Punitive damages: proof the plaintiff must provide modified - AB843
Punitive damages: proof the plaintiff must provide modified [S.Amdt.1: voluntary intoxication or drugged condition not a defense; S.Amdt.2: introduction of evidence of imposed penalty relevant to subject of the case permitted, disposition of punitive damages; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions of S.Amdt.2 removed] -  SB447
Responding to a pleading: time limit modified; some exceptions  - SB99
Revocation of probation, parole, or extended supervision proceedings: admissibility of felony victim's prior testimony - AB890
Revocation of probation, parole, or extended supervision proceedings: admissibility of felony victim's prior testimony - SB632
Sexual assault of a child and first-degree sexual assault: limitations period for prosecutions eliminated  - AB47
Sexually violent person commitment procedures revised; definitions modified [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - SB318
Sexually violent person laws revised re definitions, commitment proceedings and petitions, probable cause hearing, trial on commitment petition, change of venue, experts for examination, right to remain silent, hearings to juries, discovery, confidentiality of certain records, juvenile delinquency dispositions, privileged communications with health care providers, presentence reports, periodic reexamination, supervised release, discharge from commitment, failure to comply with time limits, escape, and DAs -  AB1091
Special orders of business for April 12, 2005 established re AB-149, AB-157, AB-206, AB-208, AB-209, AB-241, AB-246, AB-261, AB-277, AB-278, AJR-20  - AR12
Special orders of business for March 7, 2006 established re AB-19, AB-33, AB-96, AB-353, AB-588, AB-596, AB-671, AB-673, AB-675, AB-680, AB-681, AB-686, AB-751, AB-801, AB-838, AB-842, AB-856, AB-874, AB-900, AB-928, AB-934, AB-936, AB-958, AB-973, AB-974, AB-975, AB-987, AB-989, AB-990, AB-1008, AB-1015, AB-1024, AB-1028, AB-1060, AB-1077, SB-103, SB-350, SB-369, SB-405, SB-447, SB-450, SB-459, SB-501, SB-502, SB-510, SB-536, SB-537, SB-602 -  AR50
Special orders of business for March 9, 2006 established re AB-71, AB-87, AB-129, AB-287, AB-328, AB-538, AB-587, AB-639, AB-735, AB-777, AB-875, AB-887, AB-937, AB-966, AB-1002, AB-1003, AB-1026, AB-1032, AB-1035, AB-1044, AB-1078, AB-1090, SB-123, SB-145, SB-150, SB-183, SB-226, SB-268, SB-272, SB-273, SB-284, SB-338, SB-352, SB-359, SB-362, SB-363, SB-364, SB-365, SB-380, SB-420, SB-453, SB-457, SB-474, SB-487, SB-488, SB-489, SB-490, SB-491, SB-492, SB-493, SB-494, SB-512, SB-515, SB-527, SB-539, SB-540, SB-547, SB-549, SB-555, SB-556, SB-557, SB-560, SB-562, SB-579, SB-591, SB-592, SB-597, SB-601, SB-612, SB-613, SB-638, SB-642, SB-652, SJR-33 -  AR51
``Special tool builder" regulations created re liens, public nuisances, and shareholder liability; expert witness testimony provisions -  AB278
Voluntary intoxication as defense to criminal liability eliminated  - AB838
Wisconsin Consumer Act: exclusion for consumer credit and other transactions over set amount modified; certain types of credit discrimination are presumed to be unconscionable; court may order damages to be paid in civil forfeiture cases brought by DFI -  SB694
Witness exclusion order not applicable to certain law enforcement investigators in criminal or delinquency cases  - AB37
Witness intimidation: conditions for felony offense expanded re trial or inquiry -  AB643
Witness intimidation: conditions for felony offense expanded re trial or inquiry -  AB728
court_appointed special advocate _casa_Court-appointed special advocate (CASA), see Juvenile court
coyoteCoyote, see Game
Banking, Division of, regulatory authority over insurance premium finance companies, certain loan companies, loan originators, and mortgage bankers and brokers modified; requirements for certain consumer loans secured by a first lien revised; CPA as shareholder of a service corporation organized for carrying on the profession of CPA provision  - AB1037
Consumer credit transaction and open-end credit plan: late payment charge provisions modified - SB667
Consumer credit transactions: interest rate determination revised; out of state financial institutions and DFI provisions - SB328
Consumer reports: individuals may prohibit a consumer reporting agency from releasing; ``security freeze" notice defined; Division of Banking duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, actions for damages, costs, and attorney fees added, enforcement by DATCP, Division of Banking provisions removed] -  AB912
Debit card use: prohibition on merchant placing a hold on the account to cover anticipated costs created; Wisconsin Consumer Act provisions -  AB1050
Deceptive advertising and fraudulent representation civil forfeitures revised; court may order restitution in addition to civil forfeitures for Wisconsin Consumer Act violations  - AB488
Fine, forfeiture, fee, and surcharge collection: use of debt collector and credit or debit cards allowed; certified debt collection by DOR modified; DOT may disclose certain information to DOR [A.Amdt.4: public official authority to disclose financially identifying information restricted]  - AB211
Late or delinquent payment on transactions subject to the Wisconsin Consumer Act: merchant prohibited from imposing; conditions specified -  AB1164
Mail theft prohibitions expanded; identity theft penalty enhancement if victim is elderly, under age 18, disabled, or a vulnerable adult; SSN use by employer or on driver's license as unique ID number prohibited; employer may request SSN only when offer of employment is made to applicant; restricting release of credit reports, fees, notice, and civil action provisions  - SB581
Motor vehicle consumer lease or consumer credit sale of a motor vehicle: material false statement in credit application added to definition of ``default" -  AB496
Motor vehicle fuel purchase paid with cash: motor vehicle fuel retailers may offer discounts [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, expanded to include any purchase paid in cash, credit card issuer may not prohibit] -  SB180
Open-end credit plan: certain deceptive advertising practices prohibited and disclosures on billing statements required - AB332
Register of deeds prohibited from recording certain instruments containing more than a partial SSN; liability for damages, federal tax lien, and credit reporting agencies provisions  - AB738
Rental vehicle damage: provisions revised re definition of ``accident", storage fees, repair estimates, and use of credit - AB1024
Rental vehicle damage: provisions revised re definition of ``accident", storage fees, repair estimates, and use of credit [S.Amdt.1: theft provision revised; S.Amdt.2: ``government fee" provision added] -  SB623
Seller credit card: employer cannot require or discriminate against employee who fails or refuses to solicit customers to apply for; DWD provision -  AB367
Special orders of business for December 15, 2005 established re AB-15, AB-21, AB-51, AB-187, AB-498, AB-523, AB-574, AB-586, AB-594, AB-614, AB-618, AB-805, AB-806, AB-850, SB-206, SB-426 - AR45
Uniform Commercial Code revisions re letters of credit -  AB1036
Wisconsin Consumer Act scope revised and remedies modified; Uniform Commercial Code consumer lease limit increased  - AB333
credit cardCredit card, see Credit
credit unionCredit union, see also Financial institution
College savings program bank deposit trust fund and college savings program credit union trust fund established  - AB1153
College savings program bank deposit trust fund and college savings program credit union trust fund established  - SB661
Credit union branches re limited services established outside the state before certain date: reference removed (remedial legislation) -  SB495
Special orders of business for March 2, 2006 established re AB-172, AB-539, AB-579, AB-785, AB-851, AB-904, AB-933, AB-945, AB-976, AB-992, AB-993, AB-1021, AB-1036, AB-1037, AB-1038, AB-1052, AB-1054, AB-1071, AB-1072, AB-1073, AB-1074, SB-161, SB-221, SB-259, SB-312, SB-414, SB-495, SB-496, SB-497, SB-511, SB-529, SJR-33 -  AR49
Wisconsin Credit Union Savings Insurance Corporation: provisions removed (remedial legislation)  - SB511
Age which alleged violators of criminal law, civil law, or municipal ordinance is subject to circuit or municipal court versus juvenile court raised -  AB82
Albino deer or deer with entirely white coat: hunting prohibition changed from administrative rule to statute; penalty provisions - SB654
American soldiers in Iraq charged with theft for using metal from broken equipment to reinforce their vehicles: exemption from rules prohibiting memorializing Congress or the federal government [Assembly rules 32 (1)(a) and 39 (1)]  - AR30
Burglary: intentionally entering a motor home without consent and with intent to commit battery made a felony  - AB772
Cellular telepone use by vehicle operator during accident: new form of traffic offense created; DOT to prepare uniform report form or automated format; rebuttable presumption created; written warning re sale or lease of phones required; JCRCP duties -  AB1113
Child abuse or neglect: false statement knowingly made by person required to report such incidents prohibited  - AB80
Child safety alarm required in certain vehicles used to transport children to and from the child care provider; penalty provisions - AB876
Child safety alarm required in certain vehicles used to transport children to and from the child care provider; penalty provisions - SB344
Child unattended in child care vehicle: prohibition created; fine provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, convicted person is ineligible for kinship care payments, denial of certain licenses re child care, and may not be licensed for foster care or teaching for set period if death was a consequence]  - AB826
Child unattended in child care vehicle: prohibition created; fine provision -  SB423
Cigarettes and tobacco products: direct marketing regulations re cigarettes apply to tobacco products; local government may not issue a license to sell to persons with certain arrest or conviction record; direct marketer with valid state license is not required to have a license from each local government where products are sold -  AB1170
College student convicted of certain crimes re controlled substances made ineligible for a state grant, loan, or work assistance -  SB187
Compensating other persons for obtaining voter registrations prohibited under certain conditions; misdemeanor and fine provisions -  AB542
Compensating other persons for obtaining voter registrations prohibited under certain conditions; misdemeanor and fine provisions -  SB249
Computer system or telephone used to invite harassment or send obscene, lewd, or profane messages prohibited; penalty provided -  AB188
Computers used in crimes against children: seizure authorized -  AB424
Confidential voter registration for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking: procedure modified re affidavit verifying victim's status and certain victim service providers - AB707
Confidential voter registration for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking: procedure modified re affidavit verifying victim's status and certain victim service providers - SB341
Controlled substances schedule: GBL restriction specified for human consumption; BDO for human consumption added  - SB294
Crime related to a felony sexual assault: time limit and DNA exception for prosecuting felony sexual assault expanded to include -  AB648
Crime related to a felony sexual assault: time limit and DNA exception for prosecuting felony sexual assault expanded to include -  SB315
Crimes committed against an individual age 65 or over: penalty enhancers created -  AB1172
Crimes committed by three or more persons: maximum imprisonment increased and a misdemeanor becomes a felony; crimes covered specified -  AB1018
Defendant in criminal proceeding not required to be present at certain meetings or conferences that may be before the court; condition for release on bail provision  - AB1136
Digital representations re photograph, film, motion picture, audio, or video is admissible under certain conditions; knowingly submitting altered evidence is a misdemeanor  - AB472
DNA evidence: retention and postconviction testing of modified  - AB648
DNA evidence: retention and postconviction testing of modified  - SB315
Domestic abuse arrests: presumption changed from primary physical aggressor to ``predominant aggressor"; definition, law enforcement policies, and bail provisions  - AB436
``Elastic yo-yo": sale or distribution of prohibited -  AB692
``Elastic yo-yo": sale or distribution of prohibited -  SB335
Election administration changes re voter registration and certain absentee ballot deadlines, ballot information and transmittal, absentee ballot canvassing procedure, ballot preparation, and compensation for obtaining voter registrations  - SB468
Elective state and local officials prohibited from soliciting money or things of value on behalf of certain committees or organizations; forfeiture provision  - AB1005
Electronic mail solicitation regulations created re fraudulent information and misrepresented identity; DATCP, affirmative defense, and civil and criminal penalty provisions  - AB685
Electronic mail solicitation regulations created re fraudulent information and misrepresented identity; DATCP, affirmative defense, and civil and criminal penalty provisions  - SB320
Employee of a 1st class city: intentionally causing or threatening to cause bodily harm to the employee made a crime  - AB1166
Executive branch agency secretary, deputy, executive assistant, division administrator, or commissioner prohibited from soliciting a political contribution and hosting, endorsing, or sponsoring a fund-raising event on behalf of a candidate; penalty provisions -  AB996
Executive branch agency secretary, deputy, executive assistant, division administrator, or commissioner prohibited from soliciting a political contribution and hosting, endorsing, or sponsoring a fund-raising event on behalf of a candidate; penalty provisions -  SB553
Expungement of misdemeanors revised -  AB280