Vendor net fund, 25.17 (1) (i), 25.61
Veterans' mortgage loan repayment fund, 45.37 (7)
Veterans trust fund, 25.36
Waste management fund, 25.45
Expenditures from, 289.68
Wireless 911 fund, 25.98
Wisconsin development fund, 560.61
Wisconsin election campaign fund, 25.42
Wisconsin veterans homes members fund, 25.17 (1) (yv), 25.37
Worker's compensation:
Death benefits for children, 102.49
Operations fund, 25.17 (1) (zd)
Refunds, 102.63
Uninsured employers fund, 102.80
Work injury supplemental benefit fund, 102.65
state_16. higher educational aids 16. Higher Educational Aids
Academic excellence higher education scholarships, 39.41
Accredited institution, 39.30 (1)
Board, 39.26
Institution of higher education, 39.32 (1)
Resident student, 39.30 (1), 39.32 (1)
Dental education contracts, duties of dept., 39.46
Federal aid, duties regarding administration, 39.28 (2)
Aids board, review of proposed formulae, 39.285
Determination of student costs, 39.31
Full-time post high students, eligibility, amount, 39.30
Higher education and talent incentive, 39.435
Guaranteed student loan program, 39.33
Health education loan program:
Administration, 39.325
Funding, 39.374
Higher educational aids board, 15.67
Appropriation, 20.235
Deputy, unclassified service, 230.08 (2) (L) 4.
Executive secretary:
Appointment, 39.29
General provisions, 15.07
Powers and duties, 39.28
Independent student grants, 39.45
Indian student assistance, 39.38
Interstate agreements, 39.42
Medical student loan program, repayment obligation terminated, 39.34
Minnesota-Wisconsin student reciprocity agreement, administration, 39.47
Minority group pupil scholarships, 115.43
Minority teacher loan program, 39.40
Minority undergraduate grants, administer, 39.44
National direct student loans, servicing, 36.31 (3)
Nursing student loans:
Program, 39.393
Stipend loans, 39.39
Scholarship and loan repayment incentive grant program, transportation dept. positions, 85.107
Scholarships for teachers in educationally disadvantaged areas, repayment obligation terminated, 39.35
Student loan program:
Administration, 39.32, 39.33
Deduction from state employee's earnings to repay, 39.32 (11)
Funding, 39.37
Teacher education loan program, 39.395
Teachers and orientation and mobility instructors of visually impaired, 39.398
state_17. insurance 17. Insurance
Funds, administration, Ch. 604
Liability and worker's compensation, 66.0137 (2)
Life fund, Ch. 607
Officers and employees, hospital, life, health, 66.0137 (5)
state_18. loans, trust fund 18. Loans, Trust Fund
Application for, 24.66
Authorized loans, 24.61
Businesses receiving, notifying dept. of workforce development of job openings, 106.16
Certificate of indebtedness, 24.67
Collection, 24.70, 24.71, 24.715
Commissioners of public land, see State—23. Public Lands
Definitions, 24.60
Expenses of program, 24.62
Extension, 24.73
Municipality, territory transferred, certification required, 66.0235 (10), (10a)
Neglect to levy tax to pay interest, remedy, 24.74
Payment, 24.68
Prohibitions, VIII, 3
Purchase money due on state lands, 24.27
Purpose, limitation upon, 24.72
Sale of state trust fund loans, 24.69
School districts, collections from, 24.71
Student loans, 24.61
Trust funds, interest, paid and credited, 24.75
state_19. officers and employees 19. Officers and Employees
Abandonment of employee's position, 230.34