AB785,118,2019 (e) Ascertain whether the individual wishes to exercise any of his or her rights
20under sub. (3) (b), (c), or (d)
AB785,119,221 (f) Within 30 days after appointment, file with the court a written report based
22on information obtained under this subsection and any other evaluations or records
23of the individual. The report shall discuss whether the individual appears to
24continue to meet the standards for protective placement under s. 55.08 (1) and
25whether the protective placement is in the least restrictive environment that is

1consistent with the individual's needs. The report shall also state whether any of the
2following apply:
AB785,119,43 1. An evaluation under sub. (3) (b) is requested by the individual or the
4individual's guardian ad litem or guardian.
AB785,119,65 2. The individual or the individual's guardian requests modification or
6termination of the protective placement.
AB785,119,87 3. The individual or the individual's guardian requests or the guardian ad litem
8recommends that legal counsel be appointed for the individual.
AB785,119,109 4. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem requests a
10full due process hearing under this section for the individual.
AB785,119,1211 (g) Certify to the court that he or she has complied with the requirements of
12pars. (a) to (e).
AB785,119,16 13(3) Court review of reports; hearing; order. (a) The court that ordered
14protective placement for an individual under s. 55.12 shall review the report of the
15guardian ad litem under sub. (2) (f), the report filed under sub. (1) (a) 1., and the
16report required under s. 880.38 (3).
AB785,119,2017 (b) The court shall order an evaluation, by a person who is not an employee of
18the county department of the physical, mental, and social condition of the individual
19and the service needs of the individual that is independent of the review performed
20under sub. (1) (a) if any of the following apply:
AB785,119,2221 1. The report required under sub. (1) (a) 1. is not timely filed, or the court
22determines that the report fails to meet the requirements of sub. (1) (c).
AB785,119,2423 2. Following review of the guardian ad litem's report under sub. (2) (f), the court
24determines that an independent evaluation for the individual is necessary.
AB785,119,2525 3. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem so requests.
1(bm) If an evaluation is ordered under par. (b), it shall be performed at the
2expense of the individual or, if the individual is indigent, at the expense of the county
3under sub. (1) (a).
AB785,120,54 (br) The court shall order that the county department obtain any other
5necessary information with respect to the individual.
AB785,120,86 (c) The court shall order legal counsel for an individual and, if the individual
7appears to be indigent, refer him or her to the authority for indigency determinations
8under s. 977.07 (1) if any of the following apply:
AB785,120,109 1. Following review of the guardian ad litem's report under sub. (2) (f), the court
10determines that legal counsel for the individual is necessary.
AB785,120,1111 2. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem so requests.
AB785,120,1712 (d) The court shall order either a summary hearing or a hearing under the
13requirements of s. 55.10 (4). A summary hearing shall be held on the record, may
14be held in court or by other means, including by telephone or videoconference, is not
15an evidentiary hearing, and does not require attendance by the individual. The court
16shall hold a hearing under the requirements of s. 55.10 (4) if any of the following
AB785,120,1818 1. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem so requests.
AB785,120,2019 2. The report under sub. (2) (f) indicates that the individual no longer meets the
20standards for protective placement under s. 55.08 (1).
AB785,120,2221 3. The report under sub. (2) (f) indicates that the current protective placement
22is not in the least restrictive environment consistent with the individual's needs.
AB785,120,2423 4. The report under sub. (2) (f) indicates that the individual objects to the
24current protective placement.
AB785,120,2525 (e) Following the hearing under par. (d), the court shall do one of the following:
11. If the court finds that the individual continues to meet the standards under
2s. 55.08 (1) and the protective placement of the individual is in the least restrictive
3environment that is consistent with the requirements of s. 55.12 (3), (4), and (5), the
4court shall order the continuation of the protective placement in the facility in which
5the individual resides at the time of the hearing. The court shall include in the order
6the information relied upon as a basis for the order and shall make findings based
7on the standards under s. 55.08 (1) in support of the need for continuation of the
8protective placement.
AB785,121,239 2. If the court finds that the individual continues to meet the standards under
10s. 55.08 (1) and the protective placement of the individual is not in the least
11restrictive environment that is consistent with the requirements of s. 55.12 (3), (4),
12and (5), the court shall order transfer of the individual to a protective placement that
13is in the least restrictive environment consistent with the requirements of s. 55.12
14(3), (4), and (5). In lieu of ordering transfer of the individual to a specific facility, the
15court may order the county department of residence to develop or recommend a
16protective placement that is in the least restrictive environment consistent with the
17requirements of s. 55.12 (3), (4), and (5) and arrange for the individual's transfer to
18that protective placement within 60 days after the court's order. The court may
19extend this period to permit development of a protective placement. The court may
20order protective services as well as a transfer of protective placement. The court
21shall include in the order the information relied upon as a basis for the order and
22shall make findings based on the standards under s. 55.08 (1) in support of the need
23for continued protective placement.
13. If the court finds that the individual no longer meets the standards under
2s. 55.08 (1), the court shall terminate the protective placement. If the protective
3placement is terminated, s. 55.17 (3) (c) 1. to 3. shall apply.
AB785,122,54 (f) The court shall provide a copy of the order made under par. (e) to all of the
AB785,122,66 1. The individual.
AB785,122,87 2. The individual's guardian, guardian ad litem, and legal counsel, if any, and
8the individual's agent under an activated power of attorney for health care, if any.
AB785,122,109 3. The facility in which the individual resided when the petition for annual
10review was filed.
AB785,122,1111 4. The county department under sub. (1) (a) and, if relevant, sub. (1m).
AB785,122,19 12(4) Establishment of county policy. The county department shall ensure that
13no later than 180 days after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts
14date], the county establishes a written policy that specifies procedures to be followed
15in the county that are designed to ensure that annual reviews of all individuals who
16are subject to orders for protective placement under s. 55.12 or to orders for protective
17placement initially issued under s. 55.06 (9) (a), 2003 stats., residing in the county
18are conducted as required by this section. The county department shall maintain a
19copy of the written policy and shall make the policy available for public inspection.
AB785,123,2 20(5) Report by register in probate. By the first January 31 after the effective
21date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], and by every January 31 thereafter,
22the register in probate of each county shall file with the chief judge of the judicial
23administrative district a statement indicating whether each report and petition
24required to be filed by the county department under sub. (1) that year has been filed.
25If the statement indicates that a required report or petition has not been filed, the

1statement shall include an explanation of the reasons the report or petition has not
2been filed.
Note: Requires annual court review of all orders for protective placement, as
described in detail in the prefatory note.
AB785, s. 170 3Section 170. 55.19 of the statutes is created to read:
AB785,123,8 455.19 Annual review of order authorizing involuntary administration
5of psychotropic medication.
All of the following shall be performed with respect
6to any individual who is subject to an order under s. 55.14 or an order initially issued
7under s. 880.33 (4r), 2003 stats., authorizing involuntary administration of
8psychotropic medication:
AB785,123,22 9(1) County department performance of review. (a) The county department
10of the individual's county of residence shall, except as provided in sub. (1m), review,
11in compliance with the requirements of this section, the status of each individual who
12is the subject of the order. The review shall include a visit to the individual and a
13written evaluation of the physical, mental, and social condition of the individual that
14is relevant to the issue of the continued need for the order. The review shall be made
15a part of the permanent record of the individual. The county department shall inform
16the guardian of the individual of the review at the time the review is made and shall,
17before completing a report of the review invite the individual and the guardian to
18submit comments or information concerning the individual's need for involuntary
19administration of psychotropic medication or other protective services. Not later
20than the first day of the 11th month after the initial order is made for an individual,
21except as provided in par. (b), and at least annually thereafter, the county
22department shall do all of the following:
11. File a report of the review with the court that issued the order. The report
2of the review shall include information on all of the following:
AB785,124,43 a. Whether the individual continues to meet the standards for protective
AB785,124,65 b. Whether the individual is not competent to refuse psychotropic medication,
6as defined in s. 55.14 (1) (b).
AB785,124,107 c. Whether the individual continues to refuse to take psychotropic medication
8voluntarily; and whether attempting to administer psychotropic medication to the
9individual voluntarily is not feasible or is not in the best interests of the individual,
10including all information required to be specified under s. 55.14 (3) (c).
AB785,124,1311 d. Whether the individual's condition for which psychotropic medication has
12been prescribed has been improved by psychotropic medication and the individual
13has responded positively to psychotropic medication.
AB785,124,1614 e. If the petitioner alleged under s. 55.14 (3) (e) 2. that the individual met one
15of the dangerousness criteria set forth in s. 51.20 (1) (a) 2. a. to e., whether the
16individual continues to meet the criterion.
AB785,124,1917 f. The comments of the individual and the individual's guardian during the
18performance of the review, as summarized by the county department, and the
19response of the county department to the comments.
AB785,124,2220 g. The comments, if any, of a staff member at the facility at which the individual
21is placed or receives services or at which psychotropic medication is administered to
22the individual that are relevant to the review of the continued need for the order.
AB785,124,2423 2. File with the court under subd. 1. a petition for annual review by the court
24of the order.
13. Provide the report under subd. 1. to the individual and the guardian of the
AB785,125,93 (b) If, following an annual review of an individual's status under par. (a), the
4individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem requests termination of
5the order and a hearing under the requirements of s. 55.10 (4) is provided, or if a
6hearing under the requirements of s. 55.10 (4) is provided pursuant to a petition for
7modification or termination of the order, the county department is not required to
8initiate a subsequent review under par. (a) until the first day of the 11th month after
9the date that the court issues a final order after the hearing.
AB785,125,1210 (bm) If the individual is subject to a protective placement order, the review
11under par. (a) shall be conducted simultaneously with the review under s. 55.18 of
12the individual's protective placement.
AB785,125,1513 (c) The review under par. (a) may not be conducted by a person who is an
14employee of a facility in which the individual resides or from which the individual
15receives services.
AB785,125,20 16(1m) County agreement. The county of residence of an individual who is
17subject to an order under s. 55.14 and is provided protective placement in a different
18county may enter into an agreement with that county under which the county of the
19individual's placement performs all or part of the duties of the county of residence
20under this section.
AB785,125,24 21(2) Guardian ad litem appointment and report. After a county department has
22filed a report with a court under sub. (1) (a) 1., the court shall appoint a guardian ad
23litem in accordance with s. 757.48 (1). The guardian ad litem shall do all of the
1(a) Review the report filed under sub. (1) (a) 1., and any other relevant reports
2on the individual's condition and continued need for the order under s. 55.14.
AB785,126,43 (b) Meet with the individual and contact the individual's guardian and orally
4explain to the individual and guardian all of the following:
AB785,126,65 1. The procedure for review of an order for involuntary administration of
6psychotropic medication.
AB785,126,77 2. The right of the individual to appointment of legal counsel under sub. (3) (c).
AB785,126,88 3. The right to an evaluation under sub. (3) (b).
AB785,126,99 4. The contents of the report under sub. (1) (a) 1.
AB785,126,1210 5. That a termination or modification of the order or modification of the
11treatment plan for involuntary administration of psychotropic medication may be
12ordered by the court.
AB785,126,1513 6. The right to a hearing under sub. (3) (d) and an explanation that the
14individual or the individual's guardian may request a hearing that meets the
15requirements under s. 55.10 (4).
AB785,126,1716 (c) Provide the information required under par. (b) to the individual and to the
17individual's guardian in writing.
AB785,126,1818 (d) Review the individual's condition and rights with the individual's guardian.
AB785,126,2019 (e) Ascertain whether the individual wishes to exercise any of his or her rights
20under sub. (3) (b), (c), or (d).
AB785,126,2521 (f) Within 30 days after appointment, file with the court a written report based
22on information obtained under this subsection and any other evaluations or records
23of the individual. The report shall discuss whether the individual appears to
24continue to meet the standards for an order under s. 55.14. The report shall also state
25whether any of the following apply:
11. An evaluation under sub. (3) (b) is requested by the guardian ad litem, the
2individual, or the individual's guardian.
AB785,127,43 2. The individual or the individual's guardian requests termination of the order
4under s. 55.14.
AB785,127,65 3. The individual or the individual's guardian requests or the guardian ad litem
6recommends that legal counsel be appointed for the individual.
AB785,127,87 4. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem requests a
8full due process hearing under this section for the individual.
AB785,127,109 (g) Certify to the court that he or she has complied with the requirements of
10pars. (a) to (e).
AB785,127,13 11(3) Court review of reports; hearing; order. (a) The court that issued the
12order under s. 55.14 shall review the report of the guardian ad litem under sub. (2)
13(f) and the report filed under sub. (1) (a) 1.
AB785,127,1814 (b) The court shall order an evaluation, by a person who is not an employee of
15the county department, of the physical, mental, and social condition of the individual
16that is relevant to the issue of the continued need for the order under s. 55.14 and
17that is independent of the review performed under sub. (1) (a) if any of the following
AB785,127,2019 1. The report required under sub. (1) (a) 1. is not timely filed, or the court
20determines that the report fails to meet the requirements of sub. (1) (c).
AB785,127,2221 2. Following review of the guardian ad litem's report under sub. (2) (f), the court
22determines that an independent evaluation for the individual is necessary.
AB785,127,2323 3. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem so requests.
1(bm) If an evaluation is ordered under par. (b), it shall be performed at the
2expense of the individual or, if the individual is indigent, at the expense of the county
3under sub. (1) (a).
AB785,128,54 (br) The court shall order that the county department obtain any other
5necessary information with respect to the individual.
AB785,128,86 (c) The court shall order legal counsel for an individual and, if the individual
7appears to be indigent, refer him or her to the authority for indigency determinations
8under s. 977.07 (1) if any of the following apply:
AB785,128,109 1. Following review of the guardian ad litem's report under sub. (2) (f), the court
10determines that legal counsel for the individual is necessary.
AB785,128,1111 2. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem so requests.
AB785,128,1712 (d) The court shall order either a summary hearing or a hearing under the
13requirements of s. 55.10 (4). A summary hearing shall be held on the record, may
14be held in court or by other means, including by telephone or videoconference, is not
15an evidentiary hearing, and does not require attendance by the individual. The court
16shall hold a hearing under the requirements of s. 55.10 (4) if any of the following
AB785,128,1818 1. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem so requests.
AB785,128,2019 2. The report under sub. (2) (f) indicates that the individual no longer meets the
20standards for an order under s. 55.14 (8).
AB785,128,2121 3. The report under sub. (2) (f) indicates that the individual objects to the order.
AB785,128,2222 (e) Following the hearing under par. (d), the court shall do one of the following:
AB785,129,223 1. If the court finds that the individual continues to meet the standards for an
24order under s. 55.14 (8), the court shall order the continuation of the order. The court
25shall include in the order the information relied upon as a basis for the order and

1shall make findings based on the requirements for allegations of a petition under s.
255.14 (3) in support of the need for continuation of the order.
AB785,129,113 2. If the court finds that the individual continues to meet the standards for an
4order under s. 55.14 (8) but that modification of the order or the treatment plan would
5be in the best interests of the individual, the court shall modify the order, order
6modifications to the individual's treatment plan, or both. Any modifications to the
7treatment plan are subject to the approval of the guardian. The court shall include
8in the order the information relied upon as a basis for its order and shall make
9findings based on the requirements for allegations of a petition under s. 55.14 (3) in
10support of the need for authorizing the guardian to consent to involuntary
11administration of psychotropic medication.
AB785,129,1712 3. If the court finds that the individual no longer meets the standards for an
13order under s. 55.14 (8), the court shall terminate the order. If the order is
14terminated, the court shall review the needs of the individual with respect to other
15protective services. If the court determines that the individual meets the standards
16for other protective services under s. 55.08 (2) that are not currently being provided
17to the individual, the court may order those protective services for the individual.
AB785,129,1918 (f) The court shall provide a copy of the order made under par. (e) to all of the
AB785,129,2020 1. The individual.