TID creation by counties in which no cities or villages are located authorized; approval of all town boards required [A.Amdt.1: limitations revised] - AB156
TID creation by counties in which no cities or villages are located authorized; approval of all town boards required - SB153
Town board meetings: location requirements revised -  AB295
Town plan commission appointment procedure modified re towns authorized to exercise village powers  - AB904
Town plan commission appointment procedure modified re towns authorized to exercise village powers  - SB476
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions - SB34
town _ electionsTown — Elections
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions - SB34
town _ financeTown — Finance
Emergency services fees: political subdivision may assess against an intoxicated individual who causes an accident; definition provisions -  AB1109
Motor vehicle fuel tax refund for schools, technical college districts, and local governments created; provisions re DOR and persons under contract with school districts to transport pupils to and from school activities -  AB726
Municipal court contract with collection agency re forfeitures, assessments, and surcharges: local governments to share in cost of collection -  AB596
Municipal court contract with collection agency re forfeitures, assessments, and surcharges: local governments to share in cost of collection -  SB275
Oil pipeline terminal facility taxation: annual distribution to governments where facility is located [Sec. 454, 456, 1470-1473, 9441 (4)] -  AB100
Public construction contracts: minimum bid amount raised re lowest responsible bidder requirement  - AB146
Spending limits for cities, villages, towns, counties, and technical college districts established, referendum required to exceed the limit; school district revenue modified; QEO exception eliminated from binding arbitration process; MERA revisions re limiting certain expenditures and factors arbitrators must consider; school district professional employees provisions - AB462
Spending limits for local governmental units and state required to spend certain amount on school aid and shared revenue, consumer price index provision; spending limit adjustments and costs incurred by local governmental units to comply with certain state law or administrative rule or order provisions. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR71
town _ health, board ofTown — Health, Board of, see Public health
town _ lawsTown — Laws
Amoritization ordinance may not be used by county or municipality to remove nonconforming building premises, structure, or fixture that may be lawfully used  - AB155
Amoritization ordinance may not be used by county or municipality to remove nonconforming building premises, structure, or fixture that may be lawfully used  - SB89
Animal-drawn vehicle: county, town, village, or city may pass an ordinance to collect an annual registration fee  - AB889
ATV operation on roadway and shoulder of highway, street, or road for access to residence, lodging establishment, or campground authorized under certain conditions; ordinance provision -  AB375
County shoreland zoning ordinance: enforcement requirement eliminated re annexing city, village, or town and incorporated territory or town incorporated as a fourth class city  - AB299
Drug paraphernalia possession, manufacture, or delivery by persons 17 years old and older: city, village, or town allowed to enact and enforce an ordinance prohibiting  - AB307
Forestry operations: nuisance declaration and certain zoning ordinances prohibited if generally accepted forestry management practices are followed -  AB59
Forestry operations: nuisance declaration and certain zoning ordinances prohibited if generally accepted forestry management practices are followed [deleted by A.Sub.Amdt.1]  - AB254
Immigration status re individual seeking or receiving public assistance: prohibiting enactment or enforcement of an ordinance that would prohibit an employee of a political subdivision from inquiring about -  SB715
Neighborhood electric vehicle: city, town, or village may, by ordinance, allow operation on certain roadways [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, roadway speed limit provision added] -  AB851
Neighborhood electric vehicle: city, town, or village may, by ordinance, allow operation on certain roadways  - SB533
Public buildings and places of employment: city, village, or town may not enact an ordinance establishing minimum standards for construction, repair, or maintenance unless it conforms to Comm.Dept rules -  AB956
State minimum wage law required to be construed as an enactment of statewide concern; living wage ordinance permitted but must conform to state minimum wage law [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, uniformity throughout the state, local ordinances prohibited] -  AB49
State minimum wage law required to be construed as an enactment of statewide concern; living wage ordinance permitted but must conform to state minimum wage law  - SB18
State minimum wage law required to be construed as an enactment of statewide concern; living wage ordinance permitted but must conform to state minimum wage law  - SB147
Towns authorized to withdraw from county zoning; certain towns required to become subject to town or county zoning and a comprehensive plan -  AB326
town _ meetingTown — Meeting
Town board meetings: location requirements revised -  AB295
town _ officersTown — Officers
Immigration status re individual seeking or receiving public assistance: prohibiting enactment or enforcement of an ordinance that would prohibit an employee of a political subdivision from inquiring about -  SB715
Petition for recall of a city, village, town, or school district officer modified re required percentage of electors who must sign and latest date it may be circulated - AB1150
Petition for recall of a city, village, town, or school district officer modified re statement of cause - AB393
Special orders of business for March 2, 2006 established re AB-172, AB-539, AB-579, AB-785, AB-851, AB-904, AB-933, AB-945, AB-976, AB-992, AB-993, AB-1021, AB-1036, AB-1037, AB-1038, AB-1052, AB-1054, AB-1071, AB-1072, AB-1073, AB-1074, SB-161, SB-221, SB-259, SB-312, SB-414, SB-495, SB-496, SB-497, SB-511, SB-529, SJR-33 -  AR49
Town plan commission appointment procedure modified re towns authorized to exercise village powers  - AB904
Town plan commission appointment procedure modified re towns authorized to exercise village powers  - SB476
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions - SB34
town _ policeTown — Police, see Police
town _ taxationTown — Taxation
County tax levy for library services: county board approval of certain exemption for city, town, village, or school district that levies a tax for library services; capital expenditures provision - AB1022
Expenditure Restraint Program eliminated and replaced with the Municipal Levy Restraint Program [Sec. 446-448, 1699, 1701, 1703, 1707, 1708; original bill only]  - AB100
Levy limit for counties and municipalities [Sec. 1257, 1258, 9435 (4); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 1251c, 1254m, 1258m, 1260b, c] -  AB100
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, annexed territory, and first class city levies for school purposes provisions; school district revenue limit per pupil adjustment set; sunset [for further revisions, see entry under ``Municipality — Taxation"] -  AB58
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, annexed territory, and first class city levies for school purposes provisions; school district revenue limit per pupil adjustment set; sunset - SB28
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, first class city levies for school purposes, forestation state tax, referendum, and sunset provisions; JCF duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 707m, 1251c, 1260r, 1360s; A.Amdt.40: 1360s renumbered 1260s] -  AB100
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions: exception created re charges assessed by a joint fire department  - AB1180
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions: exception created re charges assessed by a joint fire department  - SB680
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions re 2005 WisAct 25 (AB-100): sunset date repealed; valuation factor provisions -  SB717
Local levy limits for property tax levies imposed in 2005 and 2006 created; sunset provided [Sec. 1251; original bill only] - AB100
Property tax: different rates for parts of cities, villages, towns, counties, and school districts added by attachments to school districts, consolidations, and boundary changes under cooperative agreements; exception from ``uniformity clause" requirement. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR98
toy safetyToy safety, see Public safety
trade practiceTrade practice, see also Sales
Billing for consumer goods or services: certain practices prohibited; lawn care service contract regulations created; DATCP authority and civil action provisions [A.Amdt.1: lawn care service contracts deleted; S.Amdt.1: attorney-client relationship added to ``consumer goods or services" exceptions]  - AB574
Cigarettes and tobacco products: direct marketing regulations created; restrictions re sale to persons under age 18 or shipping to post office box; DOR duties set [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Cigarette"]  - AB100
Cigarettes and tobacco products: direct marketing regulations created; restrictions re sale to persons under age 18 or shipping to post office box; DOR duties set  - AB249
Cigarettes and tobacco products: direct marketing regulations re cigarettes apply to tobacco products; local government may not issue a license to sell to persons with certain arrest or conviction record; direct marketer with valid state license is not required to have a license from each local government where products are sold -  AB1170
Cigarettes sold to consumers in this state: direct marketing regulations created; definition and DOR provisions  - AB411
Consumer goods or services: charging grossly excessive prices prohibited; exceptions and AG provisions  - AB786
Consumer goods or services: charging grossly excessive prices prohibited; exceptions and AG provisions  - SB373
Consumer protection and trade practice law administration transferred from DATCP to DOJ; composition of ATCP Board revised; DATCP name changed to Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Rural Resources [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -  AB100
Covenant by physician not to compete with employer for more than one year after termination declared an unreasonable restraint of trade -  SB686
Fair methods of competition in the construction of new residential or noncommercial property: DATCP directed to promulgate rules prescribing -  AB885
Fuel price gouging: crime created -  AB846
Gasoline consisting of at least 85 percent ethanol: motor vehicle fuel tax formula established; charging an excessive price prohibited, DATCP provision; discrimination against retailer by refiner or wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel prohibited; penalty provisions -  SB723
Gender discrimination in prescription drug pricing prohibited -  AB471
Gift certificate, card, or other gift obligation: conspicuous disclosure of expiration date, terms, and service charges required; DATCP and fine provisions -  SB392
Gift certificate, card, or other gift obligation: sale and redemption of regulated; DATCP and DA authority; forfeiture and private right of action provisions - AB583
Gift certificate, card, or other gift obligation: sale and redemption of regulated; DATCP and DA authority; forfeiture and private right of action provisions - SB292
Mail-in rebate prohibited - AB502
Manufacturer's rebate on tangible personal property: sales or use tax paid on reduced price -  AB371
Motor vehicle fuel pricing: minimum markup component eliminated -  AB505
Motor vehicle fuel pricing: minimum markup component eliminated -  SB215
Motor vehicle fuel pricing: minimum markup component eliminated -  SB648
Railroad Antitrust and Competition Enhancement Act (H.R. 3318): legislation supported by Wisconsin Senate  - SR13
Rebate and refund offers by retailers: time period to satisfy conditions set -  AB948
Special orders of business for December 15, 2005 established re AB-15, AB-21, AB-51, AB-187, AB-498, AB-523, AB-574, AB-586, AB-594, AB-614, AB-618, AB-805, AB-806, AB-850, SB-206, SB-426 - AR45