Deputy Revisor
Petitions and communications
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
June 26, 2006
The Honorable, The Senate:
Attached is the statutorily required report pursuant to Chapter 153.05(2m)(b), relating to the biennial performance review of the Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center (WHAIC). To date, the WHAIC performance under the terms of its contract has been satisfactory, and I am not recommending that the Department of Administration begin a request for proposal process to solicit offers from other organizations.
This is the first biennial report required under state statute and reflects the first year of data collected by WHAIC. Because there is only one year of data to review, the attached report is identical to the report submitted on March 30, 2006.
Please contact my office if you have any questions.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources
June 21, 2006
The Honorable, The Legislature:
As directed by s. 29.889(11), Stats., the Department of Natural Resources has prepared a report to the Legislature regarding the Wildlife Damage Abatement and Claims Program for the 2005 program year, ending December 31, 2005. Said statute directs distribution to "appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner provided under s. 13.172(3), Stats". In compliance with these requirements, and because the both of you are more apt to determine "appropriate standing committees", I am submitting this report to you, the Chief Clerks of the Senate and Assembly, for distribution.
Thank you for your assistance,
State of Wisconsin
Public Service Commission
June 29, 2006
The Honorable, The Senate:
As part of 2005 Wisconsin Act 141 enacted on March 17, 2006, Wis. Stat. 196.378(4r) requires that the Commission, no later than July 1 of each even-numbered year, submit a report evaluating the impact of the state law establishing a renewable portfolio standard on rates and revenue requirements. This letter is submitted in compliance with that requirement.
S892 For 2006, the Act provides that no electric provider may decrease its renewable percentage below its baseline, which is based on its average renewable percentage for 2001 through 2003. All of Wisconsin's major electric providers and nearly all of the small providers already have adequate resources to maintain their required renewable percentage for 2006. Therefore, the new requirements of the Act should have no impact on rates or revenue requirements for 2006, the first calendar year in which the new renewable portfolio standard is in place.
Any questions regarding this report may be directed to Paul Helgeson of the Commission staff at (608) 266-3905 or
Secretary to the Commission
Southeast Wisconsin
Professional Baseball District
June 27, 2006
The Honorable, The Senate:
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Southeast Wisconsin Professional Baseball Park District, we are pleased to submit the District's Financial Statements - Independent Auditor's Report for Year Ended December 31, 2005 (approved at the meeting of the Board of Directors on June 13, 2006) for your review and use.
The above report indicates that the Southeast Wisconsin Professional Baseball Park District Board of Directors has consistently protected the taxpayers of the five-county District, and continues to do so. As you review the enclosed report, please note that for the tenth consecutive year, Southeast Wisconsin Professional Baseball Park District has received a "clean opinion" from independent financial auditors, BDO Seidman, LLP. In this year's audit, dated April 21, 2006. BDO Seidman states, "In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the District, as of December 31, 2005, and the changes in its financial position and its cash flows, for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America."
Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions or should you desire more information.
Executive Director
Motions Under Senate Rule 98 and Joint Rule 7
for the Month of June 2006
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Breske, for the town of Antigo, on the occasion of celebrating its 30th anniversary of the Antigo Fire Department.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Jauch, for Bayfield's Team Electrathon, on the occasion of receiving three trophies and including the state's Grand Championship.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Jauch, for the community of Bayfield, on the occasion of celebrating its Sesquicentennial.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Breske, for Andrew and Stephanie Bures, on the occasion of being named as the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association's 2005 Conservation Farmers of the Year.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Coggs, for Ms. Leah Chase, on the occasion of being a guest of honor at a luncheon banquet in support of her world-renowned restaurant, Dooky Chase's a victim of Hurricane Katrina.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Jauch, for Ken and Sandy Clement, on the occasion of hosting the June Dairy Day at the Spring Creek Farm.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for Kylie Cook, on the occasion of being the winner of the DECA International Career Development Conference's Fashion-Merchandising Promotional Plan award.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Kapanke, for Czech Day (Cesky Den), on the occasion of the weekend celebration of the Czech heritage.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Breske, for LeRoy Dankmeyer, on the occasion of his 60 years as a member of the Schlender-Polley American Legion Post 239 of Tigerton.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Carpenter, for the Don & Sallie Davis Boys & Girls Club, on the occasion of its Grand re-opening.
A certificate of condolence by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Coggs, for the family and friends of Ms. Gay Audrey de Felice, on the occasion of celebrating her life and the love that she shared with all who knew her.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Breske, for Matthew R. Dunlop, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Schultz, for Mrs. Lawrence Eberle, on the occasion of her retirement after 40 years of an outstanding career in education.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Schultz, for The First National Bank of Platteville, on the occasion of celebrating its 150th anniversary.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for Erica Freding, on the occasion of receiving the Rotary International 2006 Service Above Self Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Jauch, for Mark William Hagemann, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Leibham, for Ruth Harker, on the occasion of her retirement from the Lakeshore Technical College Board.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for James Musyoka Kasombo, on the occasion of receiving the Rotary International 2006 Service Above Self Award.
S893 A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Schultz, for Wayne E. Kintz, on the occasion of celebrating his 80th Birthday shared with family and friends.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Harsdorf, for Kyle Koele, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for Eric Lee, on the occasion of receiving the Rotary International 2006 Service Above Self Award.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for David and Madeleine Lubar, on the occasion of being named Parents of the Year by the COA Youth and Family Centers.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for Sheldon Lubar, on the occasion of the dedication of the Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business at UWM.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for Charles Lynch, on the occasion of receiving the Rotary International 2006 Service Above Self Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Kanavas, for MetalTek International, on the occasion of being honored with the Special "Export Plus" Small Business Award.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Erpenbach, for the Middleton Cardinal Girls Soccer Team, on the occasion of winning the 2006 Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletics Association Division 1 State Championship.
A certificate of condolence by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Coggs, for Ms. Kara (Brenda) Coggs -Muhammad, on the occasion of celebrating her homegoing in the spirit of love, unity and peace.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Coggs, for Ms. Amy Murphy, on the occasion of her new position at the Medical College of Wisconsin and thank her for her 14 years of service with the City of Milwaukee's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Risser, for Tyler Nicholson, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for Kara Pederson, on the occasion of receiving the Rotary International 2006 Service Above Self Award.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Coggs, for the New Life Presbyterian Church, on the occasion of celebrating Father's during National Men's Health Week.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Hansen, for the Pulaski High School Marching Band and Color Guard, on the occasion of representing the City of Pulaski, the State of Wisconsin and the Midwestern United States in the 118th Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena California.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Fitzgerald, for the village of Reeseville, on the occasion of their 150th anniversary.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Leibham, for Dr. C. Lee Riter, on the occasion of his retirement from the Lakeshore Technical College Board.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Roessler, for Rosenow Elementary School, on the occasion of its 50 years of exceptional educational services to the children of Fond du Lac.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Lazich, for Corrie Rude, on the occasion of earning and attaining the Girl Scout Gold Award.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for Mr. Jim Sadowski, on the occasion of his retirement after 30 years with the Brown Deer School District.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Kanavas, for Christopher Michael Sendelbach, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for Kristine Stresman, on the occasion of receiving the Rotary International 2006 Service Above Self Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Hansen, for Saint John the Evangelist Church, in Green Bay, on the occasion of celebrating its 175th anniversary.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Grothman, for the Saxton House in Fillmore, Wisconsin, on the occasion of its placement on the National Registry of Historic Places.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Breske, for Ralph Schroeder, on the occasion of his 60 years as a member of the Schlender-Polley American Legion Post 239 of Tigerton.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Grothman, for St. Peter's Catholic Church, on the occasion of its 150th anniversary celebration.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Jauch, for Art W. Tainter, on the occasion of his lifetime of service and the betterment of the lives of people around him.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Kanavas, for Jeff Tortomasi, on the occasion of his great accomplishments and retirement as an educator and Principal for Hartford Union High School.