employment relations commissionEmployment Relations Commission
MERA: final offer re compensation and fringe benefits submitted to WERC limited -  AB857
Spending limits for cities, villages, towns, counties, and technical college districts established, referendum required to exceed the limit; school district revenue modified; QEO exception eliminated from binding arbitration process; MERA revisions re limiting certain expenditures and factors arbitrators must consider; school district professional employees provisions - AB462
State employee appeals to WERC: crediting of filing fees and appropriation purposes expanded [Sec. 296, 2111]  - AB100
WERC to determine representatives of collective bargaining units by certifying the results of certain authorization cards submitted by employees -  AB930
WERC to determine representatives of collective bargaining units by certifying the results of certain authorization cards submitted by employees -  SB348
ems or emt _emergency medical service or technician_EMS or EMT (Emergency medical service or technician), see Medical service
endangered resource or speciesEndangered resource or species, see Natural resource
energy conservationEnergy conservation
Alternative energy source supplier: definition and exemption from definition of ``public utility" and PSC regulation under certain conditions -  AB1075
Alternative energy sources to generate electricity and heat water: income and franchise tax credits created; sales tax provision - AB767
Consumer goods and services sold at unreasonably excessive prices during periods of abnormal economic disruption re emergency prohibited; penalty, DATCP, and DOJ provisions  - AB1222
Consumer goods and services sold at unreasonably excessive prices during periods of abnormal economic disruption re emergency prohibited; penalty, DATCP, and DOJ provisions  - SB358
DATCP grants re agricultural products and wastes as energy sources, reduction and use of agricultural wastes, and biochemical development [Sec. 145, 1752; A.Sub.Amdt.1: biennial appropriation from segregated agrichemical management fund; grants specified re agricultural development and diversification, sustainable agriculture, and bio-industry grant program; bio-industry to include forestry waste and bio-diesel technologies; grant to Cashton Area Development Corporation, 145j, 1751v, 1752d, 9103 (4d)] -  AB100
Energy costs study by U.W. System Regents and DOA: report to Building Commission [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9152 (6q)]  - AB100
Energy efficient equipment: income and franchise tax credits created re sales and use taxes paid on purchase of; certain consumer electronics excepted -  AB744
Energy efficient equipment re Energy Star program: sales and use tax exemptions created; certain consumer electronics excluded -  AB585
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time fund transfer from the petroleum inspection fund -  AB1106
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time fund transfer from the petroleum inspection fund -  FE6 AB1
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time fund transfer from the petroleum inspection fund [S.Amdt.1: applications due by certain date] -  FE6 SB1
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time funding transfer from the petroleum inspection fund -  SB598
Low-income home energy assistance program funding restriction removed [Sec. 60, 61, 80] - AB100
MA GPR appropriation decreased and transfer of certain amount from general fund to MA trust fund; low-income energy assistance program income eligibility revised and GPR appropriation -  SB582
Renewable Energy Awareness Week (the week of the summer solstice) and Renewable Energy Awareness Day (June 21) to be designated each year -  SJR28
Renewable energy requirements re electric utilities and cooperatives modified; certain state agencies required to generate or purchase renewable energy; energy efficiency standards imposed in certain state contracts; energy conservation code changed; anaerobic digestor research funding; public benefits program revisions; report provisions  - AB841
Renewable energy requirements re electric utilities and cooperatives modified; certain state agencies required to generate or purchase renewable energy; energy efficiency standards imposed in certain state contracts; energy conservation code changed; anaerobic digestor research funding; public benefits program revisions; report provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, PSC duties revised, corn-burning furnace pilot program added; S.Amdt.1: energy consuming equipment provisions] -  SB459
Renewable resource and tangible personal property that uses a renewable resource: sales tax exemption created; technology development grants or loans for research, development, or commercialization activities related to  - SB81
Renewable resource energy requirement for electric utilities and cooperatives: additional deadline created  - SB110
Special orders of business for March 7, 2006 established re AB-19, AB-33, AB-96, AB-353, AB-588, AB-596, AB-671, AB-673, AB-675, AB-680, AB-681, AB-686, AB-751, AB-801, AB-838, AB-842, AB-856, AB-874, AB-900, AB-928, AB-934, AB-936, AB-958, AB-973, AB-974, AB-975, AB-987, AB-989, AB-990, AB-1008, AB-1015, AB-1024, AB-1028, AB-1060, AB-1077, SB-103, SB-350, SB-369, SB-405, SB-447, SB-450, SB-459, SB-501, SB-502, SB-510, SB-536, SB-537, SB-602 -  AR50
Wind farm with certain megawatt capacity is a qualified wholesale electric company for utility aid payment and license fee purposes -  AB245
Wind farm with certain megawatt capacity is a qualified wholesale electric company for utility aid payment and license fee purposes -  SB115
Window replacement loan program created re dwellings constructed before 1950; DOA administrative authority and report required; utility public benefits fund, DHFS, and nonprofit corporation provisions -  AB1030
Window replacement loan program created re dwellings constructed before 1950; DOA administrative authority and report required; utility public benefits fund, DHFS, and nonprofit corporation provisions -  SB622
Engineer positions re highway delivery functions: DOT may request reallocation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9148 (7f)]  - AB100
Engineering instruction by U.W. Platteville at U.W. Rock County campus: appropriation for - AB53
Regents allocation of funds re recommendations of the Committee on Baccalaureate Expansion and the U.W. Rock County engineering initiative [Sec. 9152 (4); A.Sub.Amdt.1: funding revisions, U.W. Fox Valley engineering initiative funding] - AB100
Riprap used to prevent erosion verified by a licensed professional engineer: agencies, other than DNR, prohibited from promulgating or enforcing a rule under certain circumstances - AB734
english languageEnglish language
Court interpreters re persons with limited English proficiency required, regardless of indigence [Sec. 2452, 2453, 9307 (1); original bill only] -  AB100
English for Southeast Asian children: funding re aid to Wausau School District shifted from DWD to DPI; Head Start supplement from TANF funds eliminated [Sec. 179, 188, 1107, 1108, 1859] -  AB100
English language proficiency assessment system: DPI authorized to assist in forming consortium to obtain funds for purchase [Sec. 1857] -  AB100
Ambient air quality standards and nonattainment areas, emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, air pollution permit exemptions, and wastewater discharged from point sources: DNR authority modified -  AB1221
Aquatic invasive species management grants: nonprofit conservation organizations and qualified lake associations made eligible [Sec. 493-495; A.Sub.Amdt.1: funding revisions, organization and association eligibility removed, deletes 493, 494] -  AB100
Brownfield definition revised to include abandoned residential property re assignment of property contaminated by hazardous substances [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB464
Brownfield definition revised to include abandoned residential property re assignment of property contaminated by hazardous substances -  SB198
Brownfields grant program to city of Madison [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 156i, 9108 (3f)] -  AB100
Clean Water Fund, Safe Drinking Water Loan, and Land Recycling Loan programs: bonding and present value subsidy changes [Sec. 461, 462, 2157-2159] -  AB100
Condemnation of real property owned by city, county, town, or village by a public utility or foreign transmission provider for the location or construction of transmission lines authorized; DOA, PSC, and environmental impact fee provisions  - AB412
Conservation fund: transfers from environmental and recycling funds re management of fish and wildlife sources [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 9235 (3m), (4m)] -  AB100
Contaminated property: residual contamination after cleanup under administration of agency with authority over the site, DNR and notification provisions; ERTID revisions; local governmental exemption from solid waste management standards under certain conditions; voluntary party liability exemption modified -  AB999
Contaminated property: residual contamination after cleanup under administration of agency with authority over the site, DNR and notification provisions; ERTID revisions; local governmental exemption from solid waste management standards under certain conditions; voluntary party liability exemption modified -  SB546
DATCP grants re agricultural products and wastes as energy sources, reduction and use of agricultural wastes, and biochemical development [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Energy conservation"]  - AB100
Dredged materials that contain PCBs: solid waste disposal facility prohibited from accepting; municipal liability re materials from Great Lakes basin contaminated with PCBs provision  - AB34
Electronically conducted transactions under DNR administered environmental programs: fees to cover costs authorized [Sec. 239, 2203; original bill only] - AB100
Emergency response teams (regional): highest standards for hazardous materials responder required  - AB25
Emergency response teams (regional): highest standards for hazardous materials responder required  - SB2
Environmental claims under general liability insurance policies; fee for removal of contaminated material from navigable waters authorized -  AB222
Environmental claims under general liability insurance policies; fee for removal of contaminated material from navigable waters authorized -  SB137
Environmental claims under general liability insurance policies: Wisconsin law applied unless policy specifies otherwise  - SB356
Environmental fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9235 (2)] - AB100
Environmental repair bonding authority increased [Sec. 464] - AB100
ERTID: maximum period of certification and expenditure period increased -  AB896
Hazardous substances: abusing or distributing or possessing with intent to abuse or distribute prohibited; definitions and exceptions [A.Amdt.1: household products added to definition] - AB214
Ice holes in lakes created by aerating water: alternative warning methods allowed for certain organizations [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, openings, streams, and ponds added, liability and penalty provisions added, rule-making authority removed, owner of riparian property provisions added]  - AB923
Impact fees: laws revised re imposition by, accounting and use of GAAP, and payment; report required [S.Amdt.2: GAAP and report provisions removed, publication of municipal budget summary and requirements on plat approval conditions provisions added] -  SB681
Impact fees: laws revised re imposition by, time period it must be used, accounting and use of GAAP, and payment; report required -  AB1156
Impact fees: time period in which it must be used and refund process modified -  AB1077
Impact fees: time period in which it must be used and refund process modified -  SB659
Invasive species classification system: terminology correction (remedial legislation) -  SB556
Invasive species control program grants: cap raised and eligible recipients expanded -  SB50
Mobile air conditioners: prohibiting DATCP from promulgating or enforcing certain restrictions to substitutes for ozone-depleting refrigerants -  SB342
Special orders of business for June 23, 2005 established re AB-222, AB-270, AB-414, AB-461, AB-498, AB-499, AB-501, AB-506 -  AR19
Vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset date removed [Sec. 2255; A.Sub.Amdt.1: sunset date extended]  - AB100
WRS creditable service re the Commissioned Corps of the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the federal Environmental Science Services Administration  - SB314
environmental remediation tax incremental district _ertid_Environmental remediation tax incremental district (ERTID), see Property tax
ephraim, village ofEphraim, Village of, see Door County
Epilepsy drugs: pharmacist prohibited from substituting a drug product equivalent without prescribing practitioner and patient consent; certain health insurers prohibited from penalizing a participating provider, pharmacist, or enrollee for requesting specific epilepsy drugs -  AB1210
equalized valuationEqualized valuation, see Property tax
ertid _environmental remediation tax incremental district_ERTID (Environmental remediation tax incremental district), see Property tax
escalatorEscalator, see Public safety