Election day procedures: high school student poll workers, poll closing procedures re waiting voters, conduct of election observers, proof of residence, election threats, certain election-related material prohibited, polling place map, lists of felons ineligible to vote, and greeter at polling place  - SB612
Election observers prohibited from handling election materials or wearing clothing or insignia indicating status as an election official; challenge re the qualifications of an elector must be presented to the chief inspector - SB635
Election official residency requirement revised re special voter registration deputy -  AB61
Elections Board required to train all poll workers, special registration deputies, and special voting deputies; certification provisions -  AB542
Elections Board required to train all poll workers, special registration deputies, and special voting deputies; certification provisions -  SB249
Felons ineligible to vote: Corr.Dept to maintain list; poll worker and Elections Board procedures and duties specified  - AB542
Felons ineligible to vote: Corr.Dept to maintain list; poll worker and Elections Board procedures and duties specified  - SB249
Municipality to implement procedures to ensure maximum 30 minute wait to vote, conduct postelection performance review, and adopt election day administration plan; additional inspector appointed for certain elections - AB542
Municipality to implement procedures to ensure maximum 30 minute wait to vote, conduct postelection performance review, and adopt election day administration plan; additional inspector appointed for certain elections - SB249
Polling place hours revised [S.Amdt.2: appropriation for related costs created] -  AB64
Post-election procedures: time for delivery of election materials, inspectors' statements, county and municipal clerk serving on board of canvassers, grounds for recall re local elective offices, retention of unused ballots, recount procedures, and post-election audits [S.Amdt.3: petition for recall provisions deleted; A.Amdt.8: petition for recall restored but modified] - SB612
Pre-election procedures: qualifications of circulators of nomination papers and petitions, notice of school district referendum, contingency planning report, guidance to local units of government regarding election-related purchases, and election official training and term of appointment  - SB612
Voter registration application included with motor vehicle operator's license or state ID card application or renewal application; certain DOT employees appointed as special registration deputies -  AB542
Voter registration application included with motor vehicle operator's license or state ID card application or renewal application; certain DOT employees appointed as special registration deputies -  SB249
Voter registration: identifying document required and acceptable documents specified; absentee ballot revisions; use of corroborating electors discontinued; state ID card provisions re no charge and no photograph; special voting deputies permitted in adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes re absentee voting; Corr.Dept to provide Elections Board with list of felons ineligible to vote; Elections Board duties specified - AB808
Voter registration: identifying document required and acceptable documents specified; absentee ballot revisions; use of corroborating electors discontinued; state ID card provisions re no charge and no photograph; special voting deputies permitted in adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes re absentee voting; Corr.Dept to provide Elections Board with list of felons ineligible to vote; Elections Board duties specified - SB355
elections _ registrationElections — Registration
Citizenship status of electors: Elections Board to prescribe procedure to verify at time of registration; absentee ballot provision -  SB634
Compensating other persons for obtaining voter registrations prohibited under certain conditions; misdemeanor and fine provisions -  AB542
Compensating other persons for obtaining voter registrations prohibited under certain conditions; misdemeanor and fine provisions -  SB249
Confidential voter registration for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking: procedure modified re affidavit verifying victim's status and certain victim service providers - AB707
Confidential voter registration for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking: procedure modified re affidavit verifying victim's status and certain victim service providers - SB341
Election administration changes re voter registration and certain absentee ballot deadlines, ballot information and transmittal, absentee ballot canvassing procedure, ballot preparation, and compensation for obtaining voter registrations  - SB468
Election registration revisions re registration form format, public access to birth date information, and posting of polling place information -  AB542
Election registration revisions re registration form format, public access to birth date information, and posting of polling place information -  SB249
Elections Board information technology development projects: JLAC to request performance evaluation audit [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9130 (2q)] -  AB100
Felons ineligible to vote: Corr.Dept to maintain list; poll worker and Elections Board procedures and duties specified  - AB542
Felons ineligible to vote: Corr.Dept to maintain list; poll worker and Elections Board procedures and duties specified  - SB249
Satellite locations for absentee ballots and voter registration created; absentee ballot canvassing procedures and challenges revised -  AB542
Satellite locations for absentee ballots and voter registration created; absentee ballot canvassing procedures and challenges revised -  SB249
Special order of business for February 24, 2005 established re AB-63 -  AR9
Special order of business for June 21, 2005 established re SB-42  - AR18
Special registration deputies: conditions for acceptance of registration forms specified -  SB100
Voter registration and voting: photographic ID issued by this state or the federal government required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR36
Voter registration application included with motor vehicle operator's license or state ID card application or renewal application; certain DOT employees appointed as special registration deputies -  AB542
Voter registration application included with motor vehicle operator's license or state ID card application or renewal application; certain DOT employees appointed as special registration deputies -  SB249
Voter registration at office of the county clerk or board of election commissioners permitted -  AB888
Voter registration deadline changed; polling place registration eliminated; residency requirement revised; provisional ballot conditions; simultaneous voter registration re motor vehicle driver's license, public assistance, armed forces recruiting offices, and offices for services to persons with disabilities - AB782
Voter registration deadline changed; polling place registration eliminated; residency requirement revised; provisional ballot conditions; simultaneous voter registration re motor vehicle driver's license, public assistance, armed forces recruiting offices, and offices for services to persons with disabilities - SB396
Voter registration: identifying document required and acceptable documents specified; absentee ballot revisions; use of corroborating electors discontinued; state ID card provisions re no charge and no photograph; special voting deputies permitted in adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes re absentee voting; Corr.Dept to provide Elections Board with list of felons ineligible to vote; Elections Board duties specified - AB808
Voter registration: identifying document required and acceptable documents specified; absentee ballot revisions; use of corroborating electors discontinued; state ID card provisions re no charge and no photograph; special voting deputies permitted in adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes re absentee voting; Corr.Dept to provide Elections Board with list of felons ineligible to vote; Elections Board duties specified - SB355
Voter registration revisions re required ID, deadline, locations, prohibiting certain payment, verification of pre-election registration, same-day registration, double voting audits, out-of-state driver's license holders, and uniform forms; fee and Elections Board provisions -  SB612
Voter registration: valid Wisconsin driver's license or ID card or uniformed service ID card required; use of corroborating electors discontinued; absentee ballot, provisional ballot, surrendered driver's license, confidential address re domestic abuse, and photo requirement exemption re religious tenets provisions [A.Amdt.7: absentee voting procedure in certain residential care apartment complexes and adult family homes added]  - AB63
Voter registration: valid Wisconsin driver's license or ID card or uniformed service ID card required; use of corroborating electors discontinued; absentee ballot, provisional ballot, surrendered driver's license, confidential address re domestic abuse, and photo requirement exemption re religious tenets provisions [for further revisions, see entry under ``Elections Board"] - SB42
elections boardElections Board
Campaign finance law revisions and penalties modified; income tax, lobbying regulation, and Elections Board provisions; 2001 WisAct 109 changes; nonseverability condition  - AB226
Campaign finance law revisions and penalties modified; income tax, lobbying regulation, and Elections Board provisions; 2001 WisAct 109 changes; nonseverability condition  - SB46
Campaign finance law revisions re filing reports, disbursement limitations and independent disbursements, contribution limitations and restrictions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, disposition of residual or excess funds, WECF, penalties for violations, and public broadcasting television stations and public access channels; Elections Board and nonseverability provisions (deletes changes made by 2001 WisAct 109)  - AB392
Campaign finance law revisions re filing reports, disbursement limitations and independent disbursements, contribution limitations and restrictions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, disposition of residual or excess funds, WECF, penalties for violations, and public broadcasting television stations and public access channels; Elections Board and nonseverability provisions (deletes changes made by 2001 WisAct 109)  - SB538
Campaign finance law revisions re 2001 WisAct 109: provisions deleted re Elections Board authority to allocate percentage of income tax returns to WECF -  AB429
Campaign finance reports re information concerning individual contributuions: Elections Board prohibited from promulgating certain rules -  AB1226
Campaign finance reports re information concerning individual contributuions: Elections Board prohibited from promulgating certain rules -  SB733
Citizenship status of electors: Elections Board to prescribe procedure to verify at time of registration; absentee ballot provision -  SB634
Elections Board database projects: DOA assistance re vendor selection for computer conversion project and creation of campaign finance database [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (10q)]  - AB100
Elections Board information technology development projects: JLAC to request performance evaluation audit [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9130 (2q)] -  AB100
Elections Board required to train all poll workers, special registration deputies, and special voting deputies; certification provisions -  AB542
Elections Board required to train all poll workers, special registration deputies, and special voting deputies; certification provisions -  SB249
Electronic voting system standards re generation of paper ballots and software coding [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, minimum font size on ballot requirement removed, software coding provisions modified, recount of votes provisions, Elections Board authority re access to software components, municipality and county contract provision] - AB627
Federal campaign committee converting funds to a Wisconsin state campaign committee re political purposes: Elections Board prohibited from promulgating certain rule  - AB157
Federal campaign committee converting funds to a Wisconsin state campaign committee re political purposes: Elections Board prohibited from promulgating certain rule  - SB105
Felons ineligible to vote: Corr.Dept to maintain list; poll worker and Elections Board procedures and duties specified  - AB542
Felons ineligible to vote: Corr.Dept to maintain list; poll worker and Elections Board procedures and duties specified  - SB249
Gifts and grants provision created [Sec. 431] -  AB100
Government Accountability Board created and Enforcement Division provisions; Elections Board and Ethics Board abolished -  SB1
ID cards issued or renewed without charge by DOT: appropriation provided re Help America Vote Act funds (contingent upon enactment of AB-63 or SB-42) - SB119
Illegal activity investigation fund created and moneys appropriated to Elections Board for investigating suspected violations of campaign finance law; donations by registered candidates provision -  AB1082
Post-election procedures: time for delivery of election materials, inspectors' statements, county and municipal clerk serving on board of canvassers, grounds for recall re local elective offices, retention of unused ballots, recount procedures, and post-election audits [S.Amdt.3: petition for recall provisions deleted; A.Amdt.8: petition for recall restored but modified] - SB612
Voter registration: identifying document required and acceptable documents specified; absentee ballot revisions; use of corroborating electors discontinued; state ID card provisions re no charge and no photograph; special voting deputies permitted in adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes re absentee voting; Corr.Dept to provide Elections Board with list of felons ineligible to vote; Elections Board duties specified - AB808
Voter registration: identifying document required and acceptable documents specified; absentee ballot revisions; use of corroborating electors discontinued; state ID card provisions re no charge and no photograph; special voting deputies permitted in adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes re absentee voting; Corr.Dept to provide Elections Board with list of felons ineligible to vote; Elections Board duties specified - SB355
Voter registration revisions re required ID, deadline, locations, prohibiting certain payment, verification of pre-election registration, same-day registration, double voting audits, out-of-state driver's license holders, and uniform forms; fee and Elections Board provisions -  SB612
Voter registration: valid Wisconsin driver's license or ID card or uniformed service ID card required; use of corroborating electors discontinued; absentee ballot, provisional ballot, surrendered driver's license, confidential address re domestic abuse, and photo requirement exemption re religious tenets provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, exception for nursing home, CBRF, adult family homes, and residential care apartment residents, special voting deputies provision; S.Amdt.9: registration and voting procedures for persons convicted of felonies, notification re ineligibility to vote during parole or extended supervision] -  SB42
electric applianceElectric appliance
Electronic equipment disposal laws revised re producer responsibility, fee, prohibition on hazardous substances in equipment, landfill ban, and state purchasing  - SB367
Energy efficient equipment: income and franchise tax credits created re sales and use taxes paid on purchase of; certain consumer electronics excepted -  AB744
Energy efficient equipment re Energy Star program: sales and use tax exemptions created; certain consumer electronics excluded -  AB585
electric bicycleElectric bicycle, see Bicycle
Certificates of public convenience and necessity: electric utility application approval by PSC modified  - AB441
Certificates of public convenience and necessity: electric utility application approval by PSC modified  - SB219
Condemnation of real property owned by city, county, town, or village by a public utility or foreign transmission provider for the location or construction of transmission lines authorized; DOA, PSC, and environmental impact fee provisions  - AB412
Discharging a firearm in the direction of an electric transmission facility prohibited [A.Amdt.1: telecommunications added, ``transmission facility" definition]  - AB748
Double-decked bus restrictions re operation on highways modified; liability provision [for further revisions, see entry under ``Bus and truck"] -  AB169
Electric generating facility purchase or construction proposal from a public utility: order for advance rate-making principles PSC will apply permitted; hearings provision  - AB153
Electric generating facility purchase or construction proposal from a public utility: order for advance rate-making principles PSC will apply permitted; hearings provision [S.Amdt.1: further revisions, emergency rule procedures exemption removed] - SB79
Electric service provided by municipal utilities to rental dwellings: procedure to collect arrearages modified  - SB170
High-voltage transmission line construction: authorizing conveyance of property owned by county, city, village, town, or public board or commission to an electric utility or cooperative association if it received certain certificate from PSC  - SB234
High-voltage transmission line construction: authorizing conveyance of property owned by county, city, village, town, public board or commission, public utility, or cooperative association to a public utility if it received certain certificate from PSC; fair market value provisions [A.Amdt.2: ``public utility" changed to ``electric utility" and fair market value provisions revised] -  AB437
Nuclear power plant construction: approval requirements changed -  AB1053
Nuclear power plant construction: approval requirements changed -  SB594