Community-based psychosocial services under MA [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 330g] -  AB100
Concealed weapon licensing system created; active duty or retired law enforcement officer permitted to carry a concealed firearm, ID card provision; DOJ to consider mental health status re background checks for handgun purchases; grants for shooting ranges -  AB763
Concealed weapon licensing system created; active duty or retired law enforcement officer permitted to carry a concealed firearm, ID card provision; DOJ to consider mental health status re background checks for handgun purchases; grants for shooting ranges [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, list of places concealed weapons are prohibited expanded, reports modified, DOT duty specified; A.Amdt.15: license renewal and refresher course provisions, prohibited BAC lowered]  - SB403
Harassment, child abuse, and vulnerable adult injunctions modified -  AB54
Harassment definition modified and harassment restraining order or injunction deadline increased; payment of filing fee for child abuse or vulnerable adult injunction revised [A.Amdt.1: child abuse restraining order or injunction deadline increased] - AB636
Homeless individuals with CMI: program transferred from DHFS to Comm.Dept [Sec. 323, 331, 905-908, 9121 (5), 9421 (6)] -  AB100
Mental health systems charge grants: requirements revised [Sec. 895] -  AB100
Mental illness and developmental disabilities re certain minors: revisions re inpatient treatment facilities, discharge upon request, transfer from secured juvenile facility to inpatient treatment facility, outpatient treatment, and access to treatment records; consent for administration of psychotropic medication required; juvenile court provisions [A.Amdt.1: administration of psychotropic medication to minors deleted]  - SB226
Mental responsibility of a defendant in a criminal action: deadline for examining physician or psychologist to report to opposing counsel or examiner specified - AB971
Mental responsibility of a defendant in a criminal action: deadline for examining physician or psychologist to report to opposing counsel or examiner specified - SB574
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: minimum amount of insurance coverage modified re changes in the consumer price index; DHFS report required  - AB252
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: minimum amount of insurance coverage modified re changes in the consumer price index; DHFS report required  - SB128
Protective placements and services, involuntary administration of psychotropic medication, guardianships, conservatorships, wards, and services for adults at risk and elder adults at risk: reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 264, 387, and 388 (AB-785, SB-391, and AB-539) -  SB731
Protective service system laws revised; provisions re admissions, transfers, definitions, nursing homes, attorney fees, hearings, procedural rights, guardian ad litem, evaluations, power of attorney, emergency protective placement, psychotropic medication, modification and termination of protective placements, SPD, and annual reviews and reports; court, county, and DHFS duties specified -  AB785
Psychotropic medications under MA, Badger Care, and prescription drug assistance for elderly persons: reimbursement limits prohibited; DHFS report on physician prescribing practices under MA, report to JCF [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9121 (14k), (14p)] -  AB100
Special orders of business for March 9, 2006 established re AB-71, AB-87, AB-129, AB-287, AB-328, AB-538, AB-587, AB-639, AB-735, AB-777, AB-875, AB-887, AB-937, AB-966, AB-1002, AB-1003, AB-1026, AB-1032, AB-1035, AB-1044, AB-1078, AB-1090, SB-123, SB-145, SB-150, SB-183, SB-226, SB-268, SB-272, SB-273, SB-284, SB-338, SB-352, SB-359, SB-362, SB-363, SB-364, SB-365, SB-380, SB-420, SB-453, SB-457, SB-474, SB-487, SB-488, SB-489, SB-490, SB-491, SB-492, SB-493, SB-494, SB-512, SB-515, SB-527, SB-539, SB-540, SB-547, SB-549, SB-555, SB-556, SB-557, SB-560, SB-562, SB-579, SB-591, SB-592, SB-597, SB-601, SB-612, SB-613, SB-638, SB-642, SB-652, SJR-33 -  AR51
``Treatment records" and ``registration records" re mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, and drug dependence: definitions changed; confidentiality exception re release to physician in a medical emergency modified; good faith exception to liability for release of records eliminated - AB1094
``Treatment records" and ``registration records" re mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, and drug dependence: definitions changed; confidentiality exception re release to physician in a medical emergency modified; good faith exception to liability for release of records eliminated [S.Amdt.1: information that may be released specified]  - SB650
Visual representation of a person nude without the person's consent: persons convicted of, adjudicated delinquent, or found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect may be required to register as a sex offender by Corr.Dept; expungement of records provision -  AB1220
Vulnerable child: maltreatment prohibited; definition provided - AB1027
mental health _ hospitals and institutesMental health — Hospitals and institutes, see also Prison
Appeal procedures integrated re restitution in criminal actions, commitments of persons found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect, and commitments of sexually violent persons - AB1135
Commitments, placements, protective services, residency, venue, and county of responsibility revisions; CMI replaced with ``serious and persistent mental illness"; guardianship revisions -  AB1114
Community Opportunities and Recovery Program waiver re MA recipients with serious mental illness [Sec. 845, 856, 857, 862, 872, 877, 917, 1153, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1840]  - AB100
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction  - AB284
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction  - SB151
Family Care resource centers and care management organizations: DHFS authority to contract with certain entities to provide, JCF provision; pilot project requirements eliminated [for further revisions, see entry under ``Family"]  - SB653
Food service workers employed at state correctional institutions, secured correctional facilities, and certain mental health institutes and secure mental health units classified as protective occupation participants under WRS - AB430
Health care facility use charges: informing patients prior to office visit required; definition and billing provisions - AB773
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: mandatory overtime prohibited; unforeseeable emergency, worker consent, definitions, and employment discrimination provisions; DWD complaint authority - SB371
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; SPD required to provide legal representation in involuntary commitment proceedings upon request, reimbursement provisions; Public Defender Board FTE positions increased -  AB1219
Inmate mental health services pilot program created; Corr.Dept and DHFS duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9121 (14x)]  - AB100
Mental health institute deficit reduction and reporting requirements eliminated [Sec. 1224, 1225]  - AB100
Mental illness and developmental disabilities re certain minors: revisions re inpatient treatment facilities, discharge upon request, transfer from secured juvenile facility to inpatient treatment facility, outpatient treatment, and access to treatment records; consent for administration of psychotropic medication required; juvenile court provisions [A.Amdt.1: administration of psychotropic medication to minors deleted]  - SB226
Protective placements and services, involuntary administration of psychotropic medication, guardianships, conservatorships, wards, and services for adults at risk and elder adults at risk: reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 264, 387, and 388 (AB-785, SB-391, and AB-539) -  SB731
Protective service system laws revised; provisions re admissions, transfers, definitions, nursing homes, attorney fees, hearings, procedural rights, guardian ad litem, evaluations, power of attorney, emergency protective placement, psychotropic medication, modification and termination of protective placements, SPD, and annual reviews and reports; court, county, and DHFS duties specified -  AB785
Sex offender on parole, probation, extended supervision, supervised release, or conditional release re conviction for sexual assault of a child: Corr.Dept and DHFS required to track the person using a GPS tracking device; felony provision [for further revisions, see entry under ``Sex crimes"]  - AB591
Sexual reassignment surgery or hormonal therapy re appearance of opposite gender: Corr.Dept prohibited from using state or federal funds to provide or facilitate  - AB184
Sexual reassignment surgery or hormonal therapy re appearance of opposite gender: Corr.Dept prohibited from using state or federal funds to provide or facilitate  - SB88
Sexually violent person commitment procedures revised; definitions modified [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - SB318
Sexually violent person involuntary commitment procedure eliminated; penalty for first-degree sexual assault of a child increased -  AB30
Sexually violent person laws revised re definitions, commitment proceedings and petitions, probable cause hearing, trial on commitment petition, change of venue, experts for examination, right to remain silent, hearings to juries, discovery, confidentiality of certain records, juvenile delinquency dispositions, privileged communications with health care providers, presentence reports, periodic reexamination, supervised release, discharge from commitment, failure to comply with time limits, escape, and DAs -  AB1091
Special orders of business for March 2, 2006 established re AB-172, AB-539, AB-579, AB-785, AB-851, AB-904, AB-933, AB-945, AB-976, AB-992, AB-993, AB-1021, AB-1036, AB-1037, AB-1038, AB-1052, AB-1054, AB-1071, AB-1072, AB-1073, AB-1074, SB-161, SB-221, SB-259, SB-312, SB-414, SB-495, SB-496, SB-497, SB-511, SB-529, SJR-33 -  AR49
Teachers, librarians, and social workers at certain secured facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS - AB233
Treatment record confidentiality: release without written consent exception modified [A.Amdt.1: exception for withholding information from specified family members removed; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, family member exception restored, exception added re facility has cause to believe disclosure of information would be dangerous for the individual] - AB33
mental retardationMental retardation
Actions against health care provider by person under age 18: time limit clarified; disability provision  - AB1071
DHFS report to JCF re diversions and relocations from nursing homes, intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, and centers for developmentally disabled  - AB1115
Harassment, child abuse, and vulnerable adult injunctions modified -  AB54
Harassment definition modified and harassment restraining order or injunction deadline increased; payment of filing fee for child abuse or vulnerable adult injunction revised [A.Amdt.1: child abuse restraining order or injunction deadline increased] - AB636
Intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded: contract for plan payment for certain county [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 872g] - AB100
Joint services plan and report re centers for the developmentally disabled [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1225m, 9121 (12q)]  - AB100
MA waiver programs: revisions re consent to participate by person's legal representative -  AB540
Mail theft prohibitions expanded; identity theft penalty enhancement if victim is elderly, under age 18, disabled, or a vulnerable adult; SSN use by employer or on driver's license as unique ID number prohibited; employer may request SSN only when offer of employment is made to applicant; restricting release of credit reports, fees, notice, and civil action provisions  - SB581
Mental illness and developmental disabilities re certain minors: revisions re inpatient treatment facilities, discharge upon request, transfer from secured juvenile facility to inpatient treatment facility, outpatient treatment, and access to treatment records; consent for administration of psychotropic medication required; juvenile court provisions [A.Amdt.1: administration of psychotropic medication to minors deleted]  - SB226
Nursing home and intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded: licensed bed assessments and deposit of revenues [Sec. 537, 1222, 1223; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 1222m, deletes 1222] -  AB100
Nursing home and intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded: restrictions on placement of persons with developmental disabilites modified -  AB296
``Treatment records" and ``registration records" re mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, and drug dependence: definitions changed; confidentiality exception re release to physician in a medical emergency modified; good faith exception to liability for release of records eliminated - AB1094
``Treatment records" and ``registration records" re mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, and drug dependence: definitions changed; confidentiality exception re release to physician in a medical emergency modified; good faith exception to liability for release of records eliminated [S.Amdt.1: information that may be released specified]  - SB650
Vulnerable child: maltreatment prohibited; definition provided - AB1027
mera _municipal employment relations act_MERA (Municipal Employment Relations Act), see Public employee
mercantile establishmentMercantile establishment
Business engaged in retail sales and has more than 100 employees: Comm.Dept prohibited from awarding certain grants and loans or certifying to receive tax benefits; municipalities and counties prohibited from using general transportation aids for access routes to highways abutting lands owned or occupied by retail business -  AB1152
Cellular telepone use by vehicle operator during accident: new form of traffic offense created; DOT to prepare uniform report form or automated format; rebuttable presumption created; written warning re sale or lease of phones required; JCRCP duties -  AB1113
Debit card use: prohibition on merchant placing a hold on the account to cover anticipated costs created; Wisconsin Consumer Act provisions -  AB1050
Gasoline consisting of at least 85 percent ethanol: motor vehicle fuel tax formula established; charging an excessive price prohibited, DATCP provision; discrimination against retailer by refiner or wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel prohibited; penalty provisions -  SB723
Goods in consumer credit transactions and certain consumer leases: revisions re voluntary surrender of and actions to recover collateral; nonjudicial repossession provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions limited to motor vehicles, notice to law enforcment provision and penalties added] -  AB594
Goods in consumer credit transactions and certain consumer leases: revisions re voluntary surrender of and actions to recover collateral; nonjudicial repossession provision  - SB387
Gross receipts tax imposed on certain large retailers to pay for health care coverage provided by the state; DOR duties set - AB508
``Industrial development project" definition expanded -  SB91
``Industrial development project" definition expanded; limitation on authority of industrial development agencies  - AB116
Late or delinquent payment on transactions subject to the Wisconsin Consumer Act: merchant prohibited from imposing; conditions specified -  AB1164
Motor vehicle fuel purchase paid with cash: motor vehicle fuel retailers may offer discounts [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, expanded to include any purchase paid in cash, credit card issuer may not prohibit] -  SB180
Rebate and refund offers by retailers: time period to satisfy conditions set -  AB948
Sales and use taxes that a retailer may retain modified -  AB1141
Smoking in designated areas prohibited in places of employment with exceptions for private residences, designated smoking rooms in lodging establishments, and certain retirement homes; exceptions for taverns, bowling centers, restaurants, private halls, and certain facilities eliminated  - SB430
SSN of customer: retail seller prohibited from requesting; exception for DNR fish and game approvals  - AB474
SSN of customer: retail seller prohibited from requesting; exception for DNR fish and game approvals  - AB738
Wireless telephones: collection requirements created for used equipment; state agency purchase or lease provisions; forfeiture provided -  AB1111
merchant marine academy, u.sMerchant Marine Academy, U.S., see Military training
mercy killingMercy killing, see Death
methamphetamineMethamphetamine, see Drugs
metropolitan transportationMetropolitan transportation
Car pool vehicle lane use by hybrid-electric motor vehicle regardless of number of passengers permitted; definition and sunset provisions -  AB753
Smoking in designated areas prohibited in places of employment with exceptions for private residences, designated smoking rooms in lodging establishments, and certain retirement homes; exceptions for taverns, bowling centers, restaurants, private halls, and certain facilities eliminated  - SB430
Transit system operating aids increased [Sec. 1734-1737] -  AB100