Special distinguishing registration plates for emergency responder personnel created -  AB431
Special distinguishing registration plates for enthusiasts of hunting and fishing for sport and recreation created; fee and plate color provisions -  SB209
Special distinguishing registration plates for supporters of Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation, Inc., created; fee, DOT, and financial audit provisions - SB282
Special distinguishing registration plates for veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Noble Eagle created; fee provision  - AB405
Special group plates re Gold Star family members created; design consultation by Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation, Inc. [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2245m-om, 2246m-o, 2247g, r, 9448 (5m)] -  AB100
Special motor vehicle registration plates for disabled veterans: design and reissuance requirements modified [A.Amdt.1: DVA provision added] -  AB112
Special orders of business for September 27, 2005 established re partial vetoes of AB-100 [Items C-8, C-9, C-14, C-16, F-3, F-4] and AB-27, AB-39, AB-69, AB-72, AB-95, AB-97, AB-127, AB-128, AB-133, AB-155, AB-184, AB-188, AB-201, AB-230, AB-264, AB-286, AB-308, AB-340, AB-345, AB-375, AB-384, AB-410, AB-426, AB-436, AB-442, AB-444, AB-460, AB-479, AB-482, AB-510, AB-512, AB-522, AB-534, AB-606, AB-636, AB-646, AB-648, AB-657, AB-679, and SB-266  - AR38
Special registration plate for persons interested in supporting veterans created; tax-deductible charitable contribution provision [Sec. 2246, 2247; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, tax-deductible provision removed, 529m, 2245om]  - AB100
Special registration plate or temporary certification re parking privileges for disabled persons: public health nurse allowed to provide certification to enable a person to obtain  - AB1184
Special registration plate re armed forces or other military affiliation: surviving spouse may personalize, modify a personalization, or replace with a regular plate; fee provision  - AB825
Special registration plates or special ID for persons with disabilities re parking privileges: criteria for obtaining modified; forfeiture for lending special ID to a person not authorized to use it revised; forfeiture for providing false or misleading information created; DOT provision re issuing more than one ID [A.Amdt.1: forfeiture for selling ID added; A.Amdt.2: copy of statement from certain health care providers must be kept on the person or in the vehicle] -  AB715
Trailer owned and operated by volunteer fire department: special registration fee applies [A.Amdt.1: appropriation added] - AB29
``Unregistered motor vehicle" definition changed; enforcement of ordinance and immobilization or impoundment costs provisions -  AB240
Vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset date removed [Sec. 2255; A.Sub.Amdt.1: sunset date extended]  - AB100
motor vehicle _ theftMotor vehicle — Theft
Rental vehicle damage: provisions revised re definition of ``accident", storage fees, repair estimates, and use of credit [S.Amdt.1: theft provision revised; S.Amdt.2: ``government fee" provision added] -  SB623
motor vehicle salvage dealerMotor vehicle salvage dealer, see Junkyard
motorboatMotorboat, see Boat
motorcycleMotorcycle, see also Moped
Boats, ATVs, and snowmobiles registration service fees [Sec. 499-507, 659-668, 2270-2278, 2280; A.Sub.Amdt.1: motorcycle recreational program funding transfer, 247c, g, 9435 (9m)] -  AB100
Cellular telephone use while operating a motor vehicle prohibited re persons holding probationary licenses or motor vehicle or motorcycle instruction permits; emergency and forfeiture provisions -  AB120
Cellular telephone use while operating a motor vehicle prohibited re persons holding probationary licenses or motor vehicle or motorcycle instruction permits; emergency and forfeiture provisions -  SB84
Motorcycle recreation aids program eliminated [Sec. 248, 491]  - AB100
Probationary license or instruction permit re motor vehicle or motorcycle: penalites increased for violating operating restrictions -  AB38
Traffic law revisions re motorcycles stopped at a red light and penalty for failure to yield the right-of-way resulting in bodily harm; driver education courses to include motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian awareness information; motorcycle operator's license requirements modified; DOT highway improvement planning must consider motorcycle safety  - AB964
Traffic law revisions re motorcycles stopped at a red light and penalty for failure to yield the right-of-way resulting in bodily harm; driver education courses to include motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian awareness information; motorcycle operator's license requirements modified; DOT highway improvement planning must consider motorcycle safety [S.Amdt.1: DOT highway improvement planning provision removed, moped, motor bicycle, and bicycle added re stopped at red light, misdemeanor penalty changed to forfeiture]  - SB528
motorcycle _ taxation or registrationMotorcycle — Taxation or registration
Special distinguishing motorcycle registration plate for fire fighters, rescue squad members, or EMTs created; fee, disposal, and personalization provisions - AB28
mpcp _milwaukee parental choice program_MPCP (Milwaukee Parental Choice Program), see Milwaukee — School
multiple sclerosisMultiple sclerosis, see Disease
municipal borrowingMunicipal borrowing, see School — Bonds
municipal employment relations act _mera_Municipal Employment Relations Act (MERA), see Public employee
municipalityMunicipality, see also Milwaukee — City; Town and its subheadings; Village and its subheadings; name of specific municipality
Beer wholesaler's license: municipal authority to issue revised; nonresident wholesaler provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  AB775
Bids for public contracts: political subdivision may post on its Web site under certain conditions - AB421
Bids for public contracts: political subdivision may post on its Web site under certain conditions - SB204
Building contractors re certain dwellings: continuing education requirements created; Comm.Dept may suspend or revoke a building inspector's certification; Contractor Financial Responsibility Council renamed Contractor Certification Council; dwelling owner must sign statement from municipality re using contractors who are not bonded or insured  - AB980
Building contractors re certain dwellings: continuing education requirements created; Comm.Dept may suspend or revoke a building inspector's certification; Contractor Financial Responsibility Council renamed Contractor Certification Council; dwelling owner must sign statement from municipality re using contractors who are not bonded or insured [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, rule-making authority added] -  SB516
Building project with adverse impact on identified wetlands: local government may not revoke building permit if the activity was approved by DNR or U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; real estate disclosure report and definition provisions  - AB1043
Business subsidies awarding and reporting requirements created; LAB, DOA, Comm.Dept, and development and technology zone tax credits provisions  - SB357
Cigarettes and tobacco products: direct marketing regulations re cigarettes apply to tobacco products; local government may not issue a license to sell to persons with certain arrest or conviction record; direct marketer with valid state license is not required to have a license from each local government where products are sold -  AB1170
``Class B" licenses: municipal quota modified -  SB722
Community welcoming sign permitted in highway right-of-way; DOT authority specified; study and report provisions - AB900
Comprehensive planning statutes: city or village that does not border a town is exempt -  AB1061
Comprehensive planning statutes: city or village that does not border a town is exempt -  SB607
Condemnation of real property owned by city, county, town, or village by a public utility or foreign transmission provider for the location or construction of transmission lines authorized; DOA, PSC, and environmental impact fee provisions  - AB412
Contaminated property: residual contamination after cleanup under administration of agency with authority over the site, DNR and notification provisions; ERTID revisions; local governmental exemption from solid waste management standards under certain conditions; voluntary party liability exemption modified -  AB999
Contaminated property: residual contamination after cleanup under administration of agency with authority over the site, DNR and notification provisions; ERTID revisions; local governmental exemption from solid waste management standards under certain conditions; voluntary party liability exemption modified -  SB546
Discrimination between an employee in a job dominated by employees of a particular sex and an employee in a job dominated by employees of the oppoiste sex in compensation for work of comparable worth prohibited; tax benefits, grants, and appropriation supplements when employers achieve compliance; sales and use tax on legal services and moneys put in comparable worth fund; school revenue limits increased re wage differential paid -  AB528
Dredged materials that contain PCBs: solid waste disposal facility prohibited from accepting; municipal liability re materials from Great Lakes basin contaminated with PCBs provision  - AB34
Elementary and secondary education laws revised; city or village may abolish its police department and contract with a county for law enforcement services; municipal revenue sharing with counties authorized; local health department definition modified re city health departments; information technology integration standards prescribed by DOA [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, abolishing police department and revenue sharing provisions deleted] -  SB259
Emergency management programs of local governments required to include Mutual Aid Box Alarm System; Adjutant General to promulgate rules -  AB1093
Emergency management programs of local governments required to include Mutual Aid Box Alarm System; Adjutant General to promulgate rules -  SB642
Engine brake use prohibited by municipality: DOT directed to place signs along freeways and expressways  - SB366
Excavation notices re transmission facilities: local governmental units required to mark location of or provide information re certain laterals connected to sewer or water facilities; locating wire required re nonconductive water or sewer lateral [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, fee added; A.Amdt.1: fee removed] -  SB498
Excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel: cities, villages, towns, counties, school districts, U.W. System, and TCS exempted - AB236
Firearms and ammunition manufacturers, importers, dealers, trade associations, shooting range owners, and sportsmen's clubs: bringing actions against prohibited; civil liability immunity provisions -  AB56
High-voltage transmission line construction: authorizing conveyance of property owned by county, city, village, town, or public board or commission to an electric utility or cooperative association if it received certain certificate from PSC  - SB234
High-voltage transmission line construction: authorizing conveyance of property owned by county, city, village, town, public board or commission, public utility, or cooperative association to a public utility if it received certain certificate from PSC; fair market value provisions [A.Amdt.2: ``public utility" changed to ``electric utility" and fair market value provisions revised] -  AB437
Highways in need of repair and accumulation of snow or ice: liability of cities, villages, towns, and counties for damages revised -  AB509
Humane officer employed by a political subdivision may issue a citation on behalf of that political subdivision  - AB696
Information technology integration standards: DOA to prescribe for state agencies and enable local governments to integrate data, application, and business processes [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  SB259
Law enforcement services: city or village may abolish its police department and contract with county sheriff to provide; provision for villages under certain population [A.Amdt.1: city in more than one county provision added; A. Amdt.2: 911 telephone service provision added] - AB79
Law enforcement services: city or village may abolish its police department and contract with county sheriff to provide; provision for villages under certain population  - SB118
Law enforcement services: city or village may abolish its police department and contract with county sheriff to provide; provision for villages under certain population [deleted by S.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB259
Legal notices: qualifications of newspapers permitted to publish revised; municipality allowed to mail a notice to affected persons or post a notice on the Internet, ordinance provision - AB35
Litigation expenses for EMS, EMT, first responder, fire fighter, or law enforcement or correctional officer: municipality required to pay, exceptions provided [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, criminal proceedings and reasonable attorney fees specified, ``protective services officer" definition]  - SB132
Major highway projects involving a bypass: DOT must notify affected local governments; resolution opting for an active bypass and definition provisions - AB793
Major highway projects involving a bypass: DOT must notify affected local governments; resolution opting for an active bypass and definition provisions - SB379
Managed forest land: contiguous acres may be in more than one municipality -  AB7
Official city newspaper: 2nd or 3rd class city exempt from bidding requirement under certain condition  - SB231
Open meeting and public record access laws: governmental bodies required to prominently display general statutory provisions regarding; DOJ duty specified -  SB214
Political contributions by person contracting with the state or any local governmental unit prohibited; exception and penalty provisions; similar prohibition re soliciting contributions - AB872
Sexually violent person placed on supervised release: if county of residence includes a 1st class city, person must be placed in city, town, or village he or she lived in at the time of the offense - AB975
Sexually violent person placed on supervised release: if county of residence includes a 1st class city, person must be placed in city, town, or village he or she lived in at the time of the offense - SB537
Special orders of business for March 2, 2006 established re AB-172, AB-539, AB-579, AB-785, AB-851, AB-904, AB-933, AB-945, AB-976, AB-992, AB-993, AB-1021, AB-1036, AB-1037, AB-1038, AB-1052, AB-1054, AB-1071, AB-1072, AB-1073, AB-1074, SB-161, SB-221, SB-259, SB-312, SB-414, SB-495, SB-496, SB-497, SB-511, SB-529, SJR-33 -  AR49
``Squaw" in the name of any public place, highway, or geographic feature: DOT, DNR, and any political subdivision prohibited from using; current usage provision  - SB428
State of emergency re natural disaster or enemy action: certain liability immunity extended to persons who provide materials, equipment, labor, or services to aid in recovery without expecting compensation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, enemy action, natural or man-made disaster, and federal state of emergency added; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB958
Tangible personal property that becomes part of a municipal or nonprofit organization's facility: sales and use tax exemptions created; includes property purchased by construction contractor and transferred -  AB126
Tangible personal property that becomes part of a municipal or nonprofit organization's facility: sales and use tax exemptions created; includes property purchased by construction contractor and transferred -  SB57
Tourism and development promotion definition created re room tax revenue; municipality required to file certain report with Tour.Dept; DOR duty specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, municipality report and DOR duty removed]  - AB298