Natural Resources and Transportation; committee on (5)
State and Federal Relations; committee on (5)
Veterans, Homeland Security, Military Affairs, Small Business and Government Reform; committee on (5)
Ayes, 5 - Senators Schultz, A. Lasee, Kedzie, Robson and Hansen.
Noes, 0 - None.
Dale Schultz
petitions and communications
January 4, 2005
The Honorable, the Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 20 (2)(a), I have made the following appointments to Senate committees:
To the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Insurance, Senators Kapanke (Chair), Kedzie, Brown, Olsen, Erpenbach, Hansen, and Miller;
To the Senate Committee on Campaign Finance Reform and Ethics, Senators Ellis (Chair), Lasee, Kedzie, Risser, and Miller;
To the Senate Committee on Education, Senators Olsen (Chair), Darling, Harsdorf, Grothman, Jauch, Erpenbach, and Hansen;
To the Senate Committee on Energy, Utilities and Information Technology, Senators Cowles (Chair), Leibham, Kapanke, Plale, and Wirch;
To the Senate Committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long-Term Care, Senators Roessler (Chair), Darling, Brown, Erpenbach, and Carpenter;
To the Senate Committee on Higher Education and Tourism, Senators Harsdorf (Chair), Kedzie, Kapanke, Breske, and Plale;
To the Senate Committee on Housing and Financial Institutions, Senators Stepp (Chair), Harsdorf, Brown, Reynolds, Plale, Lassa, and Coggs;
To the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Corrections and Privacy, Senators Zien (Chair), Roessler, Grothman, Coggs, and Taylor;
To the Senate Committee on Job Creation, Economic Development and Consumer Affairs, Senators Kanavas (Chair), Zien, Reynolds, Lassa, and Decker;
To the Senate Committee on Labor and Election Process Reform, Senators Reynolds (Chair), Lazich, Kanavas, Hansen, and Carpenter;
To the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Transportation, Senators Kedzie (Chair), Stepp, Kapanke, Wirch, and Breske;
To the Senate Committee on State and Federal Relations, Senators Ellis (Chair), Lasee, Schultz, Risser, and Carpenter;
To the Senate Committee on Veterans, Homeland Security, Military Affairs, Small Business and Government Reform, Senators Brown (Chair), Zien, Kanavas, Breske, and Wirch;
To the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules, Senators Grothman (Co-Chair), Stepp, Reynolds, Jauch, and Miller;
To the Joint Committee on Audit, Senators Roessler (Co-Chair), Cowles, Fitzgerald, Miller, and Lassa;
To the Joint Committee on Finance, Senators Fitzgerald (Co-Chair), Lazich, Cowles, Darling, Leibham, Olsen, Decker, and Taylor;
To the Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems, Senators Grothman (Co-Chair), Stepp, and Wirch;
To the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions, Senators Harsdorf (Co-Chair), Kanavas, and Jauch;
To the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties, Senators Leibham (Co-Chair) and Coggs.
S8 With regard to members of the minority party, appointments are made based on nominations made by that caucus.
With kindest regards,
Chair, Committee on Senate Organization
State of Wisconsin
December 28, 2004
The Honorable, The Senate:
As a result of a vote taken on Tuesday, December 28, 2004, the 2003-04 Senate Committee on Transportation and Information Infrastructure approves submittal of a license agreement between the state of Wisconsin and WisconsinEye for the further review and consideration by the Joint Committee on Legislative Organization (JCLO).
The roll call for the vote is as follows:
Ayes (4): Senators Leibham, Kanavas, Kedzie, and Breske
Noes (1): Senator Jauch
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Chair, 2003-04 Senate Committee on Transportation and Information Infrastructure
State of Wisconsin
January 3, 2005
The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to section 13.15 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Senate Rule 5, I do hereby appoint Jeffrey Renk as Assistant Chief Clerk of the Wisconsin Senate, giving him all powers and duties as are derived from and inherent in said position and to perform the duties and functions of the office in the absence of the Senate Chief Clerk.
Senate Chief Clerk
State of Wisconsin
Elections Board
December 17, 2004
The Honorable, The Senate:
The State Elections Board Staff has received a number of inquiries concerning the last day on which the legislature may act to ensure that a proposed constitutional amendment can be placed on the ballot for the April 5, 2005 spring election. The legislature must complete action on a proposed constitutional amendment no later than Tuesday, February 22, 2005.
By statute all proposed constitutional amendments and any other measure or question that is to be submitted to a vote of the people shall be filed with the official or agency responsible for preparing the ballots for the election no later than 42 days prior to the election at which the amendment, measure or question will appear on the ballot. S. 8.37 Wis. Stats. Tuesday, February 22, 2005, is 42 days before the April 5, 2005 spring election.
In order for the legislative action to be filed in our office, it is sufficient for the chief clerks to notify our office by e-mail, that the legislature passed the resolution no later than Tuesday, February 22, 2005. It is not necessary that we receive the signed resolution by the close of business on Tuesday, February 22, 2005.
In order to facilitate preparation for the April 2005 spring election, I suggest sponsoring legislators contact the office of the Attorney General to make arrangements for the preparation of the explanatory statement required by S. 10.01(2)(c) Wis. Stats. The explanatory statement is published in the paper by the county clerk immediately before the election. It is also posted at the polling place on election day.
Please make the appropriate arrangements to ensure that this information is communicated to the members of the legislature. If you or any member of the legislature has a question, please contact me at 608-266-8005 or ask to speak to one of our Elections Specialists.
Executive Director
State of Wisconsin
Ethics Board
January 4, 2005
The Honorable, The Senate:
The following lobbyists have been authorized to act on behalf of the organizations set opposite their names.
For more detailed information about these lobbyists and organizations and a complete list of organizations and people authorized to lobby the 2005 session of the legislature, visit the Ethics Board's web site at
Adams, Mark Wisconsin Medical Society
Aguirre, Tana Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin
Ahmuty, Christopher American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin Inc
Amato, Anthony Wisconsin Industrial Energy Group Inc
Antonneau, Ronald Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
Armacost, Susan Wisconsin Right to Life Inc
Baird, Robert Professional Firefighters of Wisconsin Inc
Bauknecht, John United Migrant Opportunity Services/UMOS Inc
Beil, Martin Wisconsin State Employees Union
Beil, Mickey Dane County
Blavat, Kate SBC-Wisconsin
Bonavia, Jeri WAVE Educational Fund
Boryczka, Nicole Delta Dental Plan of Wisconsin Inc
Boryczka, Nicole National Solid Wastes Management Association
Boryczka, Nicole Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin
Boryczka, Nicole Wisconsin State Reading Association
Boullion, James Associated General Contractors of Wisconsin Inc
Boxer, Barbara K Johnson Controls Inc