2. The restated language of the first sentence also reflects current s. 801.01 (1) and
(2), which provides:
(1) Kinds. Proceedings in the courts are divided into actions and
special proceedings. "Action", as used in chs. 801 to 847, includes "special
proceeding" unless a specific provision of procedure in special
proceedings exists.
(2) Scope. Chapters 801 to 847 govern procedure and practice in
circuit courts of this state in all civil actions and special proceedings
whether cognizable as cases at law, in equity or of statutory origin except
where different procedure is prescribed by statute or rule. Chapters 801
to 847 shall be construed to secure the just, speedy and inexpensive
determination of every action and proceeding.
3. The second sentence is intended to restate the last sentence of current s. 767.05
(5), stats., which is stricken by Sec. 32 of this bill.
SB123, s. 81 8Section 81. 767.205 (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB123,42,9 9767.205 (title) Parties; title of actions.
SB123, s. 82 10Section 82. 767.21 of the statutes is renumbered 767.041, and 767.041 (1) (a)
11and (3), as renumbered, are amended to read:
SB123,43,512 767.041 (1) (a) Full faith and credit shall be given in all courts of this state to
13a judgment in any action affecting the family, except an action relating to child
14custody, by a court of competent jurisdiction in another state, territory, or possession
15of the United States, when both spouses personally appear or when the respondent
16has been personally served. Full faith and credit shall also be given in all courts of

1this state to the amount of arrearages owed for nonpayment or late payment of a child
2support, family support, or maintenance payment under an order issued by a court
3of competent jurisdiction in another state, territory, or possession of the United
4States. A court in this state may not adjust the amount of arrearages owed except
5as provided in s. 767.32 767.59 (1m).
SB123,43,7 6(3) Child custody actions. All matters relating to the effect of the judgment
7of another court concerning child custody shall be are governed by ch. 822.
SB123, s. 83 8Section 83. 767.215 (4) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB123,43,99 767.215 (4) (title) Extension of time for service.
SB123, s. 84 10Section 84 . 767.215 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
SB123,43,1311 767.215 (5) Social security numbers. (a) When the petition under this section
12is filed with the court, the party filing the petition shall submit a separate form,
13furnished by the court, containing all of the following:
SB123,43,1414 1. The name, date of birth, and social security number of each party.
SB123,43,1615 2. The name, date of birth, and social security number of each minor child of
16the parties and of each child born to the wife during the marriage.
SB123,43,2117 (b) A form submitted under this subsection shall be maintained with the
18confidential information required under s. 767.54 or maintained separately from the
19case file. The form may be disclosed only to the parties and their attorneys, a county
20child support enforcement agency, and any other person authorized by law or court
21order to have access to the information on the form.
Note: Replaces the requirement of current s. 767.085 (1) (a) or (b) that the social
security numbers be included on the petition. See, also, the treatment of current s. 767.37
(1) (a) by Sec. 170 of this bill.
SB123, s. 85 22Section 85. 767.22 of the statutes is renumbered 767.055 and amended to
1767.055 Uniform divorce recognition act Divorce Recognition Act. (1)
2Effect of foreign divorce by state domiciliary. A divorce obtained in another
3jurisdiction shall be is of no force or effect in this state, if the court in such the other
4jurisdiction lacks subject matter jurisdiction to hear the case because both parties
5to the marriage were domiciled in this state at the time the proceeding for the divorce
6was commenced.
SB123,44,13 7(2) Proof. Proof that a person obtaining a divorce in another jurisdiction was
8(a) domiciled in this state within 12 months prior to the commencement of the divorce
9proceeding therefor, and resumed residence in this state within 18 months after the
10date of the person's departure therefrom, or (b) from this state, or that at all times
11after the person's departure from this state, and until the person's return the person
12maintained a place of residence within this state, shall be is prima facie evidence that
13the person was domiciled in this state when the divorce proceeding was commenced.
SB123,44,16 14(3) Construction. This section shall be so interpreted and construed so as to
15effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law of those states which that
16enact it.
SB123,44,17 17(4) Title. This section may be cited as the Uniform Divorce Recognition Act.
SB123, s. 86 18Section 86. 767.225 (3m) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB123,44,1919 767.225 (3m) (title) Availability of domestic abuse restraining order.
SB123, s. 87 20Section 87. 767.23 (title) and (1) of the statutes are renumbered 767.225 (title)
21and (1), and 767.225 (title) and (1) (intro.), (a) to (f), (h) and (k), as renumbered, are
22amended to read:
SB123,44,24 23767.225 (title) Temporary orders for support of spouse and children;
24suit money; attorney fees
Orders during pendency of action.
1(1) Temporary orders. (intro.) Except as provided in ch. 822, in every an action
2affecting the family, the court or circuit court commissioner may, during the
3pendency thereof of the action, make just and reasonable temporary orders
4concerning the following matters:
SB123,45,115 (a) Upon request of one party, granting legal custody of the minor children to
6the parties jointly, to one party solely, or to a relative or agency specified under s.
7767.24 767.41 (3), in a manner consistent with s. 767.24 767.41, except that the court
8or circuit court commissioner may order sole legal custody without the agreement of
9the other party and without the findings required under s. 767.24 767.41 (2) (b) 2.
10This An order may under this paragraph is not have a binding effect on a final
11custody determination.
SB123,45,1512 (am) Upon the request of a party, granting periods of physical placement to a
13party in a manner consistent with s. 767.24 767.41. The court or circuit court
shall make a determination under this paragraph within 30 days after
15the request for a temporary order regarding periods of physical placement is filed.
SB123,45,1816 (b) Notwithstanding ss. 767.085 (1) (j) and 767.087 (1) (c) 767.117 (1) (c) and
17767.215 (2) (j)
, prohibiting the removal of minor children from the jurisdiction of the
SB123,45,2019 (bm) Allowing a party to move with or remove a child after a notice of objection
20has been filed under s. 767.327 767.481 (2) (a).
SB123,45,2521 (c) Subject to s. 767.477 767.85, requiring either party or both parties to make
22payments for the support of minor children, which payment amounts must be
23expressed as a fixed sum unless the parties have stipulated to expressing the amount
24as a percentage of the payer's income and the requirements under s. 767.10 767.34
25(2) (am) 1. to 3. are satisfied.
1(d) Requiring either party to pay for the maintenance of the other party. This
Maintenance under this paragraph may include the expenses and
3attorney fees incurred by the other party in bringing or responding to the action
4affecting the family.
SB123,46,55 (e) Requiring either party to pay family support under s. 767.261 767.531.
SB123,46,76 (f) Requiring either party to execute an assignment of income under s. 767.265
7767.75 or an authorization for transfer under s. 767.267 767.76.
SB123,46,108 (h) Notwithstanding ss. 767.085 (1) (i) and 767.087 (1) (b) 767.117 (1) (b) and
9767.215 (2) (i)
, prohibiting either party from disposing of assets within the
10jurisdiction of the court.
SB123,46,1211 (k) Subject to s. 767.477 767.85, requiring either party or both parties to
12maintain minor children as beneficiaries on a health insurance policy or plan.
SB123, s. 88 13Section 88. 767.23 (1g) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Repealed as obsolete. The repealed provision provides as follows:
"Notwithstanding 1987 Wisconsin Act 355, section 73, as affected
by 1987 Wisconsin Act 364, the parties may agree to the adjudication of
a temporary order under this section in an action affecting the family that
is pending on May 3, 1988.".
SB123, s. 89 14Section 89. 767.23 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 767.225 (3m).
SB123, s. 90 15Section 90. 767.23 (1n) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Acts 130
16and 326, is renumbered 767.225 (1n) and amended to read:
SB123,46,2217 767.225 (1n) Considerations; stipulations; review. (a) Before making any a
18temporary order under sub. (1), the court or circuit court commissioner shall consider
19those factors that the court is required by this chapter to consider before entering a
20final judgment on the same subject matter. In making a determination under sub.
21(1) (a) or (am), the court or circuit court commissioner shall consider the factors under
22s. 767.24 767.41 (5) (am), subject to s. 767.24 767.41 (5) (bm).
1(b) 1. If the court or circuit court commissioner makes a temporary child
2support order that deviates from the amount of support that would be required by
3using the percentage standard established by the department under s. 49.22 (9), the
4court or circuit court commissioner shall comply with the requirements of s. 767.25
5767.511 (1n).
SB123,47,126 2. If the court or circuit court commissioner finds by a preponderance of the
7evidence that a party has engaged in a pattern or serious incident of interspousal
8battery, as described under s. 940.19 or 940.20 (1m), or domestic abuse, as defined
9in s. 813.12 (1) (am), and makes a temporary order awarding joint or sole legal
10custody or periods of physical placement to the party, the court or circuit court
shall comply with the requirements of s. 767.24 767.41 (6) (f) and, if
12appropriate, s. 767.24 767.41 (6) (g).
SB123,47,1613 (c) A temporary order under sub. (1) may be based upon the written stipulation
14of the parties, subject to the approval of the court or the circuit court commissioner.
15Temporary orders made by a circuit court commissioner may be reviewed by the
SB123, s. 91 17Section 91. 767.23 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 767.225 (2) and amended
18to read:
SB123,47,2219 767.225 (2) Notice of motion for order. Notice of motion for an order or order
20to show cause under sub. (1) may be served at the time the action is commenced or
21at any time thereafter after commencement and shall be accompanied by an affidavit
22stating the basis for the request for relief.
SB123, s. 92 23Section 92. 767.23 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 767.264 (2) and amended
24to read:
1767.264 (2) Attorney fees and other amounts owing. (a) Upon making any
2an order for dismissal of an action affecting the family or, for substitution of attorneys
3attorney in an action affecting the family, for withdrawal of attorney from, or for
4vacation of a judgment theretofore granted in any such an action affecting the family,
5the court shall, prior to or in its order render and, grant separate judgment in favor
6of any an attorney who has appeared for a party to the action and in favor of any a
7guardian ad litem for a party or a child for the amount of fees and disbursements to
8which the attorney or guardian ad litem is, in the court's judgment, entitled and
9against the party responsible therefor for the fees and disbursements.
SB123,48,1510 (b) Upon making any an order for dismissal of an action affecting the family
11or for vacation of a judgment granted in any such the order, the court shall, prior to
12or in its order of dismissal or vacation, also preserve the right of the state or a political
13subdivision of the state to collect any arrearages, by an action under this chapter or
14under ch. 785, owed to the state if either party in the case was a recipient of aid under
15ch. 49.
Note: Clarifies the application of the provision to withdrawal of an attorney from
an action affecting the family.
SB123, s. 93 16Section 93. 767.235 (3) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB123,48,1717 767.235 (3) (title) Exclusion from courtroom.
SB123, s. 94 18Section 94. 767.24 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 767.41 (title).
SB123, s. 95 19Section 95. 767.24 (1) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 767.41 (1) (title).
SB123, s. 96 20Section 96 . 767.24 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 767.41 (1) (b) and
21amended to read:
SB123,49,322 767.41 (1) (b) In rendering a judgment of annulment, divorce, legal separation,
23or paternity, or in rendering a judgment in an action under s. 767.02 (1) (e) or 767.62

767.001 (1) (e), 767.501, or 767.805 (3), the court shall make such provisions as
2it deems just and reasonable concerning the legal custody and physical placement
3of any minor child of the parties, as provided in this section.
Note: Adds actions to compel support and maintenance under renumbered s.
767.501 (former s. 767.08) to the list of actions covered by renumbered s. 767.41 (former
s. 767.24), relating to legal custody and physical placement orders in specified actions
affecting the family. See, also, Sec. 217 of this bill.
SB123, s. 97 4Section 97. 767.24 (1m) to (8) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin
5Act 130
, are renumbered 767.41 (1m) to (8), and 767.41 (1m) (intro.), (3) (e) and (4)
6(d), as renumbered, are amended to read:
SB123,49,157 767.41 (1m) Parenting plan. (intro.) In an action for annulment, divorce, or
8legal separation, an action to determine paternity, or an action under s. 767.02 (1)
9(e) or 767.62 (3)
767. 001 (1) (e), 767.501, or 767.805 (3), in which legal custody or
10physical placement is contested, a party seeking sole or joint legal custody or periods
11of physical placement shall file a parenting plan with the court before any pretrial
12conference. Except for cause shown, a party required to file a parenting plan under
13this subsection who does not timely file a parenting plan waives the right to object
14to the other party's parenting plan. A parenting plan shall provide information about
15the following questions:
SB123,49,18 16(3) (e) The charges for care furnished to a child whose custody is transferred
17under this subsection shall be pursuant to the procedure under s. 48.36 (1) or 938.36
18(1) except as provided in s. 767.29 767.57 (3).
SB123,49,21 19(4) (d) If the court grants periods of physical placement to more than one
20parent, it shall order a parent with legal custody and physical placement rights to
21provide the notice required under s. 767.327 767.481 (1).
SB123, s. 98 22Section 98. 767.24 (9) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Deletes an obsolete applicability provision.
SB123, s. 99
1Section 99. 767.241 (1) (title), (2) (title), (3) (title) and (4) (title) of the statutes
2are created to read:
SB123,50,33 767.241 (1) (title) Court authority.
SB123,50,4 4(2) (title) Preaction and postaction fees.
SB123,50,5 5(3) (title) To whom paid.
SB123,50,6 6(4) (title) Payment by state or county.
SB123, s. 100 7Section 100. 767.242 of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act 109,
8is renumbered 767.471, and 767.471 (1) (a) and (b), (2) (intro.), (3), (4), (5) (a), (b)
9(intro.), 1. b. and 2. b. and c., (c), (d) and (e) and (6) (a) and (b), as renumbered, are
10amended to read:
SB123,50,1411 767.471 (1) (a) "Petitioner" "Moving party" means the parent filing a petition
12motion under this section, regardless of whether that parent was the petitioner in
13the action in which periods of physical placement were awarded under s. 767.24
SB123,50,1815 (b) "Respondent" "Responding party" means the parent upon whom a petition
16motion under this section is served, regardless of whether that parent was the
17respondent in the action in which periods of physical placement were awarded under
18s. 767.24 767.41.
SB123,50,21 19(2) Who may file. (intro.) A parent who has been awarded periods of physical
20placement under s. 767.24 767.41 may file a petition motion under sub. (3) if any of
21the following applies:
SB123,50,23 22(3) Petition Motion. (a) The petition motion shall allege facts sufficient to
23show the following:
SB123,50,2524 1. The name of the petitioner moving party and that the petitioner moving
has been awarded periods of physical placement.
12. The name of the respondent responding party.
SB123,51,22 3. That one or more of the criteria in sub. (2) apply.
SB123,51,63 (b) The petition motion shall request the imposition of a remedy or any
4combination of remedies under sub. (5) (b) and (c). This paragraph does not prohibit
5a judge or circuit court commissioner court from imposing a remedy under sub. (5)
6(b) or (c) if the remedy was not requested in the petition motion.
SB123,51,87 (c) A judge or circuit court commissioner court shall accept any legible petition
8motion for an order under this section.
SB123,51,109 (d) The petition motion shall be filed under the principal action under which
10the periods of physical placement were awarded.
SB123,51,1211 (e) A petition motion under this section is a motion for remedial sanction for
12purposes of s. 785.03 (1) (a).
SB123,51,18 13(4) Service on respondent responding party; response. Upon the filing of a
14petition motion under sub. (3), the petitioner moving party shall serve a copy of the
15petition motion upon the respondent responding party by personal service in the
16same manner as a summons is served under s. 801.11. The respondent responding
may respond to the petition motion either in writing before or at the hearing
18under sub. (5) (a) or orally at that hearing.
SB123,51,25 19(5) (a) A judge or circuit court commissioner The court shall hold a hearing on
20the petition motion no later than 30 days after the petition motion has been served,
21unless the time is extended by mutual agreement of the parties or upon the motion
22of a guardian ad litem and the approval of the judge or circuit court commissioner
23court. The judge or circuit court commissioner court may, on his or her its own motion
24or the motion of any party, order that a guardian ad litem be appointed for the child
25prior to the hearing.
1(b) (intro.) If, at the conclusion of the hearing, the judge or circuit court
court finds that the respondent responding party has intentionally
3and unreasonably denied the petitioner moving party one or more periods of physical
4placement or that the respondent responding party has intentionally and
5unreasonably interfered with one or more of the petitioner's moving party's periods
6of physical placement, the court or circuit court commissioner:
SB123,52,87 1. b. Award the petitioner moving party a reasonable amount for the cost of
8maintaining an action under this section and for attorney fees.
SB123,52,99 2. b. Find the respondent responding party in contempt of court under ch. 785.
SB123,52,1510 c. Grant an injunction ordering the respondent responding party to strictly
11comply with the judgment or order relating to the award of physical placement. In
12determining whether to issue an injunction, the judge or circuit court commissioner
13court shall consider whether alternative remedies requested by the petitioner
14moving party would be as effective in obtaining compliance with the order or
15judgment relating to physical placement.
SB123,52,2416 (c) If, at the conclusion of the hearing, the judge or circuit court commissioner
17court finds that the petitioner moving party has incurred a financial loss or expenses
18as a result of the respondent's responding party's failure, intentionally and
19unreasonably and without adequate notice to the petitioner moving party, to exercise
20one or more periods of physical placement under an order allocating specific times
21for the exercise of periods of physical placement, the judge or circuit court
court may issue an order requiring the respondent responding party
23to pay to the petitioner moving party a sum of money sufficient to compensate the
24petitioner moving party for the financial loss or expenses.