Health care coverage for employees covered by MERA: collective bargaining prohibited; employers may unilaterally change providers and any savings must be used to increase salaries; GIB and OCI provisions -  SB242
Health care coverage for employees covered by MERA: collective bargaining prohibited; employers may unilaterally change providers and portion of savings must be used to increase wages; GIB and OCI provisions -  AB515
Health care liability plan for health care providers: return of funds in excess of surplus and incurred liabilities revised - AB737
Health care liability plan for health care providers: return of funds in excess of surplus and incurred liabilities revised - SB550
HIRSP administration transferred to private, nonprofit organization; new board created, duties defined; report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 156w, 320p, r, 522c, 535m-r, 1286c, 1354L, 1406f, 2032m-2063c, 2429c-r, 9121 (13p), 9221 (3p), 9321 (4L), (4p), 9341 (19p), 9421 (5p)]  - AB100
HIRSP changes; HIRSP Authority and Health Care Tax Credit Program created; report provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, tax exemptions and LAB authority added; A.Amdt.2: report required] -  AB844
HIRSP changes; HIRSP Authority and Health Care Tax Credit Program created; report provision - SB451
Medical malpractice: limit on noneconomic damages created; Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund, OCI, and JCF provisions -  AB960
OCI prohibited from promulgating certain rules re defined network plans, PP plans, and limited-scope dental or vision plans - AB1178
OCI prohibited from promulgating certain rules re defined network plans, PP plans, and limited-scope dental or vision plans - SB687
Social and financial impact reports by OCI on bills or amendments containing a health insurance mandate affecting an insurance policy, plan, or contract: requirement for when report must be submitted specified -  AB553
State agency appropriation lapses to general fund [Sec. 9255 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: amount revisions, Corr.Dept and DVA removed from list] -  AB100
Wisconsin Health Care Plan and Board created re mandatory health care coverage for persons not eligible for Medicare; assessment and group health insurance policy provisions; OCI to request certain federal waivers  - SB698
insurance _ fire and casualtyInsurance — Fire and casualty
Automobile, fire, or other property insurance policy: midterm cancellation or nonrenewal for acts of nature claims prohibited - SB141
Accumulated unused sick leave credits re public employees: use to purchase health insurance and long-term care insurance permitted -  AB1120
Aggregate group health care claims experience information provided to local governmental units by the insurer: requirements revised; DOA and OCI duties specified; Internet provision - AB519
Appropriation revisions: Corr.Dept and U.W. System re energy and utility expenses, prescription drug assistance for elderly persons program, MA trust fund, and supplemental MA payments to nursing homes; rule prohibiting a structural imbalance in the general fund does not apply [budget adjustment bill] [A.Amdt.1: budget stabilization fund provision added]  - AB438
Appropriation revisions: Corr.Dept and U.W. System re energy and utility expenses, prescription drug assistance for elderly persons program, MA trust fund, and supplemental MA payments to nursing homes; rule prohibiting a structural imbalance in the general fund does not apply [budget adjustment bill] - SB216
Badger Care and MA program income limits: depreciation re farm and self-employment income exempted  - AB119
Badger Care cost-saving measures, including prescription drug copayment: DHFS to request waiver and to report on pharmacy reimbursement methodology investigation [Sec. 9121 (10), (11); A.Sub.Amdt.1: pharmacy reimbursement methodology removed, deletes 9121 (11)] -  AB100
Badger Care: forfeiture assessed re employer failure to return employment and insurance information in timely manner [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 314c, 1186bc, c]  - AB100
Badger Care income limits: depreciation of farm equipment exempted -  AB16
Badger Care, prescription drug assistance, and MA: 2004-05 GPR appropriations revised; MA trust fund provision [A.Amdt.1: Ho-Chunk Nation Indian gaming payments provision] -  AB102
Badger Care, prescription drug assistance, and MA: 2004-05 GPR appropriations revised; MA trust fund provision  - SB64
Badger Care program: health insurance coverage for child care workers who meet certain eligibility requirements  - AB1104
Cancer clinical trial: health care plan prohibited from denying coverage under certain conditions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``routine patient care" defined]  - AB617
Cancer clinical trial: health care plan prohibited from denying coverage under certain conditions - SB288
Chiropractic coverage revisions re independent evaluation by a chiropractor if insurer restricts or terminates coverage, prohibiting insurers from establishing higher copayment or coinsurance than for a physician or osteopath, and requires insurers to pay chiropractors directly; liability policy settlement check specifics provision -  AB1039
Chiropractic coverage revisions re independent evaluation by a chiropractor if insurer restricts or terminates coverage, prohibiting insurers from establishing higher copayment or coinsurance than for a physician or osteopath, and requires insurers to pay chiropractors directly; liability policy settlement check specifics provision -  SB614
Cigarette tax increased; Badger Care, prescription drug assistance, and MA GPR appropriations revised; drug dispensing fee re pharmacies increased; certain MA nursing home, hospital, and trust fund appropriation provisions  - AB779
Cigarette tax increased; Badger Care, prescription drug assistance, and MA GPR appropriations revised; drug dispensing fee re pharmacies increased; certain MA nursing home, hospital, and trust fund appropriation provisions  - AB847
Direct care reimbursement for nursing home revised; DHFS inquiries re managed care organizations and services to elderly and disabled MA recipients [Sec. 1128-1132, 9121 (7), 9421 (8); original bill only] -  AB100
Drugs prescribed to treat a rare disease or condition: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; OCI duty specified -  AB1218
Epilepsy drugs: pharmacist prohibited from substituting a drug product equivalent without prescribing practitioner and patient consent; certain health insurers prohibited from penalizing a participating provider, pharmacist, or enrollee for requesting specific epilepsy drugs -  AB1210
Gastric bypass or stapling surgery coverage under MA and Badger Care prohibited unless covered under federal MA law [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1146j, 1157j, 9321 (9q)]  - AB100
Generic drugs under MA and Badger Care: copayment increased [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1144p, 1184c, 9321 (9w), 9421 (11w)] - AB100
GIB may permit small employers to enroll employees in health care coverage plan offered to state or local government employees under certain conditions -  AB108
GIB required to study feasibility of developing certain group health insurance plans; report required  - AB516
Group health benefit plan definition: number of individual health benefit plans increased - AB812
Group health benefit plan definition: number of individual health benefit plans increased [S.Amdt.1: OCI report required] - SB420
Group health claims experience disclosure: insurer may not charge for requests under certain conditions  - SB241
Health benefit purchasing cooperative: health care benefits clarified; small employer provisions - AB926
Health benefit purchasing cooperative: health care benefits clarified; small employer provisions - SB517
Health benefit purchasing cooperatives program revised -  AB5
Health care expenses: adult child may establish an account to pay for parent's expenses; income tax deduction provision - AB816
Health care liability plan for health care providers: return of funds in excess of surplus and incurred liabilities revised - AB737
Health care liability plan for health care providers: return of funds in excess of surplus and incurred liabilities revised - SB550
Health coverage legislation: directs legislature to introduce and pass -  AB834
Health coverage legislation: directs legislature to introduce and pass -  SB416
Health insurance data sharing; technical changes re ``medical support liability program" and clarification re program as part of the state's child and spousal support and paternity establishment programs [Sec. 1118, 1166, 1203, 1230; A.Sub.Amdt.1: data sharing removed, deletes 1166]  - AB100
Health insurance for state residents eligible for the federal Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act (TAA) or receiving benefits from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) may elect coverage under any state employee health care coverage plan through DETF -  AB352
Health insurance ID card for a child: parent required to provide to the other parent re divorce, legal separation, or paternity actions; contempt of court provision  - AB526
Health savings account: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, federal law adopted for income and franchise tax purposes re health savings accounts, penalty for withdrawing from a medical savings account to deposit into a health savings account prohibited] - AB4
Health savings account: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  SB7
Health savings account option for state employees under certain health plans: GIB required to offer  - AB341
Health savings account option for state employees under certain health plans: GIB required to offer  - SB131
Health savings accounts: federal law adopted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1432m, 1450g, 9341 (5m)] -  AB100
Healthy Wisconsin Authority created re catastrophic reinsurance program for health care costs; report required; certain laws that apply to state agencies apply  - AB1171
Hearing aids or cochlear implants for children under one year of age: health insurance policies and plans required to cover - AB1217
HIRSP administration transferred to private, nonprofit organization; new board created, duties defined; report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 156w, 320p, r, 522c, 535m-r, 1286c, 1354L, 1406f, 2032m-2063c, 2429c-r, 9121 (13p), 9221 (3p), 9321 (4L), (4p), 9341 (19p), 9421 (5p)]  - AB100
HIRSP eligibility expanded to include persons eligible under the federal Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act (TAA) or receiving benefits from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) -  AB351
HMOs re MA and Badger Care services: DHFS to levy an assessment [Sec. 538, 1123, 9121 (6), 9321 (6); A.Sub.Amdt.1: reimbursement for HMO services to be made under capitation rates that are actuarially sound, 1124g, provisions and sections of original bill deleted] -  AB100
IRA early withdrawal: exemption from state penalty tax if used to purchase long-term care insurance  - AB335
IRA early withdrawal: exemption from state penalty tax if used to purchase long-term care insurance  - SB140
Large employer health care assessment created; DHFS duties specified; MA trust fund provision  - AB860
Large employer health care assessment created; DHFS duties specified; MA trust fund provision  - SB440
Large employer prohibited from reducing or eliminating employee health care coverage if the action results in employee enrollment in Badger Care; DHFS authorized to determine and impose an assessment; MA trust fund provision  - AB1148
MA and Badger Care eligibility: third parties required to provide information for verifying [Sec. 1190]  - AB100
MA and Badger Care incorrect payments based on failure to report nonfinancial information: recovery by DHFS permitted; report to DOR re setoff against tax refund [Sec. 1167-1173, 1198, 1199, 9321 (5)] -  AB100
Managed care expansion: DHFS report to JCF; SSI provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9121 (13w)] - AB100
Medical care insurance paid by certain persons: individual income tax deduction created -  AB6
Medical care insurance paid by certain persons: individual income tax deduction created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1286e, 1288e-h, 1311g, 9341 (2m)] -  AB100
Medical care insurance paid by certain persons: individual income tax deduction created -  SB37
Mercury in vaccinations: prohibitions and penalties created; public health emergency and health care plan coverage provisions; DHFS required to test mercury content of vaccines and post results on its Web site -  AB1181
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: minimum amount of insurance coverage modified re changes in the consumer price index; DHFS report required  - AB252
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: minimum amount of insurance coverage modified re changes in the consumer price index; DHFS report required  - SB128
Physician prescribing practices under MA or Badger Care: DHFS report required -  AB922
Prescription drug assistance for elderly persons: reimbursement rate revised [Sec. 1187, 9321 (2); original bill only]  - AB100
Prescription drug assistance program for the elderly: property taxes deducted from person's annual household income re determining eligibility; DHFS provision  - AB491
Prescription drug assistance program for the elderly: property taxes deducted from person's annual household income re determining eligibility; DHFS provision  - SB235
Prescription drugs under MA and Badger Care: DHFS report on savings and costs re capping number of prescriptions per recipient [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9121 (13n)]  - AB100
Private health insurance purchasing arrangement (PHIPA) established and Private Health Insurance Purchasing Corporation of Wisconsin created to facilitate and administer; reports and audits required; health savings account provisions; DHFS duties specified -  AB1140
Psychotropic medications under MA, Badger Care, and prescription drug assistance for elderly persons: reimbursement limits prohibited; DHFS report on physician prescribing practices under MA, report to JCF [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9121 (14k), (14p)] -  AB100
Public debt refunding re tax-supported or self-amortizing facilities; health savings account tax credit created  - AB1
Publicly financed health plan for Wisconsin established; Department of Health Planning and Finance and Health Policy Board created; LRB provision -  AB807
Publicly financed health plan for Wisconsin established; Department of Health Planning and Finance and Health Policy Board created; LRB provision -  SB388