Pedestrian ways, 346.02 (8)
Blind, 346.26
Control signals, 346.38
Right of way, 346.23, 346.24
Use of expressways, 346.16
Walk on left of highway, bicycles and personal assistive mobility devices to yield to, 346.28
Penalties for violating:
Accident and accident report provisions, 346.74
Drunken and reckless driving, 346.65
Drunken driving, tampering with immobilization devices, 347.413, 347.417
Miscellaneous rules, 346.95
Motorcycle and moped restrictions, 346.60
Passing laws, 346.17
Railroad crossings, 346.177
Pedestrian and bicyclist rights, 346.30
Required stops, 346.49
Railroad crossings, 346.495
Right of way, 346.22
Speed restrictions, 346.60
Stopping and parking provisions, 346.56
Traffic signs and signals provisions, 346.17, 346.43
Turning and stopping provisions, 346.36
Play vehicles, prohibited on highway, 346.78
Police vehicles:
Exemptions, 346.03
Speed limit, 346.03 (4)
Public employees, applicability of chapter, 346.02 (5)
Push carts, applicability of chapter, 346.02 (2)
Racing on highway, 346.94 (2)
Radio, noise level restrictions:
Generally, 346.94 (16)
Impoundment, seizure, forfeiture; ordinances, 66.0411, 349.135
Local regulation, 349.135
Owner's liability for violations, 346.945
Railroad crossing:
Parking near prohibited, 346.52 (1) (i)
Passing vehicles, 346.10
Stops required, 346.44, 346.45
Exemption, 195.285
Owner liability for railroad crossing violations, 346.452
Railroad crossing improvement surcharge, 346.177, 346.495
Reckless driving, 346.62
Applicability of sections, 346.61
Reflectors at entrance to private road, 346.41 (3)
Riding on outside of vehicle, 346.92
Right hand lane operation, exceptions, 346.05
Right of way:
Bicycles, mopeds, and personal assistive mobility devices, 346.80
Emergency vehicles, 346.19, 346.195
Funeral processions, 346.20, 346.205
General rules, 346.18
Livestock, 346.21
Military convoys, 346.20
Penalties for violations, 346.22
Vehicles on alleys or nonhighway accesses, 346.47
Safety zone, driving through, 346.12
School bus:
Displaying flashing lights, 346.48
Loading or unloading, 346.48
Owner's liability for illegally passing, 346.485
Parking on streets adjacent to schoolhouse, 346.52 (2)
Trailers prohibited, 346.94 (15)
School crossings:
Controlled, owner's liability for vehicle illegally crossing, 346.465, 346.49 (1m)
Vehicles to stop, 346.46 (2m)
School patrol flags, 346.41 (2)
Schools, parking restricted, 346.52 (2)
Sidewalk area, driving, 346.94 (1)
Signals, turning or stopping, 346.34, 346.35
Signposting, applicability of provisions, 346.02 (7)
Signs and signals:
Interference and damage, 346.42
Obedience to, 346.04
Regulation, prohibitions, 86.19
Unauthorized display, 346.41
Slow-moving vehicles:
Transporting building on highway, 346.924
Impeding traffic, 346.59
Operation, 346.05 (3)
Snowmobiles, applicability of law, 346.02 (10)
Snowplows, following too close, 346.915
Speed limits, 346.57
Metal or solid tired vehicles, 346.58 (1)
Slow-moving vehicles, 346.59
State trails, use, 346.16 (2)
Stereo, noise level restrictions:
Generally, 346.94 (16)