Incorporation, 188.26
Registration, 132.16
Unauthorized wearing, 132.17
Memorial halls, in public buildings, 45.73
Motor vehicle registration, 341.26 (2)
Payments to, 45.41
Tax exemption, memorials, 70.11 (9)
veterinarians VETERINARIANS
Animal fighting, report, 173.12
Animal technicians, certifications, issuance and expiration, 453.06
Brucella products:
Permits, 95.39 (3)
Sale to exclusive, 95.39 (1)
Tests, reports, 95.43 to 95.45
Vaccinations, 95.46
Definitions in practice chapter, 453.02
Diagnostic laboratory, 36.58
Discipline, 453.07
Drugs for animal use:
Pharmacists, applicability of s. 453.068, 450.125
Regulated, 453.068
Examinations, 453.065
Examining board, Ch. 453
Chairperson to institute actions for violation of law, 453.04
Creation and membership, 15.405 (12)
Public members, 15.08 (1m) (b)
Disputes with dept. secretary, arbitration, 440.045
General provisions, 15.08, 440.035
Rules, 453.03
Health care records, access of owners of animal patients, 453.075
Interstate animal shipments; inspection, tests, 95.45
Certain treatment allowed by unlicensed, 453.05
Delinquent support and tax obligors, denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Deny, suspend, revoke, 453.07
Examination, 453.06
Fee, 440.05
Of other jurisdictions, 453.072
Continuing education, 453.062
Dates and fees, 440.08
Veterinary faculty, 453.06 (2m)
Postgraduate training, 453.06 (2m)
Temporary consulting, 453.072 (2)
Pesticide use permits, 94.702
Practice, requirements, 453.05
Rabies control program, 95.21
Report animal diseases, 95.22
School for, establishment, 36.25 (18)
Tuberculin test, 95.42
Unprofessional conduct, discipline, 453.07
Vaccines, living, administration, 95.24
Violations of practice law:
Injunction, 453.08
Prosecution, 453.04
veto power VETO POWER
City mayor, 62.09 (8) (c)
County executive, 59.17 (6)
Governor's, V, 10
viaducts VIADUCTS
Connecting buildings, in cities and villages, 66.0915
victims of crimes VICTIMS OF CRIMES
Generally, Chs. 949, 950
For detailed analysis, see Criminal Code—12. Victims of Crimes
videotape VIDEOTAPE
Access to government information, 19.35
Court procedure, see Civil Procedure— 13. Trials
Cancellation rights, 136.02
Contract disclosures, 136.06
Delivery date, refunds, 136.05
Records, 136.07
villages VILLAGES
Generally, Ch. 61