cwd _chronic wasting disease_CWD (Chronic wasting disease), see Animal — Disease
d - D -
dairy productDairy product
TIF approved purposes re towns: ``agricultural project" expanded to include ``farm product warehousing and storage, refrigerated" -  AB973
TIF approved purposes re towns: ``agricultural project" expanded to include ``farm product warehousing and storage, refrigerated" -  SB543
Unpasteurized milk: sale to consumers authorized under certain conditions; warning statement provision  - AB453
Vehicles transporting specified materials: annual or consecutive month overweight permit created and issued by local highway authorities; DOT to prepare an appendix report  - AB1107
damage _personal injury_Damage (personal injury)
Abortion for unemancipated minor: parental consent law and evidence heard by circuit court revised  - AB175
Abortion for unemancipated minor: parental consent law and evidence heard by circuit court revised  - SB97
Anatomical gift requests from a hospital, organ procurement organization, tissue bank, coroner, or medical examiner: consent requirements for certain uses of tissue created; civil damages, unprofessional conduct, and standards for entity receiving the donation provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, civil liability and professional conduct provisions removed, forfeiture and DHFS report added] -  AB659
Anatomical gift requests from a hospital, organ procurement organization, tissue bank, coroner, or medical examiner: consent requirements for certain uses of tissue created; civil damages, unprofessional conduct, and standards for entity receiving the donation provisions -  SB395
Automatic defibrillator: civil liability immunity for users, owners, and providers of semiautomatic defibrillators expanded to include -  AB306
Automatic defibrillator: civil liability immunity for users, owners, and providers of semiautomatic defibrillators expanded to include [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, ``automated external defibrillator" replaces the terms ``automatic defibrillator" and ``semiautomatic defibrillator", certain training and written notification requirements eliminated] - SB186
Child safety restraint system in motor vehicles: civil liability immunity for technicians and organizations that provide safety programs re inspection or installation  - AB376
Child safety restraint system in motor vehicles: civil liability immunity for technicians and organizations that provide safety programs re inspection or installation  - SB386
Civil liability immunity for certain transportation programs re transportation for individuals who wish to avoid operating a vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant  - AB109
Consumer reports: individuals may prohibit a consumer reporting agency from releasing; ``security freeze" notice defined; Division of Banking duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, actions for damages, costs, and attorney fees added, enforcement by DATCP, Division of Banking provisions removed] -  AB912
Double-decked bus restrictions re operation on highways modified; liability provision [for further revisions, see entry under ``Bus and truck"] -  AB169
Employment discrimination: action in circuit court to recover damages permitted, surcharge provision; committee to study wage disparities between men and women and minority group and nonminority group members -  AB406
Employment discrimination: action in circuit court to recover damages permitted, surcharge provision; committee to study wage disparities between men and women and minority group and nonminority group members -  SB195
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded to include sterilization, abortion, experiments re in vitro human embryos, procedures re fetal tissue, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings; health care providers and health facilities employees revisions; definitions, disciplinary actions, liability, and damages provisions [A.Amdt.1: access to patient health care records provision added] -  AB207
Failure-to-stop violation: liability imposed upon the owner of the vehicle; certain defenses accepted  - AB966
Firearms and ammunition manufacturers, importers, dealers, trade associations, shooting range owners, and sportsmen's clubs: bringing actions against prohibited; civil liability immunity provisions -  AB56
Fireworks law revisions re user's permits, displays, wholesalers, and penalties and enforcement; liability and seized property provisions -  AB1083
Gift certificate, card, or other gift obligation: sale and redemption of regulated; DATCP and DA authority; forfeiture and private right of action provisions - AB583
Gift certificate, card, or other gift obligation: sale and redemption of regulated; DATCP and DA authority; forfeiture and private right of action provisions - SB292
Health care provider statement of apology or condolence is inadmissible in a civil action or administrative hearing  - AB1021
Ice holes in lakes created by aerating water: alternative warning methods allowed for certain organizations [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, openings, streams, and ponds added, liability and penalty provisions added, rule-making authority removed, owner of riparian property provisions added]  - AB923
Loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases re adult children and parents -  SB456
Manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of products may be held liable if injured party proves the specific product or chemically identical product that caused the injury was manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted by the defendant, in addition to other considerations; time limit provision - AB778
Manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of products may be held liable if injured party proves the specific product or chemically identical product that caused the injury was manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted by the defendant, in addition to other considerations; time limit provision [S.Amdt.1: relevant production period provisions]  - SB402
Medical malpractice case: introduction of collateral source payments and evidence of the injured or dead person's obligations of subrogation or reimbursement resulting from collateral source payments allowed; damage award provision [A.Sub. Amdt.1: further revisions, ``death" references removed]  - AB764
Medical malpractice case: introduction of collateral source payments and evidence of the injured person's obligations of subrogation or reimbursement resulting from collateral source payments allowed; damage award provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  AB1072
Medical malpractice: limit on noneconomic damages created; Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund, OCI, and JCF provisions -  AB960
Medical malpractice: limit on noneconomic damages created; report from board of governors of the Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund required - AB766
Medical malpractice: limit on noneconomic damages created; report from board of governors of the Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund required - AB1073
Medical malpractice: limit on noneconomic damages created; report from board of governors of the Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund required - SB393
Mobile telephone service contracts: provisions for termination by members of the military called into active service [A.Amdt.3: suspension added, action for damages provision] - AB1174
Motor vehicle operator involved in an accident resulting in death or great bodily harm: law enforcement officer may request a test for controlled substance, alcohol, or other drugs; OWI arrest provision -  SB611
Motor vehicle operator involved in an accident resulting in death or injury: law enforcement officer may request a test for controlled substance, alcohol, or other drugs; OWI arrest provision - AB752
Newborn umbilical cord blood donation: health care provider to offer information on options [A.Amdt.1: civil liability provision added; A.Amdt.2: refusal of a health care provider to participate for religious or personal conviction deleted]  - AB270
Operating a motor vehicle with a cancelled, suspended, or revoked privilege or knowingly operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license: penalties for causing property damage, injury, great bodily harm, or death [S.Amdt.1: felony changed to misdemeanor, misdemeanor changed to forfeiture] - SB626
Operating a vehicle after suspension or revocation: felony penalties created for causing injury or death  - AB364
Person injured by manufactured product: criteria established re liability of manufacturer, distributor, or seller  - AB101
Person injured by manufactured product: criteria established re liability of manufacturer, distributor, or seller  - SB58
Private campground: civil liability immunity to owner, operator, employees, and agents -  AB55
Punitive damages: proof the plaintiff must provide modified - AB843
Punitive damages: proof the plaintiff must provide modified [S.Amdt.1: voluntary intoxication or drugged condition not a defense; S.Amdt.2: introduction of evidence of imposed penalty relevant to subject of the case permitted, disposition of punitive damages; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions of S.Amdt.2 removed] -  SB447
Register of deeds prohibited from recording certain instruments containing more than a partial SSN; liability for damages and federal tax lien provisions [A.Amdt.2: vital records and certain memorial exceptions; A.Amdt.3: partial SSN provisions changed to full SSN, register of deeds may remove or obscure an SSN before recording] -  AB536
Register of deeds prohibited from recording certain instruments containing more than a partial SSN; liability for damages, federal tax lien, and credit reporting agencies provisions  - AB738
Sexual contact by member of clergy resulting in injury: time limit to bring action for damages - AB612
Sexual contact by member of clergy resulting in injury: time limit to bring action for damages - SB287
Special orders of business for March 7, 2006 established re AB-19, AB-33, AB-96, AB-353, AB-588, AB-596, AB-671, AB-673, AB-675, AB-680, AB-681, AB-686, AB-751, AB-801, AB-838, AB-842, AB-856, AB-874, AB-900, AB-928, AB-934, AB-936, AB-958, AB-973, AB-974, AB-975, AB-987, AB-989, AB-990, AB-1008, AB-1015, AB-1024, AB-1028, AB-1060, AB-1077, SB-103, SB-350, SB-369, SB-405, SB-447, SB-450, SB-459, SB-501, SB-502, SB-510, SB-536, SB-537, SB-602 -  AR50
State of emergency re natural disaster or enemy action: certain liability immunity extended to persons who provide materials, equipment, labor, or services to aid in recovery without expecting compensation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, enemy action, natural or man-made disaster, and federal state of emergency added; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB958
Telephone record pertaining to another person: obtaining, soliciting, or selling without the person's consent for fraudulent reasons prohibited; definitions, Internet, and penalty provisions [S.Amdt.1: actions for damages provision revised]  - AB1014
Wisconsin Consumer Act: exclusion for consumer credit and other transactions over set amount modified; certain types of credit discrimination are presumed to be unconscionable; court may order damages to be paid in civil forfeiture cases brought by DFI -  SB694
Wrongful birth or wrongful life action: recovery of damages - SB71
damage _to property_Damage (to property)
Animal condemnation re BSE or CWD: disease indemnity revision [Sec. 1753-1755] -  AB100
Common elements of a condominium: unit owner may repair damage and withhold costs from an assessment under certain conditions -  AB749
Construction defect claims against contractors and suppliers re home construction or remodel: procedures created; contractor required to provide certain brochure to potential claimant with the contract; condominium association and Comm.Dept provisions -  AB1031
Construction defect claims against contractors and suppliers re home or manufactured home construction or remodel: procedures created; contractor required to provide certain notice to potential claimant with the contract; condominium association and Comm.Dept provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, manufactured home removed, notice replaced with brochure] - SB448
Double-decked bus restrictions re operation on highways modified; liability provision [for further revisions, see entry under ``Bus and truck"] -  AB169
Environmental claims under general liability insurance policies; fee for removal of contaminated material from navigable waters authorized -  AB222
Environmental claims under general liability insurance policies; fee for removal of contaminated material from navigable waters authorized -  SB137
Failure-to-stop violation: liability imposed upon the owner of the vehicle; certain defenses accepted  - AB966
Fireworks law revisions re user's permits, displays, wholesalers, and penalties and enforcement; liability and seized property provisions -  AB1083
Graffiti violations: damage threshold for felony senetence lowered -  AB459
Graffiti violations: damage threshold for felony senetence lowered -  SB227
Highway signs and markers: penalty for damaging or removing increased -  AB238
Highways in need of repair and accumulation of snow or ice: liability of cities, villages, towns, and counties for damages revised -  AB509
Motor vehicle accident: minimum amount of property damage required to be reported to law enforcement lowered; damaged property expanded to include taxicabs and private vehicles used under contract with state or local governments  - AB1211
Operating a motor vehicle with a cancelled, suspended, or revoked privilege or knowingly operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license: penalties for causing property damage, injury, great bodily harm, or death [S.Amdt.1: felony changed to misdemeanor, misdemeanor changed to forfeiture] - SB626
Otters causing damage to fish farms: operator authorized to capture or kill without DNR license or permit; reimbursement from DNR provision -  AB490
Private campground: civil liability immunity to owner, operator, employees, and agents -  AB55
Raw forest product cutting or removing: failure to pay re contract prohibited; civil action provision  - AB165
Raw forest product cutting or removing: failure to pay re contract prohibited; civil action provision  - SB188
Rental vehicle damage: provisions revised re definition of ``accident", storage fees, repair estimates, and use of credit - AB1024
Rental vehicle damage: provisions revised re definition of ``accident", storage fees, repair estimates, and use of credit [S.Amdt.1: theft provision revised; S.Amdt.2: ``government fee" provision added] -  SB623
State of emergency re natural disaster or enemy action: certain liability immunity extended to persons who provide materials, equipment, labor, or services to aid in recovery without expecting compensation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, enemy action, natural or man-made disaster, and federal state of emergency added; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB958
dane countyDane County
Charter schools: U.W. System president may operate or contract to operate with Regents approval; Dane County specified  - AB768