Deceptive advertising and fraudulent representation civil forfeitures revised; court may order restitution in addition to civil forfeitures for Wisconsin Consumer Act violations  - AB488
DNA evidence: retention and postconviction testing of modified  - AB648
DNA evidence: retention and postconviction testing of modified  - SB315
Electronic communication with a child: court may grant when determining custody but not as a replacement for physical custody; conditions and parenting plan provisions  - AB531
Electronic communication with a child: court may grant when determining custody but not as a replacement for physical custody; conditions and parenting plan provisions  - SB244
Fair market value of property taken by condemnation: court may consider appraisal based on income approach  - AB656
Guardianship and conservatorship laws revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, receipt and acceptance of foreign (out-of-state) guardianship added] -  SB391
Maintenance in divorce actions: requirements for ordering revised -  AB529
Marriage certificate: correction of erroneous information under certain conditions -  AB501
Medical malpractice case: introduction of collateral source payments and evidence of the injured or dead person's obligations of subrogation or reimbursement resulting from collateral source payments allowed; damage award provision [A.Sub. Amdt.1: further revisions, ``death" references removed]  - AB764
Medical malpractice case: introduction of collateral source payments and evidence of the injured person's obligations of subrogation or reimbursement resulting from collateral source payments allowed; damage award provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  AB1072
OWI conviction: DOT to purge driving records of first conviction after 10 years under certain conditions; court may not consider purged violation to determine penalty for subsequent OWI offense -  AB344
Protective service system laws revised; provisions re admissions, transfers, definitions, nursing homes, attorney fees, hearings, procedural rights, guardian ad litem, evaluations, power of attorney, emergency protective placement, psychotropic medication, modification and termination of protective placements, SPD, and annual reviews and reports; court, county, and DHFS duties specified -  AB785
Self-defense resulting in death or great bodily harm: court presumption criteria created -  AB1020
Sex offender on parole, probation, extended supervision, supervised release, or conditional release re conviction for sexual assault of a child: Corr.Dept and DHFS required to track the person using a GPS tracking device; felony provision [for further revisions, see entry under ``Sex crimes"]  - AB591
Sexual assault offense penalties revised re reclassification, ``two-strikes" offenses, court-ordered treatment for imprisoned offenders, and mandatory lifetime supervision  - SB289
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) of 1997 to replace the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJA) enacted in 1975  - SB112
court _ appellateCourt — Appellate, see also Supreme court
Appeal procedures integrated re restitution in criminal actions, commitments of persons found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect, and commitments of sexually violent persons - AB1135
Frivolous claims as determined by the court: awarding damages and appeals procedure -  AB855
Frivolous claims as determined by the court: awarding damages and appeals procedure [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - SB501
court _ circuitCourt — Circuit, see Circuit court
court _ clerkCourt — Clerk
Jury list in counties with population of 500,000 or more revised  - AB1214
Register in probate required to use circuit court automated information system re payments to clerk of circuit court  - AB924
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  AJR3
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  SJR2
court _ commissionerCourt — Commissioner
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions re child abuse investigations of noncaregivers, definition of ``relative", holding a child in custody, and placement of a child for adoption [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provision of information to relative caregivers added] -  SB284
Divorce actions: a party may request a jury trial to determine custody, placement, support, or maintenance; circuit court commissioner provision -  AB495
court _ feeCourt — Fee
Child abuse prevention and child mental health surcharge created, distribution set; Corr.Dept to collect from inmate wages or other moneys re nonpayment [Sec. 298, 307, 841, 2222, 2232, 2233, 2235, 2241, 2449, 2450, 2468, 2472, 9321 (7); original bill only] -  AB100
Crime victim and witness assistance surcharges in civil offense cases: criteria and how money is collected revised  - AB1137
Crime victim and witness assistance surcharges in civil offense cases: criteria and how money is collected revised  - SB692
Crime victim and witness surcharge increased; county reimbursement for services [Sec. 2469-2471, 9329 (1), (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: surcharge on certain forfeitures, 2450d-r, 2468m, 2470m, 9307 (2e)] -  AB100
Deferred prosecution programs: circuit court may impose a fee - AB563
Deferred prosecution programs: circuit court may impose a fee - AB582
Fine, forfeiture, fee, and surcharge collection: use of debt collector and credit or debit cards allowed; certified debt collection by DOR modified; DOT may disclose certain information to DOR [A.Amdt.4: public official authority to disclose financially identifying information restricted]  - AB211
Harassment definition modified and harassment restraining order or injunction deadline increased; payment of filing fee for child abuse or vulnerable adult injunction revised [A.Amdt.1: child abuse restraining order or injunction deadline increased] - AB636
Justice information system surcharge increase [Sec. 393, 440, 2451] -  AB100
Motor vehicle safety belt violations: imposing court fees - SB246
Municipal court actions: filing fee increased -  AB264
Penalty surcharge and amount that goes into law enforcement training fund increased [Sec. 2438-2440; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 2440g, r, deletes 2440]  - AB100
Penalty surcharge revisions; youth diversion grant reductions; transfer of receipts to handgun purchaser checks [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 174r, 187g, 291r, 293r, 356c-358n, 358t, 359r, 363r, 394r, 415L-q, s-v, w, 437d, 9109 (1p), 9229 (1p), 9429 (2p), (3p)] -  AB100
court _ municipalCourt — Municipal
Age which alleged violators of criminal law, civil law, or municipal ordinance is subject to circuit or municipal court versus juvenile court raised -  AB82
Appeal of municipal court judgment to circuit court: written notice of appeal and jury trial request provisions revised - AB90
Imprisonment for noncompliance with a municipal court order: consecutive with or concurrent to other imprisonment permitted -  AB91
Municipal court actions: filing fee increased -  AB264
Municipal court contract with collection agency re forfeitures, assessments, and surcharges: local governments to share in cost of collection -  AB596
Municipal court contract with collection agency re forfeitures, assessments, and surcharges: local governments to share in cost of collection -  SB275
Municipal traffic ordinance violations re juveniles over age 12 but under age 16: exclusive municipal court jurisdiction; disposition provision -  AB89
Special orders of business for September 27, 2005 established re partial vetoes of AB-100 [Items C-8, C-9, C-14, C-16, F-3, F-4] and AB-27, AB-39, AB-69, AB-72, AB-95, AB-97, AB-127, AB-128, AB-133, AB-155, AB-184, AB-188, AB-201, AB-230, AB-264, AB-286, AB-308, AB-340, AB-345, AB-375, AB-384, AB-410, AB-426, AB-436, AB-442, AB-444, AB-460, AB-479, AB-482, AB-510, AB-512, AB-522, AB-534, AB-606, AB-636, AB-646, AB-648, AB-657, AB-679, and SB-266  - AR38
Actions affecting the family: party may elect not to disclose address re domestic abuse or harassment restraining order - AB887
Alibi as a defense: deadline to provide notice revised -  AB727
AODA treatment as alternative to prosecution or incarceration: grant program for counties created; reports required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 90m, 327m, 414m, 416m, 841m, 2222, 2232-2236m, 2241m, 2449m, 2450b, 2467c-x, 2472, 2475g-r, 9121 (13g), 9401 (2r), 9421 (11q)]  - AB100
Appearance bond: cash deposits may be used to pay restitution to crime victim -  AB969
Appearance bond: cash deposits may be used to pay restitution to crime victim -  SB575
Attorney fees in civil actions: default judgment and voluntary dismissal provision removed -  AB149
Billing for consumer goods or services: certain practices prohibited; lawn care service contract regulations created; DATCP authority and civil action provisions [A.Amdt.1: lawn care service contracts deleted; S.Amdt.1: attorney-client relationship added to ``consumer goods or services" exceptions]  - AB574
Child abuse or harassment injunction: time for service of certain court documents increased -  AB592
Child abuse or harassment injunction: time for service of certain court documents increased -  SB413
Civil rights enforcement: AG given authority to bring an action for injunction -  AB514
Civil rights enforcement: AG given authority to bring an action for injunction -  SB274
Commitments, placements, protective services, residency, venue, and county of responsibility revisions; CMI replaced with ``serious and persistent mental illness"; guardianship revisions -  AB1114
Crime related to a felony sexual assault: time limit and DNA exception for prosecuting felony sexual assault expanded to include -  AB648
Crime related to a felony sexual assault: time limit and DNA exception for prosecuting felony sexual assault expanded to include -  SB315
Crime victim right to make a statement at sentencing or disposition: prosecutor's obligation to provide notice modified - AB1063
Defendant in criminal proceeding not required to be present at certain meetings or conferences that may be before the court; condition for release on bail provision  - AB1136
Deferred prosecution programs: circuit court may impose a fee - AB563
Deferred prosecution programs: circuit court may impose a fee - AB582
Digital recording of child's testimony: videotaped statement provisions apply [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``digital" changed to ``audiovisual"] -  AB261
Digital recording of child's testimony: videotaped statement provisions apply -  SB134
Discovery of material from members of the news media in civil actions modified -  AB1155
Discovery procedure in implied consent and alcohol beverage law violations modified -  AB1023
Discovery procedure in implied consent and alcohol beverage law violations modified -  SB592
DOJ authority revisions re starting or intervening in a civil action, joining an action commenced by another state, and public nuisance actions; AG, Governor, and legislature provisions - SB425
Domestic abuse arrests: presumption changed from primary physical aggressor to ``predominant aggressor"; definition, law enforcement policies, and bail provisions  - AB436
Endangered or threatened species: evidence of discovery by person on private property of another is admissible in certain proceedings if certain conditions apply  - AB884
Expungement of misdemeanors revised -  AB280
First-degree sexual assault case: evidence of previous assaults similar to alleged offense may be admitted  - AB970
First-degree sexual assault case: evidence of previous assaults similar to alleged offense may be admitted  - SB573
Harassment, child abuse, and vulnerable adult injunctions modified -  AB54
Harassment definition modified and harassment restraining order or injunction deadline increased; payment of filing fee for child abuse or vulnerable adult injunction revised [A.Amdt.1: child abuse restraining order or injunction deadline increased] - AB636
Harassment injunction deadlines extended -  AB481
Health care provider or facility or employee who, in good faith, reports, initiates, or testifies in an action or proceeding re violations of laws or ethical standards by another health care provider or facility or employee: immunity from liability provided - AB1127
Health insurance ID card for a child: parent required to provide to the other parent re divorce, legal separation, or paternity actions; contempt of court provision  - AB526
Jury instructions in civil actions: court to explain legal conclusions from the jury's findings - SB159