Relating to: ordering modifications to legal custody or periods of physical placement contingent upon the occurrence of a specified future event or a specified change in conditions.
Representatives Owens, Ainsworth, Albers, Gunderson, Hines, Jeskewitz, F. Lasee and Musser; cosponsored by Senators Grothman and Lassa.
Read first time and referred to committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long Term Care.
Relating to: authorizing the creation of neighborhood improvement districts.
Representatives Richards, Stone, Fields, Jensen, Grigsby, Vos, Seidel, Hines and Berceau; cosponsored by Senators Stepp, Taylor, Darling and Roessler.
Read first time and referred to committee on Veterans, Homeland Security, Military Affairs, Small Business and Government Reform.
Assembly Bill
Relating to: eligibility of a person enrolled in a program that confers a master's degree in nursing for a loan under the Nursing Student Loan Program.
By Representatives Hundertmark, Krawczyk, Townsend, Gronemus, M. Williams, Nischke, Boyle, Ott, Musser, Wieckert, Pettis, Lehman, Albers, Hahn, Owens, Kreibich, Strachota, Hines, Lothian, Berceau, Vruwink, Petrowski, Davis, Underheim, Wasserman, Friske, Sheridan, Rhoades, Gunderson, Wood, Montgomery, Shilling, Suder, Seidel, Vrakas, McCormick and Cullen; cosponsored by Senators Stepp, Robson, Roessler, Carpenter, Miller, Risser, Wirch, Olsen, Hansen, Taylor, Harsdorf, Erpenbach, Lassa, Lazich and Darling.
Read first time and referred to committee on Higher Education and Tourism.
Assembly Bill
Relating to: sexual abuse of children placed in substitute care and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Shilling, Huebsch, Berceau, Bies, Davis, Freese, Gard, Gronemus, Gundrum, Hahn, Hines, Jeskewitz, Krawczyk, LeMahieu, Lothian, McCormick, Musser, Nass, Nelson, Ott, Owens, Petrowski, Pettis, Pridemore, Seidel, Sinicki, Strachota, Van Roy, Vrakas, Vruwink, Wasserman and Zepnick; cosponsored by Senators Kapanke, Darling, A. Lasee, Lassa, Olsen, Roessler and Taylor.
Read first time and referred to committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long Term Care.
Assembly Bill
Relating to: the requirement that dogs be vaccinated against rabies.
By Representatives Strachota, Pridemore, Loeffelholz, Jeskewitz, Albers and Kerkman; cosponsored by Senator Grothman
Read first time and referred to committee on Agriculture and Insurance.
Assembly Bill
Relating to: mitigation payment agreements.
By Representatives Gottlieb and Honadel; cosponsored by Senators Grothman and Plale.
Read first time and referred to committee on Energy, Utilities and Information Technology.
Assembly Bill
Relating to: participation by certain persons who buy potatoes in the Agriculture Producer Security Program and granting rule-making authority.
By Representatives Ballweg, Molepske, Ott, Gronemus, Albers, Friske, Hines, Hundertmark, McCormick, Musser, Petrowski, Owens, Strachota and Vos; cosponsored by Senators Brown, Lassa, Breske and Hansen.
Read first time and referred to committee on Agriculture and Insurance.
Assembly Bill
Relating to: penalties for sex offenses.
Representatives Honadel, Van Roy, Albers, Davis, Gronemus, Hines, Jeskewitz, Montgomery, Moulton, Mursau, Musser, Pettis, Suder and Kreibich; cosponsored by Senators Plale, A. Lasee, Lassa, Lazich and Leibham.
Read first time and referred to committee on Judiciary, Corrections and Privacy.
Assembly Bill
Relating to: a mandatory term of confinement and the maximum term of imprisonment for certain child sex offenses and providing penalties.
Representatives Suder, Honadel, Kleefisch, Van Roy, Jeskewitz, Nischke, J. Fitzgerald, Gronemus, Montgomery, Mursau, Turner, Albers, Lothian, Sheridan, Hines, Wood, McCormick, Gunderson, Lamb, Nass, Pettis, Pridemore, Musser, LeMahieu, Hundertmark, Moulton and Stone; cosponsored by Senators Darling, Zien, A. Lasee, Roessler, Lazich, Lassa, Grothman and Kanavas.
Read first time and referred to committee on Judiciary, Corrections and Privacy.
Assembly Joint Resolution 59
Relating to: the life and public service of Lance Cpl. Daniel Wyatt.
Representatives Vos, Kerkman, Gunderson, Lehman and Turner; cosponsored by Senators Stepp, Lazich and Wirch.
Read and referred to committee on Senate Organization.
Assembly Joint Resolution 65
Relating to: the life and public service of Lyman F. Anderson.
Representatives Davis, Berceau, Black, Hahn, Hebl, Parisi, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Travis and Ward; cosponsored by Senators Erpenbach, S. Fitzgerald, Miller and Risser.
Read and referred to committee on Senate Organization.
Senate Joint Resolution 50
Relating to: the life and public service of Gloria Kirking.
Senator Schultz, with unanimous consent, asked that Assembly Bill 56 be placed at the foot of the twelth order of business.
Senate Joint Resolution 51
Relating to: life and public service of Harold J. Reckelberg.
Senate Bill 164
Relating to: notice regarding unauthorized acquisition of personal information.
Read a second time.
The question was: Adoption of Senate substitute amendment 3 to Senate Bill 164?
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Kedzie, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Bill 164
Read a third time and passed.
Senate Bill 186
Relating to: providing immunity from civil liability for users, owners, and providers of automatic defibrillators for acts or omissions in rendering emergency care in good faith.
Read a second time.
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Kedzie, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Bill 186
Read a third time and passed.
Senate Bill 248
Relating to: aiding a felon and providing penalties.
Read a second time.
The question was: Adoption of Senate amendment 1 to Senate Bill 248?
The question was: Adoption of Senate amendment 2 to Senate Bill 248?
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Kedzie, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Bill 248
Read a third time and passed.
Senate Bill 272
Relating to: the organization and funding of public libraries and public library systems and granting rule-making authority.
Read a second time.
Senator Carpenter, with unanimous consent, asked that Senate Bill 272 be placed at the foot of the eleventh order of business on the calendar.
Senate Bill 273
Relating to: various changes to the statutes governing public libraries.
Senator Leibham, with unanimous consent, asked that Senate Bill 273 be placed at the foot of the eleventh order of business on the calendar.
Senate Bill 282