Local agreements regarding development, 293.41
Local impact committee, 293.33
Moratorium on issuing permits for sulfide ore bodies, 293.50
Natural resources department:
Inspection powers, 293.86
Orders of department, 293.83
Cessation of mining or reclamation, 293.59
Powers and duties, 293.13, 293.15
Review of departmental decision, 293.95
Review of mining and reclamation plans and bonds, 293.53 (2)
Nonconforming sites, 293.91
Permits and licenses:
General provisions:
Deposit required, 70.395 (2) (dc)
Exploration, 293.21
Hearings on applications, 293.43
Lack of, forfeiture, 293.81
Modification, 293.55
Orders of natural resources department, violations, 293.83
Pollution discharge, application, 283.51
Preliminary data collection:
Fees, 293.32
Monitoring, 293.31
Reclamation plan, 293.35, 293.37 (3), 293.55
Security required, 293.51
Mine excavation permits, 101.15
Mining permits:
Application, 293.37
Hearings, 283.51, 293.43
Grant or denial, 293.49
Moratorium on issuing for sulfide ore bodies, 293.50
Review of decisions, 293.53 (2)
Prospecting permits:
Application, 293.35
Hearings, 293.43
Confidentiality of data provided, 293.47
Grant or denial, 293.45
Periodic review, 293.53 (1)
Successors, 293.57
Radioactive waste site exploration, 293.25
Reclamation or cessation, 293.59
Abandonment of mining, determination, 293.61
Completion of reclamation plan, certificate, release of bond, 293.63
Reports to natural resources department, 293.53 (2)
Enforcement of reporting requirement, 293.87
State, responsibility of certain departments, 293.11
Enforcement by justice department, 293.87
Forfeitures, 293.81
Natural resources dept. orders, 293.83
Suits by citizens, 293.89
Metallic mining, rules for identification and regulation, 289.05 (2)
Rules by natural resources department, 291.35
Solid waste disposal facilities, generally, see Waste Management—6. Solid Waste
Water withdrawal or diversion, 293.65
ministers MINISTERS
minority business development board MINORITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BOARD
Creation, members, terms, 15.155 (3)
Duties, 560.81 to 560.85
General provisions, 15.07
minority groups MINORITY GROUPS
Advocacy activities, governor may authorize, 14.19
Affirmative action, see Affirmative Action
American Indians, see American Indians
Business development and training program, 1st class city sewerage districts, 200.49
Business incubator grants, 560.039
Certification, rules, 560.036
Contractor requirements, state:
Administration dept., 16.75
Local exposition districts, 229.46
Local professional baseball park districts, 229.70
Local professional football stadium districts, 229.8273
Transportation dept., 84.075
Disadvantaged business:
Certification program, 84.072
Demonstration and training program, 84.076
Early planning and development grants and loans, 560.80 to 560.85
Nonprofit corporation grants, 560.038
Training program under the combined sewer overflow abatement program, 200.49
Health and education facilities authority, financial interests, 231.27
Health programs, 146.185
Well-woman program, 255.06 (3)
Investment analysis and bond brokerage commissions, 25.185