AB500,65,15 1430.605 Owner; definition. In ss. 30.61 to 30.71, "owner" means any of the
AB500,65,16 16(1) An owner, as defined in s. 30.50 (9).
AB500,65,17 17(2) A lessee of a boat.
Note: "Lessee" is added to the definition of owner to assure that the statutes apply
to those who may lease a boat on a long-term basis. Section 30.50 (9) defines "owner" to
include a person who has an equitable interest in a boat, but that term does not
necessarily describe a lease and, in any case, that definition is meant to apply primarily

to boat titling and registration statutes. "Lessee" does not include short-term rental of
boats, such as on a daily or weekly basis.
AB500, s. 250 1Section 250. 30.61 (1), (2) (intro.), (3) (intro.), (4), (6) (b), (7) and (8) of the
2statutes are amended to read:
AB500,66,63 30.61 (1) When lights required; prohibited lights. (a) No person shall may
4operate any motorboat at any time from sunset to sunrise unless such the motorboat
5carries the lighting equipment required by this section and unless such the lighting
6equipment is lighted when and as required by this section.
AB500,66,97 (b) No owner shall may give a person permission for the operation of to operate
8a motorboat at any time from sunset to sunrise unless such the motorboat is equipped
carries the lighting equipment required by this section.
AB500,66,1210 (c) No person shall may exhibit from or on any motorboat when under way at
11any time from sunset to sunrise any light which may be mistaken for those required
12by this section.
AB500,66,15 13(2) Lights for motorboats of classes a and 1 less than 26 feet long . (intro.)
14All motorboats of classes A and 1 less than 26 feet long when under way at any time
15from sunset to sunrise shall carry and have lighted the following lamps:
AB500,66,18 16(3) Lights for motorboats of classes 2 and 3 26 or more feet long. (intro.) All
17motorboats of classes 2 and 3 26 or more feet long when under way at any time from
18sunset to sunrise shall carry and have lighted the following lamps:
AB500,67,2 19(4) Sailboats with motors. Sailboats A sailboat equipped with motors a motor
20and being propelled in whole or in part by such the motor must shall comply with sub.
21(2) or (3), whichever is as applicable. Whenever such a sailboat is being propelled
22entirely by sail at any time from sunset to sunrise, it shall have lighted the lamps
23showing the colored lights specified in sub. (2) or (3), but not the lamps showing the

1white lights, and shall carry ready at hand a lantern or flashlight showing a white
2light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to avert collision.
AB500,67,4 3(6) (b) This subsection does not require any light to be shone from A duck blinds
4blind constructed on emergent vegetation is not required to be lighted.
AB500,67,11 5(7) Performance Design specifications for lamps. Every white light
6prescribed required by this section shall be of such character as designed to be visible
7at a distance of at least 2 miles on a dark night with clear atmosphere. Every colored
8light prescribed required by this section shall be of such character as designed to be
9visible at a distance of at least one mile on a dark night with clear atmosphere. The
10owner of a motorboat that is required to carry lighting equipment under this section
11shall maintain the equipment so that the equipment functions as designed.
Note: The current statute requires lights to be "of such character" as to be "visible".
This language establishes a design standard for the lights, and the requirement is revised
and clarified accordingly. A requirement to maintain the lights is added.
AB500,67,16 12(8) Optional lighting requirements. Any boat may carry and exhibit the lights
13required by the federal international regulations for preventing collisions at sea,
141948, federal act of October 11, 1951, (33 USC 143-147d) as amended,
15implemented by 33 CFR part 81 and interpreted by 33 CFR part 82
in lieu of the
16lights required by subs. (2) and (3).
AB500, s. 251 17Section 251. 30.61 (9) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: The current statute requires DNR to promulgate rules to keep the lighting
requirement consistent with federal law. This provision is replaced by a directive in new
s. 30.5005 for the DNR to propose statutory amendments to keep statutory registration,
equipment and operation requirements in conformity with federal regulations.
AB500, s. 252 18Section 252. 30.61 (10) of the statutes is renumbered 30.68 (13) and amended
19to read:
130.68 (13) Operation Nighttime operation of personal watercraft. (a)
2Notwithstanding subs. (1), (2), (8) and (9), no No person may operate a personal
3watercraft at any time from sunset to sunrise.
AB500,68,64 (b) If a person operates a personal watercraft in violation of par. (a), the
5operation shall be subject to additional penalties for any failure to comply with the
6applicable lighting requirements under subs. s. 30.61 (1), (2), and (8) and (9).
AB500, s. 253 7Section 253. 30.62 (title), (1) and (2) (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB500,68,11 830.62 (title) Other equipment Equipment other than lighting. (1) When
9equipment required.
No person shall may operate any boat on the waters of this
10state unless such the boat is equipped as required by this section and the rules of the
11department promulgated under this section
AB500,68,18 12(1m) Rental boats. No owner of a boat shall may rent such a boat to any other
13person for use upon on the waters of this state unless such the boat is equipped at
14the time of rental as required by this section and the rules of the department
15promulgated under this section. If such
. If the boat is properly equipped at the time
16of rental for conditions then existing, the responsibility of the owner under this
17section is met, notwithstanding a subsequent change in the number of passengers
18or a change in time from daylight to dark.
Note: The provision regarding rules of the department is repealed and replaced
by a general provision in new s. 30.5005 as created by this bill. That provision states that
any reference to statutory requirements includes additional requirements promulgated
by the DNR by rule pursuant to that statutory requirement.
AB500,68,21 19(2) (b) Maximum noise levels for operation. No person may operate a motorboat
20powered by an engine on the waters of this state in such a manner as to exceed a noise
21level of 86 measured on an "A" weighted decibel scale.
AB500, s. 254 22Section 254. 30.62 (2) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 30.62 (2) (c) 1. and
23amended to read:
130.62 (2) (c) 1. No person may sell, resell , or offer for sale any motorboat for use
2on the waters of the state if the motorboat has been so modified that it cannot be
3operated in such a manner that it will comply with the noise level requirements
in compliance with par. (b).
AB500, s. 255 5Section 255. 30.62 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB500,69,96 30.62 (2) (c) 2. No person engaged in the business of selling motorboats at retail
7within this state may sell a motorboat for use on the waters of this state in the
8ordinary course of that person's business if the motorboat cannot be operated in
9compliance with par. (b).
Note: Current s. 30.62 (2) (d) prohibits the manufacture and sale of a motorboat
for use in this state if it does not comply with maximum noise levels. That statute does
not prohibit offering for sale a motorboat that does not meet maximum noise level
standards if the boat is not manufactured in this state. This new provision prohibits the
retail sale of a motorboat for use on the waters of this state if the motorboat does not meet
noise level requirements.
AB500, s. 256 10Section 256. 30.62 (2) (d) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 30.62 (2) (d) and
11amended to read:
AB500,69,1512 30.62 (2) (d) Maximum noise level for manufacture. No person may
13manufacture and or offer for sale any motorboat for use on the waters of this state
14if the motorboat cannot be operated in such a manner so as to comply with the noise
15level requirements under
in compliance with par. (b).
AB500, s. 257 16Section 257. 30.62 (2) (d) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 30.62 (2) (dm) and
17amended to read:
AB500,69,2118 30.62 (2) (dm) Testing procedures. The department may promulgate rules
19establishing testing procedures to determine noise levels for the enforcement of this
20section. The department may revise these rules as necessary to adjust to advances
21in technology.
AB500, s. 258 22Section 258. 30.62 (2) (d) 3. of the statutes is repealed.
AB500, s. 259
1Section 259. 30.62 (2) (f) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: This provision requires local ordinances to be identical to this statute. This
requirement is imposed by s. 30.77 and is unnecessary here.
AB500, s. 260 2Section 260. 30.62 (2) (g) 1. to 3. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB500,70,63 30.62 (2) (g) 1. A motorboat while competing in a water exhibition or race
4conducted under a permit from a town, village or city local governmental unit that
5enacts an ordinance under s. 30.77
or from an authorized agency of the federal
Note: This provision is expanded by use of "local governmental unit" to include
counties, town sanitary districts, and lake districts. The reference to a local
governmental unit "that enacts an ordinance under s. 30.77" is meant to require that the
local governmental unit have some degree of commitment to local regulation of boating.
However, this provision does not require the local governmental unit to enact an
ordinance related to motor boat racing or speed records. The local governmental unit may
simply issue the permit. "Water exhibition" is added to make this provision consistent
with s. 30.742 and rules promulgated by the DNR under s. NR 5.19, Wis. Adm. Code.
AB500,70,107 2. A motorboat designed and intended solely for racing, while the boat
8motorboat is operated incidentally to the testing or tuning up of the motorboat and
9engine for the water exhibition or race in an area designated by and operated under
10a permit specified under subd. 1.
AB500,70,1311 3. A motorboat on an official trial for a speed record if conducted under a permit
12from a town, village or city local governmental unit that enacts an ordinance under
13s. 30.77
AB500, s. 261 14Section 261. 30.62 (2) (i) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: The repealed provision exempts governmental agents from the noise limits
when on official duties. This provision is repealed and replaced by a general statute
applicable to all statutes and local regulations related to police, rescue, fire fighting, and
other similar official boat users. See s. 30.64 (1).
AB500, s. 262 15Section 262. 30.62 (2m) and (3) (a) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB500,71,316 30.62 (2m) Overpowering. No person may sell, equip, or operate, and no owner
17of a boat motorboat may allow a person to operate, a boat motorboat with any motor

1or other
propulsion machinery beyond its safe power capacity, taking into
2consideration the type and construction of such watercraft and other existing
3operating conditions
the motorboat.
Note: The definition of "motorboat" in s. 30.50 (6) is "any boat equipped with
propulsion machinery, whether or not the machinery is the principle source of
propulsion". This provision refers to a boat with a motor or propulsion machinery, which
is by definition a motorboat. This provision is redrafted accordingly. The reference to
"other existing operating conditions" is deleted on the grounds that safe power capacity
is determined by the size and design of the motorboat and not by operating conditions.
AB500,71,7 4(3) (a) Every boat, except a sailboard and except as provided in par. pars. (b)
5and (c), shall carry at least one personal flotation device prescribed by federal
33 CFR part 175 for each person on board or being attended by the boat,
7so placed as to be readily accessible and available to the persons.
AB500, s. 263 8Section 263. 30.62 (3) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB500,71,119 30.62 (3) (c) 1. In this paragraph, "racing vessel" means a manually propelled
10racing shell, rowing scull, racing canoe, or racing kayak of the type that is recognized
11by a national or international racing association for use in competitive racing.
AB500,71,1512 2. Paragraph (a) does not apply to a racing vessel if all of the vessel's occupants,
13other than a coxswain, row, scull, or paddle the vessel and if the vessel is not designed
14to carry and does not carry any equipment other than equipment used solely for
15competitive racing.
Note: This provision duplicates the exemptions in current federal rules, 33 CFR
AB500, s. 264 16Section 264. 30.62 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,72,317 30.62 (4) (a) Every motorboat, except outboards of open construction, shall be
18provided with such number, size and type of fire extinguishers, capable of promptly
19and effectively extinguishing burning gasoline,
as prescribed by rules of the
20department. Such The fire extinguishers shall be at all times kept in condition for

1immediate and effective use and shall be so placed as to be readily accessible. "Open
2construction" means construction which will not permit the entrapment of explosive
3or flammable gases or vapors.
AB500, s. 265 4Section 265. 30.62 (4) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 30.62 (4) (b) (intro.)
5and amended to read:
AB500,72,66 30.62 (4) (b) (intro.) This subsection does not apply to a any of the following:
AB500,72,10 71. A motorboat while competing in a race conducted pursuant to a permit from
8a town, village or city local governmental unit that enacts an ordinance under s.
or from an authorized agency of the U.S. federal government, nor does it apply
10to a
AB500,72,13 112. A boat designed and intended solely for racing, while the boat is operated
12incidentally to the tuning up of the boat and engine for the race at the race location
13on the day of the race.
AB500, s. 266 14Section 266. 30.62 (4) (b) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
AB500,72,1715 30.62 (4) (b) 3. A motorboat that is equipped with an outboard motor and that
16is constructed in a manner that does not permit explosive or flammable gases or
17vapors to become entrapped in the motorboat.
AB500, s. 267 18Section 267. 30.62 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,72,2319 30.62 (5) Backfire flame arresters. Every boat motorboat equipped with an
20inboard motor using gasoline as a fuel shall have the carburetors of every each
21inboard gasoline motor fitted with an efficient effective device for arresting backfire
22flames. The device shall meet the specifications prescribed by comply with federal
AB500, s. 268 24Section 268. 30.62 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 30.62 (6) (a) and amended
25to read:
130.62 (6) (a) Every boat, except open boats, Except as provided in par. (b), every
using as fuel any liquid of a volatile nature, liquid fuel shall be provided
3with an efficient natural or mechanical effective ventilation system which that is
4capable of removing resulting inflammable flammable or explosive gases.
AB500, s. 269 5Section 269. 30.62 (6) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB500,73,86 30.62 (6) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a motorboat that is constructed
7in a manner that does not permit explosive or flammable gases or vapors to become
8entrapped in the motorboat.
AB500, s. 270 9Section 270. 30.62 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,73,1510 30.62 (8) Battery cover . Every motorboat If a boat is equipped with storage
a battery as part of the boat's electrical system, the battery shall be
12provided with suitable supports and secured against shifting with the motion of the
13boat. Such storage batteries Both battery terminals shall be equipped with a
14nonconductive shielding means
covered to prevent accidental shorting of battery
Note: Several changes are proposed for the provision on batteries. The current
statute applies only to motorboats. If a nonmotorized boat uses a battery to power an
electrical system, there does not appear to be a reason why the nonmotorized boat should
not require securing and covering the battery. The current reference to "storage
batteries" is replaced by a reference to a battery that is part of the boat's electrical system.
This will exclude from this requirement any other equipment such as depth finders,
navigation lights or global positioning system units that are typically operated by dry cell
batteries or by small, separate 12 volt lead-acid batteries.
AB500, s. 271 16Section 271. 30.62 (9) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: The current statute requires DNR to promulgate rules to conform state
requirement regulations with federal law. This provision is replaced by a general
directive in new s. 30.5005 for the DNR to propose statutory amendments, registration,
operation and equipment standards in conformity with federal regulations.
AB500, s. 272 17Section 272. 30.625 (1) (intro.) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB500,73,1918 30.625 (1) (intro.) No person who is engaged in the rental or leasing of rents
19or leases
personal watercraft to the public may do any of the following:
1(2) The department may shall promulgate rules to establish minimum
2standards for the instruction given under sub. (1) (a).
Note: Section 30.5005 (1) (b), as created by this bill, states the general authority
of DNR to promulgate rules under this subchapter. However, rather than repealing s.
30.625 (2), it is changed to a mandatory provision. This makes this provision consistent
with what appears to be the legislative intent of this provision — that the DNR is required
to supplement the statute with rules regarding standards for instruction on personal
watercraft operation.
AB500, s. 273 3Section 273. 30.63 of the statutes is renumbered 30.62 (10) and amended to
AB500,74,85 30.62 (10) Sale and use of certain outboard motors restricted. (a) Sale. No
6person may sell any new outboard motor for use in on the waters of this state unless
7such the motor is equipped with a crankcase effectively sealed to prevent the
8drainage of raw fuel into the waters in which the motor is operated.
AB500,74,129 (b) Use. Beginning January 1, 1990, no No person may operate an outboard
10motor in on the waters of this state unless such the motor is equipped with a
11crankcase effectively sealed to prevent the drainage of raw fuel into the waters in
12which such the motor is operated.
AB500, s. 274 13Section 274. 30.635 of the statutes is renumbered 30.66 (4) and amended to
AB500,74,2115 30.66 (4) Motorboat prohibition Slow-no-wake; lakes 50 acres or less. On
16No person may operate a motorboat in excess of slow-no-wake speed on lakes of 50
17acres or less having public access, motorboats may not be operated in excess of
18slow-no-wake speed,
except when such the lakes serve as thoroughfares between 2
19or more navigable lakes. The department by rule may modify or waive the
20requirements of this section as to particular subsection for individual lakes, if it finds
21that public safety is not impaired by such the modification or waiver.
AB500, s. 275
1Section 275. 30.64 of the statutes is renumbered 30.68 (14), and 30.68 (14) (a)
2and (b), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB500,75,103 30.68 (14) (a) The operator of a duly authorized patrol boat, when responding
4to an emergency call or when in pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law,
5need not comply with state law or local this subchapter or ordinances fixing
6maximum speed limits
under s. 30.77 when a siren is being sounded or emergency
7light is activated
and if due regard is given to the safety of other persons in the
8vicinity. If a an emergency light is used in conjunction with a siren, it shall be the
9oscillating or flashing type and be fitted with a blue lens
of a type and design specified
10under 33 CFR 88.11 or 88.12
Note: Patrol boats are subject to exceptions from various boat operation statutes
in ss. 30.62 (2) (i), 30.68 (7) and 30.73 (2) (a). These individual exceptions are deleted in
lieu of the general exemption from all boating operation statutes and local regulations for
a "patrol boat", as defined in new s. 30.50 (9b).
A blue light is required for law enforcement patrol boats. Red and yellow lights are
required for fire and emergency patrol boats.
AB500,75,1411 (b) Upon the approach of a duly authorized patrol boat giving an audio or visual
12signal, the operator of a boat shall reduce the boat speed to that speed necessary to
13maintain steerage control
slow-no-wake and yield the right-of-way to the patrol
14boat until it has passed.
AB500, s. 276 15Section 276. 30.65 (1) (intro.), (b) and (f) and (2) of the statutes are amended
16to read:
AB500,75,2117 30.65 (1) Meeting; overtaking; right-of-way. (intro.) Every person operating
18a boat shall comply with the following traffic rules, except when deviation therefrom
19from these rules is necessary to comply with federal pilot inland navigational rules,
20under 33 USC 2001 to 2073 and 33 CFR parts 84 to 90,
while operating on the
21navigable waters of the United States:
1(b) When 2 motorboats are approaching each other obliquely or at right angles,
2the boat which that has the other on her the right shall yield the right-of-way to the
3other. "Right" means from dead ahead, clockwise to 2 points abaft the starboard
AB500,76,65 (f) A boat granted the right-of-way by this section shall maintain her course
6and speed, unless to do so would probably result in a collision.