The committee on Veterans, Homeland Security, Military Affairs, Small Business and Government Reform reports and recommends:
Relating to manufactured home parks and affecting small businesses.
No action taken.
Relating to conduct, examinations, continuing education, and affecting small business.
No action taken.
Relating to cheating on an examination and breach of examination security.
No action taken.
Relating to the military funeral honors program.
No action taken.
Relating to the veterans retraining grant program.
No action taken.
Relating to the veterans tuition reimbursement program.
No action taken.
Relating to the assistance to needy veterans program.
No action taken.
Ronald Brown
Senate amendment 1 to Senate Bill 480 offered by Senator A. Lasee.
Read and referred:
Senate Resolution 12
Relating to: the Professional Ambulance Association of Wisconsin.
To committee on Senate Organization.
Senate Joint Resolution 56
Relating to: commending Barry Alvarez for his achievements as coach of the University of Wisconsin Badgers football team.
Risser, Erpenbach, Schultz, Plale, Breske, Taylor, Lazich, A. Lasee, Olsen, Kedzie, Roessler, Coggs and Darling; cosponsored by Representatives Black, Pocan, Cullen, Loeffelholz, Nelson, McCormick, Travis, Musser, Hebl, Wieckert, Rhoades, Van Akkeren, Jeskewitz, Lothian, Boyle, Molepske, Berceau, Hahn, Vos, Petrowski, Ward, Towns, M. Williams, Sheridan, Lehman, Bies, Kerkman, Staskunas, Hundertmark, Stone, Ballweg, Gunderson and Owens.
To committee on Senate Organization.
Senate Joint Resolution 57
Relating to: commending the University of Wisconsin-Madison and James Thomson.
Miller, Erpenbach, Coggs, Robson and Risser; cosponsored by Representatives Black, Benedict, Molepske, Boyle, Lehman, Jeskewitz, Turner, Pope-Roberts, Pocan, Berceau, Seidel, Schneider and Wasserman.
To committee on Senate Organization.
Read first time and referred:
Senate Bill 503
Relating to: the compensation paid for temporary reserve judges.
Darling and Roessler; cosponsored by Representatives Gundrum, Jeskewitz, Staskunas, Townsend and Albers.
To committee on Judiciary, Corrections and Privacy.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To the Honorable, the Senate:
Bill Number Act Number
Publication Date
Senate Bill 21 Act
January 19
, 2006
Senate Bill 290 Act
January 19
, 2006
Senate Bill 146 Act
January 19
, 2006
Senate Bill 4 Act
January 19
, 2006
Senate Bill 175 Act
January 19
, 2006
Secretary of State
The joint committee for Review of Administrative Rules reports and recommends:
Relating to revising requirements for insurers offering defined network plans, preferred provider plans, and limited service health organization plans in order to comply with recent changes in state laws and affecting small businesses.
No action taken.
Glenn Grothman
Senate Chairperson
Senate amendment 1 to Senate Bill 453 offered by Senator S. Fitzgerald.