Appropriation schedule in chapter 20, Wis.Stats., repealed and recreated; general effective dates [Sec. 138-140, 9400; S.Amdt.50 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: across-the-board state agency reductions, 9155 (5dv)] -  AB100
Aquatic invasive species control projects: cost-sharing grant program created, conditions set; Indian gaming receipts and general fund balance provisions - AB757
Badger Care, prescription drug assistance, and MA: 2004-05 GPR appropriations revised; MA trust fund provision [A.Amdt.1: Ho-Chunk Nation Indian gaming payments provision] -  AB102
Badger Care, prescription drug assistance, and MA: 2004-05 GPR appropriations revised; MA trust fund provision  - SB64
Board of Attorneys Professional Responsibility changed to Office of Lawyer Regulation re appropriation (remedial legislation) -  SB494
Budget stabilization fund moneys transferred to general fund: JCF may introduce bill in certain cases [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1m, 66m; S.Amdt.50 to Engr.AB-100: ``Budget stabilization fund" name changed to ``Taxpayer protection fund", limit on expenditures of general fund revenues, 10m, 15m, 17m, 65m, 68a-j, 81p, 126e, m, 137m, 482m-r, 520m, deletes 1m]  - AB100
Budget stabilization fund provisions modified; GAAP deficit reduction fund created; mechanisms to address GAAP deficit; LFB, CAFR, and fiscal estimate provisions  - AB272
Budget stabilization fund provisions modified; GAAP deficit reduction fund created; mechanisms to address GAAP deficit; LFB, CAFR, and fiscal estimate provisions  - SB144
Business waste reduction and recycling assistance: DNR authority to contract with nonprofit organization [Sec. 250, 2198; A.Sub.Amdt.1: funding limited, goals and objectives required, reporting schedule, funding transfer to general fund]  - AB100
DFI funds lapse to general fund [Sec. 9217 (1)] -  AB100
DOT general obligation bonding authority re Southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation, debt service payment, and bonding limit increase [Sec. 281, 284, 466, 467, 1719, 1727; A.Sub.Amdt.1: change to Marquette interchange reconstruction project, bonding revision, and owner controlled insurance, 276p, 467m, 1718m, 1719g-i, 1727g, 1728m, 9148 (4f), deletes 466] -  AB100
Environmental fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9235 (2)] - AB100
Executive budget bill may not authorize GPR expenditures in the succeeding fiscal biennium that exceed expected revenues re the general fund -  AB177
General fund required statutory balance [Sec. 127-137] -  AB100
GPR appropriation limitation exclusions [Sec. 10-15] -  AB100
GPR appropriation limitation exclusions for HEAB, DPI, and U.W. Board of Regents eliminated - SB716
Interfund transfers re state government: transfer date must be during the fiscal year the law takes effect  - SB446
MA GPR appropriation decreased and transfer of certain amount from general fund to MA trust fund; low-income energy assistance program income eligibility revised and GPR appropriation -  SB582
MA GPR appropriation decreased; transfer of certain amount from general fund to MA trust fund [A.Amdt.1: MA reimbursement rate for nursing homes increased and one-time supplement to MA reimbursement for nursing homes added]  - AB981
MA GPR appropriation decreased; transfer of certain amount from general fund to MA trust fund  - SB535
Nursing home MA reimbursement rate: GPR increased; one-time supplement and DHFS provisions  - AB972
Nursing home MA reimbursement rate: GPR increased; one-time supplement and DHFS provisions  - SB532
Nursing home MA reimbursement rate: GPR increased, staff provisions; estimated general fund balance minimum and general fund expenditure maximum rule modified  - AB771
Nursing home MA reimbursement rate: GPR increased, staff provisions; estimated general fund balance minimum and general fund expenditure maximum rule modified  - SB343
One-time MA nursing home reimbursement supplement re 2005 WisAct 211 (AB-981) modified - AB1128
Petroleum inspection fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9208 (1)] -  AB100
Recycling fund transfers to general fund [Sec. 9235 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: demonstration grant and wildlife damage claims and abatement transfers, 9235 (1f), (1g)]  - AB100
School district may choose not to comply with SAGE contract requirement; foregone aid lapses to general fund to supplement special education aid -  AB123
School district may choose not to comply with SAGE contract requirement; foregone aid lapses to general fund to supplement special education aid [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - SB68
School levy property tax credit and transfer of certain tax revenues from general fund to health care quality improvement fund [Sec. 68-71, 1711-1716; original bill only]  - AB100
School transportation aid funding source changed from general fund to transportation fund [Sec. 1, 180, 1909; original bill only] -  AB100
Secretary of Administration to submit certain reports to JCF re lapses or transfers to the general fund from certain allocations - AB1182
Secretary of Administration to submit certain reports to JCF re lapses or transfers to the general fund from certain allocations - SB697
Spending limits for state, school districts, and local governmental units established; elector approval to exceed limits required; exclusions, separate fund for excess revenue, and state mandate provisions. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR40
State agency appropriation lapses to general fund [Sec. 9255 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: amount revisions, Corr.Dept and DVA removed from list] -  AB100
State board created by the legislature to administer elections, ethics, and lobbying regulation laws: appropriation for administration of created; DOA, JCF, and WECF provisions  - AB1059
State Fire Fighters Memorial: grant for construction of -  AB604
State fund or program revenue appropriation account creation permitted and changing the purpose prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR21
State operations appropriation balances lapse or transfer to general fund [Sec. 9155 (3), 9255 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: DOA report to JCF] -  AB100
Survey of rural historic properties: appropriation for SHSW to enter into a contract to conduct - AB1048
Transportation fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9248 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 456g, r, 533g, r, 9448 (4m), deletes 9248 (1); S.Amdt.50 to Engr.AB-100: one-time transfer to MA trust fund, 537d, e] - AB100
Utility public benefits fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9201 (1)] -  AB100
WECF grants: sum sufficient appropriation from GPR -  AB1058
WRS unfunded retirement liability debt service: lapses and fund transfers [Sec. 79, 9155 (4)] -  AB100
aquatic invasive speciesAquatic invasive species, see Fish and fishing
aquatic plant or weedAquatic plant or weed, see Weeds
Art and arts education centers: property tax exemption created - SB3
Art gallery: exemption from Class ``B" license or permit created  - AB706
``Class B" liquor license quota exception created for opera house or theater for the performing arts operated by a nonprofit organization [A.Amdt.1: consumption on premises in connection with a performance specified] -  AB739
Code of Ethics for Local Public Officials applied to certain members of district boards of a local professional baseball park district and a cultural arts district and definition of ``local government" clarified; statement of economic interests by candidates for joint municipal judgeship required before county clerk may certify candidate's name (remedial legislation)  - SB360
Electronic versions of audiovisual works, artwork, literary works, and audio works: sales and use tax imposed on [Sec. 1476, 1478, 1479, 1490, 1495, 1504, 1505, 1517, 1530, 1532, 1533, 1540, 1541, 1556, 1632, 9441 (7); original bill only] - AB100
WHEFA bonding authority re cultural facility or institution; definitions provided -  AB302
arts boardArts board
Appropriation lapses [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9204 (1d)] -  AB100
Indian gaming receipts appropriations: use for wastewater treatment at Jackson Correctional Institution, aid to certain schools and Beloit College, Arts Board grants, grants for Town of Swiss and St. Croix Band of Chippewa, and compulsive gambling awareness [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Indian gaming and compacts"]  - AB100
assembly districtAssembly district, see Redistricting
assembly, unlawfulAssembly, Unlawful
Crimes committed by three or more persons: maximum imprisonment increased and a misdemeanor becomes a felony; crimes covered specified -  AB1018
assignment of supportAssignment of support, see Family — Support
asthmaAsthma, see Disease
Athlete agent fees: DRL rule-making removed; fees and effective date set [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2286b, 2296k, 2338m, p, 9440 (1q)] -  AB100
Code of Ethics for Local Public Officials applied to certain members of district boards of a local professional baseball park district and a cultural arts district and definition of ``local government" clarified; statement of economic interests by candidates for joint municipal judgeship required before county clerk may certify candidate's name (remedial legislation)  - SB360
Local professional baseball park district: sunset on collection of sales and use taxes established and use of revenue specified; LAB audit required -  SB19
Local professional baseball park district: sunset on collection of sales and use taxes; property, income, and franchise taxes apply - AB396
Luxury boxes, sky boxes, and club seats at a sports facility: sales tax imposed on furnishings of -  AB44
Martial arts instruction provided to a minor for a fee without a license prohibited; background check by DOJ; DRL licensing requirements -  AB694
National Athletic Training Month: March proclaimed as -  AJR85
Nude or partially nude image captured on a recording device in a locker room prohibited, exceptions provided; written policy on use of recording devices in locker rooms required  - AB475
Outdoor advertising sign erected in business area: restriction exception created re stadium, racetrack, or other sporting event arena -  AB1040
Outdoor advertising sign erected in business area: restriction exception created re stadium, racetrack, or other sporting event arena -  SB418
Right to purchase season admission to athletic events re institutions of higher education: income and franchise tax credits created for sales and use taxes paid  - AB1084
atm _automated teller machine_ATM (Automated teller machine), see Financial institution
Attorney consolidation in executive branch agencies, certain exceptions provided; Division of Legal Services created in DOA; positions identified as hearing examiners, officers, or administrative law judges transferred to DHA, exception re DWD [Sec. 41, 46, 58, 395, 1451-1453, 1729, 2106, 2108, 2264, 9155 (1), 9455 (1); original bill only]  - AB100
Attorney positions: DOA Secretary to lapse to general fund re net reduction of 13.0 FTE positions [Sec. 9155(2); A.Sub. Amdt.1: on certain date 13.0 FTE vacant attorney positions eliminated, DOA Secretary to ensure required total is met, exception re U.W. Regents, 9155 (1w); S.Amdt.29 to Engr. AB-100: exemption for DETF and Investment Board added]  - AB100
Board of Attorneys Professional Responsibility changed to Office of Lawyer Regulation re appropriation (remedial legislation) -  SB494
Discrimination between an employee in a job dominated by employees of a particular sex and an employee in a job dominated by employees of the oppoiste sex in compensation for work of comparable worth prohibited; tax benefits, grants, and appropriation supplements when employers achieve compliance; sales and use tax on legal services and moneys put in comparable worth fund; school revenue limits increased re wage differential paid -  AB528