We are small businessmen and women who own restaurants.
We are investment agents and truck drivers.
We are veterans, social workers and homebuilders.
We are factory workers, roofers, radio personalities and cooks.
We are fire chiefs, software executives, health officers and nurses.
This is the background, the diverse talents and occupations, we all bring to the Wisconsin State Senate.
We truly are representative of the great diversity and vibrant spirit of the great state of Wisconsin.
Each Senator represents citizens with different views. Separately we represent a red part of the state or a blue section or some combination, together we represent the whole. We merge these voices in this marketplace of ideas -- the Wisconsin State Senate. We are one people. We are one Senate.
We are leaders. We are peacemakers and problem solvers. Today, to give testimony to the strength of our diversity and bear witness to our shared purpose at this place, in this beautiful Senate Chamber, at this moment in time, January 3, 2005, we mark our place in Wisconsin history.
Today, we inaugurate, among others, our 1,000th Senator...a seminal event. Our 1,000th senator is an African-American woman and the 20th woman ever to serve in Wisconsin's Senate in our 157 years of statehood. We take the same oath of office -- to work together, to respect each other, to find common ground on issues close to the hearts of Wisconsin families. The special energy and commitment we make today will get this job done. And the Wisconsin Senate will shine.
I would like to end with a quote from the inauguration speech of John F. Kennedy on a cold January afternoon. "History will be the final judge of our deeds. Let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on Earth, God's work must truly be our own."
Thank you.
Upon the calling of the newly elected Senators on Monday, January 3, 2005, the following appeared before the Senate, took and subscribed the oath of office which was administered by the Honorable William D. Dyke, Iowa County Circuit Court Judge.
Robert L. Cowles Lena C. Taylor
Spencer Coggs Alberta Darling
Sheila Harsdorf Roger Breske
Luther S. Olsen Mark Miller
Carol A. Roessler Glenn Grothman
Robert W. Wirch Julie Lassa
Fred A. Risser Mary Lazich
Dave Hansen Dan Kapanke
The roll was called and the following Senators answered to their names:
Senators Breske, Brown, Carpenter, Coggs, Cowles, Darling, Decker, Ellis, Erpenbach, S. Fitzgerald, Grothman, Hansen, Harsdorf, Kapanke, Kedzie, A. Lasee, Lassa, Lazich, Leibham, Miller, Olsen, Plale, Reynolds, Risser, Robson, Roessler, Schultz, Stepp, Taylor, Wirch and Zien - 31.
Absent - None.
Absent with leave - Senators Jauch and Kanavas - 2.
Senator Schultz, with unanimous consent, asked that Senator Kanavas be granted a leave of absence for today's session.
Senator Robson, with unanimous consent, asked that Senator Jauch be granted a leave of absence for today's session.
S4 report of committees
The committee on Senate Organization reports and recommends:
Senate Resolution 1
Relating to: notifying the assembly and the governor that the 2005-2006 senate is organized.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Schultz, A. Lasee, Kedzie, Robson and Hansen.
Noes, 0 - None.
Dale Schultz
Considered as privileged and taken up.
Senate Resolution 1
Relating to: notifying the assembly and the governor that the 2005-2006 senate is organized.
The question was: Shall Senate Resolution 1 be adopted?
The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: ayes, 31; noes, 0; absent or not voting, 2; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Breske, Brown, Carpenter, Coggs, Cowles, Darling, Decker, Ellis, Erpenbach, S. Fitzgerald, Grothman, Hansen, Harsdorf, Kapanke, Kedzie, A. Lasee, Lassa, Lazich, Leibham, Miller, Olsen, Plale, Reynolds, Risser, Robson, Roessler, Schultz, Stepp, Taylor, Wirch and Zien - 31.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - Senators Jauch and Kanavas - 2.
The President, Alan Lasee, the President Pro Tempore, David Zien, the Chief Clerk, Robert J. Marchant, and the Sergeant-at-Arms, Edward A. Blazel, having been duly elected by the adoption of Senate Resolution 1, appeared together before the bar of the Senate, took and subscribed the oath of office which was administered by the Honorable William D. Dyke, Iowa County Circuit Court Judge.
Remarks of President Lasee
I am humbled that you have chosen me to preside over the debates that take place in this chamber. As you may know, there have only been 3 elected Presidents of the Senate: Senators Risser, Rude, and myself. Senators Risser and Rude were fair-minded leaders in this chamber. I am honored to be counted among them.
It is the role of the President of the Senate to ensure that the majority accomplishes its will at all times, but with due respect for the right of all members to express their thoughts and ideas. This session we will get our business done in a timely manner, but I promise to preside over our debates in a fair manner and to do what I can to ensure that all members have an adequate opportunity to speak in debate. Hopefully, we can do our part to uphold the tradition of the Senate as the more reasoned and civil legislative house.
To achieve workable solutions to the problems facing our state, we must have robust debate. Remember, though, that this debate happens not only on the floor of this chamber, but also in the hallways, offices, and committee rooms of the South wing. It involves legislators, citizens, lobbyists, experts, and many others. And let's be honest. The conversations that go into deciding a Senator's vote usually happen long before a bill gets to the floor. The debates in this chamber are important, but they are only one part of the many discussions that go into arriving at good solutions for the people of Wisconsin.
I encourage you all to take advantage of all of these opportunities to debate legislation with your colleagues. With regard to debates in this chamber, I will do my best to treat everyone fairly. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve as Senate President.
The joint committee on Legislative Organization reports and recommends:
Senate Joint Resolution 1
Relating to: the session schedule for the 2005-2006 biennial session period and providing for a limited-business floorperiod to consider bills introduced by the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules.
Ayes, 6 - Senators A. Lasee, Schultz and Kedzie. Representatives Gard, Huebsch and J. Fitzgerald.
Noes, 4 - Senators Robson and Hansen. Representatives Kreuser and Richards.
Alan Lasee
Senate Chairperson
Considered as privileged and taken up.
Senate Joint Resolution 1
Relating to: the session schedule for the 2005-2006 biennial session period and providing for a limited-business floorperiod to consider bills introduced by the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules.
Senate amendment 1 to Senate Joint Resolution 1 offered by Senator Carpenter.
Senator Schultz moved that Senate amendment 1 to Senate Joint Resolution 1 be laid on the table.
The question was: Shall Senate amendment 1 to Senate Joint Resolution 1 be laid on the table?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 18; noes, 13; absent or not voting, 2; as follows: