Complaint, 799.41, 799.42
Defendant's pleading, 799.43
Joinder of other claims, 799.40 (2)
Order for judgment, 799.44
Posting and mailing notice, summons and complaint, 799.16 (3)
Summons, return date, 799.05 (3)
Writ of restitution, 799.44, 799.45
Evidence rules, applicability, 911.01 (4)
Fees, 799.255
Clerk of court, 814.62
Findings, 799.215
Forfeiture action, applicability of small claims procedure, 799.01
Forfeiture tickets, clerk to keep file, 799.07
Forms, 799.04 (2)
Garnishment, procedure, 799.01
Judgment, 799.215, 799.24
Limitation on, 799.16
Nonappearance, 799.22
Money damages, disclosure of assets requested, 799.26
Newly discovered evidence, 799.28 (2)
Pleading in lieu of appearance, 799.22 (4)
Pleadings, 799.06
Pretrial conference, may be conducted by telephone, 799.208
Procedure, 799.04, 799.209
Proceedings before court commissioner, 799.207
Public information re procedures, 799.09
Replevin, applicability, 799.01
Return date, proceedings before court commissioner, 799.206
Service, 799.12
Failure, vacate judgment, 799.14
Jurisdiction in rem or quasi in rem, 799.16
Stipulated dismissal, 799.24 (3)
Stipulations, 799.29 (2)
Substitution of judge, 799.205
Clerk to keep file, 799.07
Return date, form, 799.05
Telephone conferences, 799.04 (1)
By court, by jury, 799.21
New, 799.28
Venue, 799.11
Warrants for arrests, clerk to keep file, 799.07
civil procedure_12. telephone and audio_visual proceedings 12. Telephone and Audio-Visual Proceedings
Generally, 807.13
Amended pleadings, motion hearings, 802.09 (5)
Appeals, defective record, motion to correct, 809.15 (3)
Conferences, 807.13 (3)
Consolidation of trials, conferences, 805.05
Costs and fees, review, 814.10
Defenses and objections, motions, 802.06 (9)
Objections, court ruling on, 804.05 (4) (b)
Participation by telephone, 804.05 (8)
Discovery motions, 804.12 (5)
Evidentiary hearings, 807.13 (2)
Forum change, stay of proceedings, 801.63
Injunction, temporary, telephone conference prior to granting, 813.02 (1)
Interpreters, 807.14
Judge, assignment of, notice to parties, 801.59
Generally, 807.02
After verdict, telephone hearings, 805.14 (5)
Discovery, protective orders, 804.01 (3) (c)
Misjoinder and nonjoinder motions, 803.06 (1)
Subpoenas, protective orders, 805.07 (6)
Third-party motions, 803.05 (3)
New trial motions, 805.15
Oral arguments:
Generally, 807.13 (1)
Court of appeals, 752.31 (3), 809.22 (4)
Preliminary proceedings, traffic violations, 345.42
Scheduling conferences, 802.10
Small claims actions, 799.04 (1), 799.208
Stipulations, 807.05, 967.08
Summary judgment motions, 802.08 (7)
Venue, motion to change, 801.53
Arguments, 805.10
Burden of proof, see Burden of Proof
Calling of witnesses by judge, 906.14
Children's code proceedings, 48.31
Defined, 48.02 (18)
Jeopardy, when attaches, 48.317
Motions before trial, 48.297