cell phoneCell phone, see Telephone
cellular telephoneCellular telephone, see Telephone
Cemetery authorities, salespersons, and preneed sellers registration requirements revised; Cemetery Board created, duties defined [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 41g-r, 44m-45m, 55m, 2081na-s, 2303k, 2337b-z, 9140 (1m), (1p)]  - AB100
Funeral, cemetery, and burial expense reimbursement to counties: DHFS mandate eliminated [Sec. 1191; A.Sub.Amdt.1: reimbursement authorized if certain conditions are met, 1191c, 9321 (9e), 9421 (12e)] -  AB100
Funeral or memorial service: certain disruptions and protests prohibited during and 60 minutes immediately preceding and following; blocking access to a facility or impeding vehicles in a funeral procession also prohibited; penalty provisions - AB944
Funeral or memorial service: certain disruptions and protests prohibited during and 60 minutes immediately preceding and following; blocking access to a facility or impeding vehicles in a funeral procession also prohibited; penalty provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB525
Nonprofit cemeteries: sales and use tax exemption for tangible personal property and services purchased by  - SB20
certified public accountantCertified public accountant
Banking, Division of, regulatory authority over insurance premium finance companies, certain loan companies, loan originators, and mortgage bankers and brokers modified; requirements for certain consumer loans secured by a first lien revised; CPA as shareholder of a service corporation organized for carrying on the profession of CPA provision  - AB1037
CPA from another state allowed to practice in this state under certain conditions; disciplinary provisions  - AB911
CPA from another state allowed to practice in this state under certain conditions; disciplinary provisions  - SB484
cervids _deer and elk_Cervids (deer and elk), see Game
chamber of commerceChamber of commerce
Economic development programs Web site: Comm.Dept directed to create; chamber of commerce provision  - AB845
Self-funded employer groups for providing health care coverage authorized; exemption from insurance regulation; chamber of commerce provision -  AB862
charitable corporationCharitable corporation, see also Organization, Miscellaneous
Bicycling event sponsored by charitable organization: DOT may make an exception from prohibition on operation of bicycles, mopeds, and electric personal assistive mobility devices on certain roadways -  SB257
Campaign finance law revision re donation from campaign treasury to charitable organization or common school fund at any time, for any reason -  AB998
Community rehabilitation program work provided to a business: income and franchise tax credits created  - AB622
Community rehabilitation program work provided to a business: income and franchise tax credits created  - SB281
Disposition of campaign moneys re certain contributions and residual moneys in campaign treasuries: option to transfer to charitable organization eliminated  - AB1223
Election law revisions re voter registration, absentee ballots, pre-election procedures, election day procedures, and post-election procedures [A.Amdt.7: authorization to make donations from campaign treasuries to charitable organizations or the common school fund added] -  SB612
Telephone solicitation regulations revised re commercial mobile service, certain nonprofit organizations, customer notice to solicitor against telephone solicitations, penalties, and DATCP registration fee -  SB116
Venison processing donation program: biennial appropriation created, funding from wildlife damage claims and abatement program [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 248g, j, 657m, p]  - AB100
Volunteer driver for a charitable organization: mileage reimbursement may be deducted from income re taxes  - AB903
charter schoolCharter school, see School
chavez, cesar eChavez, Cesar E., see Labor
DFI revisions re pawnbrokers, Division of Banking authority, trust services, seller of checks, securities and investments, franchises, and collection agencies (remedial legislation)  - SB512
Financial institutions: property crimes against created, penalty and civil action provisions; penalty created for violating community currency exchange license re check or money order cashing business -  AB986
Financial institutions: property crimes against created, penalty and civil action provisions; penalty created for violating community currency exchange license re check or money order cashing business -  SB571
Special orders of business for March 9, 2006 established re AB-71, AB-87, AB-129, AB-287, AB-328, AB-538, AB-587, AB-639, AB-735, AB-777, AB-875, AB-887, AB-937, AB-966, AB-1002, AB-1003, AB-1026, AB-1032, AB-1035, AB-1044, AB-1078, AB-1090, SB-123, SB-145, SB-150, SB-183, SB-226, SB-268, SB-272, SB-273, SB-284, SB-338, SB-352, SB-359, SB-362, SB-363, SB-364, SB-365, SB-380, SB-420, SB-453, SB-457, SB-474, SB-487, SB-488, SB-489, SB-490, SB-491, SB-492, SB-493, SB-494, SB-512, SB-515, SB-527, SB-539, SB-540, SB-547, SB-549, SB-555, SB-556, SB-557, SB-560, SB-562, SB-579, SB-591, SB-592, SB-597, SB-601, SB-612, SB-613, SB-638, SB-642, SB-652, SJR-33 -  AR51
Worthless check issuance: exception for postdated check or check given for past consideration repealed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, statute amended re persons who hold a precomputed loan license] -  AB871
Worthless check issuance: exception for postdated check or check given for past consideration repealed  - SB465
Worthless check violations: deferred prosecution program established; DA and collection agency provisions [A.Sub. Amdt.1: further revisions, DA may not act as a collection agency but may contract with private entity to administer, conditions specified, confidentiality and fee provisions]  - SB145
chewing tobaccoChewing tobacco, see Tobacco
child abuse and neglect prevention boardChild Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
Birth certificate fees increased; clarification re deposit in CANPB appropriation [Sec. 1257, 1258]  - AB100
Birth certificate fees increased; clarification re deposit in CANPB appropriation -  AB831
Birth certificate fees increased; clarification re deposit in CANPB appropriation -  SB666
CANPB revisions re nonstock, nonprofit corporation, membership, and grants; ``Celebrate Children" license plate sales provision -  AB262
Child abuse prevention and child mental health surcharge created, distribution set; Corr.Dept to collect from inmate wages or other moneys re nonpayment [Sec. 298, 307, 841, 2222, 2232, 2233, 2235, 2241, 2449, 2450, 2468, 2472, 9321 (7); original bill only] -  AB100
Program revenue lapse re duplicate birth certificate fees [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 298b] -  AB100
Shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies prevention: DHFS to prepare informational materials and distribution requirements; training for day care providers; instruction in schools required; DHFS to keep certain statistics [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, CANPB to purchase or prepare informational materials; S.Amdt.1: appropriation revisions]  - SB221
State agency appropriation lapses to general fund [Sec. 9255 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: amount revisions, Corr.Dept and DVA removed from list] -  AB100
TANF transfer to CANPB eliminated; replaced with GPR for child abuse and neglect prevention programs, early childhood education centers, and right from the start projects [Sec. 297, 1045-1047, 1109] -  AB100
child born out of wedlockChild born out of wedlock, see Nonmarital child
child careChild care, see Day care
child laborChild labor, see also Wage — Minimum
Traveling sales crews: regulations created; exceptions and penalty provisions -  SB251
WC law revisions re payment of benefits, maximum compensation amounts, work injury supplemental benefit fund, hearings and procedures, program administration, and general coverage; penalty and report provisions -  SB474
Child safety restraint requirements in motor vehicles specified; penalty and DOT provisions -  AB618
Child safety restraint requirements in motor vehicles specified; penalty and DOT provisions -  SB305
Child safety restraint requirements in motor vehicles specified, penalty and surcharge provisions; Child Safety Restraint System Program created; DOT duties set  - AB70
Child safety restraint requirements in motor vehicles specified, penalty and surcharge provisions; Child Safety Restraint System Program created; DOT duties set  - SB32
Child safety restraint system in motor vehicles: civil liability immunity for technicians and organizations that provide safety programs re inspection or installation  - AB376
Child safety restraint system in motor vehicles: civil liability immunity for technicians and organizations that provide safety programs re inspection or installation  - SB386
Child Survival Week declared the week of October 31 -  AJR58
Child Survival Week declared the week of October 31 -  SJR43
Child unattended in child care vehicle: prohibition created; fine provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, convicted person is ineligible for kinship care payments, denial of certain licenses re child care, and may not be licensed for foster care or teaching for set period if death was a consequence]  - AB826
Child Welfare Program Enhancement Plan activities: general purpose revenues provided [Sec. 303]  - AB100
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions re child abuse investigations of noncaregivers, definition of ``relative", holding a child in custody, and placement of a child for adoption [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provision of information to relative caregivers added] -  SB284
Children's community program grants eliminated [Sec. 89] -  AB100
Children's products: sale by commercial suppliers regulated; recall, DATCP, and day care center provisions  - SB454
Conservation patron license: age range for minors revised [Sec. 581] -  AB100
Deer hunting license and hunting season revisions re muzzle-loading firearms, issuance of carcass tags, archer hunting license, payment to issuing agent for using the statewide automated issuing system, and statutorily required special deer hunt for young hunters; sunset provision  - AB1129
DNR random or preference selective systems re trapping or hunting permits or licenses: person may designate a minor to exercise the privilege if the person dies before using the permit or license [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, license or permit holder may designate a person who can designate a minor to exercise the privilege] -  AB384
DNR random or preference selective systems re trapping or hunting permits or licenses: person may designate a minor to exercise the privilege if the person dies before using the permit or license -  SB189
Firearm and hunting revisions re possession by minor under age 12, persons accompanying minors possessing a firearm or while hunting, small game hunting license for nonresident minors under age 16; hunter education certificates from other states or countries allowed and revision re eligibility of persons under age 12 to apply for a deeer hunting license; possession of firearm in school permitted for hunter education program; DNR provisions re use of seized or unclaimed property, trapper education program funding, and arrow tips on crossbows  - AB724
Foster care rates revised [Sec. 951, 9421 (7); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 951d, deletes 951]  - AB100
Full remission of tuition and fees for spouse, unremarried surviving spouse, or child of eligible veteran: U.W. System and each technical college district board required to grant; conditions specified -  AB317
Health care and subsistence grant program for veterans revised [Sec. 380, 381, 764, 765, 770-773; A.Sub.Amdt.1: eligibility expanded, emergency rule provisions, 380m, 9153 (3k), deletes 380; A.Amdt.40: further revisions, 380r, 381m, 795c, d, 9153 (3k), deletes 380m, 381, 764, 765, 770-773, 9153 (3k)]  - AB100
Hunting and firearm possession and control by persons under age 16: regulations revised re accompaniment by parent or guardian, 10- and 11-year-olds, and target practice  - AB586
Hunting approvals and fishing licenses: nonresident child of a resident to pay same fees as a resident  - AB410
Hunting approvals and fishing licenses: nonresident child of a resident to pay same fees as a resident  - SB196