The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 46(2)(c), I am writing to direct that Senate Bill 9 be withdrawn from the committee on Veterans, Homeland Security, Military Affairs, Small Business and Government Reform and rereferred to the committee on Job Creation, Economic Development and Consumer Affairs. I have obtained the consent of the appropriate chairperson.
Senate President
S155 State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
April 7, 2005
The Honorable, The Senate:
We have completed an evaluation of the Wisconsin Works (W-2) program, as requested by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. W-2 is designed to help participants achieve economic self-sufficiency through employment. It is administered at the state level by the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and at the local level through 52 contracts with public and private agencies. From the program's inception through June 2004, expenditures have totaled $1.5 billion. In June 2004, there were 15,539 participants, 79.8 percent of whom were in Milwaukee County.
The program's success in helping participants achieve economic self-sufficiency has been mixed. We examined Wisconsin income tax returns and quarterly wage data reported to DWD for 9,958 participants who left W-2 from 1999 through 2002. Approximately 20.0 percent of these former participants earned more than the poverty level in the year after they left the program; the majority likely did not. When tax credits are included, approximately 33.0 percent had incomes above the poverty level.
We identified concerns with DWD's management of the program and its oversight of W-2 agencies. For example, the number of work hours assigned to many participants has declined over time; some participants received payments when they were not eligible to receive them; participants are not consistently screened to determine whether they have potential barriers to employment; and sanctions are not applied consistently statewide. We make a number of recommendations for DWD to improve its management and oversight, and we identify issues the Legislature will need to consider as it debates the future funding and structure of the W-2 program.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us by DWD and the W-2 agencies we contacted during our evaluation. DWD's response follows the appendices.
State Auditor
The State of Wisconsin
office of the governor
executive order #94
Relating to the Creation of the Autism Advisory Council
WHEREAS, Wisconsin serves over 1,500 children with autism through the Children's Home and Community-Based Services Medicaid Waivers; and
WHEREAS, children with autism benefit from early and intensive treatment and have capabilities and competencies, and make a contribution to the community; and
WHEREAS, families are the greatest resource for their children with autism and benefit from supports and services to meet their children's needs; and
WHEREAS, family members and members of the community play a central role in enhancing the lives of children with autism; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Health and Family Services is responsible for administering these supports and services; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JIM DOYLE, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the Laws of this State, and specifically by Wis. Stat. s. 14.019, do hereby:
Create the Autism Advisory Council ("Council"); and
2. Provide that the Governor shall make the final selections and respective appointments to the Council which shall consist of no more than fifteen (15) members; and
3. Provide that at least a majority of the Council be parents of children with autism; and
4. Provide that the remaining members of the Council may include the following individuals:
-providers of services to children with autism;
-local government officials;
-persons with knowledge of the issues relating to autism;
-public members; and
5. Provide that the Council shall meet quarterly; and
6. Provide that the Council shall have the following mission:
-To advise the Department of Health and Family Services on strategies for implementing statewide supports and services for children with autism; and
7. Direct the Department of Health and Family Services to assist the Council with administrative and support services.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin to be affixed. Done at the Capitol in the City of Madison this fifth day of April, in the year two thousand five.
By the governor:
Secretary of State
The State of Wisconsin
office of the governor
executive order #95
Relating to a Proclamation that the Flag of the United States and the Flag of the State of Wisconsin be Flown at Half-Staff as a Mark of Respect for Sergeant First Class Donald Eacho of the United States Army Who Lost His Life During Operation Iraqi Freedom
WHEREAS, on March 4, 2005, Sergeant First Class Donald Eacho, a member of 1st Infantry Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, United States Army, was killed during enemy action; and
WHEREAS, Sergeant First Class Donald Eacho provided faithful and honorable service to the people of the State of Wisconsin and the people of the United States; and
WHEREAS, the people of Wisconsin mourn the death of Sergeant First Class Donald Eacho; and
WHEREAS, a memorial service will be held for Sergeant First Class Donald Eacho on Saturday, April 9, 2005;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JIM DOYLE, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, by the authority vested in me by Federal and State law, do hereby order that the flag of the United States and the flag of the State of Wisconsin shall be flown at half-staff at all buildings, grounds and military installations of the State of Wisconsin equipped with such flags beginning at sunrise on Saturday, April 9, 2005, and ending at sunset on that date.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin to be affixed. Done at the Capitol in the City of Madison this sixth day of April, in the year two thousand five.
By the governor:
Secretary of State
S156 State of Wisconsin
Public Service Commission
March 31, 2005
The Honorable, The Senate:
The enclosed audit report on Piepgras Holding Company and its impact on the operations of St. Croix Valley Natural Gas Company (St. Croix) was prepared as required by Wis. Stat. 196.795(7)(ar) for distribution to the Legislature under Wis. Stat. 13.172(2). This report covers financial operations for calendar years 2002 through 2004.
Secretary to the commission
State of Wisconsin
Building Commission
April 4, 2005
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Section 13.48(2)(e) stipulates that the Wisconsin State Building Commission shall report to the Legislature at each regular session the progress on projects authorized in the two preceding and current biennia. This report is submitted in accordance with that provision and covers the period from July 1999 through December 2004. Projects having budgets over $100,000 are listed in detail. Those of lesser amounts have been grouped for each agency as one item for the biennium in which they were authorized.
In summary, during this five and a half year period, the Building Commission approved projects with a total value of $1,871,768,474.05. Of that amount, $1,373,501,878.06 has been spent or encumbered, leaving a balance of $498,266,595.99 to be used to complete projects in progress. The sources of funds for the projects are either cash or borrowed funds which flow through the Building Trust Fund, the Capital Improvement fund, or agency operating budgets.
Each section of this report is organized by the state agency for whom the facilities are being built. The Wisconsin State Controller's Office and user agencies have provided information presented in this report. Building Commission staff has not attempted to verify the figures that were obtained by user agencies. The staff has merely assembled the material provided by each agency and presents it for your review.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senator Grothman added as a coauthor to Senate Bill 126.
State of Wisconsin
April 1, 2005
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Please sign me on as a co-sponsor to Senate Bill 15 relating to a 10 percent Ethanol requirement in gasoline.
I greatly appreciate your assistance and apologize for the inconvenience.
State Representative
State of Wisconsin
April 5, 2005
The Honorable, The Legislature: